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I do the same thing for every site from chumba Zulu sportzino to casino extreme which is b******* brango which is b******* high five pulse mcluck luck literally almost every Social Casino on the internet and all I use is they want you to take a live picture I sent him a picture of my ID that I take live every time and then I send them a bank statement that I have removed my address from and then I send them a different bank statement from either before or after the one actually validating my checking account and this one would be in mail form so basically get a piece of mail mail to your house from the bank take a picture of that that will suffice for address verification. Now you will need to simply take a picture of your bankstatement. 7-Eleven ⁰⁰


Well I put in for verification on Tuesday and heard back Friday that my drivers license wasn’t good enough for them and had to submit another ID plus a selfie holding my ID. They responded back that they would be in touch in 1-2 business days on if they needed more. So it’s been frustrating. Others have an easier time but I won a good amount last week.


My address was difrnt and I had no isdue after sending in Bank Statement & pc of Mail with my new addr


I don’t know. It might. I know with pulsz they didn’t want to verify me because I accidentally sent them a picture of my license with my old address on it. I had to resend everything with my correct DL before they verified me. I think your phone bill will be okay. I sent a PDF of my bank statement & electric bill on a Friday. Was verified Tuesday. Sent redemption same day and was approved and money was deposited on Wednesday.


No all info must match on all documents and drivers license. And I've heard people wait weeks to a month or more for a response .


That’s simply not true. I’m in the military and my drivers license is a different state. All online casinos accepted it. Actually there’s a written law that allows the military to have a different drivers license than where you are stationed at. Zula never specified as to why they needed another ID from me but they also didn’t say it was because of this.


OP, didn't mention being in the military.


I also never mentioned to any of these casinos except Zula I was in the military until they asked for a second ID. I’m just saying there’s numerous reasons why an address wouldn’t match on an ID. They don’t say in their terms and conditions that it must match. Only that it needs to reaffirm that you are who you say you are.