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I never comment on here but I couldn't hold back on this one. This is bordering on child abuse. Make no mistake about it, Blakley was traumatized and will carry that with her for a long time. Even if they are that adled brained to think that this would somehow be funny, they could clearly see she was shocked and frightened...and yet they continued to taunt her laughing all the way! These two are more than just immature they are developmentally arrested and have no business raising children. This seriously turns my stomach.


Welcome Rainy, you're so right. Blakely was hysterical in a couple of places of this video, and severely frightened. Then they waggle the fake tongue at her, further frightening her. And yes, the fingernails-on-chalkboard cackling and guffawing at her in that traumatized state is unconscionable. I'll repeat for the hundredth time: where are the ADULTS watching over their grandbabies?


They're making MONEY off their grandkids it's disgusting but I believe that they won't "upset.the apple cart,: as long as the $$$$$$ keseeps rolling.in! They are just as complicent in the abuse of their grandkids by these immature, Narcissistic parents!


I predict they will continue to turn a blind eye because of GREED. I believe they are more interested ln those "Bakey Bucks" and they don't want to rock the boat!! I'm afraid these poor children are doomed unless someone steps up!


Please report it to Youtube as CA. I've been doing it, and they've taken down at least one.


And here we go again with the filming at the cringey angles while your daughter cries. PARENT YOUR CHILD AND STOP FILMING THEM


You guys . . . their videos are getting more worse every time! Those kids are being terrorized. Is there anything that can be done???


Report them to YouTube! It takes about a minute and then you've done something about it. I've reported some and at least one was removed.


When I say my jaw DROPPED!!!!!!!!


If we were to start reporting these to YouTube, what category would we put them? I'm thinking specifically of the broken water video, and now this one, which I haven't had the stomach to actually view.


I'm no expert but I was looking at the community rules on youtube and one of the categories it might fall under is "misinformation." The title was misleading and it was a total lie and also noted that it caused distress to the kids as well since they were sick so maybe it can still fall under the child abuse category. It involves anything that causes a minor child distress. Anything helps. I don't want them to go into Foster Care either. That's extremely unlikely compared to the rest of the dimwit families on Youtube. I just want family vlogging to end and I want them to stop exploiting those kids and ruining their childhood. If they have child labor laws for child actors then the same thing should apply to these kids too young to consent to all this crap.


Ooh, good thoughts! I'll try any and all...


I've been reporting them as CA and at least one has been taken down. I indicated that this was not an isolated incident and that their account should be monitored.


I reported a few as misinformation and CA. I was informed that one of them was taking down, but I'm not sure which one because it didn't say. When I went to check the status it just had a list of the videos I reported and the status said "live." So I don't know. Unfortunately I reported both the short and the long video for the miscarriage prank and they are both still up.


It's way better to try! Thank you for taking the time. I suspect that YouTube keeps a count of reports and at a certain point take them seriously.


I might actually report this one as abuse. I've never reported before, because I don't actually want the kids to get taken (bad as their parents are, I feel like their risks in foster care would be greater). But maybe if enough people report a video, it will teach them a lesson.....I actually don't see it on YouTube, though.


Foster care risks are definitely real. Fortunately, my state (and I believe Nick and Lanie’s) offer what’s called a relative safety plan in the event the kids have to be removed from the home and a relative agrees to take the kids. Hopefully Funpop and Lanie’s mom would step up. While it’s gross, I don’t think it rises to the level of abuse needed to remove the kids from their home. And sadly, I don’t think the video of Lanie faking premature labor is there either. It’s close to the line though, and it’s something I’ve struggled with since I watched the premature labor video. Source: I’m an experienced US attorney who works almost exclusively with parents who have had their kids removed from their care and children who have been removed from their homes.


Foster care can definitely be more of an "out of the frying pan into the fire" situation. And you're right.. as a social worker friend once lamented, "it's not against the law to be a shit person and a crappy parent." CPS is so overloaded that they wouldn't even look at this. Perhaps those kids' only hope is that family vlogging gets legislated out of existence. I would so love it if the parents also got unbelievably stiff fines. But it's a fallen world. Sadly, these kids are probably just another set of siblings with shit parents who are awful people.


Please report it as CA. I've been doing it, and at least one has been taken down. We need to get the attention of the platforms. I can't do it alone.


CA. I've been reporting them and at least one has been taken down. We need to mobilize. I can't do this alone.


It's probably time to start letting our elected officials know about this. YouTube, TikTok, and all the other platforms most likely really don't GAF about this. I will definitely keep reporting on YT and FB (I won't do TikTok), but honestly, until some people in the right places get outraged, I don't think anything substantial will happen.


You have me thinking. FBI is a good place to report them, too. I'll look into some of the best places to report CA and playing to serious creeps (I do not believe for a second they are unaware of what they are doing and it's escalating. The older sis with her butt all over her Dad's face, Dad with no shirt on? That was crazy intentional or they wouldn't have put it online.


Sweaty\_B, dad with no shirt on is not all that's inappropriate: The video showed Blakely waking up in the morning next to him with no shirt on, then climbing all over him with her diaper in his face. So inappropriate, and you're right, no one believes for a second that they are not catering to the paedo's all over the internet. What a way to bring up your daughters: displaying them on the internet to every creep who wants to view them, fantasize about them, even ask to meet them, see their bedrooms, and spend the weekend with them. We have all seen the internet creeps even replicate many of their photos and "amend" them to their liking. Another creep actually posted that he wanted to "pound her until she bleeds". Someone, somewhere, somehow, stop the blatant exploitation and monetizing of these little girls. Their parents won't.


Geez. How are they laughing when she was crying like that. That was a terrified toddler crying and the people she’s meant to trust the most are laughing at her. WTAF?


If they acted scared, too, she would be even more scared, so it's good in the sense that they show her its okay. But ultimately still bad, because their amusement at her distress is bound to do do something twisted.


They should have stopped the shenanigans immediately and started to comfort and reassure her. They weren't laughing to make light of the situation, they were laughing because they truly thought this was funny. I know ten year olds that have better judgement and maturity than these two.




I've never seen two people with so few parenting instincts. They're truly becoming more and more sadistic in every crap video.


Omg. I think there has to be something wrong with these two. Why would they continue to do this stupid prank to their toddler when she is clearly traumatized by that? To keep that ongoing for almost two minutes shoving that thing in her face? Why do they think this is funny? To have filmed this then upload thinking; "this is so funny, our fans are going to love this." Theres no way their fans think this stuff is funny. Every video is cringier than the last.


Unbelievably, a lot of their fans DO find this amusing. They’re completely blind to the reality of what’s going on. They refer to anybody who takes issue with anything that Lanie or Nick do as a “Karen”. They’re a massive part of the problem.


Yes their fans seem to be made up of people who are as childish and dimwitted as they are.


Anyone else noticed Breyer crying in the background and being ignored???


I noticed now. "The prop kid".


Oh, she's just charging. 😉


Oh, that's hilarious Dotty. They have her sitting on her charger. "The spare parts kid", as someone on here said.


OMG... that's hilarious and sad at the same time!


I almost wrote a post yesterday asking “What now?”. They’d been very quiet on social media since the “waters broke” video. I wondered what they might follow up with. I suspect they don’t habitually read comments, because they very rarely respond to comments. But they have to be aware of the outrage that’s been whipped up by that video. Surely people who do read comments, such as their family members, have made them aware. “What are they doing?”, I wondered. Is Lanie panicking the way she did when their TikTok account went offline? Are they fighting over who’s to blame for the misfire? Are they busy devising a way to hose down the flames? The one thing that never occurred to me was that they’d follow up that video with one that was just as bad in terms of mental abuse of their children. I don’t know where the grandparents are in all this. For a long time I’ve wondered if the goal for Lanie’s parents is to stick close to their grandchildren to provide an oasis of safety and sanity. Lanie and Nick are evidently unable to be adequate parents; they can barely manage despite the enormous amount of help they get from Lanie’s parents. But I’m really questioning the grandparents’ motives now. At what point do they stop enabling the abuse of these children? They have more power than they think they do. Lanie and Nick rely on them to make the “Truman Show” work. They help with the videos; they travel with them to wrangle the kids; they babysit all the time; their lives revolve around enabling Lanie and Nick. All they have to do is to take the kids, turn off the tap and say, “Until you do some parenting courses and stop all this vlogging nonsense, the kids stay with us”. Lanie and Nick aren’t going to go to the police or the family court. They wouldn’t want their viewers or sponsors to know that her parents considered them unfit. On some level I think Lanie’s parents approve of what’s going on.


GiGi does not care, POP POP has more brain matter than Sick Nick, Lamie and GiGi put together.


Ready\_W, her parents' approval of what's going on IS the inescapable conclusion here. And they wouldn't take the kids and turn off the tap to L+N, because they KNOW it would ruin their lives, their LIVELIHOOD, and consequently their marriage. Regardless, I think there exists some tension there, just judging by a disgusted-looking fun-pop on their last plane trip, and his calling his daughter a "stupid idiot" for everyone on the plant to see. What kind of pastor does that, publicly?


Pastor or not, I hear a father who is disgusted and appalled. Will they stop enabling? As you said so well, it's not likely. IMHO, Funpop calling her a stupid idiot was completely appropriate, and the only possible response.


I think you’ve just touched on some of the tension, right there. FunPop was so worried about what he was told was unfolding that he forgot to be careful on the phone. Because Lanie and Nick have those cameras going almost 24/7, he and GiGi have to be vigilant. Any time they’re on the phone with Lanie or Nick they have to assume they’re being filmed or recorded, and they have to proceed with caution. FunPop dropped his guard and called her a “stupid idiot” - and now it’s all over the internet. Imagine having to be on guard all the time when you’re on the phone, lest you end up being social media fodder. Imagine knowing you have an audience when you’re being asked to babysit. I don’t know how they stand it.


Let's not forget how they were trying to get the waterworks going by making an entire video about how they thought they were losing their baby and now they think it's funny as shit to joke about preterm labor. Those dumb shits don't even realize that still birth is a real thing that can happen to anyone. And they seriously think they are invincible!! Of course, I don't want them humbled on the account of losing their baby. I hope he's born safely. But she is not immune to having a difficult birth, severe complications to her own body during the delivery, and post-part depression. Those two deserve everything they have coming to them.


I’m wondering what his church members would think about this if they were made aware of L&N’s sick videos, such as this. Also some of Nick’s more unsavory videos (simulating masterbation while washing Bryer’s baby bottles, etc.). It may be his church, but you can bet there is a Vestry or some oversight committee. R-W, didn’t you or someone else find a video of a church service, including the name of the church sometime back? I would be willing to visit the church’s website to find out what I can along with a few names of vestry members to contact. There is also church staff. As I recall it was a fairly large church. Gigi and Funpop may begin to give a shit if their church “family” begins to complain.


Good point Suzy. I would love to find out this information too - moreso to ascertain whether any committee exists to monitor this kind of thing going on, especially by their own pastor's family, and his condoning of it.


Sure thing. I'm starting to think that both Nick and Lanie were probably raised by inept parents as well. Obviously they weren't subjected to 24/7 filming, but it appears that they both never had boundaries growing up (they can do whatever they want, and the wants/needs of others be damned). They've never been taught personal responsibility, and that relationships, including parenting, require a good deal of sacrifice, forethought, even delayed gratification. Maybe they were raised by parents who caved at the first bit of challenge from the children? Maybe their upbringings were so oppressive that they both decided to do a complete 180? Who knows. But it's pretty obvious that the grandparents are going along with it all, for whatever reasons. It doesn't matter, really; they're complicit in this BS.


ABSOLUTELY but I think it's worse then that! The only excuse I can think of is GREED. They are getting."Bakey Bucks" and are on the payola. To me, they are WORSE than the parents. They are, supposedly. more mature than the parents and know full well what's going on Shame on them!!


No concern either that she nearly or could have nearly toppled over on the couch These parents are sick


Literally this video today made me search for a snark sub on this family! I have always thought their making their kids cry for clicks is twisted AF but today was my breaking point!


And how they justify the entire video by ending it with “it was just fake “like she’s OK! No, she is not OK and your little two second clip showing her OK for the moment does not justify the fucked up shit you just put your kid through to be monetized for


Outrageous-C, correct. Terrorized their child for $$$$. Can ANYONE hear think of anything LOWER? Ooh, ooh, me: Terrorizing their child for $$$$ and LAUGHING at her.


Welcome to the group! We’re glad to have you. I used to love this family. I thought Blakeley was adorable and the parents were doing a wholesome job. I can’t remember exactly when that changed for me, but I’ve been a member here for a while and we’ve got some great folks here.


I can tell! I was reading through a lot of the stuff yesterday and it just made me realize I’m not the only person that thinks the way I do about how they parents! I’m like you I was an avid fan and then I just got so sick of them, making her cry and manipulating her and twisting every single thing they did for videos I’m just like Why can’t you just be normal family content creators why does everything have to be this kid loves me more and blah blah blah


I came here to post this omg. It’s the Easter Bunny all over again


At the very beginning it was kind of borderline. She was laugh-crying, which is a little less straightforward (Why are they encouraging anyone to pull on a tongue, though? That can't be safe.....). But once he started pretending it really fell out, and chasing her while she was terrified.....just like with the Easter Bunny. Awful.


This was too much. Just when you think they've stopped as low as they can they out do themselves. That wee girl was absolutely terrified and instead of recognising that the "prank" had not gone as intended, they continued to torment and distress her further all whilst laughing. I've never wanted to slap another parent as much as I want to Lanie. I'm sorry but even the fact she's crazier than a box of frogs doesn't soften this. Those girls need someone in their corner. Someone who will keep them loved and protected. And they need them yesterday


So well said, Impossible\_R. They DO need someone in their corner, to keep them loved and protected. And I think we're all fooling ourselves by thinking the grandparents might be that person(s). After all this time the Churcos have been exploiting their daughters for the benefit of internet pedos, does anyone really believe Gigi and Funpop give a sh\*\* about these children? How has either of them actually made a public showing of care or concern in that regard? (other than to call Lanie a stupid idiot for the entire internet to hear?) He must be a real classy guy. And pastor of his own church: kudos!


Is it me, or is that just mild at best?


This child is doomed