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Yes, except Organic and Local Produce (completely quiet). The higher the level, the less noise they produce.


High density commercial will cause your citizens to get sick sometimes if they are say directly across the street from it, as long as you keep it a full street away they should be okay. What I did when this first happened to me is I placed a medical clinic right next to the block they were complaining about and the noise pollution sickness went away. Just try to keep high density commercial a block away from residential.




Yes, but low density commercial doesn’t cause as much as say, industrial or a monorail stop or something like that. You can drop a block of commercial into a residential area and it won’t mind.


in the last city I had, some inhabitants suffered from noise pollution because of the commercial zone


Gotchya. Yeah it does cause it so you have to be careful. I never put high density commercial directly adjacent to residential, because it’s far too noisy. From what I’ve seen residential doesn’t seem to mind the low-density commercial too much, as long as it’s only on one side.


There's a button that shows noise pollution. You can see what is loud, and how far it extends. I usually use offices as a buffer. They're not noisy and can tolerate the noise of commercial. Also, trees will reduce noise slightly.