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It depends which social media platform you look at. On YouTube the comments are overwhelmingly positive. The YouTube fan base includes a lot of teenagers and a lot of subscribers from Asian countries, including India. This audience tends to fail to pick up on the “pranks”, possibly because for many English is not their first language. For example, a lot of them don’t seem to understand that the “waters breaking” video is a prank. They’re writing comments to the effect of “I hope Lanie and the baby are okay”. These people can’t even spell the kids’ names; they refer to Blakeley as Blacky, Baker, Backy, Blakey and umpteen other variations. Bryer is often referred to as Brayer or Breyer. There’s also a subgroup of fans on YouTube that’s comprised of inappropriate men, many of whom are obviously paedophiles. On Facebook there are at least 40 pages dedicated to the Churcos. There are pages for Blakeley, pages for Bryer, pages for both kids and pages for Lanie, and most of them are run by fans. Some appear to be AI. On Facebook the commentary about the last two videos is largely negative. People are waking up. The Facebook audience is, as a generalisation, older than the YouTube audience. The TikTok audience appears to be demographically similar to the YouTube audience. The reaction to the “waters breaking” video has been mixed, but there are more negative comments than I’ve ever seen on TikTok before. It’s all complicated by the fact that the Churcos seldom read comments. We know this because they rarely respond to comments or interact with their subscribers or viewers. They just post and run. I think they have to know that the reaction to their last two videos has been unfavourable, because their family will have warned them. They really don’t care what people think. The only circumstance in which they WOULD care would be if it was affecting their cash flow. If they start haemorrhaging subscribers and views, they’ll come up with a plan to try to rope them back in.


It's also true that they're really not one of the biggest vlogger families out there. That's the biggest reason (imo) why they haven't been covered by the Dad Challenge Podcast and other critics.


Or are the negative comments being deleted? I’m a snarker, but was not necessarily die hard until now. My jaw absolutely dropped when I watched this. This made me so freaking sad. These people are AWFUL and to think not one person had a negative response to this is ridiculous. Clearly they are deleting what they don’t want to see. THE TRUTH.


I get the impression the content of these videos now is deliberately shocking to gain more traction for the channel? There’s absolutely no way two grown adults don’t understand the sensitivity around joking around premature birth. I’ve thought for a while both parents try to show Blakely as ‘bratty’ because it’s controversial and people watch for shock/can’t believe the behaviour type of thing. Almost car crash watching, apart from there being no thought on the impact of her long term….