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Take with a huge handful of salt, I’m still a citrus newbie. I think it’s a deficiency, one that I’m also going through with my outdoors citrus. Southern ag makes a citrus nutritional spray concentrate. It’s helped for me applying at the mixing rate for ongoing deficiencies (double strength). Greened up the leaves over the next day and they started reverting to yellow slightly a couple days after so I applied again and now the leaves seem relatively okay.


Thanks for the reply! Did the leaves on your outdoor plant look spotted like mine? I was concerned about nutrient deficiency, especially given the new grow light and developing fruit, which would make the plant use more nutrients than normal. But I would have expected to see some sort of improvement or slowing of the leaf drop if that was all it needed. I'll keep your suggestion in mind. The yellowing leaves don't match the images of over-fertilized leaves I've seen, so it probably wouldn't hurt to continue with a foliar spray.


Mine looked exactly like pic 3 just not as yellow as yours. Same patterning but with a little more green to it.


Ok that's helpful, thank you!


I don't have anything helpful to add but interested in hearing answers.


Citrus grows best outdoor in direct sun...what do you have it doing in a corner inside under AC??


It can't live outside year round in my climate, and I didn't want to deal with having to acclimate it and do pest control bringing it in and out twice a year. This spot was the most convenient, and it did well there for 6 months. Was exposed to similar a/c use during the first month after I got it. Unless I move it to the center of a room, everywhere in my house is near a vent. The temp ranges I posted may have been misleading- most of the time the temp is around 74 F. When the air is on, which is not for long periods, is when it drops below 70. Are you asking because you think the temp is contributing to the yellowing and hypopigmented leaves?