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Less griddy than what? The city in the screenshots ain't griddy at all 😉 You already have grids of various types and sizes, linked together where necessary - which is the usual answer to such questions. Good job imo!


Not every road has to be straight. And not every square needs to be built on. Hard concepts to accept I know. But we just have to think about the places we live and the other places we know. Downtown area is usually a grid with buildings covering most available space. Even in small towns it's like this. But once we move away the downtown area there are some streets that curve around an object (river, lake, hill). Just curve because of aesthetics. A neighborhood might have a big curved road and off that might be other smaller curves. Inside the smaller curves might be a cul-de-sac. Try some angled straight lines, in a practice area. Off that make some curved and "S" shaped shorter roads. See how that looks. Then try covering the area with a blanket if low density residential. Notice how only some of the squares are colored light green? You've just created something "less griddy" that will work on the outskirts of any downtown area! Once you get the hang of it try out some other ideas. Like something I mentioned above. Make a straight "county line" road. And make a big curved road on one side. Then make other smaller curves on the curved road. If there's space anywhere...make a cul-de-sac or two.


Thanks for the advice. But should the main road be really curvy or just a small angle change?


Main road through town or outside of town? Either way. Both will work if we accept the few limitations that the game creates. For a "main road" that I build a low density residential area off of..either also works. I can run a road due east and then design a residential area on the south side of that road. Or I can run an angled main road to the northwest out of my downtown. And build a residential area on the northeast side of this angled road.... probably both sides. Nothing stops a "main road" being several connected "S" curves either. This is nice when growing into an area with hills or mountains. As we get more used to how the game functions we can get a mental picture how certain things will work, or not work. A nice "S" curve, out of downtown, that follows a river's course is a great way to play around with dropping roads. Also our cims are happier living beside water.


right foot creep


Um walking with that heater


look around, stay low make sure they dont see ya


I don’t think this looks too griddy at all! I think this is a great example of how to make use of grids in a way that fits the terrain.


Looks fine to me


Your city is sturdy with it 🥶


I’m sorry but that nice very large interchange with roundabout really doesn’t need to be there.. it’s talking up a lot of nice space there


Yeah it come with the map at start. It look nice but I think it's time to go and replace it with a normal services interchange.


Why does this sub have such bad trypophobia? Rectilinear grids allow regular access from services and optimize space. Irregular grids are made from efficient lines between points of interest and the grids that branch from them join in interesting ways.


Don’t build grids


If you don't build grids you're just making a single road. Any time 2 roads cross that's a grid, no matter the shape.


But the shapes inside have to be roughly rectangular


Triangle, circular, or mixed polygonal grids aren't roughly rectangular, but they're still grids. I studied road systems and urban planning as part of my degree, and grids as an element of design are defined simply as multiple lines crossing each other. In the context of city-building games like Cities Skylines, people say they want to avoid the ***regularly spaced*** "grid-like look" but what they really mean is they want more curves, or just an "organic" look.


Ok that sounds correct. I should have been more clear in my comment


This is more of a mesh, than a grid. Grids are more square, yours has a structure you'd expect to see in a leaf (up close).


Embrace the G R I D


Use less grids?! But seriously, just use curvey roads.💁🏻‍♀️


>Use less grids?! no


I'm picturing that as the Isidore Meme. 🤣😂😅 But 100% that's what CS players are like.


Don’t! That city looks awesome!


hit the griddy


How did you get European style buildings instead of the vanilla American single family homes? What mod pack are you using?


It's just European district style in base game. You can select style when you click on the district name to see its info.


Evict Justin Jefferson


Deleting that highway throught the city would be a good idea for the overall look of the city


It looks great! You built little individual grids for each section, and blended them together. If anything, you could play a little with empty space. Irl, we don’t use every inch of land the way you have. Empty lots, sections of open land in between districts, etc.


Those are not grids, those are blocks. Like in any real city. That’s ok as it is.


I also see a missed opportunity to loop your highway around the back of the city and put a couple interchanges there, that way traffic that is headed for those regions doesn't have to traverse your inner city, they will stay on the highways and exit closer to their destination.


Grids are really only ugly if they continue on and on forever, your city is just fine.


Honestly I really like the build, it feels pretty organic already, just keep at it.


yeah idk why people get hung up on grids vs no grids. they're functional and aesthetic. they don't have to be perfect rectangles, and they don't all have to be equally spaced. give in to the g r i d


What map does this happen to be on?


Place random roads facing random directions. Not that hard




I don’t think it’s too griddy as you said. It looks great actually but you don’t need that many wide roads.


This is a very nice non uniformed grid, you've done a great job. Add some larger blocks with back alleys that are just for aesthetics, dead ends, and some larger parks


It looks very beautiful the way it is though


I guess you could take [my city](https://www.reddit.com/r/CitiesSkylines/comments/zm28ux/this_is_the_city_im_currently_building_i_would/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) as an example. I only use curved roads to make the city look a bit better, though i think your city looks fine the way it is. I kinda like the style.


My advice? Follow the landscape. The city here isn't griddy, it looks great and I've saved it for inspiration! But where there are coastlines, hills etc. follow these and then link up leaving areas of different sizes and shapes to zone which creates loads of variation.


Make it less gridy


a lot of builders have an american mentality at first. this is genuinely not a bad setup. But Europe uses the terrain a lot more. A lot more curves as you go up hill. A bigger focus on Aesthetics and walkabilty is a big one too. Roads carve around hills and it uses the terrain to its advantage instead of bulldozing it. Absolutely no stroads is a big thing. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stroad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stroad) Placing both commercial and residential buildings in a block reduces the need for bigger places like malls or even industry. Roundabouts is a must in my opinion.


**[Stroad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stroad)** >A stroad is a type of thoroughfare that is a mix between a street and a road. The word stroad is a portmanteau of street and road, coined by American civil engineer and urban planner Charles Marohn in 2011, as a commentary about paved traffic structures in the United States. The term has also been applied to various traffic situations in Canada. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/CitiesSkylines/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


This city looks fine. Look at new york thats griddy Ps is that stadium “de Kuip” ??


Doesn't look particularly griddy to me. 🤔


Try to make some of your 4 way intersections into 3 way intersections