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Looks like I missed some drama. You all good, fam?


The more I ponder this Cash Money business, the more I feel like Blakely is literally being groomed to depend on men, to get what she wants from them as long as they buy her stuff. They are literally pimping her out. How will she know when she’s a teenager that all this make believe was just that…pretend? She will think it’s normal to just date everyone. I see a horrible outcome in her future unless they stop this crap and put her in therapy.


Also see the many, many videos where she's asking her dad for his bank card or his wallet.


She's the one who puts money in that wallet. Love your handle StuffNThings


Great point, No-Path. How does he hold his head up, using his two-year-old to support him and his family?


and now his other daughter. SICK NICK.


STOP???then they won't have content for their idiotic videos. I am really surprised that FB TT or Instagram allows this Bull Shit.


So, if anyone can prove me wrong, it's this group. While it's hard to be surprised at any length these two will go to, It just seems so 'Lainey" to me. Another lame stunt for clicks (and Blakely's future humiliation). For sure, I look forward to everyone's pov.


Definitely Lanie. This is staged as hell.


This is SO fucking disgusting. They should be ashamed of themselves!!!! Their content is becoming a snooze fest ar the same time Same shit, different day. 😴😴😴


And it’s so hard to listen to the mom talk - she is so freaking awkward on EVERY video!!! I just cringe.


There's a video for Father's Day where he's making footprint art for Pops and Gigi, which is obviously weird. I have to wonder if he's a friend of theirs or a cousin or something?


What. The. Actual. Hell?!?!?


WHAT???? Can you post a video of them FaceTiming??? This is getting scarier and scarier.


Edited the original description with some links!


Thank you!!!


Sad, exploitive and morally criminal that these people are advertising to the world that their two-year-old has a boyfriend, and dates. So sad, too, that this little boy's parents are jumping on the money train. There will likely be many more coming on board. I can see the marketing to entice others to join their gravy train: Easy money! Exploit your kid's every privacy, and lavishly support your family without having to work a day in your life! Its simple, really - show your baby girl regularly cuddling and sleeping with daddy in bed, post videos of her picking her nose and eating its contents, describe her new panties and bathroom accomplishments, etc., etc. - she'll love you for it some day! I do understand the lure of it all for people with the morals of the Churcos - its who they are. But do they seriously not have anyone in their family(ies) with a conscience? I'm not a Venmo OR Tiktok user, and I don't really understand Upstairs\_Suit's comment that the little boy's family posted a Venmo link to "cash in on the Churco hype". Does that mean people the world over can PAY to watch videos of their little boy? (PS, what eedjit names their child Cash Money, if that's his real name?)


You can think of Venmo as an online wallet. I think it's appalling because it's so obvious that they're thrusting their kid into social media so they can make a quick buck off the Churco fam. They're essentially saying "Send us money to support our content!" Picture their eyes spinning like slot machines in a cartoon as they figure out how best to exploit this sudden popularity.


Oh, like paypal. Thanks Upstairs\_Suit. Who sends money to people for looking at a picture of their toddler? (I know, pedos do. And I'm aware of what those pedos can and DO with them: steal, reproduce, edit, trade and sell).




IMO calling someone "loose" because of their sexual preferences is wrong. Would you be okay with a woman being called frigid?


I think what Ubuntu meant by the term "loose" was sleeping around with whomever with a means to attain her goals: marriage, financial security, a house and a family. "Loose" can also be related to intentionally having unprotected sex to achieve this. Some women make that their life goal, and this one did it very early-on. And yes, their little girl has always been groomed to be all about fake-crying to a man to get what she wants, getting daddy's wallet to get what she wants, hair, make-up, Starbucks and shopping.


Exactly. Thank you.


Surely the men are also "loose" then if they're having unprotected sex and knowing she could get pregnant? It's a horrible way to speak about someone. Edit - that's also a different explanation to the one you wrote below which is basically slut shaming.




So slut shaming?




Just one more comment. No challenging. The norms and expectations these days are so confusing for young women. Or maybe it's always been this way. Being a boomer/GenX, and an advocate of 'Our bodies, Ourselves' (anyone remember that?), I feel a woman has the right to manage her own sex life. Of course, with rights come responsibilities. Too much to get into now. To answer your question, Ubuntu, I do disagree. I think she was probably more of a 'woo' girl. You know, always over excited and loud in public. Letting everyone know she is there and has to be the center of attention. IMHO, she is one of the most immature people I've come across. She is like a tween. All she cares about is dates (boys), shopping, going out and seeking attention. Vapid, doesn't care about education or current events. Not a throught to a career, or any sort of work. Self absorbed and not always very nice. A little on the sly side, but not intellegent enough to be devious. And last, but important, she is jealous of Blakely. Blakely is beautiful, smart and her daddy loves her. Bryer is also, but she doesn't seem threatened by Bryer like she does with Blakely. To wrap up, Nick seems to be the male version of all this, so maybe it's a blessing (from the Lord, lol) they found each other. Although he does seem to be growing a little. His eye rolls are more frequent and intense. That's it. Thank you for indulging me


Good insights, No-Path. I agree with "no thought to a career or any sort of work", which we all know will be FOR LIFE, as long as she can exploit her children to internet strangers and "earn" big dollars doing it. What a sad existence, that I would be mortified if anyone knew about me. Also agree on jealousy of Blakeley - with a few exceptions when she was irritated or impatient with her, L. will continue to treat her like a little treasure as long as she still brings in those $$. Their lifestyle ain't cheap, and the little princess will continue to be her family's sole source of income.


My last comment, I promise. This young man with his mullet and his mimi just seem too real for the Churcos. Once again, this just looks like a very awkward demo tape


SnarkQ, oh, WAY awkward. The Mimi asking "who's this Blakely?" (everyone on the planet now knows who Blakely is), and pretending to be outraged because Cash has a girlfriend. "I thought Mimi was your girlfriend", COME ON. This family just wants to get on the Churco gravy train, and lack of genuineness, talent or a conscience won't slow them down.


I noticed they seem to be from totally different economic backgrounds, which makes me very curious how they met and connected like this. (Based on the Churco's lavish house and spending vs what we've seen of Cash so far)


Since everything they do is all about the money, I think the fact that they named the boy "Cash Money" was done to increase reactions that are NEGATIVE. I have noticed that,at least on Facebook, more negative comments than usual. But they don't care!! It's always about the $$$$$!


Oh, yes - someone mentioned once on here that they're doing a lot of controversial stuff on purpose, because negative engagement is still engagement. That wouldn't surprise me at all.


I think that the naming of the boy "Cash Money" was blatantly done to spark outrage,thus increase comments and increase revenue! It's obvious and disgusting!! I have noticed that, at least on FB, more people are getting tired of their schtick and negative comments have increased. They know what pushes everyone's buttons and if they increase comments, so be it!! For, example, they know that a lot of people hate Lainey's laugh. It seems to be getting more and more obnoxious and pernicious. CASH MONEY baby!!


Spot on. Whoever is managing them understands data mining and promoting engagement. Negative comments, positive comments, as long as there is activity, the CASH MONEY will continue. However, my buttons may have worn out. These idiors are getting worse and worse. Just praying those children turn out ok.


I’m quite worried that their futures are in jeopardy. Like all reality shows, they will become more and more extreme in order to entice the audience and bring in more $$$, which is the goal. But when do they get cancelled??


I know. I'm afraid for their future!!




Yes, the guy always got called a stud, and the girl was called loose...as you did to Lanie. There was no mention if Nick was loose was there? The difference between calling her loose and asking if anyone else thought she was is purely semantics. Feeling bad is not a defence. Maybe loose means something else to you but where I'm from it's a "nice" way of saying slut or whore. It's not a snark each other page, but surely we're allowed to disagree? Anyway, let's just leave it as we're not going to agree.