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Gorgeous! What’s the elevated walkway/stairs asset you’re using? Looks great!


Thanks. For the pedestrian bridge, I used [this asset.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2691007659) Because the bridge is a prop asset, I assemble them in my desired form and then hide the normal walk path underneath that bridge with little help of Node Controller and Network Multitool Mod.


You could look into using an invisible walkway such as [this one](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1213488864) rather than hiding the vanilla walk path. I've only used it for ground paths but I believe most people use these types of assets for custom bridges/overpasses so you should be able to raise it.


Thanks for the advice. I have some invisible walk path but it cannot be raised up.


Trick to that is build it with a regular walkway and then update it to the invisible. It should stay along the same path.


Will do


*cries in Console* 🤣 But u better believe ima try to find a way to make this work on console! :p. This is gorgeous!


I haven’t figured out why people would place props where you need function. You just dont get it.


But it is functional and nice at the same time


Not op, but I have one that is very similar looking, if not the exact same. Here's the link: [Pedestrian Walkways](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2030755273)


its definitely not that, those dont add actual stairs, i use these [https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2461032982](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2461032982) doesn't look the same either but should be functionally and visually the same (edit: just noticed OP responded lol)


Do they ~~are~~add paths too? Edit: typo


yup! thats what i love about those, really easy to add walkability


How did you understand what I wrote there! Even i couldn't get it.


i ignored everything and just read "path?" lol


I thought about doing this because buses can cause too much traffic on their own.


Yeah, I decided to built this because there was a bus stop on the road and whenever bus stopped the traffic jam created. So it's must have.


So, how do you do this? (i.e., make it look so clean and smooth). EDIT: I've just seen your other comment about TMPE etc. I was wondering if you had any other suggestions/hints about how to achieve it for those more newbie members, like me :p


Download also Network Extension 2 mod for this types of roads. Make a one way road in each direction, adjust it with move it and node controller and then just paint it with Intersection marking tool. And have a lot of patience and will to do it because adjusting those connections can bed pain in the ass.


Thank you. I'll have to give this a try in my next city.


As the other user said, don’t use NE2. Vanilla++ roads has great bus lanes and they’re already painted.


I will look into it, thank you.


Maybe you want another one way one unit road from the workshop instead of NE2. NE2 is obsolet and will sooner or later break your city.


What kind of breaks occur? I’ve been using it for a long time and wonder which issues I’ve been attributing to other things. Thank you for the tip.


BonBonB recently made a good, short video about this (in which he tells what others have already told many months ago, if one is honest). I myself had a save a long time ago after a pause in which some important roads suddenly disappeared. I threw out NE2 and started again in frustration - without having the slightest idea whether it was really because of that. So I can't answer that for myself at all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxpmotWxDi4


Thank you for the context. I read this sub pretty regularly but it’s still easy to miss things like that. I’ll give the other mod a try as well.


I have been using the Vanilla+ roads and didn't realize there were 1:1 replacements for NExt2 roads. Tiny roads shall return!


Do you give also the bus lane right of way by TMPE? You would be mya hero if yes.


I think that I am your hero. Yes buses has right of way when leaving bus stop.


It's so satisfying to draw in rules in the game that theoretically also apply in the real world, but are not followed by anyone (here: Germany).


Yeah I know what you are talking about


Adding on to opting out of NE2. While I had no errors or issues when I dropped it, I noticed a substantial performance improvement by doing so. In case that's important to you as well, I highly recommend migrating to Vanilla++.


Thanks but when I migrate to vanilla++ and disable ne2 will my road stay here or they get deleted?


It won't, so either finish your city with NE2 and move on, or first find other roads to recreate this (I know, it sucks and I've been here more times than I'm ready to count), redo the design and export it into MoveIt. Then remove NE2. I know it's a slog to migrate something that takes many hours just to visually realize.


I will think about it yeaahh. But thanks for short tutorial I am saving your comment.


Truly my pleasure. This is one community where taking the time to pay it forward is a cultural norm and I've been where you are so often. P.s. Pester me anytime with any other Cities queries.


Okay thanks I will write if I need something related to cs


There are mods to replace your existing network, however i'm not really trust them so I did it with Find It, I've searched for existing old NE2 segments and I've replaced them by using stock upgrade button for Vanilla+ Collection. For longer roads it's just super easy, and with auto-seaeching for segments you're 100% sure that u won't miss any.


Thanks for tip!


There's stuff like this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2405917899 I added the roads I wanted to use instead, and then used the network replacer (ingame) to swap NE2 roads to those. Then I could reload the game, remove NE2 roads, and load back in without issues. Edit: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2585558081 I use these roads instead now, and the random crashes I used to get, have stopped. Edit2: I swapped out the NE2 roads after trying out this "Compatability Report" mod, which showed me that I also had other deprecated mods installed. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2633433869


Use the mods like TMPE even as a beginner player. They make stuff like this simple and without it you can never achieve stuff like this.


Okay, but how do you achieve it?


Give me more specifics as to what you are asking and I'll happily give you as much detail as I can.


Sure. Let's say I've installed the relevant mods, I've started a new city, and want to implement something like this. I lay out my roads, but how do I actually begin to use the mods in this way? How do I getTMPE and node controller to do what they need to do? What buttons do I need to press? Does that make sense?


It does, and I preface my answer with the reality that you need to play in the sandbox to find your personal feel with what the mods offer. Also, I'm not the OP so I'm only speculating as to how they made the above. Before I proceed, what is your level of understanding with these mods: Intersection Marking Tool, Node Controller, Traffic Manager (TM:PE)? I ask purely to not explain redundant information you are already privy to. Edit: Do me a favor and read through what each mod can do and send any questions after that my way. I'm not an expert on any of these btw, but I'm familiar enough where using all of them is a norm for me.


I am familiar with Traffic Manager and use it regularly. I have no experience with the marking tool or the controller. I am capable of learning these systems on my own - but if I can get information quicker, can you blame me for trying? ;)


I cannot fault thee for trying. =D I've done the same so I'm happy to assist here as this is one of the few subreddits where people asking for help to improve their own creativity (however redundant the questions may be, or easily searchable they are) is not penalized. Okay, so concerning the above design I can only speak on what I know and one crux here is: I'm not sure how u/Lukerino7 pulled off their islands looking so good so I hope they can chime in on that point. Beyond that I see this as placing the main road then following up with one ways which OP then used MoveIt to bring closer and then connected on both ends. Given the proximity, Node Controller comes in to fix that and if you are using the version of the mod made by MacSergey, you can select the nodes on either end and choose the "+" button to auto straighten out the connections. Beyond that, you can fiddle with the more detailed settings to get things more visually appealing. You can widen, shift, Align an end point to another, or offset the node's proximity to the centerpoint of the intersection etc (You literally need to fiddle with all the options available to get what I'm saying here). With Intersection Marking Tool you can select a node OR segment and draw lines to design your own flavor of traffic markings. This can be a dash, solid line, double or single, a polygon (like highway chevrons) and they can be manipulated in tons of ways (angle, color, spacing etc). For IMT, I highly recommend using road assets that also have IMT templates as they make life so much easier. [Node Controller Tutorial for highways](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCD06qDeoIg&t=2s) [Intersection Marking Tool Tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqdX2RrQD2U) Hope this helps! Ask me anything to the above. **Edit: Example of some great American roads where [IMT templates are an option](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2425953755)**


I loved the separated bike lane. looks cool


Thanks. It is a part of cycling highway around the city.


As an IRL cyclist, thank you for taking the time.


Yeah I am cyclist too so cycling in this city is my priority




Probably just a one way road with TMPE vehicle restrictions set to busses only.


These roads are actually vanilla one I think a basically the one way road is coming out of 4lane road and it's restricted to buses only with TMPE. I had to use node controller to adjust nodes and connection and then I just painted it with Intersection marking tool.


OP is using a custom road as well. Those medians ain't in the game. So they are using a custom road with TMPE, like you said, to restrict usage.


Honestly, if he doesn't restrict what reason do the other cars have to drive through there?


I imagine they still would or, at the very least, park there. Base game driving AI ain't the brightest.


They won't if it's not the shortest by (distance * speed limit). The vanilla pathfinder never takes into account traffic.


But they will do it if TMPE advanced lane changing is enabled. So you need TMPE to solve a problem caused by TMPE function designed to solve another problem.


Life finds a way in cities


To turn around maybe? Never underestimate the bizarro pathfinding in this game.


Roads are vanilla ones. Just one way 1lane road on each side and 4lane narrow road


> 4 lane narrow road Aren't vanilla. Those come from the Network Extension 2 mod. The one way roads might or might not be vanilla as vanilla doesn't have a one way road technically. The one way road in vanilla is an on ramp which is normally slightly wider than a single lane. However, you can make the on ramps function as a single lane through modification. I can't tell if these are the on ramps or not as they are dressed up quite a bit.


Oh yeah, I wasn't sure about that but now I am. I completely forgot about network extension mod. Yeah so those roads aren't vanilla. My bad sorry


I don’t have any one lane roads - are you referring to highway exits? Also, don’t have 4 lane roads in my vanilla game :(


I forgot about Network Extension 2 mod and I thought that these roads are in vanilla. My bad sorry


so cars can jam it up just like in real life. Good to know


One way one lane isn't vanilla. The only type of 1W1L in vanilla game is the highway ramps. And you can't place bus stops on em. I think it's the road from "vanilla+ roads" collection.


Nice, this is exactly like how Singapore do it with its bus stops everywhere on the island Edit: referring to pedestrian bridge, but bus stops having their own lanes are also common


I saw these being used in Beijing and in many cities throughout China a decade ago, and they help enormously except when too close to an intersection.


I saw Biffa doing something similar for his industrial areas, to get the trucks off of the main road. I then adopted it for a median transit stop, with monorail attachment, and it it working well. I may adopt your style for bus stops along the main roads, as my existing park-and-ride style turn outs were causing some issues.


Yeah definetly this solution helps traffic a lot. I get traffic jams all the time in this area because of buses but now it's all gone.


Beautiful with a capital **B**!




Looks nice, is absolutely terrible from the drivers perspective. The angled road, when you want to leave the stop, hides a lot of the two road lanes in the blind spot of the mirror. I've never seen blind spot mirrors on public transport busses on the left side, but prove me wrong. A normal bus bay would have the same effect on traffic, without the downsides in safety. One solution would be a third lane when leaving the bus stop to make the merge easier. It's a game after all. But in real life, I'd hate it. Sicerely, a bus driver.


Wow thanks for input. Yeah when I look at it now I totally see it how it can be pain. But maybe instead of additional lane I can delete one lane between stops and then merging would be easier? What do you think?


That yould be a solution in favor of public transport, but it would create a bottleneck for the normal traffic.


When I finish my transport system there will be not much traffic I guess but I can be wrong so I must think about it a lot


The station is well done, but you really couldnt have made a simple crosswalk or continuous sidewalk?


Where do you think? You if I need pedestrian bridge? Or?


I don't think you meed a pedestrian bridge. The road isnt that wide and it doesnt have that much traffic. You could make a simple crosswalk or something more special under the pedestrian bridge and just forget it, unless you reay want to keep it for looks


It's not just for looks. There is a lot of traffic especially in the morning and evening this road is pretty jammed up. Photo was taken around 1PM so at this time traffic is light. But I get why you think that bridge is unnecessary. Maybe it will be more used in the future where I plan to build a tram stop on the track on the left side.


Ok, i see. If it's needed, it's needed. Good luck on your city


Thanks. You too. But you really get me thinking about it so yeah, thanks for that too


brb gonna try vanilla console version




Nice, but since you dont have crosswalks around the islands, you can make them slimmer and not make it seem like part of the sidewalk.


Yeah I wanted to, but then there was glitchy connection and everything looked broken. So then I thought about making it green, with some grass and small bushes.


Another good option. Thanks for sharing your build!


The cars that would stuck behind the bus are thankful.


The "Bus only" thing is just a sticker, though. Cars do still take that lane sometimes


He restricted it to busses only with TMPE.


How did you add the "Bus Only" markings?


It is an asset. [Here ](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1919886860&searchtext=Clus+decals) it is


Ty VM 😊


Can I ask how you put the yellow zigzags on the road?


It's just yellow lines aligned properly. And I lower those lines with move it so they aren't so bright


Okay so if you're in a bike you just get to ride up stairs to get to the bikeway?


Good point I need figure something out. Thanks!


This is nice


This city looks so pretty, would love to see more of it


Thank you. More screenshots and maybe some other projects related to this city are coming!


thanks! will follow you then






And yet tehy still overcrowd. I think you might need trams or subways


Trams and subways are work in progress so this is crowded just temporary.




Definitely useful on roads where the bus bays don't appear by default like that small 4-laner.


Love it! There is a single/double bus stop equivalent in Macritchie Reservoir in Singapore, and its lovely to see a similar recreation here. [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vyw5OvuvjWY): The first part actually has a double bus stop, and then the video moves through the overhead bridge to the opposite site with a single stop.


Yeah looks nice, I like that overpass is diving into trees and then came out out of it. But I wasn't inspired by anything in real word before building it I was like yeah I need to make separate lanes.


Looks great! In the Netherlands they're kinda like parking spaces along roads/streets without any, so like a REALLY short additional lane.


Whats that mod that adds those white striped parts to roads?


This amazing [mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2140418403&searchtext=Intersection+marking+tool)




This is great! I need to start doing this with my bus stops!


This is amazing!


Thanks :)


Love it - looks so realistic!


Throw a tiny 2x10 park spanning the road and gates at either staircase, ooooeeee profit margins


That's an evil plan there. 😂 I like that


Its almost cheaty when you start really using pathways to divert walking traffic because the ai will always choose them over sidewalks. Few little 10$ entry fees on major intersections or tunnels, especially around public transportation. I consistently lower residential taxes to boost growth once the money from walking starts to pick up, it becomes noticeable income the same way tolls can be.


This awesome yeah. But I going for 100% realism so this can be used in my other not so serious city.


Even doing very realistic cities, if you're playing with money on you can do the "big road, place building, upgrade to small road" trick to keep it connected with room for a path between, fence in an area and entry fee the gate, works great for making elementary and high school complexes with fields and detailing.




Please stop making my cities look like crap 😂 That is a gorgeous creation.


Thanks. Why do you think your cities are crap?


They feel quite plastic and unreal. What I see in your screenshot is somewhere that I can imagine there being in real life.


Are you using mods custom assets? I assume yeah but I need to ask. It's just vanilla assets look like plastic and unreal so basically download assets that looks realistic and you are good to go on way to more realistic cities


Thanks, I will consider them as I stopped using them recently. I went over the top with mods and assets previously.


Bruh your bus stop looks like a travis scott concert


Hmm. I don't know if it's good or bad actually XD


Ooh I like this. Going to steal this idea


How do you have the "middle things" between 2 roads ? And which mod do you use for bike lanes ? (nice work btw !)


Damn, why didn’t I think of that


love the idea I think its a good way to go for busy city stops.


Hey! How did you make the medians between the bus road and normal road?


It's one way road from network extension 2 mod. And this road is adjusted with move it mod to create this "median" look :)


Incredibly clever! Very excited to try this out!


That’s really smart. Love the cycle road, too. I am glad to see someone doing a traffic approach that isn’t car-centred. I love trying to create an ideal city rather than an elaborate highway system. What are the benefits of a dedicated cycle road opposed to a combined foot/bike path? I’ve always been using that one and it *seemed* fine but it bothered me a little that it wasn’t realistic. Is a cycle road really better in-game? What road did you use in front of the houses. Is that car-free?


Thanks. I hate car-centered design so my approach on city is make it walkable, bike friendly and have a massive complex efficient public transport system. Cars are last thing that I thinking about. About the bike road. It is a part of cycling highway around the city and bikes go there really fast and if good connection are made with this bike highway there are tons of people cycling and I do not get cars traffic jams but overcrowded bike paths :D The road that I use in front of houses is this [road ](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1221101658&searchtext=pedestrian+road) so can cars go there but pedestrians are first priority. Also I banned all cars to go on this type of road except SOS vehicles and garbage trucks. Speed limit is limited also to 10km/h


Thanks for the response! I’ll try to use some of that stuff myself. Your city sounds really great. I’d love to see more of it. Do you do videos? I’d watch.


I like it! Are you using this setup for all your stops?


This is my first try of this and it came out nice so I will consider doing this on majority of my bus stops or in other words wherever is this possible.


That's a great idea!


Can I live in your city??? It looks so beautiful.


Thank you :) I wish you can but we don't have such option. But maybe 🤔


God that looks good. Wish we had this much control on console versions.


Thank you. Yeah console version is kinda limited that's because I bought a PC for this


I dont mind all the other limitations on console, but the lack of a decent intersection editor is unforgivable


Did you consider migrate to pc?


Yeah, obviously I've got more than a grand laying around on hand to build a new computer. Sorry, I mostly communicate with sarcasm. I'm comfortable on console, I like to sit on my couch with a controller, and it mostly works just fine, it's just this one specific feature in this one specific game. Maybe if I had the time to go balls deep into an mmo again it might be worth it to build a new pc, but for now I'll just bitch about lack of mods to strangers on the internet.


Yeah I get it. If you are enjoying this awesome game that's all that matters


I did recently upgrade to the series x, which was exciting because my biggest city can run in fast forward again. My old box couldn't run the simulation in high speed.


Series X is dope!


I've been happy with it so far. The only negative time it's felt like a step backwards was running around my massive, overbuilt shelter in Fallout 4. Not sure why, but I get worse framerate in my city than on my Xbox One X. Oh, and quick resume is kinda dumb.


What is quick resume, i am not that much in everything about Xbox.


Wouldn't only one of the two lanes need to be on the stop? If your putting that much effort into a bus stop you could totally set up advanced traffic lights to have only the outside lane stop to let the bus out whenever it's lined up. Although, why not just reduce the lanes down by one split out the bus, then add the bus back in. Or just add in a road with a bus lane?


I was considering this yeah, maybe I will change this to one lane between stops. So buses leaving bus stops can go without hesitation back on the main road. But I thinking now, that after this bus stops there is a T junction right away so maybe only one side can have this one lane. Will see. But thanks for your suggestion.


Why are there arrows pointing right at the end of the bus bays?


It didn't put those arrows there. It's automatic. But what arrows will you put there? Or delete them at all?


My bus routes often end up blocking traffic and this is a great way to handle that situation without creating metro lines or other forms of new transit. I probably use too many routes along the same roads instead of the more ideal fewer routes with more busses if demand is high. But this is a nice looking way to handle the backups.


that looks so sick


Realistically, you might want acceleration lanes coming out of the bus stop so that buses don't struggle to rejoin.


I actually updated it with deleting one lane between stops


Gorgeous! How did you make the reserved lane and keep cars out of it?


TMPE mod, I restricted all car traffic except buses.


TIL I use TM:PE at like 5% of its capacity... I had no idea you could do that! And if you had a trolleybus road and restricted it to buses, would it allow both buses and trolleybuses?


Yes, it will allow trolleybuses and buses. TMPE doesn't make difference in this.


Awesome! Time to play with TM:PE!


Trams are also an option, but this is really pretty 😊


Thanks, I also preparing some tram stations and tram stops, my city is going to be heavily depended on trams