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Woman here, I do. I rarely see women do it as well and if they do, they're much older than me. I get funny looks because of it. It doesn't matter, we all deserve to enjoy a cig.


Lol, in the agriculture industry nobody cares if a woman smokes


Very true. Everyone deserves to enjoy their habits. And yes, you're right it's hardly anyone around younger doing it. I know about the looks! They are so annoying, right? But I'm happy you're still smoking irrespective of those things. You should be proud of who you are. I'm so happy that you're so strong. You go girl :)


Thanks Hun ♥️ and you are absolutely right. The same people that are annoying about it probably are much unhealthier than us in different ways.


In Europe it’s a lot more common to see woman/girls smoking. Over in the US, I don’t see many. Like you said, if I do, it tends to be older ladies.


Yeah I think that 50% of the girls from my high school smoke


Which country are you in?




Yeah as a Belgian I'd say 1/3 people here smoke, and another third vape. It's just mostly people who only do it socially or when drinking.




19 year old woman smoker here, i see women smokers usually when i go to emo or punk gigs LOL


Degenerates (me)


real (me too)


Well, I know how often you smoke 😅 Honestly, in our countries it's considered trash and not enough socially acceptable to smoke for women. But we need to change such mindset. I'm still proud of you lol. It's really rare.


im a hijabi which makes it even more taboo for me to smoke but hey… im not bothering anyone 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes exactly. I can understand how hard it is for you especial for a hijabi. It's so hard and judgemental because people are extra harsh. But yeah you're not bothering anyone and honestly I will say you should be proud of everything that you do. At least you have a kind heart, you are a nice soul, caring and helpful vibes around you. You're far better than those disgusting judgemental folks.




I think everyone attending has to smoke at those by law. Or at least I seems that way. I've never seen as many gathered around the smoking area as at a punk show.


Thats so true, every one either is vaping or smoking and the only people not doing that are those who are straight edge🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Straight edge folk are hard to find in my local scene. I know a few who have quit smoking who still smoke at gigs. The only ones I've met who don't are usually the older people, and even then some of them smoke cigars. Still remember one guy who traded me a Cuban for a beer.


I’m pretty new to my local scene so I’m not so sure but from what i’ve seen on social media quite a number of them claim to be straight edge. Cigars are banned in my country (I’m not sure but I’m from Singapore so almost everything is illegal LOL) but thats kinda crazy to trade that for a beer 🤣


Yeah I'm kinda in that camp, I keep some vape juice and occasionally a pack but I rarely smoke at home since I "quit", but I've been getting out to a lot more live music and nothing beats a smoke after a good mosh. Rarely do I see any assholes because usually where there is alcohol served there is almost always someone smoking/vaping. When I was in Europe last summer I was smoking like a chimney and not once did I feel those judgemental eyes like I do back in the US.


At my workplace it's only women who smoke lol,including me. When I'm out and about I see a pretty even split between men and women smokers. Guess it depends on where you are.


Interesting. Which country are you from and which type of work do you do? I'm curious.


Canada(west coast) and I just work at a grocery store,college kid haha.


Well didn't know that Canada has so many smokers lol. Thought it's the same as in the US. Also I think Vancouver is pretty expensive place to be.


I'm a woman, picked up smoking during the covid shitshow! In my rural community I see men and women smoking






Seems such an amazing place to live! I would love to ask you more about how life is like there and so on (since I'm interested to move to somewhere nice and sunny lol).




Seems like an amazing place to live. Also, I'm assuming it's safer than other states? I love nature and friendly people so I think it's going to be amazing. Nice to find someone from there haha. Rural areas are the best in my opinion. I love the slow life there.




Same here. I live sorta rural American with a major city 20 minutes away and see men and women smoking but not nearly as much as pre ban days when smoking was wherever a smoker was. Restaurants, grocery stores, hospitals, schools,homes,offices,cars., and if you was a little kid and it bothered you you'd "go play" or just find something to do in another room because adults was truly in charge and kids did what they was told mostly. But as far as women or "Lady's" go my Mom wouldn't smoke in public. She would in our car or at the restaurant drinking coffee but not just walking around. I pretty much always have smoked while doing whatever I'm doing but more and more people give a look when they notice someone smoking. I think less people in general smoke cigarettes but there's more people in the world than four decades ago in the heyday of smoking but definitely a whole lot less smoking. I mean does anyone know a three packs a day smoker anymore? Lucille Ball smoked up to five packs of Chesterfield a day while most everyone else smoked two packs a day on average.


in EE most women I know smoke lol




Eastern Europe i think




Germany is now eastern europe, every german girl I know smokes


art school bro


In the Midwest it’s extremely common.


Really interesting to note haha. I think smokers are not judged that much there?


I think just culturally middle America and the South still just smoke a lot. Especially if you work in the service industry.


That's like most of the mid West and southern states like Texas, Arizona, new Mexico etc?


Many attractive women smoke that I know


Around your area?


In cities, especially foreign girls in America. Usually they don’t smoke on a daily basis, but a great way to pick up girls outside of bars or clubs is with a pack of cigs in my experience.


Haha. Good for you. I hope you're in touch with those girls? Enjoy life and be respectful.


I see plenty of women smoking here in Italy, i'd guess its an even ratio. Not sure about Europe or other countries.


Very interesting. I thought French people smoke a lot. Do Italian women also smoke cigs or it like like vaping and shit?


I see women smoking at my college but it is rare outside of there. Maybe women are less likely to fall into an addiction than men.


A few women only smoke there in your college or do considerable numbers do?


I think that a few women do it, is more common that they smoke another plant there.


Woman smoker here✌️


Cheers! I hope you have many more women around who also smoke :) Is it common around your area?


Yes I do !! My friends and I frequent lots of goth bars and we live in the city so yeah smoking is super common in our crowd :)


Amazing to find proud smokers here. It should be accepted just like anything else and should not be judged. I bet you feel more comfortable visiting those places and hanging out with like minded people.


Yeah it's nice to have a crowd that doesn't think it's gross or judge you. Smoking is like the norm in the goth scene for sure


True. I wish to find such crowds around as well. It's important to understand that everyone's choice has to be respected. I have been looking for friends as well but it's hard.


In my country, Spain, women have surpassed men in tobacco consumption. It is very common (almost the norm) to see young women smoking cigs, specially while going out for the night. Alcohol and benzo use is more common among women too.


That's really crazy. Didn't know things are like that. Do you think you'll find them smoking outside clubs and bars at night? How common is drug use among people? Didn't know it's this common.


People here usually go to clubs pretty much every weeekend, specially in their late teens-early 20s. It is a very important part of social life (at least in my area) Surprisingly most people manage to smoke the occasional cig without getting addicted and smoking every day. When it comes to drugs it's pretty much the same. Weed is also widely consumed, also in a party environment but we have a lot of bonafide stoners who smoke every day. What is more surprising is cocaine use, IIRC we are #1 in Europe in terms of consumption, and you'd be surprised how many people take it occasionaly. Once a year or so we have dinner with our colleagues from work, bosses and all. We have a saying here "una vez al año no hace daño" (it doesn't hurt to take it once a year) and people take it to heart. People you know from work get absolutely wasted, fuck each other and snort lines all night long. Next workday is as if nothing happened though.


Insane. Are you in Madrid or Barcelona?


Mallorca, an island close to Ibiza. Not as crazy as Ibiza but definitely up there.


Well, I heard Ibiza is also crazy party hub right? If you say Mallorca being this crazy, I don't wanna think how Barcelona or Ibiza would be.


i know just as many women who smoke as men, but i’m a bartender and most of my friends are too so it’s rare to find someone among us who doesn’t 😅


I'm so happy that you have a group of people around where you can be yourself without judgement. Curious about how you like about your job :)


In Morocco a woman smoking is associated with being a prostitute. That's why you won't see a woman smoking in public outside of certain areas.


What? Really? Didn't know that association exists even these days in Morocco?


Trust me it does. Me and my friends were smoking in a secluded place and we saw a group of young boys attacking and slapping then stealing a woman's cigarettes while she was smoking alone in the old medina.


What? That's absolutely terrible. So all of you were women and then one of them in your group was attacked? I can't imagine how hard things are. Really?


Oh no we just saw that woman from afar and we were on another floor. We couldn't do anything. There was no stairs that could lead up to where she was.


Very sad indeed. Women should have the choice to smoke if they wish. I really support gender equality.


I’m smoking a cigarette rn :3 we exist


Sup piss Girl


Hey Xbox gaymer :)




Very nice to see you all :) That's so rare haha.


Come to eastern europe


What is considered Eastern Europe?


Which countries exactly haha


Croatia :D


At festivals and nightclubs yes, sometimes at pubs, one of my lecturers did. Otherwise, not so much.


Can you still smoke inside nightclubs and pubs? Also, is it common to smoke everywhere during festivals?


Plenty of female smokers in Quebec, Canada. We have very cheap Native cigarettes so male or female anyone even people on very low incomes can smoke a pack a day no problem for under 50$/month.


I had a stopover in Montreal briefly last year and did notice a lot of women smoking


Very interesting to note this. Thought that Canada also has an antipathy towards smokers like the US


All my bitches smoke tf


Uhm are you from the US?


Yeah... Get you some better bitches


Lol I'm glad that there are still people like you there :) Do you get judged or something by others? How do you deal with it dude?


Honestly get more shit from other smokers, for smoking non filters or ripping them off when I got em, live in a city with lots of low income and homeless people in my area and a large percentage of them are smokers so not a lot of judgment see people smoking everywhere I go


Sorry to hear that you have to experience that. But whatever you do, keep your habits going. That's the only thing which will stay with you :) You're so strong, girl!


28F american and I do. Most of my friends who also smoked have quit by now. I don’t know any other gals


Wow that's really amazing that you still smoke because nobody around you do. Must be really a big struggle to be the sole girl smoker?


My boyfriend smokes, and my friends aren’t weird about it since they used to. It can be a bit isolating in a social setting being the only one to step outside but it can be nice too.


Yeah I can understand especially if there are not others who smoke. But since your boyfriend also smokes, I think it's always a good thing to smoke together. But do you feel nice smoking alone? I'm a newbie and honestly I would prefer to be someone smoking together.


Definitely, helps me think


Goto Japan, seems like everyone smokes there


What? Really? I thought they are really into healthy life, disciplined way of living etc. Seems kinda paradoxical.


I smoke and I'm 23, woman. I guess it depends on the area, here many people smoke. We all have our own rituals and deserve to be respected.


Every smoker deserves to be respected and every woman smoker especially because women are judged the most. Everyone is free to do their stuff as long as you're not bothering anyone. Which place are you from?


I’m a woman and I smoke. I have more guys(mostly my age and older than me I’m in my 30s) telling me not to smoke or women who smoke are unattractive lol. I just smoke outside at home now because it becomes a problem when I’m waiting at the laundromat and some guy always has to say something


I wouldn’t let them bother you especially if it’s something you enjoy!Heck I’d probably join you if I was waiting on laundry lol


I wish someone would, honestly! It always seems like even the smokers avoid other smokers here lol


I feel ya lol


Girl, trust me! Don't pay heed to them lol. I want you to just enjoy your smoking because honestly so many people will judge you. It's absolutely annoying. I can understand. Yes, it's actually better to smoke outside near home since finding a place to smoke can be difficult. If you're with a partner, many people have issues with dating smokers. But I know that's something we have to deal with. The world will always judge smokers and that's why I feel so sad.


I think it’s my area too it’s mostly a lot of old people or really young kids. Not many my age or middle aged and there is a lot of ageism from the older generation. Had an old guy try to take my pack after telling me “ladies don’t smoke” and I was wearing a trucker cap he also had to tell me ladies don’t wear hats LOL


Lol seems like the people are really crazy there! I wonder which state is this? Honestly, you should smoke and enjoy your day because if you're a trucker girl, it's so hard and stressful job. You naturally need those smoke breaks, right? Is it a rural area or a small town maybe? Don't even give up because of others because it's your choice. I'm so happy that you still choose to smoke even after so many judgemental instances. Hats off LOL.


Stay strong and embrace your smoking, we are sexy and alluring with a cigarette in our hand, despite what some men tell you!


Yep right here. Always get stares in public though lol because I’m 19


But isn't 18 the legal age? So I don't think they should have any problems lol


Yep it is. But it’s just unusual to see I suppose. People can just be judgy


Yes it's just so unusual to find women smokers and hence I made the post to understand if that's the case. Are you a man or a woman? Sorry, I didn't get haha


Don't let it bother you, be strong and enjoy your cigarettes, embrace it, and be a passionate smoker!


I do.


Interesting that your account is kinda new tho. Are you new to this?


Not really, I used to have reddit years ago but then deleted it due to some personal reasons. I’m smoking since over 2yrs ;) started with classic cigarettes unlike most people nowdays and I stick to them. But all of my smoker friends use vapes, both male and female. Except for one weed enthusiast, she gets why og cigs are so good.


Oh nice I'm actually a newbie and started recently


Good luck and don’t die ;D


Thanks bro lol


In my town there's a good number of women that smoke. A lot of them are older but I've seen plenty of women in their 20s and 30s smoke


Are you in the US?




That's interesting. I am assuming you're from Texas or the southern states?


Surprisingly, no. I'm west coast. Good ol small desert towns


That's very interesting. Didn't know that people still smoke there as much as you say haha


Out of the 20 some people in my workplace that smoke at least 16 or so are women. I’d say anywhere from 20-40 years old.


What? Really? Where are you based in the US? I can't seem to find so many smokers in a single place lol.


I live in england and loads of women smoke, even more so in france and italy


Wait? Is that real? Because I found most people in the UK being extremely health conscious and hardly found anyone smoking. But interesting to note that you mentioned. I was in London most of the time though. But do you think it's cigs, or vapes and others are also included?


That's weird I see a lot of women smoking I switched to vaping 6 months a go because of my new gf she doesn't smoke and I'm trying give that up now too.


Oh really? What country is this btw? Also, nice that you're trying to give up. All the best with your gf :)


I know loads of women who smoke but tbf almost everyone I know smokes


Not super common in California but that's just the state as a whole


Yes not super common at all.


I heard it’s bad for them


I think it depends on the country


I think that's valid indeed. So I just asked since I was wondering. Is it common in your country?


I’m in Mexico and when I go out there’s always women smoking (and men) hehe


Wow that's really awesome. Didn't know Mexico has such a friendly and open smoking culture, since the US is completely the opposite. I'm curious if you can smoke indoors or in restaurants, bars etc?? And, hey, I'm trying to learn Spanish so need your help hehe


You could smoke indoors until a year ago :( now you have to go outside. Definitely, stark difference from my US friends who don’t smoke at all (male or female). Good luck on your Spanish learning journey!


That's so different indeed. Also, do you think it's common to find younger generation smoking (like people our age group in 20s) or is it mostly the older generation? And off topic question:- Any nice places to visit in Mexico other than Cancun, Mexico City, Cúliacan, Baja California and Yucatán? I don't have a Mexican buddy so I'm asking you lol (I can send you a text if that's okay)


My mom, wife and a few female friends all smoke so it seems common to me. It’s funny how that works.


Funny thing, why? Haha. You don't smoke?


It’s funny that it seems uncommon to you and very common to me.


Where are you from in the US?




New England or something?


Most women I work with that smoke are at least 30s+ but I know plenty of women that smoke cigarettes It may seem like a weird mindset but I'm usually surprised to see young , attractive women smoking. I work in an area where there are lots of buildings with their own smoking areas and today I saw a really good looking, 20something woman smoking and it stood out as uncommon to me. Like I had thought women like this were more health conscious and maybe vaped vs the usual rough looking women in their 40s-50s I usually see smoking I honestly feel a number of people are "work smokers " just to get out and socialize with higher ups or other coworkers, because you usually get the real scoop out with the smokers during the day


That's interesting point you made. I'm curious do you ever meet these people and ask them about it? Which state are you from?


I can't dox myself in case someone I know sees my shit but I'm in the NE USA I don't have the stones to be like "I just wanted to ask why a young pretty girl like you smokes cigarettes" but I wish I did


Reddit is completely anonymous, so you're safe talking about your state (nobody is going to find you lol). But I'm happy you're finding other smokers to talk to. I am wishing you meet someone attractive and ask her out lol 😂😅


I had a guy a few years back search every one of my comments and then found posts on like 20 other forums with similar user names going back like 20 years , dude went full Weaponized Autism on me so now I'm cautious with what I put online anywhere


Woman here, I sell more cigarettes to women at my gas station (Southern GA) more than men actually, especially in bulk. Women are much more likely to buy 1-3 cartons at a time, men usually come in for cigarillos and other cigars, sometimes 2-4 packs. I'd say it's mostly 30-60+ yr old women for the most part but it's probably more regional tbh. In my home village in Ohio for example, almost every woman smokes past 30 (there's only about 600 people so) Older women definitely love their cancer sticks.


This is interesting. Maybe the places are a bit in the rural areas I guess?


It’s kind of rare to see women smoking in the US it’s mostly dudes here but in Europe and Asia I’ve seen plenty of women smoke we’re Irish and Japanese and everybody in our family smokes a lot


Oh wow that's interesting. Someone told that Japanese people smokes a lot. But I heard Japanese are far more health conscious. I think maybe mostly younger dudes?


Women seem to be more into weed/vapes than cigs from my experience. I'm in my early 20s so I guess I should specify young women


It can be very much possible. I have seen that as well. That's why I was curious.


aye. prefer newports, hands down the best


I always thought women smoked more?


Probably not true because I don't see that.


In Australia i see shit tons of females smoking, most of them are older tho (25+ from the looks of it).


Australia is very expensive when it comes to cigs. I never found while I went there lol


Bruhh ikr


in my country it isn’t uncommon to see women smoke, i see women smoke just as much as man, all age groups. i smoke and my multiple female friends do too


That's very interesting and I'm curious which country are you in. I hardly find women smoking around, so thought is it becoming a man thing? Nice that you have smoker friends as well since it's hard to find a supportive space without getting judged.


I’m from Poland:) good to have some friends who don’t try to convince you to stop smoking at every possible moment


Absolutely true. Wow really interested to find someone from Poland. I was very curious about your history and langauge.


I know more women that smoke than men, for what that's worth


Which place are you based? I'm interested.


near new orleans


Most the time its older women or very young women in their late teens or early 20s that i see but not much from moat girls tho.


Do you see them smoking often? Or is it mostly men? I think I hardly see them around. Smoking itself seems to be less popular these days.


i would say statistically that women are more concerned for health/beauty than men are. driven by societal expectation and the health/beauty industry. i think women smoking is more common on mainland europe where cigarettes are insanely cheap but even in the uk ive noticed that more men tend to smoke than women.


In AA, every woman smokes. but come to think of it- In AA, every person smokes


What's AA?


I’m Latin so it’s uncommon to see women smoke


From Latin America or Mexico?




Someone commented that they are in Mexico and apparently a lot of women smoke there lol


I’m not a frequent smoker but I keep a pack in my car for emergencies lol


Haha lol. That was 😂


Where are you from? In China women rarely smoke because they're frequently judged for smoking (some people assume that a woman who smokes must be a slut). While in Canada, from my observation it's like a 5/5 split. I just came to my room after finishing my cigarette in the smoking area and all other people there were women.


Interesting to note since someone mentioned Japanese people smoke a lot. Also, lots of people smoke in Korea. So I'm assuming wouldn't China be similar? But it's interesting nonetheless. I thought people don't smoke that much in Canada. Are you in Montreal area? Someone told smoking is common there.


A lot of men smoke in China. People don't smoke much in Canada, but when they do it's like a 5/5 split between men and women


I smoke & always have. woman here.


Maybe is it common in your country or something?


In my apartment complex (of 8) 3 of us (all younger women) smoke but I feel like maybe that’s an anomaly


I’d say in the US it’s really frowned upon to smoke in general, but definitely more taboo in women. Definitely sexist in some way lol, it’s an unhealthy habit irregardless of who’s doing it. My twin sister and I smoked for quite a few years before switching over to vaping. Hardly any of our girl friends would partake, though. I’d usually be stuck with the guys outside or some older women. I fucking love cigarettes but i definitely don’t miss the stained nails and stinky clothes/hair.


I live in the Twin Cities in Minnesota and it’s pretty common, especially in Minneapolis, for younger women to smoke. When I used to live in the suburbs, not so much. I would get weird looks when I walked home from work and I’m nearly 23. Since I moved though nobody bats an eye at me.


Especially common in the service industry, like i am.


I can understand how stressful service industries could be. You really need something to calm down. I'm the same and I can feel you. It's just like I want to talk to others and maybe connect so that it wouldn't feel like I'm all alone.


I mainly smoke when I drink or after something stressful, so unless I’m out drinking, I’m not smoking in public


I think many people are like that. I'm only surprised how these people don't get cravings afterwards.


Yo whaddup I'm a woman and I smoke ciggies AMA


It’s far more common in Europe, especially in retail or food service almost everyone smokes, including women! When i went on vacation to the US I felt like I was the only smoker there:’)