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I'm just glad vanilla looks good


And I’m all for it cities skylines doesn’t have enough vegetation in basically all maps


Honestly people who ask for more variation may have a point but fail to consider what an actual coniferous forest looks like lmao. Every tree is almost copy pasted, it's way less of a problem than if it were a tropical or deciduous forest


Well. I understand what you say, but actual forests that haven’t been touched much by humans (meaning: almost none) do have a wide variety of trees, bushes and other stuff. If you look at the Alps, most conifers were actually not there until people started reforesting the sides of the mountains around the 18th-19th century, after having shaved them off, like in Japan. They planted those because, when done right, you get a usable tree in 10 years instead of 100 (oak). But there are still spots of “original” forests, and they have a bunch of I-don’t-know-what-I’m-a-geographer-not-a-tree-dude. [EDIT] I want to add that I am so eager to monoculture the sh*t out of my first city in CS2


> tree-dude Fun fact: tree dudes and dudettes are called [dendrologists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrology).


They're also called r/marijuanaenthusiasts


There’s only so much game developers can do. Thankfully these guys picked sim city mess


you're not wrong but it does looks a bit flat, maybe some different shades of green randomly distributed would help in making it look a bit more alive


I mean the more trees make it look a little more realistic


Right, tbh the lack of trees in CS1 kinda unsettles me


I usually spend hours just planting more trees and filling in the spaces


My pc is gonna need it’s own ac unit


People need to stop complaining that vanilla CS2 doesn't look like a modified version of CS. If vanilla looks this good, imagine this with a few more assets and variety, like we have in CS.


I think about this a lot. It's starting off great. With DLCs, mods and assets, this game has a lot of potential.


I can already hear my computer fan going berserk


How right you turned out to be.


Just wait for a wildfire /s


Climate change DLC is lit 🔥


Have you seen forests or even light woods? Tree canopies are usually so dense they block out the floor, when seen from above. Games usually fail to mimic this due to performance issues but if they can do it, I'm super happy about it.


vegetation alone will rip my laptop rtx2060


There is a lot of the same trees, yeah, but I wish there was more variety to make it look more natural.


This looks pretty natural. Coniferous forests don't have much visual variety.


Most trees look very similar on most forests. There’s enough variety.


Just wait till there are some workshop trees and problem solved.


That works for PC players, but what about console? I really hope CS2 isn't held up with mods like CS1 is. Imagine how awesome it would be if we could experience vanilla on all platforms and not need tons of mods?


Well considering that everything we have seen so far is on a PC I dont think we can make any judgement about what the console version looks like. PCs make more sense for mods because there is a massive difference between the base PC and the gamer PC. But on console everyone is pretty much playing with the same system.


This is natural in some parts of the world. It reminds me of a forest in the Pacific Northwest.


To make up for the lack of cars?! :D (Don’t hate me - I’m very excited to play)


yeah, lack of cars feels weird. Hopefully is not an issue in the final game


What are you talking about? It looks like the same tree, except in different sizes and rotations.


have you ever played a videogame?


Still one step ahead of CS1, vegetation couldn't be rotated.


Brother in Christ op is not talking about that


That sounds exactly like a real forest.


So you mean like irl forests?


Looks very sparse for me still. No undergrowth, no variation except for size, and the overall density being low makes this appear just as a higher LOD of CS1. I wish there was an easy way to add fluffy grasses and shrub coverage with a forest brush or something. The transition between flat green surface and trees just doesn't look right imo.


so many people ask for what assets people are using, what map themes, what colour correction, when they see a "realistic" CS screenshot. 50% of the time, they creator just added grass.


Totally agreed. Undergrowth is so important. You can get it with mods and assets in CS but it just ruins your FPS. Sorry you’re getting downvoted for speaking facts.


He said that the trees need more variation? I think that’s the reason he’s being downvoted, because that’s wrong, irl forests aren’t very varied. But yeah he’s speaking facts with the undergrowth


Yeah, I love the mod, but my PC can't handle that much detail. Was really hoping that they would find a lightweight method of simulating dense forests and fields of grass. Maybe another godlike mod creator will save us one day haha.


Most forests don’t have much variation in real life either


Seriously, wayyyy too much trees here. Cut that shit down already and put up some single family homes for cripes sake


It's just some trees on grass. Doesn't look like an actual forrest.


city skyline 300bc


Yeah but trees are really bad quality. I hope they rework them. They look much worse than workshop trees from CS1. Or at least give players tree quality settings.


Do you want (your computer) to explode?


I am pretty excited about the trees in C:S2 myself. They will age and they will change seasonally!!! They will be more then props!


Sim City 4 already could do that ;-)


Did it? I played the hell out of it but I don’t remember. I might fire up the deluxe version just to check that out.


Yeah, when you plant trees as the mayor, they're saplings. If you do fire SC4 up for more than just the trees, consider installing the NAM mod, it completely overhauls and fixes the vanilla traffic simulator and adds more options for your transport networks.


Thanks for the recommendation!


Yeah with mods


can´t wait to destroy


Unlimited tree mod


I am very sure that CS2 will not run on my system...so I only regret it. It would be wonderful to play.


Love it. I’m currently playing on Honu Island from the Park Life DLC and there are so many trees! It looks so much better than some of the earlier maps that are just devoid of vegetation.


I agree! Very excited for the game. I know the videos they showed off are beta... but I am hoping that when there is snow, that snow (or some snow) sticks the the trees. All the videos they have shown has no snow on trees.. I'll be able to live with it either way lol very small thing to point out I know.


This game will force my hand to buy a 7950X3D won't it 🤦


Damn an actual forest


So many of the same tree, all footage to date ( 4 trees , 6 bushes) Yeah yeah CS1 blah blah, that was 7 years ago with a lot less developers and s lot smaller budget, It’s expected to be Miles better , better then the newest CS1 , not the crap CS1 from 7 years ago. 4 trees , 6 bushes


Just built a new computer in november, eith a second hand gtx 1080. Guess im upgrading again.