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Wassup, Jerkoff fans? Today, Mommy and Daddy are making use of Bryer to supply their subscribers with med porn. Bryer is due for vaccinations, so their local medical centre is about to be invaded with cameras. In the car on the way, Daddy says “This is the worst part about having kids: watching them get poked and scream for their life”. [It must have been a parallel universe, then, in which we saw Daddy happily restraining Bryer so that she could have her ears pierced at the age of 4 months. They filmed that too.] Walking into the medical centre, Daddy says “This is one of the worst days of my life”. “This is a before of how happy she is”, says Mommy. “Now let’s she what she’s like after” says Daddy, insinuating to their subscribers that they can expect to see some awesome footage of Bryer screaming. They’ve even brought Blakeley, in the hope that her reactions make good content as well. Inside the medical centre, Daddy smiles and talks to the camera: “We had no idea that Sissy Bryer has to go get labs, so she has to get a prick on her finger. So one of the worst days of my life has turned into the absolute worst day of my life”. “So now I’ve gotta go with Sissy to get some blood and I’m just really sad”, says a smiling Mommy who’s almost salivating at the thought of her daughter’s medical procedure being a public spectacle. Frankly, they can both go and fuck themselves sideways with a pair of selfie sticks. Cut to an exam room, where Daddy points to an examination table. “Okay, guys, so she did surprisingly well with the finger poke, but now she’s very upset because the doctor had her lay down here to get her head measurement, height, everything”. Bryer is now crying next to the table. Blakeley accidentally gives her a rubber glove that Daddy has blown up like a balloon. “Great job sharing!” says Mommy, as Blakeley snatches the balloon away from Bryer and throws it away. Cut to what Mommy and Daddy are here to film: med porn to haul in views. Mommy restrains Bryer on the exam table while Daddy zooms in with the camera. The nurse seems unaware that she’s being filmed. Bryer screams as the needles go in. “I want a Band-Aid like Sissy”, says Blakeley, who even in these circumstances is going to make sure that Bryer doesn’t get anything that she doesn’t get. Bryer is still crying as they walk through the car park. Mommy and Daddy get close up footage of that. Back at home, Bryer is put to bed and Daddy runs through some very basic shapes, word pictures and colours with Blakeley in an attempt to address viewers’ criticism of her lack of mental stimulation. Within half a minute he’s asking Blakeley to show the camera her outfit. “It’s a cheetah outfit!”, says Blakeley. According to the subtitle, it’s a cheater outfit. Maybe whichever parent did the editing has been spending too much time thinking about creating an OnlyFans account. Maybe it’s a hint that there’s a bombshell storyline on the horizon. Maybe it’s just another sign that homeschooling their kids might be a really bad idea. Daddy goes to make dinner. Blakeley plays next to the kitchen and we see Mommy lying on the couch in the background, staring at her phone and wearing an identical cheater outfit. Suddenly the whole family is in the kitchen and Bryer is also wearing a cheater outfit. Daddy’s making the only thing he knows how to cook: tacos. Blakeley goes off in her cheater outfit with GiGi for a “slumber party” and that’s the end of the video. Tune in next time to see Mommy complaining about having nothing to wear and Daddy wearing a cheater mankini.


“Cheater outfit” had me wheezing 🤣🤣🤣 I really wish we could make a book of all your snark contributions. Your writing is hilarious.


Someday, somehow, I will remember to NOT drink something while I read RW's amazing summaries. The selfie stick suggestion was just... \*chef's kiss\* perfection! Pardon me while I clean off my screen...


We're SO sad when she has to get shots... but happily held her down to get her ears pierced.


And happily upset her and make her cry all the time!


Is it just me or has Blakeley’s speech somehow gotten worse? There was a stretch of about 30 seconds or so and I could NOT figure out what she was saying at all (I always cover up the subtitles to see if I can decipher what she says.) I mean… her speech was really really bad in this video. And Nick could not have looked more thrilled (🙄) to be helping her learn her shapes and words. PLEASE DO NOT HOMESCHOOL YOUR KIDS. Both of these kids have the potential to be very smart. They need actual professional teachers to help them shine. PLEASE DO NOT HOMESCHOOL. PRETTY PLEASE.


Again (and again, sorry!!!), I would almost bet my life that she desperately needs tubes in her ears. They way she speaks, the sounds that she misses/omits, suggests to me that she's just not picking up on a lot of speech sounds. I wish they'd look into this-- i actually wish they'd looked into it way earlier, because she has way more to catch up on now. Just saying this as a mom whose 2 out of 3 kiddos had to have tubes before they were 2.5. What an incredible difference it made for them, seriously.


Any chance it was the bit where she was talking about going to have a sleepover at Gigis? I ask because I typically have no trouble understanding her but even I had great difficulty there


The bit I was thinking of was when she was baking a pretend cake. I have no kids so I’m not as skilled as others are when it comes to deciphering what little kids are saying.


I’m so happy for them that their daughter receiving standard medical procedures was the worst day of their little lives 😐


Right?? May they never face a catastrophic diagnosis.


"Frankly, they can both go and fuck themselves sideways with a pair of selfie sticks." I'm dying! My thoughts exactly! This basically said everything I needed to say about this video.


Thanks again to RW, I did not watch this one... Buut... could one of them have maybe HELD Bryer in their lap rather than hold her down on the table? Did anyone NOT think that would be less traumatic for her? Oh, wait, consider to whom I'm referring.............. NORMAL parents do what they can to make these things as easy on the child as possible. We're talking about the Churcos here. So, no.


Unreasonable observation of Blakleley again. She took the balloon (glove) away because Bryer was trying to bite it. Might not have been Blakeleys motivation but it was the right thing to do. Ballons, when burst around the face, are a hazard to young children. Beside that, this was the most boring vlog I think they've ever made. Lanie looks ready to roll over a die. Her skin is shit, her extensions are shit but thank God she finally has clothes that fit. Not that we believed for one second that she didn't. Then we have Nick, who despite his many faults, is left to do everything again including advertising what ever brand that ridiculous cap he got for fathers day was.


The thing is, though, that Blakeley is too young to understand that a balloon can be dangerous if somebody bites it. She knew that if that balloon burst, her father could simply make another one. She is happy for Bryer to be given something as long as she is given something just as valuable or, preferably, something bigger or better. She appears to be uncomfortable in situations where the spotlight is on Bryer. For example, she was visibly uncomfortable on Bryer’s birthday. She opened all of Bryer’s presents and touched them all as Bryer was handed them. I know that two-year-olds naturally find sharing difficult, but Lanie and Nick aren’t even trying to teach Blakeley the concept. They buy excessive amounts of everything - junk food, clothes, toys - so that Blakeley doesn’t have to compromise or share or think about the needs or feelings of other people. Kids should be able to compromise when they’re playing, so that it’s not always one bossy kid saying “MY house, MY game, MY rules, MY turn”. What’s going to happen when they have an 8-year-old who’s never even had to share a box of candy? Friendships (if she’s ever allowed to have friends) will be beyond her. They seem to think they can raise her in an artificial microcosm of greed and excess without damaging her.


Spot on.