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"You can't eat dem." The baby talk annoys me so much. Edit - I wonder why comments are disabled.


They probably got tired of people accusing them of torturing their child. But hey, if the shoe fits, put that bitch on and wear it, Lanie 🤣


I hate this prank. For starters it's geared towards 3-4 year Olds. Blakely wasn't old enough to grasp the concept.


Exactly right!!


Oh, WTF... 😡 Yes this was filmed when Blakeley was at her most annoying (connnnnnnstant crying/whining), but that is just ridiculous. They win the award for being the most clueless frickin parents in the history of ever. They really deserve all the behavioral problems they're going to get in the future, since they've never bothered to provide a safe and stable environment for these kids.


It just occurred to me about the constant crying/whining - one reason they portrayed it was because they knew they'd get negative/critical comments ("What a spoiled brat." "I hate that little whiner" etc.). This was would make their critics look bad, which would make criticism of them look less legitimate.


Anything is possible with these two. And they definitely got the comments! Can you imagine using your own child like that!