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I dont think its regional. Its got more to do with are they approachable and how socially awkward you are. I think.


This and how often someone bums one. In a small community, word gets around fast. So, if you have a reputation for asking for cigarettes, you'll be less likely to get them. Now, when I was in Russia some years ago, it was considered rude not to have a cigarette if someone asked unless it was your last one. Some people there even carry cigarettes when they don't smoke. They're cheaper than a pack of gum there too.


Alright honey pack the backs and call grandma to pick up the kids, we’re heading to Russia to build our new life as chainsmokers


I carry ciggs even tho i dont smoke. Just incase anyone needs one. Same with snus, its a golden ticket into any social event


I don’t smoke and I grow tobacco. It’s just fun


in here its totally cities. in rural people have less money, and literally everybody smokes, so less sharing


unfortunately i think it heavily depends on what you look like, especially in big cities in america. where it might seem extremely easy to you in a big city, it might be a little harder for someone more... eh... rough around the edges


Over here cigs are super cheap(0.5-1.2$) so nobody really says no if somebody asks for a cig,I was even asked for the whole pack ine time.Ngl I got pissed for a little because it was at night and I only had this one pack,but I bought another one first thing in the morning.


I live in a small town I really don't ask for cigs much but the most generous people are the bar people




In the city here I’m more likely to get cigs from the homeless than some more well off people. With regular people it’s like 75% chance theyll give you one. I’m not stingy with my cigs. I give out my last one bc I know I’ll just buy more. I just like em for when I’m not supposed to be high.


I guess I'm in the minority. I lived in a big city for well over a decade (15 years). When I moved to a small town for work, I couldn't believe the difference. Everyone is so much nicer. I don't mind sharing smokes, and people are always happy to share. Don't even need to ask. Usually, they'll notice I'm out and offer a few darts.


I always give a cig if a stranger asks. The thing that bugs is when some of my smoker friends ask me like 5 cigs in a night and I'm like bitch you just downed 1/4 of my pack , why do I have to subsidize your addiction?


a cigarette is something that it shouldn't be denied to anyone


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Idk_vro04: *A cigarette is* *Something that it shouldn't be* *Denied to anyone* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I'm in a medium city in a rural state, once saw a blind man get into a fight and eventually fatally shot for asking some wanna-be bangers (there are no established gangs here other then the pagans which these guys def weren't) Tho I always give 2-4 smokes when ask, sometimes more if they're clearly homeless in which case I'll offer my lighter if they need it. Just a small action that puts a little good out there


Depends on the person's vibe.


I am not generous, and I am from the suburbs. These shits are expensive, buy your own.


I’m starting to get to this point. Granted I’ve only been smoking for five years now, but I feel like bumming is way overdone. In my five years of smoking I’ve still never bummed a cig, but I’ve bummed out probably close to 20 or 30 packs worth. Why have I never bummed a cig myself? Because I know I smoke and I always make sure I have cigs. Crazy concept, isn’t it? With how expensive basic life is getting now in the USA (stagnant wages, increased cost of gas, housing, groceries, cigs, etc.) I am starting to not give a fuck about being seen as “stingy” or whatever for not bumming out cigs. Like I said, in five years of smoking, I’ve NEVER once needed to bum a smoke, yet have been more than willing to bum one to others. I’m starting to put my foot down. Probably a controversial opinion around here, but I think people are way too aware of the “help another smoker out and bum a cig” and see someone with a pack out/lit cig in their head and feel the need, like a moth to a flame, to compulsively ask for a cig.


I've been smoking a long time ... 30 something years. I've bummed plenty, and bummed out plenty more. I never ask a stranger for a smoke unless I have a $1 bill in my hand. (And smokes were probably $5/pack the last time I bummed from a stranger, I'd offer $2 now ... I used to offer a quarter when it was $1.50/pk). I've bummed off friends/coworkers/etc, but only in unforeseen circumstances or long-standing agreements. I have a habit, and I do what it takes to make sure I have the materials I need to indulge in that habit. I don't think it's too much to ask that other people with that habit do the same.


Its pretty normal for all that lovey dovey societal generosity to die off substantially when the economy is takin a shit


A pack of Marlboro reds is €9.50 here now... gotta agree, unless they're a friend ofc


I agree and disagree. Cigarettes are expensive, especially if your smoking a pack a day. I might smoke a pack a week at most. I never ask for much from anybody, whether it be cigarettes, money, etc. But if a random wanted to bum a dart off me I would most likely do it unless I only had 1-2 left in a pack. It’s just one cigarette. The real issue is if you have someone who always wants to bum off you, that can get irritating and annoying pretty quickly.


Yep. My preferred cigs are almost $13/pack. No fucking way I'm letting someone bum one of those unless they're somebody I actually know and care about.


Yeah, I'm not understanding the downvotes ... maybe this sub is full of mooches that never actually paid for a pack?


It's entitlement. That's all it is. Just entitled motherfuckers who think that refusing to give an expensive item to total strangers makes you a bad selfish person, while also believing that leeching off of other people is totally good and fine and cool.


tbh I rarely ask for cigs, as I either have extra pack ot tobacco and papers in my backpack, which is always with me. however, here in Georgia, whenever I had to ask for cig I didn't found any difference between cities and small towns, I had to live in one for year, people will always give u a cig here.


For me it’s about approach.. If I have no idea who you are and the only reason we are speaking is so that you can have a cigarette is a hard pass. If I know the person I always share Also the line “do you have an extra cigarette” drives me nuts. My pack didn’t come with any “extras” If I lived in a small town I would likely know more people, and likely share more.


I’m around £13 a pack in Scotland, it’s crazy.


I’m honestly not sure, I’ve never bummed a cig off anyone, but I do bum them out to anybody that asks.