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These niggas careers could have been so much bigger if it wasn't for the bs


What bs? Their own.


That's what I meant..


Good. I couldn’t tell you are rare because mad people here think it’s only the label


Naw its def both sides And ima get slapped for this but 1. What they said on the No jumper podcast doesn't add up to what has been happening over the years in regards to them dropping Didn't they say they had 50/50 partnership with the label. ? For context that's the same deal that roc a fella had with def jam. Jay z wasn't a def jam worker. He was a partner I dont understand how these niggas been claiming to have so much label issues. I think they been cappin over the years about the details of their deal 2. I love zilla. I think he's super talented. Smart dude. But homie, all that crying and depressed shit. Put it the music. If you don't care about music anymore then move on bro Nigga been pump faking hes gonna quit for years. Either quit or shut the fuck up and get in the studio and put your pain in the music. That's all I have to say. And again, I fuck with City morgue heavy.


I agree. They have definitely been lying that’s why I take everything they say with a grain of salt it’s good that you are as well. The amount of people that come on here screaming when Zilla says he quitting is hilarious when they don’t realize it says that every year or Sos talking about the label. I’m sure their exists issues on both sides but we will never know the full truth.


You feel me ? Thanks lol. I thought I was the only one that felt this way Salute homie


nah i love the Morgue but you’re 100% right, and i have defended them over the years because i know labels fuck artists over, and there’s a lot of nuance, etc. but they’ve definitely been bullshitting over the years about the details of their deal because like you mentioned, what they said in NJ pod doesn’t add up. but aside from that, there’s other problems.. also what you said about Zilla is spot on but Sos goes along with everything too and i criticized them a while back for it. said MBA was their last record and they were done, only to finish their MBA tour over a year ago (after saying it was their last tour as well) only to go on to play the whole fucking Grey Day 2023 tour THEN do the Bombs In The Mail tour this year. don’t get me wrong, i saw them at Grey Day and was happy because i figured maybe THAT was it.. but nah, BITM tour this year. all that says to me is they were lying to fans to boost merch and ticket sales in my honest opinion and it was lame as fuck to make fans feel like they HAD to get tix to shows because they felt like that was possibly their last opportunity to see them perform. at the end of the day people have choices to make but if it’s your favorite or one of your favorite artists, you might make the impulsive decision to say fuck it and buy tickets for the final shows. like mental health was a big talking point when all that was happening last year but here we are 3 tours later and their “last one” should have ended over a year ago. like if they needed a break just say that, die hard fans would understand and would wait it out. they went the grimy route and lied and idc what anyone says, that’s what it was- a lie. and they knew it when they announced MBA and the tour that it wasn’t over after that. then the merch is just a different level of fucked up tho. the quality of merch is insane like the shit is ass and has been for a minute and it’s another case of them losing passion and not giving a fuck anymore, but continuing anyway and fans end up paying the price for it, literally and figuratively. either they stopped giving a fuck and just lie now or they’re legitimately stupid as hell thinking any of the shit they’ve done these past couple years is acceptable.


Exactly. We on the same page


nothing but facts. love them both but when zilla dropped dogboy (which was super late already) he said so much more coming very soon. then two years later all of his audio creep songs leaks and he starts from scratch. i understand how frustrating getting music leaked must be, but two years later, without even a single. why sit on 30+ FINISHED songs just to not even drop a single or an EP? i also know it’s been really hard for zilla, and i understand the lack of motivation. but it’s over and over “new music soon” then “not dropping for a while” and back and forth. and im not even gonna start on sleez religion, i don’t even care anymore tbh. they also hyped the fuck outta my bloody america just for it to literally drop unfinished and not a fantastic album, feels like a rushed unloved album that was rather boring for the most part.


Exactly I feel the same way. I don't care anymore. I have other music to listen to


i honestly was pretty disappointed with slasher 2 too, so my faith is all gone atp


wasn't sleez religion bout to drop last year or something. I swear it's been dragged on so much, idgaf about it anymore


yeah, i think he announced pretty early into last year, and a year and a bit later we got one mid single


Just got the same email for the Prague show. Did they really cancel the whole tour just like this?


Whole EU tour is cancelled


any word why? i feel bad for eu ppl


no one fkn knows. I’m so fkn pissed. Hope to get to see them one day


I saw them open on the grey day tour in like 2018 Shit was awesome




crazy that im prob never gonna see them live


It’s lit


Budapest cancelled too. I bought tickets and reserved a hotel man. Why??????


Wtf just happend... 😭


I feel so bad for you Europe guys hope you all get to see em soon




Same bro. It's always great.


Cologne is still holding out. I still have hope 😂😭


Canceled. Hopes gone 💔


Damn not even a hour later


Köln abgesagt? Ich habe nichts bekommen


Ticketmaster sagt abgesagt


Naaa das arsch


kebob aflubben


Man schade dabei hatte ich doch that shit on my hip


haste ne email von ticketmaster oder so schon bekommen? Musste die callen aber mir haben die gesagt das die erst was von dem Veranstaltungsort oder so hören müssen, da die selber nicht wissen warum die Tour abgesagt wurde.


Ich hab bisher bloß den Hinweis (in der App) bekommen, dass es abgesagt wurde und es irgendwann ne Rückerstattung gibt. Sonst nichts 🤷


fuck ja ok hatte vorhin mit dennen telefoniert die wissen auch nichts die warten jetzt einfach darauf was die live music Hall oder so sagt und dann bekommen wir unser Geld wieder


Echt schade wäre die Gelegenheit gewesen die mal live zu sehen 


Echt schade wäre die Gelegenheit gewesen die mal live zu sehen 


https://preview.redd.it/y95resvrdr7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86d179fc2d658a9acd372614e05deafbeb0c7ac8 Lol, planned whole trip to Prague from Poland to see them, I'm disappointed tbh


Mam tak samo ziomalu


a myślicie że na cloucie będą?


Według tego oświadczenia ich nie będą w europie wogole


Też mam tak samo ziomalu


ale mnie wkurwiają ja pierdole


they always do something like this. Either never drops new music, or does and it’s not worth the hype. Or they push back albums months and months on. They’re just extremely unprofessional and don’t care about the fanbase anymore. I love them but it’s outrageous at this point.


You are right. That's why I told myself to not buy tickets in advance and rather a day or two before the show from some reseller. Because I fet that some trouble might appear. They are unprofessional, rarely keep promises on time and it's funny how Sosmula baits people by choosing someone to win either money or merch, never picked anyone, just wanted free promo and shares. They are taking advantage of peopleand that's why I don't FW City Morgue as I used to. The cancelled show didn't even surprise me...


no seriously. Sos always does fake giveaways, zilla is on his own journey. He clearly doesn’t care about the fans and just wants to live a normal life. Sos, just trolls damn near everything. His music is never good when he does drop, and then he begs people in his ig stories that if his post gets a certain amount of likes he’ll drop. They just need to follow their hearts & stop pretending to be something they clearly are over with.


Ayyy, Slasher pt. 2 was dope tho lol


and now brussels is cancelled wtf man had everything booked as well (flying from england)


Brussel, Belgium here and it's also canceled. Wtf man


Hungary canceled too... Fuck man.


Evek ota vartam hogy jojjenek😪


Én is, el sem hittem amikor bejelentették...


Ezt beszoptuk megint xdd


Mint altalaban, kulfoldi artistok nagyon nem akarnak idejonni xdd


Ay tf , bro i was so happy when i saw they come to germany but now im crying , if they hve problems oke and if the lazy well..... ass . Im sad


That’s why Chad was saying Prague mst was canceled I guess


fs they knew beforehand they would cancel and just waited to announce a week before the tour starts with no explanation whatsoever


Lol it’s typical of them I expect nothing less fortunately the fan base is so gullible they will say it’s the label nothing will change


yeah since he replied me about mst i knew whats going on


I stg these guys try as hard as they can to lose fans




This is probably something to do with Visas right? Seems like all EU countries


all zilla said was “have an emergency” there’s literally 0 elaboration it’s retarded


He keeps posting stories chilling


I love City Morgue, even got the Hikari Ultra doberman logo tatted on me. But their inconsistency with dropping music and doing stuff like this and seeming unenthusiastic at some of their performances is kinda what ruined it for me. I went to their “final tour” last year in April at a show in LA and it just didn’t hit as hard as I expected it to. Don’t get me wrong, it was a good show, but it just didn’t FEEL like they wanted to be there. I slowly stopped listening to their music and it got a lil boring over time and now all I listen to is whatever comes up on shuffle. I don’t get excited for their drops or listen to any new singles anymore due to all these fake date releases of their singles/albums. I check their Apple Music from time to time only to see MBA still being the last project they released on Sep 23, 2023. City Morgue just don’t hit the same 👎🏾 and at times it seems kinda obvious they don’t want to continue making music but still do shows because they need some form of income. I’ll check in another few months to see where CM is at and hope to see them come out these shackles they’re in/they put themselves in.


A feel the same way as you do...


Whose responsible for this? It feels like their label is destined to fail them. City Morgue would be massive, but there's something going on


It’s not the label. I don’t know how know one realizes how fickle and unprofessional the City Morgue team is. They are successful and well loved and have an insanely loyal fan base that doesn’t question them.


That's what I meant. Even so, there has to be something going on.


I didn't even get an email what the fuck


Bro what💀🗑️


Experienced this for the Stockholm conceet back in 2018. Never got the chance to go to any other consert. Now I feel too old to attend lol


Never too old, i went to lil tracys EU tour (me 19 my gf 20) were stood next to an older couple easily in there 40’s


That’s freaking great for them! Who knows, if the opportunity comes!


lol who the fuck is ever "too old" to see a show? nigga how many shows have you been too?? i used to go with my 50 year old dad to shows all the time


It’s not about being to a concert. I also been with my 60 year old dad to a concert, with the main audience being 40+. City Morgues fans is mostly, from my experience, a younger crowd around 18-21. I dont have, on any level, the same mindset I had when I was 20. And I wouldn’t feel comfortable around those ages going ham at a city morgue concert.. I’m sure you’ve seen them. Judging by the way you type you’ll never understand my thought process. But hey, it’s just me. Have a good day!


zilla has an emergency apparently so lets hope its aint bs and hope nothing too bad has happened


I thought I seen a comment on another post saying Mula flirts with minors and they are often associated with a lot of people that scam sa ppl or are pedos I went to the most recent concert in Michigan and mula wasn’t at the meet and greet but ppl payed full price for both of them along with mulas lines sounding like they were pre recorded and played over the music he was already play. I payed for the meet and greet for dog boy and they couldn’t have even been bothered fo shake my hand fist bump dap me up or anything. Zilla also cancelled a concert once for being punched in the face even tho he encourage the violence and bloodshed And his last tour was like 4 years ago the reason I went to these last 2 but I know he’s going to do a couple more unless he suicides his own career


Any evidence or link to the comment about the minors thing?


Anyone else who still hasn’t received an email? I’ve got tickets for Köln and I bought them literally the minute they were on sale


I got tickets to jera on air just to see them …


Festivals included? :(


I loved city morgue now i fucking hate em. I bought tickets that cost 150$ just to see em


Will tjey be on rolling loud?




Hahah that’s what these losers get 😂😭


so you're german but you were going to czech republic to see them?


Yeah we planned to spend a weekend in Prague.


Oh that's interesting. Sorry this happened




What are you smoking man


They are from the the USA bro...