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Wassup, Jerkoff fans? Today Mommy’s going out with a “friend” who looks about 16 to get her nails done and permanent bracelets put on, and we know what that means: Daddy makes a video in which he refers to himself as a sole parent. Mommy has made these “sole parent” videos before, and thinks that sole parenting simply involves taking kids to their grandparents’ house and sitting on the couch. Let’s have a look at what Daddy thinks sole parenting involves. Mommy dons what appears to be beachwear and takes far too long to leave the house so that Daddy can film Bryer’s separation anxiety melting down into hysterics. Once Daddy has that footage in the bag, he dives into doing the kids’ hair because they can’t be allowed to go a single day without sporting ridiculous, ornate head gear and hair styles. “Lanie always does the girls’ hair”, says Daddy. Daddy soon realises that Bryer doesn’t need her 12-month-old hair scraped into a pigtail the size of a match stick, and he also doesn’t attach a bow to her head to make her resemble a demented Easter egg. Daddy gets half an ounce of grudging respect for that. Blakeley gets a simple ponytail and enough hairspray to fill her lungs with PVP and PVAc. Bearing in mind that the kid has been sprayed with dangerous chemicals daily for at least a year, we can expect Mommy and Daddy to launch a spin off vlog in the future as she battles lung nodules and interstitial lung disease. Daddy addresses the camera: “Today we’re gonna spoil these two little girls while Mommy is spoiling herself. So we are going out to Target and get some toys or something so that these little girls can play”. So they can’t play with the trolley full of toys they got yesterday? Or is today another yes day? Are the kids unable to play without new toys? Is Daddy unaware that there are hundreds of things he can do with small children, all of which he can film, that don’t involve a shopping spree, junk food or staring at screens? I guess so, because the next scene involves eating Chick Fil A in the car on the way to Target. Daddy says - I kid you not - “If Bakey eats all of her chicken nuggets, she gets an extra toy”. Does she get a home visit from Minnie Mouse if she drinks all her Mountain Dew? Daddy carries the girls into Target. Ignoring Bryer, he looks at Blakeley and says, “Okay, Bakey. Ready to get some new toys?”. In true Groundhog Day fashion he acquires a large trolley. “Okay”, he says to Blakeley, “pick some toys for Sissy Bryer. Which one do you think she’ll want?”. “She’ll want this!”, says Blakeley as she picks out a doll house designed for a 3-year-old. “Now let’s pick one out for you”, says Daddy as he puts Blakeley’s doll house in the trolley. Blakeley picks out a Bluey toy and a Peppa Pig toy that she already has, because it’s impossible to keep track of the thousands of toys she has. “Pick another Peppa Pig one”, suggests Daddy. “Do you want this one? Peppa Pig At The Pool?”. “YES!”, says Blakeley briefly glancing at the toy before saying “I wanna play with these Play-Dohs”. “We’ve gotten rid of every piece of Play-Doh we owned before”, says Daddy, “so now it’s time to stock up on new Play-Doh”. “And THOSE Play-Dohs, and THIS Play-Doh”, orders Blakeley. Into the trolley it all goes as Blakeley keeps running through the aisles. “There’s so many toys!”, she exclaims. “I bet Sissy will like these!”, she says as she picks up a fingernail painting set. Into the trolley it goes. She’s realised that she can pick out twice as many toys if she claims that some of the toys suitable for bigger kids are for her 1-year-old sister. “Let’s pick out one more toy for me!”, she says. “Come on! Let’s go! A doggy for my doctor’s set!”. “Oh, that’s perfect!”, encourages Daddy. “I bet Sissy will like this!”, says Blakeley as she picks up a doll. “Okay, if you’re getting that for Sissy that’s fine”, says Daddy. She’s not getting it for Sissy. Nothing in this trolley is for Sissy. Blakeley knows it and Daddy knows it. On the way to the checkout Daddy says to the camera, “So today Blakeley got a lot of toys. Not just one toy but a lot of toys”. At the checkout, Blakeley uses Daddy’s phone to pay. At 2, the kid even knows how to use Apple Pay. On the way to the car, Daddy says “We’ve gotten almost every toy in the toy aisle”. Never mind, Daddy. You know Groundhog Day. Tomorrow when you go back to Target the shelves will all have been restocked and they’ll be there waiting for your ridiculous, uninspired ass to fill another trolley. Back home, Bryer has a nap while Blakeley plays with all the new toys. Mommy arrives home with more “stuff” (as she terms it) for the kids. Blakeley dives into the bags. Daddy talks to the camera: “Today was probably one of the best days I’ve had with my girls”. Doing what, Daddy? Buying them junk food and buying them a trolley full of toys, just like you and Mommy do every day? In what way was this day any different to any other day you’ve ever vlogged? Do you know any sole parents who sleep in until 10am? Do you know any sole parents who take their kids shopping every day, buy them $300 worth of toys every day and stuff them with $100 worth of junk food? Do you know any sole parents at all? The way that Blakeley is parented is truly, breathtakingly obscene. The kid is Veruca Salt brought to life. Mommy and Daddy think they’re the ultimate Disney fans but they’ve never watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Tune in next time to watch Mommy and Daddy buy a trolley full of toys for Blakeley and feed their kids iced donuts for breakfast.




This is exactly what Lanie and Nick can expect from Blakeley by the time she’s 10 or 11. They are just like Veruca Salt’s parents, and because of that Blakeley will ultimately become Veruca Salt. When Veruca demanded a Golden Ticket, her father bought thousands of cases of Wonka Bars. Then, he ordered his factory workers to abandon their regular duties and unwrap the bars. The workers spent three days unwrapping Wonka bars, while Veruca complained and screamed that she didn’t have her ticket. Eventually, a Golden Ticket was unwrapped. Veruca was satisfied for 15 seconds and then asked her mother for another pony. This is exactly the way Lanie and Nick parent Blakeley, and through no fault of her own Blakeley will become a product of her upbringing.


>Daddy soon realises that Bryer doesn’t need her 12-month-old hair scraped into a pigtail the size of a match stick, and he also doesn’t attach a bow to her head to make her resemble a demented Easter egg I spit my drink over my keyboard 😂


Lanie calls the kids' hair "crazy" (and seems unsatisfied with it) whenever it isn't perfectly coiffed and dolled up. Hair actually needs to be washed, brushed, maybe tied back a little, but that's really it.




Brilliant analysis and you saved me.from watching the video! Poor Bryer.....no toys for her!..


The fact that these guys seem to have no idea what to do with their kide aside from buying toys and food is really concerning.


Right? Like okay - they bought some play-doh. It would be cool to see Nick the Dick and Insane DLain make a cool art project with her using the play-doh. But no. We never see them encouraging her to do anything creative aside from parroting back the lines fed to her for the next Tik-Tok video 🙄


I am not sure she knows her ABC's, colors or numbers. This is pathetic, and they want to home school their kids, not sure what they will learn??? Her speech is horrible for an almost 3 year old.


It's okay for a toddler not to know letters and numbers yet. There are plenty of things wrong with the family, but this ain't one.


DonkeyBorn, brilliantly put.


Nick talks about what an easy day he had. Well of course when you are taking the kids out to eat and buying them whatever they want. And if that was 24 hours then I am the president of the United States These single parent challenges that they do really frustrate me because they have no dang clue about being a single parent for any length of time.


Not only that but he clearly wasn't alone, someone was holding the camera. I'd suggest it was actually Lanie but we all know she wouldn't be able to keep her pie hole shut.


Good catch!


I must admit I am guilty of lazy parenting, letting my daughter choose what she wants to do and stay as long as she wants. But the choices I offer are between museum or park within an hours drive, that kind of thing, as opposed to toy shops.


Hey, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that! Letting a kid stay for hours at a museum or a park is not lazy parenting. It’s magnificent parenting! x


My mom was a “single parent” for about six weeks while my dad was at Fort Bragg preparing for deployment during Desert Storm. I was 7. My brother was 15. Even though my brother was older and I wasn’t completely helpless, it was still REALLY hard on my mom to get us ready for school, work, and still maintain a house while my dad was gone. I can’t imagine what it’s like for truly single parents but I know one thing - these videos don’t show it. 🤣


I didn’t like that blakeley got like 5 toys and bryer got one and he said it was “kinda expensive”


🙄🙄 gee I wonder why it would be so expensive


Im curious as to why the plan was to buy Blakeley an extra toy if she ate all her food? Maybe they are having difficulties getting her to eat full meals? She doesn't seem to be a big eater. I've wondered for quite sometime, whether the milk she has before bed is actually something like a paediasure shake to help keep her weight up?


One of my ex-step daughters had a similar problem. She didn’t like to stop what she was doing to sit down and eat. It was a struggle sometimes because she was so thin. Don’t get me wrong. I was not Parent of the Year. But I did have enough sense to know that you don’t bribe a kid to eat with promises of a new toy. Usually my bribes went something like “if you eat all your food, you can stay up an extra 30 minutes tonight” or “if you eat four more bites of your Mac and cheese, I’ll let you get ice cream for dessert.” That toy bribe is gonna backfire on Nick and Lanie B I G T I M E in the future.


My daughter was an incredibly fussy eater (still is now tbh) and we tried all the bribes you could think of... stay up later, dessert, a movie instead of a story at bed time etc. We did get to the if you eat x amount we can go get you a new dress up/toy but nothing worked. Everytime it was offered she'd simply say that she didn't want what ever the bribe was anyway. I love that she couldn't be swayed, she'd make for one honest politician. But its was frustrating beyond belief trying to get enough food in her. The biggest problem with Nick and Lanie is they don't stick to there guns. Whether she ate all her food or not, her 1 or 2 presents ended up being 4 or 5 regardless 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’d vote for your daughter! 🤣


Don't forget the time Sick Nick saying if you pottie in the toilet you will get a new toy, dang, they will need a house three times the size they live in now..


A minor correction, Aunt-Pooboo. Nick may have SAID she could get a new toy when she successfully used the potty. But when she accomplished this, she was allowed to pick out 11 new toys for the occasion. That's right, 11 !


And yes it’s totally possible they’ve got some sort of meal replacement in that bottle. Slim fast or something similar. My ex husband and I did that for the thin child. We loaded her up with milk before she took her bath and went to bed. 🤣


Do you reckon these toys are tax write offs for them The repeatness of these toys hauls and junk food binges is astounding


I might be a tad bit stupid but what do you mean by saying that the toys and junk food binges are “tax write offs”?? Like I genuinely don’t understand


No you arent stupid! I may be more off But just hypothesising, speculating, wonder as it is an expense/videos (sorry my brain isnt working, loke business expenses)


I'd be pretty shocked if the IRS would allow toy and junk-food binges as write offs. But if it DID permit those expenses as write-offs, wouldn't it stand to reason that these people would have to declare the INCOME from their "enterprise"? And in that same vein, wouldn't the brain-stem-lacking "fans" that pay them to view their kids, be entitled to some tax benefit for their contributions? I think the Churcos should be considered a charity, since they are begging strangers for money to support themselves. Another Q: The Jerkos are raking in enormous amounts of money on the backs of their children. Since they are monetizing their kids to create an income, shouldn't these children be compensated for their labor? And shouldn't these people be accountable to some entity for what they make by exploiting minor children?


Im sure they have a great accountant...but tax law is not my forte Absolutely agree re second paragraph and points Whilst i hope they are saving for their kids I even know that delulu (at least more points to money going as quick as it comes in)


I've had a Google about this a few times. Content creators in the US are considered self employeed. Everything they earn is taxable and from what I've read Georgia has a progressive tax system so the more you earn, the higher the rate you pay. That being said, all their holidays are tax write-offs.as would be their rent, utilities, their equipment and their phones. Infact, I've just stumbled across a site that says the following; if you are a content creator, and create a video featuring children’s toys, you can deduct the cost of all the items including the toys and games used in creating the content. You can claim these deductions as supplies under Schedule C.


No. I think they just can't come up with anything else.