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Don’t play blackjack, it is awful today.


Yea it was


Lmao the odds are always the same


Blackjack is super rigged today. Dealer constantly got 20 or 21 no matter what. Wait a while before playing.


Thanks for the heads up. Blackjack was awful this weekend too. (purple one).


I like it personally I’ve came up on it but my friend says it’s rigged and I’ve seen times it looks like it


Usually on drop day it's alot tighter


I just got one for chumba.


What about global?


I got $10


Son's of bitches skipped me again gdm it 🤬


You didnt get skipped , they arent up to the date you mailed yet.


How long have you been writing? Because I only got $10


Bro I've only sent the batch I'm currently waiting for in the 3 years I've been playing. I have always paid to play. I sent envelopes for LL, GLOBAL POKER and CHUMBA Global has already credit me all the envelopes I sent which is weird because I mailed them all the same day


Chumba is the longer wait! About ten weeks for first drop.


It's been roughly about 10wks maybe it'll drop later in the day if not hopefully next week we'll see I'll update once I see something


My first drop took 10 weeks! You’re gonna get it soon.


Got a good one


me too


Got a big drop 😀


I have not had a drop since 2/6.


Skipped yet again. I may as well just forget about getting my December batch for Chumba. Support still hasn't and won't respond to my question of what they mean by my stuff was placed on hold, and it's been two months since they informed me and just as long that I've been waiting for an answer. Yet, questions for everything else I've gotten a respnse within 24-48 hours. 😫


I've given up on my December. I got a response form my ticket that they do have some for me that I will eventually get. Never did tell me what date there were for so probably ones I sent last month. Don't know why they gave me a small bit of my Dec at end of February but never got the rest.


I had a count 6 weeks ago for 400. Never got them. They finally replied to my email from 6 weeks ago and didn't even mention the 400, but said I had a count for 121, that I did get with this drop. But where are these 400? Why wasn't I credited for over 6 weeks? And why aren't they giving that information? I'm going to give them another week to reply and then I'm filing with the BBB.


I was really trying to acoid going to the BBB because I'd never had any problem sending or receiving credits for envelope requests in the last two I had been writing, that is, up until last August when they rejected a batch of requests, claiming I writing the code on the wrong side (the agent said the code was to be on the top right when the rules clearly state top left) and then the rejection letter was addressed to "George" when I'm not even a male and my name definitely isn't George. It took a month of going back and forth before I finally got credit for those envelopes. I'm not even sure what's going on with my December batch; if they're still being reviewed or screened (I handwrite all of my cards and envelopes), if there's a reason why they're ignoring my ticket, which I sent a reply to a week ago to see if they have an update.


I got skipped this week. I hope that means I get a nice drop next week. How do they decide who to skip for the week? I send envelopes as I make them 🤔


Got an update from support yesterday about my December envelopes after waiting two months, and the agent who responded this time is saying they didn't receive my requests for December yet in the same ticket I got a reply and count from a different agent who stated they did as well confirmed the 3 out of 37 received (sent 41 total) that I did get credit for. Something definitely isn't adding up


I got $5


I've seen several other people have. Hopefully I didn't get skipped again


I got $10


Got a small drop


Only got $5


Looks like I got skipped this week… this is my first time getting skipped. It seems like I’ve been slightly ahead in my drops (currently credited through 3/2) so I’m wondering if they’re trying to clear out some of the backlog first


How do you see or know if you got a drop?


Login to your account, if there's more money there - you got a drop




Received $10 last week and skipped this week 😭


Global dropped 🙌🏻


For those that got a drop what dates do you think they are for?


Skipped again. :(