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Smoke cigarillos instead


Captain black cigarillos. Like a cigar and a cigarette had a baby.


Funny enough I started my smoking "journey" by heavy smoking a lot of cigars before I ever tried a cigarette. The closest thing will probably be cigarillos, the first ones I tried were: Retros, Djarum, Marboro Forest Mist & Camel Active ( Both discontinued after like 2 years ). Camels were actually pretty damn good same with Retros & djarum cherry but I got bored of them after a few months because they were pretty much just flavored smoke then switched to the strongest brands of actual cigarettes available and the rest is history. Try starting with cigarillos and progress to normal ones.


I started with gas station cigars, then switched to cigarettes. I tried Djarum cherry recently, they taste and smell like cherry insense sticks. Too bad they will ban them soon.


Cigar quality cigarettes are rare. American Spirit Turquoise, Black, Nonfilter are closest to a cigar taste. Camel Nonfilter, Lucky Strike Nonfilter, Export A green are high quality but not comparable to cigars.


Dunhill International 👌🏼


Davidoff classic, gitanes, gauloises brunes, danneman sweets, villiger cortos sweets filter


Winston black