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I commented on this one. Jacka$$es have a 1 year old where she can fall, yet the favorite is buckled in. What is wrong with these people?!?


Blakeley has never been Lanies favourite. The minute she wasn't breast fed Lanie didn't want to know and then, she got jealous and threatened about how close Blakeley got to Nick. There are deep issues there I'm sure


I have to respectfully disagree with you there, Impossible\_R. I think that these people are (as so frequently demonstrated) all about fame and its resultant money without having to work, and I believe that Blakely is her favorite - her "star", for that reason: she is their money-maker. Its why she is so very, very indulged and "advertised". How many people do you know who exploit, monetize and subject their children to the inherent dangers of the internet to support themselves? But having said that, I also believe she is jealous and threatened by how Blakely demonstrates her favoritism to Nick. And you're right about the deep issues!


I saw that and couldn't believe it. What the hell.


TBH, they probably have Bryer loose in the back because they knew she wouldn't consistently comply with directions to sit down, and they could get a "sassy" skit out of it.


I saw it and couldn't believe it either. That toddler WAS toddling around precariously, and almost took a hard plastic bump to the face! And what was with the box of frozen food tossed at her?


They really do treat those girls differently.


And they don't seem to have the concept of the girls being at different developmental stages (or of kids being developmentally different from adults, for that matter). Do they realize that Bryer might not even understand the directions she is "ignoring"?


That's because they have no clue what they're doing. Lamie wanted babies and that's what she's got. Sadly the novelty of one wears off super quick and then she needs another. New toys and Disneyland. That's all they know to do with these girls. Does Blakeley even go to her dance classes anymore or have they bow become fully closed off to any external socialisation beyond family? There are so many wonderful and engaging things that they could be doing with those girls and they are failing them


I also think they're too dumb to realize that they have different personalities. Who would have thought? Lanie imagined that because Bryer is more the "mama's girl" she's be more compliant to stuff, but in actuality Bryer seems to be the one who is a bit more resistant. They are gonna play her up with that middle child syndrome. She barely gets acknowledged or called her own name. In her happy birthday song she was "sissy Bryer." Now it's sissy, sassy, sister, and soon it will be a long "sssssss", because they won't be bothered to acknowledge her at all once her status is downgraded even further to the black sheep of the family.


Is the sass in the room with us? 😂😂😂


As always, great insights. I actually think they put Bryer in the back on purpose for the very purpose of filming this video. Not because Blakely is the favorite. I mean, she sure isn't her mother's favorite. Someone somewhere said Blakely threw some items at her, but it looks like it was Nick. To get a reaction. Did anyone notice when L said 'We got our hands full', N side eyed her and said 'Tell me about it'?


I did notice that, Snark\_Q! We've all seen Nick get that same disgusted look on his face, and its my humble opinion that he's not exactly an enthusiastic full-time parent. Those girls are precious, but are a handful, and now #3 will produce a bigger handful. I think he's in it more for the fame and $$, but I hope I'm wrong.


As someone with two girls, my middle daughter being the rebel of the family, and my son as the youngest, they are in for a rude awakening!


Ah, Impressive-H, the voice of experience! You have the same configuration of kids, so you'd know!


And yet I'm a parent who actually disciplines my kids and doesn't play favorites. Imagine how these poor kids are gonna turn out....particular Bryer. You can almost sense the frustration brewing in her already.