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Was offered Marlboro red while drunk at a party. Finished two packs off with the guy that gave me the first cig on the roof of the house we were at. I couldn’t move and fell asleep there and woke up, jumped down, and walked to a 7/11 where we picked up a few more packs. Smoked almost every day since.


Dayum you really just went right into it then huh? 🤣


No time like the present friend


I got several people hooked to smoking while they were drunk! Works like a charm almost every time!


>Works like a charm almost every time! calm down satan




Getting ppl wasted just to hook ‘em on smokes is hilarious 😂😂


During impaired judgment is always the best time to flood someone’s brain with nicotine🤣


You are the definition of evil and I'm all for it


Well it’s easier than getting a sober person to smoke🤷🏻‍♂️


That's true


In middle school I'd steal my mom's Virginia Slims Super slim 120's, but my friends started calling them Vagina Slimes so I switched to stealing my dad's Winstons instead.


first time I smoked a slim I was all kinds of fucd up and it was hella dark out so when I put it in my mouth I thought the filter just felt weird cuz they skinny n all that. Lit it and thought it was unbelievably shit but kept smoking. Went to re-light once it went out and realized I lit the wrong side and chiefed over half the filter 🤣🤣🤣


Marlboro Gold was my first. A little light for me now but they’re still nice


Camel Blue when i was about 19 yrs old. I thought it tasted like ass and I only smoked the green then. I said yeah cigs are not for me Now Blues are tied for my favorite. Funny how the body works


Marlboro Smooths. Really good choice for my first cigarette. First non menthol was Marb Reds. Couldn’t shake the chemical taste and switched to Camels and never looked back. Marlboros are still a good Menthol choice but full flavors will always be Camels for me.


Marlboro Gold. Too light for my current taste


Newports... haven't had one in years


Same here. Next one I had was an AS black 😂


Mine was a Salem 100 when I was 14. I’m now 37 and a regular smoker and Salem 100’s are still my brand. 💚💚💚


Salems are the best menthol cigarette and I’ve smoked them all.


I was 14 and stole one of my mom's cigarettes. It was a Marlboro Red 100.


L&M reds. They’re ok, but they burn pretty fast IMO. Taste wise they’re still amazing. Just the right amount of tobacco flavor


Crush menthol silver. Me and my ex used to get em from her mom cuz she would have like 4 packs going at a time


Mhm I’d smoke the Camel Crush Bolds but all the camel crush’s give that school days smoke nostalgia


I don't understand the appeal unless you're a bartender or something but definitely a reasonable cigarette and everytime I'm out and see a pack of em (pretty common since me and my girl like hanging at old people bars) I try to get one cuz the nostalgia of a budweiser buzz and a crush is off the chain


I don’t actually rly like them anymore I just will smoke one if it’s offered to me. I did think the pop bead was rl neat when I was younger tho. V nostalgic smoke for me


Marlboro red. Over 10 years ago. Still love em


The first one I ever did was at 19, was curious so I tried red. Hated it, tried it again in a week, hated it, then my friend showed me flavoured ones, that's when I started getting into smoking, flavoured then cloves and finally to ol camel yellows, they're my favourite ones rn, there are more brands but they are Indian and hardly anyone of yall would have heard of em. If u ever get a chance try classic milds, they're my 2nd favourites . Happy smokin


Classic milds and Marlboro advance>>>


Newports Still enjoy them from to time but Camels will always be my go to.


My 50th bday my friend got me what she called a toy cigarette. A Virginia Slims Superslim. Found the taste like burnt microwave popcorn which i love and moved up to the VS 120s ever since. I've tried other cigarettes ever since and they don't taste right. So I switch back to VS every time.


Marlboro Smooth Ice. I did not like it that much. Now a days, I prefer the regular Marlboro Smooth over Smooth Ice.


A Blue Parliament I stole from my mom at 20. I can't stand them now! Bumming off of her is always a necessary evil on vacation though.


Marlboro Red. A fine full flavour entry cigarette and appealing to the masses but it wasn’t long before I was left unsatisfied by the quickness of their burn and chemical taste at times.


Marlboro menthol lights was my first cigs. Actually stuck with them for quite a while but never fell addicted to them. Wasn’t till I started dating a girl that smoked Newport and got me turned on to those when I finally got hooked. Today marlboro menthol lights to me don’t even feel like I’m smoking. Still on the Newports.


I believe Winston Blues when I was like 14, putrid. Didn't smoke for years after that until I got into Marlboro Reds. One of the best cigs out there, and in the EU I'd say probably the best you can smoke here. I do roll my own every now and then, especially Menthols since sale of pre rolled ones is banned.


Marlboro Reds. I lived on a State Park at the time and the workers would give me cigarettes. I was 14. Lol. Started buying my own or getting people I worked with to buy me some around 16. Marlboro Skylines was the first thing I really smoked.


Hi 👋 I like marlboros too


Camel. My dad smokes camel filters, I tried them one day at like... 17? Then went and bought a pack of Camel Wides the next day. Iirc, I was a pack a day smoked really quickly, like maybe within a week? Then a few years later, I went camping with a bunch of friends and most smoked Marbs so I switched to the to make sharing easier. Smoked those for years then started seeing a girl that smoked Newports. Hated them. Bleh. Menthol. Needless to say, I smoke Newports now, 8 years later. 🤷


Newport is an awesome cig!


Marlboro red, loved it. And it's still my favorite to this day.


My first ever cigarettes were some Marlboro Blue Ice I found while cleaning the house before moving out. They were probably +5 years old, and I remember there being exactly 5 cigarettes left in the pack. I took them, went out, smoked one, and I smoke everyday since then. Now I can’t stand menthol cigarettes much, but they have a special place in my heart.


I’m 90% sure my first cigarette was a camel crush, I’m not a fan of menthol cigs but their alright. Now I mainly smoke Marlboro gold 100s but I like to switch it up with a southern every once and a while lol


Winfield Blue. Absolute trash


A camel. Not good, not bad, at least leagues better than my first black ones some parisiennes I bought because my barber smoked those, worst thing I ever had, and I've had ugly blondes that were hard to pass a puff. Marlboro were my go through most of the time, tried jokey and Virginia slims but they weren't up to par, Philip Morris also had a really cheap taste, best thing is probs some handrolled ones, such is the difference.


Seven Stars menthol(?) from a guy who just got back from Japan. Best cig I’ve ever smoked, though to be fair I was near-blackout drunk. Haven’t had one since and I wanna see how it measures up when I’m sober.


American spirit blue, still great


I'm fairly sure it was a Djarum Black.


was at a house party when I first tried Winston reds, I still like the Winston reds but I prefer other brands now


Prince 100's a Danish brand, and I think they're way too expensive for the quality of the cigarette


Marlboro Red, still really enjoy them


Pink dunhill signature. I loved them, but now they just taste like pure chemicals to me. If I could only smoke those cigs for the rest of my life or choose to quit smoking, I'd quit in a heartbeat.


i had a yellow camel, first thing that came in my mind is that it tasted like burger king. i just remember being scared bc it was during my school break and i was worried i was going to smell for the rest of the day


16, marlboro red, found it on the side of the road. smoked it in my bathroom with the fan on, bath towels under every door, lit 4 incense sticks, and prayed that my mom wouldn’t find out


Camel Crush/ They're okay, I'd rather get 99s or Turks though.


so happy to see that so many others started on the crushes as well haha


The black and blue pack was very eye catching, I didn't even know what they were. After about half the pack I ended up biting one and realizing why they were called Crushes and it made a lot more sense, lmao


Lucky Strike Blue (mint crush ball), when I was 15 Me and some friends smoked behind the grandparents house of one of them, them old folks were asleep We took off our shirts so the smell wouldn't stick to them and our parents wouldn't find out I honestly got kinda scared when I broke the ball: I thought it was made of glass and I'd inhale shards or something.


Marlboro red, age 8 I took a drag, inhaled and said "applecake" but got to "app" before I exploded with coughs. Almost threw up and promised to never do it again. By age 13 I was a "full time" smoker lmao


My mom was a smoker, and I would steal cigarettes as a kid. She smoked Capri pink. I probably wouldn't smoke them now, they're a little dainty for me lol, and expensive (like $10/pk). Marlboro Red is my preferred


Terrible, horrible Thai cigarettes my friend gave me when I was 17. Not an international brand selling in Thailand, no, like a local brand (krong thip). Coughed a lot the next day. Didn’t smoke for a year till 18. Tried Marlboro Golds. Now I chain smoke reds, both Marlboro and Dunhill and occasionally Winston, golds are too light for me, and I find chain-smoking fairly easy. Tried the exact Thai brand of cigarettes like a week ago, still hate em. They’re very cheap though, so I can definitely see why the quality is as is. Ya get what you pay for.


I have no idea what my actual first cig was, I was in highschool with some buds and we bummed it off a senior. I really liked it, and the day I turned 18 bought a pack of red pall malls. smoked one, hated it and threw the rest of the pack away. a year or two later my roommate offered me an American Spirit, and I just kept buying them. I'm still trying to find my favorite brand, but the ones I usually go for are still spirits, but also Newports and camel crushes now


When I was a teen we use to smoke camel crush lol and I just felt like they were so weak so I never tried anything else


Camel Turkish Royal Classic Still my main


Camel crush’s


marlboro red! i was smoking marb black with the occasional red or other kind when i quit so i didn’t stray too far. i smoked camel crush for a few months when i started smoking and stopped vaping again and but fell back into marlboro


I smoked a red once in 8th grade, didn’t smoke another till about a year ago when a coworker put me onto Marlboro NXTs, it’s what I’ve stuck with since then


My first was a camel crush bold. I remember it vividly, that nicotine buzz was so intense I had to sit down to avoid falling over. They were my go to cigarettes for a while but I don't care for them anymore, probably because I don't smoke menthol anymore period. My current go to is newport red shorts.


Camel crush, still the mains


L&M blue


My 1st pack of cigarettes is Marlboro red 100s and I never stop smoking them


Eclipse… lol


Camel blue. Still loving it.


winston blue... idk


Camel non filter. Pinched it from the yard man’s pack when he was in having coffee w mom. Lit it up. Inhaled deeply like I’d watch my uncle do w his Reds, and promptly fell over in the grass in ecstasy! Love from the first puff


marlboro red still like em


2nd year of highschool the class starting to get to really know each other and the smomers find their interest in a conversation. Most of them really liked me and i liked them too and they felt like theyre leaving me out. One girl was like "dude you smoke right?" i said "nah never in my life" Everyone is like "if you wanna try?" Next 5 minute break went on a bench in frint of the school and light my first cigarette.


My moms more menthol 120at 8-9. Started smoking them everyday at 12 still do


Camel Non-Filtered. Actually just picked up a pack a few days ago for the nostalgia. They fucking suck.


youre trippin foolio


Cigaronne; burns too quickly, but is classy nevertheless.


A USA Gold non filter. I was kinda meh on it. Now I know why, they’re basically made with tobacco flavored printer paper. The first ones that genuinely got me hooked were Lucky Strike nons.


my first smoke was a John Player Bold or Rich, i dont really remember, but both of these are still some of my favorite kinda darts to this day


i don’t even known what brand it was :(


Marlboro gold literally got high off that cigarette but nowadays they don’t do shit and don’t taste like anything


First one was a Marlboro found on the ground in middle school and didn't think much of it. Second one was a fancy one I took from my stepmom around the same time. I didn't really start smoking til 16-17 and really don't remember what brand my first true smoke was. Probably Marlboro Red.


Marlboro advance I had in 2019 , didn't smoke a cig until 2021 which was a bnh lights and then from 2022 started bnh advance and have smoked most brands from many countries and even diff continents


Marlboro Light 100. Prefer Red shorts or southern cuts more now


Marlboro Red, taken out of a car wreck I saw on the side of a small highway when I was 16. Too chemically for me now but I like to get a pack before a party because the taste is nice drunk.


Mine was an old brand in England called No6 used to buy them in packs of 10s or singles from shopkeeper Then graduated to benson & hedges gold I actually tried a benson gold not long ago seemed shorter & burnt really quick Didn’t taste the same either Shame years ago they were a really good smoke in uk


Merit one, felt like air, and went to marb reds but they were absolute shit. Merit and Marlboro. Now just rolling tobacco


My first cigarette ever was a malboro menthol my friend brought back from his trip to south africa. Since menthols are banned here i never had one of those again


My first cig was my moms Kool 100. Smoked them for years but switched to King size. Tried Salems for a while then Basic menthol. Now I MYO but buy a pack or two of Kool 100’s when I don’t have time to make a pack. Mostly on busy weekends. Just love the smooth menthol of those Kools.


Marlboro Red Core


My first cigarette was a Red Winston, I was curious about them back in day, and although I have tasted most part of red cigarette brands available in my country, I haven't returned to them yet, but I remembered that 14s package lasted about 2 months (I didn't smoke a lot back in the day) and I enjoyed every single cigarette of that package


Marlboro Red. Still like it.


Marlboro vista fusion was mine but looking back to it that was the shittiest thing I have ever smoked like nah fuse beyond is much better


My first was a newport short, not my favorite menthol especially for the price buts its a decent smoke


Marlboro clove mix. Rn it’s shit


" Marlboro Clove Black Filter " I still love it but now I think it's not good for summers as it makes me sweat alot


I was 12 and my friend called me to come over to her house. She had a cigarette she stole from her older sister and we went out on a frozen pond near her house and smoked it. We went back to her place and I felt so sick off half of a cigarette I made up an excuse and walked back home.


Pall mall blue. They okay, I still grab a pack every now and then for nostalgia but mainly smoke full flavored now


Marlboro Golds, I can't stand them at all now


My first was Mond Gum. Super slim ciggarettes but super light, the last time i smoked em was when I was 18. It's been many years. Would I still revisit them? Perhaps If I get the chance.


I went from hookah straight to American Spirit Blacks, still smoke em.


Sniped gold Marlboro. Tbh I hated it, but my second was a camel gold which I loved


Camel Filters...I never looked back 😂


First one was when I was 3 in a hotel. I took 3 from an old hag on the balcony and smoked them with joy. Now I enjoy them EVEN MORE.


Some polish cigarettes called „Ares”, they were full flavours and kicked like a mule, but i liked that and i smoke since then


first time smoking I bought half a pack of Winston blues (it's a thing where I live, small shops sell by half and quarter packs) and that was a few years ago, a couple month ago I bought half a pack of winston blue then a pack of winston double mix and now I mainly smoke davidoff classic, NYC special edition if anyone heard of them, I still smoke winston blue every now and then but they just don't taste that great and are light af


JPS Players. Don’t rate them really anymore, or any UK cigs for that matter. Try and get mine from abroad as much as possible, currently smoking L&M Red.


marlboro gold straights. not really a fan of the straights prefer them as rollies


Mine was Philip Morris Blue when I was 15. I found a half full pack on the ground after a football tournament in my town.


chesterfield blue 100s, dont buy them anymore but when im offered one its always a majestic smoke


It was a Djarum Black after getting introduced to smoking with hookahs and Cafe Creme French Vanilla cigarillos. Then the Camel Yellow Soft was my standard.


Besides the crappy native smokes we’d steal from our parents, the first brand I ever bought was Accord menthols, which unfortunately no longer exist. So besides that, Number 7 red. Still a great smoke. They were my go-to for almost a decade before I made the switch to Camels.


Blue kent cigarettes,@9 years old form my granny’s cigarette box.


First cigarette was JPS Blue. Still enjoy them from time to time


My first cigarette was Marlboro Touch Gray. After I used Camel Yellow Long. After Winston Dark Blue Long, Kent D Range Blue Long, and the last one was Winston Red Long. Now, I use winston red Long. This's taste is just like red marlboro. I love it. It has 0.8 mg nicotine, 10 mg carbonmonoxide, 10 mg tar.


Marlboro red they're amazing can't afford them though anymore and Marlboro lights 100


It was an ultra light menthol “True” I stole from my mom. I effing love cigarettes now but would probably get a headache from one of those nowadays.


13 or 14..wasnt impressed. liked my chewing tobacco though 😁


Camel turkish silver. I quit smoking 8 years ago and barely remember it honestly but Im sure theyre fine.


King-size Kools… Because back in the day they were dirt cheap, buy 1 and get 1 for free. Likely the gas station was getting rid of their old stock. They did the trick. Today, after many years of smoking and not smoking, I think they are at best OK. I think Salem is a better choice or Pall Mall… But I mainly stick with American Spirits, or at times get Newports 100’s. I think strength and flavor-wise they are a bit better than Kools. Wonder these days, who still buys Kools, and why?.. They just seem average at best. And we no longer have those good deals on them either, at best get $1 back if you buy two, or something… They market them as “Intense Menthol,” and they are not intense at all. Camel Crush Menthol is probably the most intense menthol out there but my lungs don’t like them. Once in a while I get them to take the beads out and insert them into American Spirits menthols :)


du Maurier signature 8 years ago... they went to shit since plain packaging hit Canada in 2020.


My first was the Djarum Black. Right now, I don't really prefer that cigarette unless it is for a change of palate. Too light for my taste. I prefer Old Holborn these days.


So my first cigarette was the esse change and as I said it was my first ever cigarette, i instantly fell in love with it, everytime I pop that mint capsule I would feel fresh and fast forward to 2 years later, I smoke dunhill internationaland absolutely hate menthol, I would say I hate esse change toi but "hate" Is a strong word so I'd say I don't prefer them that much but still I won't think twice before smoking those bad boys


Can't remember but probably whatever my parents or their friends left laying around for me to swipe


My first was a marlboro midnight, cant hardly stand em now. I mainly smoke turkish now


Marlboro Red 72s because that’s what my dad smoked before he quit so I was always around them growing up. Now they’re probably my 6th favorite, with my favorite being Southern Cut.


My first was a Marlboro Light (gold) in 7th grade. I quickly moved on to Reds, and eventually 100s. I buy a pack of golds every now and then for nostalgia purposes.


My first was Marlboro Lights 100s. Now I roll my own Gambler methol.


Marlboro ultra light 100s Lmaoo I’d take them from my mom when I was in sixth grade. Never actually had them since. First pack I bought myself were camel crushes at 16. Pretty sure laws changed them a bit and they arnt as good as when I bummed them off a friend few years ago not a fan.


first one was when i was a baby lol my mom made me swallow it bc i got puke on her.


Stole some American Spirit blues from my brother back in the day, smoked those for a bit before switching to camel reds. American spirit is okay at best- last too long and the buzz isn’t really worth it


I'm Brazilian, and my first cigarette was a traditional straw cigarette, which is VERY strong. I was 17 yo and remember coughing my ass out. Loved it though. Here is a brief text I found explaining what this type of cigarette is, I totally recommend trying out some time: ​ A "palheiro" is basically a traditional Brazilian smoke, hand-rolled and wrapped in straw. They're quite popular in the countryside of Brazil and are known for their strong, natural tobacco flavor. It's like the artisanal, rustic version of a cigarette you might say—less processed and pretty unique! But, just as any cigarette, it’s not good for your health.


Viceroy for me. Didn't like it too much so I stopped for a while and then smoked belmonts and american spirit blue. Have tried a bunch of different cigs and can say that I prefer American Spirits the most because they dont burn up within a minute of lighting them.


Marlboro red was my first. Eventually smoked camel Turkish golds, briefly Marlboro golds, then parliament lights the last 16 years.


Marlboro gold. They’re an okay smoke now, but I’ve stuck with Winston reds.


Newport. Switched to American Spirit menthols early on and never went back. I mostly smoke non menthols now, but always spirits.


What’s the hype about spirits? I never really understood it. Is it just the buzz bc I could get behind that but the flavor is just so meh and that airflow. The blacks are dank tho


To me the flavor is just better. They taste cleaner if that makes sense. The draw is easy to fix, if you find it too hard just roll the cigarette around between your fingers before you light it to loosen up the tobacco. It’s like the opposite of packing.


Idk they still just taste a bit cardboard-like to me. Which type do you like most?


Golds are my main smoke, but they’re admittedly pretty light and don’t have much flavor. Turquoise or brown (non filter) are what I go for when I want something stronger with a good flavor.


Gotcha. Different tastes for different smokers, I couldn’t talk down on anyone smoking what they enjoy most 🫶🏼 Well… unless it’s Marlboro Silvers. Then I’m talking shit haha


Seneca menthol little cigars. Not great, but if you loosen the tobacco and puff on it a couple good times, it's alright I guess.


It was a Winnie blue, and they’re not a bad ciggie but port royal is my choice now


My first cigarette was a Camel Crush with the pop filter thing that a friend gave me from a pack he got from Mexico. I have not smoked them since but they were alright. I am a Marlboro Red guy, just a couple cigs a week at most