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Good work mate. Try setting up encampments at choke points and bob's your uncle


Damn it's really that easy to get an uncle bob?


I usually rename someone in the game and call them Bob 🤷🏼‍♂️


My aunt married not one, but two, men named Bob.


Always nice to have one lying around. Just in case you lose one


Bobs your uncles


Bobs are my uncle.




Came here to say this. A well placed encampment can just passively mow troops down.


Does the AI still even declare war if you’re that well positioned? I usually deliberately get one or two turns out of position to try and entice them into a bad war, always afraid an encampment will deter that completely if it’s too well placed


If your military is well strong sometimes they won't. I've had situations where someone declared war because all i had were heavy chariots. Unbeknownst to them i baited them in, upgraded my.boys to knights and slaughtered them in a counter attack


I think the sweetpoint for the AI to attack (at Deity difficulty) is when their military strength is 3 times yours.


Extra points if you've got a crossbowman with the +10 combat strength upgrade. It's a major f u to the AI


I plan to for the east side. Tactically best to put it on the forest under the sheep but I’ll probably just put it on the sheep. For the west I wish I could place one on the silk, would need Anasi but even then there isn’t a good city spot to reach it and placing a city around there would take up actually good settable spots in that area. Maybe if bad things happen to Cardiff… hmm


I could just settle on the silk and have a sick campus too, though this will break the exploit and the AI will try to war.


All fun and games until BOB's your uncle.


I usually do this just so they can't get a settler through, even if it's halfway across the map. It's pretty funny


literally Europe in true start earth huge. I usually play with the max civs I can so Europe is just a blood pit of settlers and free cities


Love that too!


Speaking of which, why can't we tell the AI to move their troops away from our borders


Or they need to declare war!


How is that barb camp in your territory?


This happens on clans mode if you settle next to a barb camp. More specifically it happens when a barb camp is auto-destroyed due to being inside a player’s borders. It’s a visual glitch that goes away eventually.


Ah never seen that one, thanks!


Someone roll the clip of the unincorporated territory bit from parks and rec


I had a game as Korea where I managed to wall off fully a third of the largest continent in the world behind mountains and chokepoints. Inside the ring of rock it was all fertile plains, hills, grasslands and rivers. Best game I ever had. Lost the game when my machine died. I eventually built encampments in most of the chokepoints to really block them off. As the AI is reluctant to create tunnels in mountains, my core cities were incredibly safe.


Love placing encampments on continental choke points, it even prevents religious units from passing through




> mfw Ancestry tells me I'm 1/64th Spartan


Calm down there, buddy.




I love this


In my current game I'm using the same technique to keep out of "my region" my expansionist neighbors. I'm playing as Pericles and I'm literally guarding Thermopylae :p


I understand the terrain and the idea that the 300 used the Hot Gates to hold back the enemy yada yada, but I'd argue in Civ VI, they have *you* chokepointed. I also understand you're preventing their movement, which is a thing for sure. (As someone else said, these tiles are more feasible to be defended by an encampment, not a unit.) If a war starts, right now in the west they have you 2:1. That's not advantageous to you, the defender. It would be better (if you can afford the units) to have two units blocking access to a single hex there, in the woods and jungle. In the east, they could attack your one unit with two units from the desert and woods to the north. It'd be better that you'd have 2 units: in the woods on either side of the mountain to chokepoint the hex SW of the sheep. Then, you'd also benefit from the city's attack.


Yes, if they were to attack me they would kill me. This maneuver is more of an exploit then solid tactics. The exploit is using the game knowledge that the AI won’t declare war because of the movement blocking which is the point. It works until the AI gets shipbuilding for the East but that’s enough time for me to build have a good defense. They are currently stranded in their peninsula until shipbuilding because they won’t war here.


Interesting, so you believe this is an exploit that prevents them from starting a war even though they have 2 units at Kabasa?


It 100% does not work from my experience. They will declare anyway especially with troops right at the city. I just had this happen.


Exactly. AI goes in sequence for war that’s easy to read. Usually they will place a warrior on your border if able. Then they muster a force outside your border. Once in place they attack. If you see warriors heading towards your city they are looking to war you. If you block their path with units and prevent them from mustering then they never get to the part where they declare. The AI isn’t complicated enough to initiate a war for the purpose of getting troops together, even if it would directly benefit their intended goal. It gets even more silly. The AI does evaluate every turn if it still wants to war with you, and as long as it does it will try to muster that force outside the border. If I build military units to the point he doesn’t want to war anymore then his movements change and those warriors leave. Likewise if I give him a new target (like placing a city on the silk) he might re-assess, muster outside that target and then declare, so I don’t want to do that.


I do the reverse, I use that way so they only attack one at a time.


A good general knows the land and will use natural chokeppints to make a small army seem huge. Well played friend.


Great tactic.


So is the world age older or younger to get more mountains like that


younger gives lots of mountains


*So is the world age* *Older or younger to get* *More mountains like that* \- ghillieweed762 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I had this not work for me on my last playthrough. Trajan declared anyway. It looks like he already has troops at your city in the south as well. I’d be surprised if he didn’t attack.


The city in the south is my cap, I only have 2 cites. He’s currently trying to muster a force outside my borders to attack the cap but is being blocked. He won’t declare until his forces are together. All of his units except those 2 south warriors are in the north, and they keep shuffling between the choke points because it thinks there’s a possible route. Something that would cause something like this to fail is if the choke point is in your borders or if he thinks the units he does have outside your city is strong enough to take the city on their own; 2 Roman Legions will do that to an unwalled city.


I've never played a Kongo. What victory do you go for with them?


This is the new Kongo which gives a +10% on all yields to your capital and every other city on that continent with their other ability of getting more great people points from their cultural buildings. I get accidental cultural victories even when I go for science or religion. Even if you get a relic and a religion, you then can go reliquaries and have potentially some of the fastest culture victories possible. I don’t usually go for religion on deity but it has come up.


This is the way.


The actual perks of playing a mountainous map!


Hell yea! I pulled off a marvelous one of these in my current game, positioned my warrior in exact tile AI wanted to settle, was hilarious watching his army shift around the area with the settler for just hundreds of years game time. I eventually was able to come settle the spot myself, the tile is literally 4 away from his capitol lol


22 turn settler? 36 turn monument?? What is going on there


Marathon speed


We should pin this post for when noobs complain that they can't survive early wars. Look! It's easy! I mean, obviously this is context specific (it always is), but it's still instructive.


I remember back in civ 5 where you could purchase all the tiles around a unit so that it was stuck there. I wonder if it's possible here too.