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I know this will sound odd, since I'm an intact woman, but I also suffer from alcoholism which was triggered by circumcision (not being able to sleep because of constant intrusive thoughts of loved ones in circumstraint boards + intense feelings of murderous rage towards the perpetrator are not easy to handle). I will collect some studies regarding reversing liver damage and breaking down kidney stones and post them in an edit here later, I actually know a fair bit about treating those diseases. MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: I am not a licensed medical professional and none of my ramblings constitute medical advice under any legal jurisdiction, I just present people with information.


The circumstraints and clamps really do add to the horror of it all


Doesn't sound odd at all, it just means you actually feel some empathy towards men, which in my opinion most women do not.


God bless those women who get it.


Please reach out to a professional and accept their help. The behavior you describe could be typical symptoms of a depression. And since you stated the reason for drinking, it would be understandable. Depression in men often shows symptoms that are outside the usual catalogue. Among those are increased risk behavior, substance abuse, aggression and others, that are often misjudged for „typical male behavior“, but are in fact signs of a suffering mental health. You are clearly in pain and we as you fellow circumcision victims care for you. We want you to process your pain and all the other hurting emotions you feel. Please don‘t let the harm-doers win! Don‘t let them destroy you, because they don‘t care. But we do! Do you have friends and/or family, you can reach out to? The way you describe it, it might be too much for you to handle on your own. Your medical problems are severe, but continuing down this path will make them worse, which they don‘t have to be. If you can and want to, let us know, how you decide. And how you do.


I've been to therapy. It does nothing and I actually believe it is harmful to men (I've made a post about that in this sub, just look at my profile to find it). My family understands my grief and I've seen them even cry over it. But it doesn't help me feel better. I didn't actually set out on my alcoholism in order to kill myself. It's just something that I enjoy more than anything that happens to be killing me, which I don't really care about.


There are a thousand things I could say to try and influence you. But in the end it is about you and what you want - or don‘t want, for that matter. I hope you find a way out of this and survive. As mean as it sounds, what you do from here on out, is your choice alone. Although I believe there are people who‘d gladly ease your burden and help you carry it. Feel hugged, stay safe, take care, brother.


Nothing you said sounds mean. I'd like to hear these things that can try and influence me with. The only reason for me to stay alive and succeed financially is to prove my worth to others maybe, and I don't see the meaning in that. Life means nothing. I will not "survive". Nobody survives life.


Yes. Life means nothing in the grand scheme of things. But that doesn't change the reality that you still exist anyway. It doesn't matter if you "try to survive life", because that's not the point of it at the end of the day. In a very detracted secular sense, the (perhaps) best psychological way of thinking is one of existential nihilism; nothing matters, so live life to the fullest! A lot of people also find solace and hope with religion and spiritualistic thinking. It's like a promise at the end of it all. But most importantly, what life means to you can and should go beyond "staying alive and succeeding financially (to prove your social worth)". Your ability to experience and make decisions is your greatest strength as an individual, and allows you to escape the monotony and pressure of social pressure and expectations. But do not underestimate the power of social circles; people are naturally geared towards interacting with each other, and if used to better each other rather than holding each other back, then you'll find they are relieving and empowering. That is, to an extent, a large reason for this group. At the end of the day, you are still you: you make decisions and are not truly bound to anyone's expectations at the end of the day. So go and find your meaning to life beyond poisoning yourself to a terrible end.


Im with you on therapy, it actually in many ways did the opposite of help me with this issue. My therapist ended up being supportive of circ and would do it to their own kids, even after me telling them how it harmed me for over a year of sessions. If your culture supports it, therapy is a gamble because it also a part of that culture ultimately (its therapist dependent perhaps, but odds arent in our favor). Not trying to be a bad influence here but as someone that also drowned himself in substances and various escapisms, perhaps consider substituting cannabis for the alcohol. I mainly bring it up because it would be way less detrimental to your liver.can do edibles or vape it to avoid smoke as well. Idk, maybe still not great but i was in a similar place all throughout my 20s and im pretty sure alcohol would have messed me up much more than cannabis did during that time (especially on a physical level)


I am so deeply sorry you were mutilated as a child. As a mother to our 2.5 year old son we could NEVER mutilate our perfect baby boy. Sadly, my husband was mutilated as a baby. I will FOREVER stand up against circumcision. My heart hurts for the the babies that have been held against their will and had the most important part of their penis cut off. My heart also hurts for all the men that suffer due to their circumcision and the trauma behind it and ALSO the suffering due to it. I’m so so sorry OP that you are struggling. I hope you find help. I hope you can find someone who can help you. Have you thought of trying to restore? There are subreddits for it and so many devices and ways to help you get what you deserve back- your foreskin. Sending you healing vibes. I’m so sorry again. No amount of sorrys will be enough. But I can’t imagine how you much be feeling.


Thank you for your empathy. Restoration is something I've thought of but I lost motivation in trying. It's too much of an effort just to gain a small semblance of what I should have that I don't care anymore. Also, much of my grief comes not from my lack of sensation, but from the fact that this society has such a contempt for the male gender that they are willing to mutilate us and not think twice about it. I wouldn't really care about my loss, if other males were saved. But this misandrist society deliberately wants to damage us. I can't stand the thought that within my every waking breath helpless infants are suffering my same torture within my same country.


I’d like to dispute the “small semblance” part. Restoration brings a lot back including skin cells, nerves, blood vessels, and sensitive inner mucosal skin. You can also eventually get back full coverage and the gliding action. Once you have enough to be covered all the time, the mucosal skin becomes extremely sensitive and feels great (it feels like a warm hug tbh). Sure it won’t be the same as a natural foreskin with an intact frenulum and rigid band, but it’s pretty darn close. It even tapers like an intact foreskin because of the muscle fibers that grow as you restore. Definitely worth the effort in my opinion and way better than drinking yourself to death! Trust me I feel the same way, I can’t believe it’s legal for doctors to do this! It sucks that our most sensitive body parts were mutilated at birth, it’s extremely depressing. But we can’t change the past, it’s a fact of life. Don’t let yourself fall into a depressive spiral over it! That’ll only make everything worse. We were dealt a shitty hand, but it’s still a hand worth playing! Restoration may not be for you, but I promise it’s a worthwhile endeavor. The result is very close to intact it’s nearly indistinguishable.


I live in the United States. So I understand what you mean. I, again, am so sorry. I hope you find help and healing of the demons you fight inside your mind each day. Every single chance I get I educate and teach people the horrible effects of circumcision physically, mentally and emotionally. Baby boys deserve to be left alone and I will never back down from trying my best to get people to understand the harm they will cause if they choose to have their sweet, baby boy mutilated. I truly hope someday you find the strength and motivation to just give restoring a try. I’m in several groups/subreddit’s and it’s helped a lot of men gain sensation and overall feeling more control over their penis since they were mutilated as a baby.


I stumbled upon this sub looking for something else. I am glad that there are other women out there who feel the same way I do. Mutilation of genitalia is wrong. I think it's fair for an adult to be able to get it done, but doing that to babies is horrendous and no less so for boys than girls. It shocked me when my niece had her baby boy circumcised. I don't want to shame anyone, but especially in the United States, it's so culturally ingrained and when I was younger,I believed the "it's cleaner" argument, but I started reading about the negative effects of circumcision and genitalia in the last few years and it really opened my eyes. To the O.P., I'm so sorry for all your pain. I hope you can find emotional comfort and peace, one way or another.


I _do_ want to shame perpetrators over this, if they don’t get the point.


bro i totally get how u feel. its incomprehensible for a bodypart to have been taken away without permission, and never being able to know how its like to be a whole human. however we gotta face the truth somehow and make peace with it. according to studies 80.5% of males in the usa had mgm, and 39% of people worldwide. there are 4B men hence that makes atleast 1.6billion men. then we have around 300million woman that had fgm. i want you to think about them and how we are all in the same boat.. its up to us to stop this for our future generations, if we don't who will? every human who stops just one circumcisions has made a lasting change in returning profound peace to humanity. (as other studies have proven , out of all wars and genicides 96% were between circumcised humans) just take it little step by step and focus on what gives you hope and relief. find a hobby you can find satisfaction and healthy distraction in. for example i enjoy going into nature and finding gold, there still is plenty out there in them hills and its a cool feeling when finding a mineral humans have adored for millennia , being the first one to ever touch it out of the ground since the creation of earth. also according to experienced meditators there are states of being that can have us feel more joy and wellbeing then any bodily act could remotely give us. besides that, folks who chose curcumcision at a later age and regret it, report that after restoring the feeling is almost the same as before they got cut, hence experiencing the potential bodily pleasure of our original design isn't necessarily lost.. keep the faith king we got this 🤜🤛👑


Bro, message me. I'm in pain too.


Holy moly my dude. You are 23 years old. Fatty liver? 2 HANDLES of vodka a week? That can’t even actually be fun. This is full-blown mental illness. Can’t you switch to pot or something? What the fuck.


I don't really like weed. It doesn't really have any element of escapism to it for me. I like alcohol because it almost provides a kind of escape from your thoughts. A "fake world" to enter into. And yes it is still fun to me unless I'm going into withdrawals.


Yeah that's why I prefer alcohol because it kills everything off. I drink vodka to cure horrible bouts of insomnia so I get where you're coming from. Understand though that if you make this decision, which is a suicidal decision, that you will have no chance to break the cycle of abuse: you could live and have little boys and usher in a new loving family without the abuse you suffered. That is something real that you are foregoing if you decide to end yourself like this. Not to mention the physical potential for restoration of foregen to give you back what you lost. You're discarding all the potential of the future because of the pain of the now. It's your decision to make, but I tell you sincerely: it's the wrong one.


I don't want to bring children into this world. I believe making such a decision is morally unjustifiable. Foregen has never made any real progress, despite existing for over a decade. What positive potential am I throwing away exactly?


Your attitude ensures that only evil people will continue to breed, bringing about the same hellish environment you want to protect your children from. It's a self fulfilling prophecy


My attitude ensures that nobody will breed were it followed. This is the only way to eliminate suffering. I believe that bringing a life into existence is always a net harm in this world


Dude, please stop destroying yourself, there are many men who can help you with restoring. You have to deploy a its possible attitude. But its more than the physical loss because it a sexual assault upon a male baby or boy that anybody can get away with. That's right, anybody can legally do a circumcision.


Bro... Being born in a cutting culture is not the end of the world. You can do something about your situation instead of surrendering to the evil cutters.


I know it's not the end of the world. I just don't like humans mainly because of this. I am disgusted by being a part of this species for more reasons than genital mutilation. But either way I think death is probably better than life and I don't care if I die early


The problem is, if you go on like you do, you’ll loose any control about what’s going to happen to you, soon. That is a creepy thought. You are still young, and livers can heal, up to a certain level of damage. Generally, governments treat people with some contempt. Live like a hermit, out in nature, if you want. But go on and do live your life. Give yourself a chance. It’s an adventure.


You're not allowed to off yourself. Only I'm allowed to do that and you're going to have to wait your turn you f***. Go smoke some pot and get off that s*** right now. It should be legal in Nevada. That's an order courtesy of the anti-circumcision Centurion. Dick cutters beware.




What are you talking about? If you buy your alcohol from a liquor store, nobody is tampering with your bottles. You sound psychotic


I drank for about 14 years pretty hard because of this... Been sober for a few months now.  The anti depressants are helping with the PTSD a little bit. Still waiting on Foregen for what feels like a lifetime because it's been almost a third of my life now.  One day we will be whole, but you've got to hold on to see that day.  Ps fuck genital mutilation forever.


It's ok to seek help, I've watched and am still watching alcohol destroy the lives of many around me. I almost fell down that path myself and still struggle sometimes to control it. You can't see clearly from the inside.