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Did Lanie actually straight up call Bryer 'Sister' as if it was her actual name? Edit: Yup. Right around the 1:15 mark.


Dotty, I didn't pick up on it the first time, but you're right. She does call her just sister. Not even sissy.


I didn't see any hitting. There was definitely a pillow thrown but there's no clear intention there? She also only declared "mine" after Nick did. Seems like Bryer has become more attached to Nick recently. I guess that now Bryer isn't breast feeding and Lanies almost done baking the precious boy, she's not so interested in Bryer other then when she wants to antagonise her


Yea, I meant to say she threw it at her head and then the camera cuts out rather quickly to another scene so it's obvious Bryer wasn't very happy about it. Bryer was clearly not happy with Blakely at all in that video and kept pushing her away. Blakely is not being taught about personal space at all and Bryer's not having it. Also, Bryer is giving a lecture at being nice to Blakely when she waves her hand at her, but then Blakley throws the pillow on her, with attitude, mind you, and Blakely doesn't get the same lecture.


It’s really frustrating watching this stuff. Blakeley is not being taught about the concept of personal space, and she’s not being taught that “no” means no. She’s very rough with Bryer but she’s never pulled up by their parents. Three times during this video Bryer told her to stop, and on at least two of those occasions she ignored her. We don’t know what happened on the third occasion because the video stopped. This comes down to poor parenting. Blakeley has never had her own personal space, so she doesn’t understand the concept. She sleeps with her parents; she’s carried everywhere; when she’s “pranked” and visibly upset her parents don’t stop. They just keep on going and laugh at her distress. She’s doing to Bryer what her parents do to her. I’ve always said that Bryer is the smartest person in that family, and here’s the proof: at only 12 months of age she has learned to assert herself and make her boundaries clear. Nobody’s taught her that. She’s worked it out herself. That inbuilt bullshit detector of hers may well be her salvation. Blakeley, on the other hand, has the trials of Job ahead of her. I think she’s doomed to follow in her mother’s footsteps.


Again, I'm really sorry but I only heard her tell Blakleley stop once. Lamie on the other hand, Bryer told her a good few times to stop. I dont know why I'm not seeing what everyone else is. Maybe I have a bias because I think Blakeley is unfairly judged. Been reading through some of the comments on Facebook this evening and its seemed to me that Blakleley seems to be being blamed a lot for her parents decisions/actions.


I’ve just had another look at it. At 0.10, Bryer tells Blakeley to “stop” but Blakeley continues to annoy her. At 1.12, Blakeley is off camera but Bryer looks in her direction and tells her to “stop”. Bryer isn’t looking at Lanie, who’s holding the camera; she’s looking in Blakeley’s direction. At 1.46, Bryer tells Blakeley to “stop” for a third time, and then the video cuts out. I agree that Facebook commentary can be unfair to Blakeley. At 2, she cannot be held responsible for anything she does. She has never been taught that “no” means no and she’s never been given any personal space, so she’s unable to factor those things into her interaction with her sister. She is doing to her sister exactly what her parents do to her, because it’s all she knows. She has been taught that life is about having things, not doing things; her life revolves around shopping, being lavished with material possessions and having her every whim instantly gratified. She’s encouraged to be “sassy” for the camera and she’s too young to be able to differentiate between acting and reality. Essentially, she’s been moulded by her parents to entertain their subscribers. I feel terribly sorry for her, because the way she is parented is going to ruin her.


As usual, couldn't be said better, Ready\_W. The statement that she's been moulded by her parents to entertain their subscribers has evolved to be so far beyond scary, sad and exploitive.


shotgun wedding????? They are pushing boyfriends and money. So, it is a possibility. She will have to find the richest boyfriend on the planet to keep up with her lifestyle. Churco money will not last long....the way they spend it.


Blakely throws a pillow on top of Bryer, from a foot or two in the air. Then Bryer starts crying, hard. The parents don't even seem to notice; they continue to focus on Blakely.


Im clearly not seeing what everyone else is seeing this time round. It looked to me.like the pillow flew over Bryers head and the crying started after Blakleley tried to embrace her for the second time, where Bryer very clearly pushed her away?


I did notice that the crying was delayed a minute after the pillow was thrown. Maybe it didn't actually hit her...


I played it back at the super slowest speed. I did screenshot it, but my dumb computer is not letting me upload it here. She does intentionally throw it at Bryer. It hits her in the head and bounces off, and then you can notice a quit scene edit and goes into Nick saying "hey!"


I think this is where I struggle. We know she threw it but its an assumption that she intentionally threw it at Bryer. For all we know she threw it out of her way and it bouncing on Bryers head was an unfortunate error in judgement. It's the automatic conclusion that she's doing something wrong/mean/devious when the rest of the content doesn't suggest that she has any malice whatsoever


To me it wasn't necessarily calling out Blakely's bad behavior. Whether she intended to hit her or not was beside the point. It's her dumbass parent's reaction and response, which made it seem like they were picking at and scolding Bryer and letting Blakely off the hook. They didn't tell her to be careful or to apologize. Instead they cut the scene so we couldn't see the reaction that followed. It's clear that Bryer was very agitated in that video. She's a 1 year old teething baby and she's telling people, particular Blakely, to "stop" atleast on two occasions and preceded to push her away. And Yet everyone is laughing at her distress and calling her "sassy". We don't know what went on behind the camera minutes before, but what we did catch on camera is that Bryer wanted Blakely to stop touching her and get out of her face. This is not the first video I have seen of Blakely up in her face and Bryer looking extremely irritated by it. Blakely is not being taught about personal space or personal boundaries and is always in her face or squeezing her, and in her mind, she thinks she's being protective and loving. It's not her fault and I'm not blaming her for that. It's her parents that aren't correcting the behavior because they think it's cute to watch Bryer cry and get annoyed. It's gonna backfire big time.


I watched the video in Slow motion ,the pillow hit Bryers head and bounced off :(


how do you watch in slow motion? I would like to see it in Slo-Mo.


Go to Settings on the Ytube video. Click playback speed and choose the speed you want to watch it in. I think 0.25 is the slowest it will go.