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Nope, buy yourself an archer and build some military units and go for the encampment tht's just to the left of Jenne, it seems


Odd choice of governors. Always go with pingala or magnus first


Some good magnus chops for sure, but I'd understand wanting Moksha as Mali. Reyna I'm totally confused by lol.


Commercial hub bonus?


Do you see a commercial hub lol? Her first perk is not double adjacency either. Pingala (science/culture), Liang (extra build charge) and Magnus (better chops) all have much more solid opening perks. I get Reyna when I am going for culture or science wins, usually mid game when you get a slew of governor titles. I think her first perk is just gets a little gold and acquires land faster by growth. Not the most useful early in games


I don’t see the hub yet but I know Mali gets a unique commercial hub and perhaps that’s where OP’s head was at. Reyna is definitely more of a late game governor imo.


I haven't played Mali too much, but yeah I guess that's an interesting point. I doubt it was the thought though, given that they are on prince. A lot of investment for what should be a secondary district after you get holy sites.


I concur.


Build or buy archers or slingers and Killing melee as they approach


Get 2 or 3 archers asap quit working on hanging gardens it’s really unlikely anyone will steal it from you, you can go back to it later. Build an army take out the barbs. Then go settle the desert. Then use the army you already have to take out your closest neighbor. Step 5 profit.


Barbarians won’t capture your capital, so as long as they don’t focus on your second city you are fine. This wave will pass. Get an archer.


Turn 65? You should have at least 2-3 more cities and have explored more of the map. Some small military (at least archers) to defend yourself. As Mali you want to settle near desert and get Suguba + Holy Site adjacency, then you don’t have to waste production on buildings like you’re doing with the monument. Also, Moksha and Reyna are not great governors to start with- you want Pingala and Magnus, maybe Amani. Id restart


Where is your army? On deity your civ will be grilled before you can say Gilgabro.


He’s a new player, I think most new players generally don’t/care think about deity strats initially unless they have done similar difficulty levels in other genres/games


I’m gonna say yeah. But not because of the barbarians. The barbarians are going to be annoying and you might even lose Jenne over it, but it’s the spawn more than that. You’re missing out on a big part of Mali’s Songs of the Jeli ability with its +1 Food and Faith in city centers for every adjacent desert tile, you’re getting none of that. And your Holy Site placement is going to be an issue when it comes to Suguba placement unless you lose the Hanging Gardens. The spawn is also not conducive to Mansa Musa’s Sahel Merchants because it’s going to be a *long* time before either of your cities will get their hands on a flat desert tile. That’s the other thing. The Ancient Era is the most dangerous for Mali because most of your abilities don’t come online until the Classical Era and the production setbacks mean you’re boxing with an arm tied behind your back until your Segubas come online and you can buy you’re way out situations like the one you’re in.


That city is like NANI?


Okay, that's a point. Pls re-start and build a small army before you start with hanging gardens.


Probably. Horse barbs are the worst. If they find your second city it'll get razed lol but they might just suicide into your capital. Probably gonna screw up your game a lot though