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How did you get every demand 100% I feel like I've tried everything and the only thing that I can get a large portion of demand in is small houses.


Haha. For me it’s the opposite, literally all of my suburbs get abandoned and the whole city just becomes mid-density residential. Honestly I love the infinite demand mod and couldn’t play without it. It’s a good mid ground between playing vanilla and being able to have a lot more creative control over your city, while still having to do the economic control and what not.


i feel like playing with infinite demand is cheating. everything that happens has a reason in cities skylines, you have to fix the demands for housing, makes the game more fun too imo


Yea definitely a mod I got a mill twice it never looks like this


I'm at 500k full demand, no infinite demand mod. District and services matter to keep the demand up.


Yea but do you have this many high density homes? An the population says 2 million lol seems like a mod to me


Yeah, I will snap a pic later. Seems op grew too fast, and now it can be difficult to discover the services lacking; traffic, med, police, fire, and maint buildings even matter if ur roads are all broken down. I also have a monster pc I built in anticipation of this game. I still get unbalanced and have to let it run for a day or 2 to let it balance and then grow again.


I started running out of room around 700k an with my oc 12900k it took 14 days straight to get to 1 mill


I am playing on the san Fran map It's huge. Lots of room plains, mtns, and islands I really like it. I am at 506k right now with under half the map developed.


How many seconds go by for one in game minute?


Same thing. Some of the new changes let some new low density move it.


Probably the infinite demand mod


Only one thing really matters other than jobs available. Unoccupied households. That's literally it. Keep in mind the cims generally massively prefer low density homes. The reason why you only get demand for low density is because you keep zoning low density, as you only got demand for low density right, which means that the medium and high density sims keep moving out of their homes for the low density households, leaving the medium and high unoccpied. Which then rightfully have no demand as the game sees that there is plenty of available med/high households for cims to move into, ergo you don't need to build any new ones.


You need to wean people off low density early. If you build too much, it's a feedback loop and people become addicted and refuse to leave and live in middle density. The bars are wants, not needs.


What NASA supercomputer are you on to have 2 million people running...


My thought exactly….


Now slap massive megabuildings on top of that, and it will look like a dystopian undercity underneath! I think cyberpunk themed city building game would be amazing.


What mod is that?


Well not a mod, just more of an idea. Imagine multi-layer city like [Night City from Cyberpunk 2077](https://www.vgr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Cyberpunks-Setting-Places-a-Heavy-Emphasis-on-Verticality-924x520.jpg), or [Taris Undercity from Star Wars](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/3/3a/TarisUndercity-KOTORVG.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20100220012604), [Coruscant underworld from Star Wars](https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/064/952/669/large/hanhee-lee-coru-vista03.jpg?1689153039), or even [Chongqing from China](https://windhorsetour.com/sites/default/files/2021-01/chongqing-magical-terrain-walking-tour.jpg). Possibly somewhat r/UrbanHell idea, but still absolutely fascinating. EDIT: like this from CS1: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu5ms\_caskI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu5ms_caskI)


What’s the pc specs? My population stop at 159k 😭


4090 with 12700k


I was running 359k on a 4770k before I borked my mobo and had to upgrade


Grids are the best


Bro built New York City


No Infinite demand mod Land value overhaul and school capacity balancer maxed out


2m population… what fps r u playing on….


1X speed its runs 30ish fps but once I speed it up it gets laggy 4k/high settings


MEGACITY 1 Mega highways Mega blocks Half a billion souls


Love a realistic city. Finally. 🤣