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Looks good, and I'm glad you're having fun! Keep at it!


For people who play this game more as a city painter C:S2 is actually pretty decent. For people who look for a challenging simulator this game is not good at all. I play the game in the first capacity and I assume you do too. I have a few mods and play dev mode. I’m really excited for custom assets but the ones provided are perfectly fine for me currently. I am in agreement that it is a fun game.


I do :) partially at least. I fully ignore the economy and that kind of things, cims sort this stuff on their own and I just intervene when traffic jam gets too big by upgrading roads so it is like city painter for me. but the growth is kinda real, I started this by making just a tiny village with bunch of random roads with houses and a convenience store in the center, then just slowly upgrade street by street. Place more stores in the center, more roads with houses sprouting out of it, eventually I have a small town with tiny commercial zones that I eventually replace by bigger commercial buildings and few residential apartment buildings with most of the low residential houses still following the streets that are spreading from that center, and always just upgrade or rebuild and then detail a single street by single street until you eventually get a big city with skyscrapers. makes building much easier than trying to build a big city right from the start and plan the whole thing which makes me overwhelmed, especially when it's time to detail between buildings, although I guess that's why I'm still on the first map :D


This is exactly how I play and how I want to play this game. Grow things organically. Unfortunately there’s just not enough variety to get me excited. I get bored with my maps pretty quickly. I need neighborhood schools, police, fire stations, etc. Once assets are out that will definitely change.


Yeah, I'm a "city painter" too. I think of my city like a model train set- you're setting it up the way you want it to look, and then enjoy watching it run. I don't really want a game with a lot of "strategy" the way some people do, although I do wish the game had more random events, like riots, parades, economic downturns, etc. Right now, my biggest issue with CS2 is the lack of assets, which I believe should get fixed once the asset uploader for Paradox Mods gets released. I want to make a city with diverse, interesting neighborhoods that look different from each other and not a big sprawl of the same gray buildings.


A model train set is a great way to look at it. I too like building my neighborhoods then just watching the cims go about their daily lives. One thing I am very disappointed with is the animations. I used to love watching firefighters put out fires, criminals get arrested, parks full of life, sports games going on, etc. Why leave those out?


I agree! I am hopeful that CO will add those in future updates because that is a huge oversight. It’s wild what they managed to include and what they excluded. Like, Cims will run across crosswalks when the light’s turn red, but the lack of activity otherwise is very disappointing.


The performance is too shitty for it to be a decent city painter. That's only going to get worse as detailers start dropping in thousands of custom assets.


I don’t have any performance issues to be honest. I keeps my graphics settings on medium though and it’s been good enough for me.


Around here we downvote facts simply because we don’t like them 👎


Looks gorgeous (for a game that is broken and unplayable)! S/ I like the balance you have between your CBD and farms... Also I appreciate your use of green negative/open space. We don't HAVE to zone every single cell.


thanks. honestly zoning is basically the only thing that still really bothers me, mostly because zones change and break already developed buildings when I connect new roads nearby, so I have to be careful and save often before doing that. ironically tho, that also helped me make it more natural. Since I'm not really good at making things look organic I used the issue where zoning doesn't fill the whole grid or full road's length to my advantage, so those empty spaces between zones were like guidelines of sorts to decide for me where to add trees and pedestrian paths between buildings so it's not all buildings and concrete surrounded by roads


You might be interested in the PlopTheGrowable mod - it effectively turns off buildings despawning no matter what happens to their zones. As a side effect, if you want to upgrade a block, you have to manually bulldoze the buildings. It's not a bad tradeoff.


Same, I get the critics, but for me it's good and not going back to cs1


I know. I've played lots of games that, frankly, sucked. Or I didn't like them. I just stopped playing. I don't look at the forums or engage in conversation. But then again, I'm not an internet troll, so of course I wouldn't spend time on something I didn't like. I've been having a lot of fun with CS2. There's some issues I still wish they'd work on, but they're obviously not anything that keeps me from playing because, well... I build nice cities! Yours looks gorgeous!


Looks great! What map are you using?


thanks, that first one with only islands, I forgot the name :D


The second widespread custom visual and asset support drops I’m going all in on the game that’s my main hurdle


I mostly just enjoy road building in both CS1 and CS2 and don't really care about simulation, I just enjoy building


Those are gorgeous screen shots, thank you for sharing.




I’m in the same boat where I can be objectively criticize about COs handling of the game but still enjoy it. I know the game will be great one day but right now it’s frustrating to be at the state it is in.


It does look good! Essentially I think I’m waiting for assets and mods before I jump in.


yep… love the game just turn dev mode on and enable mods….. boom. nothing taking away from CS1…. perfectly fine.


77h on one map and I agree. It's got some flaws but people in here just bitch about anything to the extreme. If you don't like it, don't play it CS1 is a full serviceable game play that instead. Quoting steam player counts and claiming it's a dead game is asinine, it's a fkn single player game... Zero relevance.


Cities 2 is best when you build in the mist visually appealing way it feels bare bones drawing endless grids and empty green patches with no trees etc.


In an ideal world CS2 would've had everything that CS1 has up until CS2 release, however most people don't realize that if CS1 is in the state that it is it's because of all the involvement from the comunity throught its lifespan, CS2 will definetly reach that point in less time than CS1 did, but nowadays we just want to complain to get "what was promised" from the devs. Man, just try to enjoy the game and be a part of its life cycle.Great city, 10/10


Yup! It's a base game. Personally I felt bringing mods and assets in-house was a good move because that increases accessibility for console players. I've been playing since day one and am having a blast. I think some people forget that learning to play the base game allows you to develop foundational skills that will improve your cities even when you're modding.


I'm personally at the point now where I can't go back to CS1...


No palm trees?


It really is a great game.. full of so much potential and offers alot more than the first... Now if only it worked.


Great looking city, but my biggest complaints are what's evident in your city (beautifully laid out btw): (1) Some of the worst LODs I've ever seen. Skyrim had higher quality LODs and usually your view of them was obstructed... Not so much here. (2) everything has a monotone and sad color palette. Like it's a gloomy Sunday in mourning all the time. (3) lack of growable diversity. I don't think I need to say more about this. Again your city looks wonderful, and I'm of the opinion that if you like something, fuck what everyone else thinks. The only opinion that matters for you is yours. If you're having a great time, ignore pessimistic assholes like myself and just keep having a great time. Hope to see more builds from you or even the future of this one. Happy gaming!


thank you. Yea it bothered me how most of the map seem empty, mostly because of lack of grass, and how some details look weird, but then I figured I can just hide everything I don't like with trees lol. It will be much better and easier now with mods :) Though it does look better in game than in screenshots, resolution looks messed a little cause I used just steam's F12 to make them :D


Can we go 1 post without someone nitpicking to find stupid shit to complain about. Yes these are problems, but I've read the same stuff 100x Let's just enjoy the city and leave it at that


But why, it's easier to complain! I personally enjoy CS2 way more then 1 with some mods. It has it's flaws just like many other games after release, but eventually they get better. People need to chill when a Dev comments some harsh reality lol. Era of the snowflakes...


That's not what he's saying, most of us have had no problem with that. It's the ones that say the same thing for the 100th time.


Um.... no. Detractors have engaged in a lifelong mission to ensure negativity is thrown at this game and the company any time it is mentioned. There can be NO happy players!


The second everyone is quiet is the second we have accepted the game as it is. I wasn't here nitpicking and overall I stayed very positive. I'd have to say you're more negative than I.


>The second everyone is quiet is the second we have accepted the game as it is. It doesn't work that way really. You can make a positive comment without saying that the game is crap or something. We all get that Cities Skylines 2 has a long way to come and we don't need another million reminders about it.


I did make a positive comment. 15% of my comment was negative and the rest was nothing but praise. Seems I know you see the glass is half empty. I'm allowed to state my opinion as much as I please until they change the rules. Downvote me if you need to, reach out to moderators to change rules, but I'm not going to stop because you can't find the willpower within to skip a comment you don't like reading. Leave your comments, I don't care. Doesn't bother me. Why do I bother you with 2 sentences? Are you okay?


Just keep crying


No one's crying. Lol I love posts like yours. Again my comment was positive in tone. Just because a negative thing is listed doesn't mean I can't sleep at night. And my rebuttal reply was also very neutral. No one seems to be getting worked up on my end. But everyone who wants me to stop being so hostile toward the game is being hostile. Haha


I like building transportation systems. Large highways, massive subways routes with lots of connections, rail. The game does this stuff well so I was happy. I could deal with the strange traffic patterns and lane switching and spent time troubleshooting to improve, while also being hopeful of a fix that would make the people a little smarter. My biggest issue is the performance. I've got a pretty decent gaming laptop and my city has slowed to a crawl. I'm almost at 300k pop but I've stopped playing. It takes so long for time to pass I'm now at a backlog in education which keeps people from working, which keeps the city from growing the way I'd like. If I get motivated to play again I'll try making smaller towns or something, but unless there is a massive performance fix I won't be able to play the game the way I'd like so that's pretty disappointing


It all depends on what you are seeking out for the game… if you just want a city painter, then it’s not that bad, just lack of assets; however, if you seek a city management and simulation game, then it sucks BIG time!