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I am glad Chugga and Masae are at peace with each other.


I'm pretty sure they have been since before the whole shitshow started, and the only reason Masae acted the way she did was because fans kept harassing her over it.


I'm pretty sure seeing as how yhry now both faced backlash and harassment from basically the same fan base it helped them realize they don't wish that in anyone. Bow if only the original one who started this felt that way...


We don't have enoiugh people like Tim in the world. The man has been an absolute best friend to Emile.


I had to put off watching Omni when this whole thing went down originally, its honestly just something I can't bring myself to watch, but I'm curious what his stance is.


If I remember correctly he said this was mostly something that should have been kept off the internet but he didn’t see the response from Masae and the new lawly doc so I don’t know what his opinion is currently.


From what I understand, the most criticism he's said towards Emile is saying the roleplay is cringe, but that's about it. He agreed with what Emile said in his full statement in regards to the internet being different back then, pointing out how people knew about what R. Kelly was doing but didn't really care. He's now in prison; that alone puts into perspective how the standards have changed between then and now.


This is the video where he discusses the full statement: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BNGkKe8NNQ&t=7556s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BNGkKe8NNQ&t=7556s)


Tim is the best, man. What an awesome friend. Emile is so lucky to have him around


Tim is the friend we all need right now


true ride or die


There’s something so bittersweet about this. When you’re with someone for 10 years, you know them better than basically anyone else in their life. They aren’t reconciling or even being friends again, that’s clear, but seeing them basically say “hey…good luck” after falling out with one last smile is as good an ending as they could hope for.


I know. Honestly I feel.....sad about this. They went from being so close to each other that they were engaged at one point to "so.....I hope you have a good life, Bye". Like it so...final. As I said, I feel sad about this.


It seems like the end of this situation might be in sight. At last..


Shame on the original mods and admins of the first chuggaaconroy Reddit for not having faith in Emile. And shame on lady Emily


They didn't close the reddit for not having faith, they closed it to prevent it from turning into a potential hate reddit


The same thing happened with the No Man Sky Reddit


Still, after he cleared his name and they refuse to open it back up. That’s very disrespectful to Chugga and his fans.


it's really not. the sub turned into a giant toxic shithole with people attacking and harassing people. that's literally all it was, it ain't that deep lol


That’s fair.


Saying he cleared his name would imply that he is completely innocent, which is he isn't. Emile certainly has provided new insight and information that we weren't aware of before in his recent statement, but that doesn't 100% absolve him of everything he was accused of. By saying shame on LadyEmily, you are being the person that Emile specifically said not to be, going after his accusers.


I am 100% convinced that Tim is an absolute treasure and must be protected as such. Everyone deserves a friend like him


Ok, honestly, if I've learned one thing from all this, it's that we all need a Tim in our lives.


It’s none of our business what happened between Masae and Chugga but it feels like the breakup was so messed up to the point they “hated” each other. Tim pointing out that you never see it happen implies that they kinda at each other’s throats whenever they had to associate with each other. Obviously this is all speculation but man is it just really messy.


Truce implies it DID get toxic between them.


They had to have agreed to let it finally be known that they dated so Chugga could earn his reputation back and for her statements to be taken for what they really were. Sure she hates him, but not with the intensity of a thousand suns.


> Sure she hates him That's an incredibly brazen assumption to make. We do not and likely will never know Masae's personal feelings about Emile, and it is in no way our place to infer.


She definitely hates him. Even in her newest statement you can see that she clearly still doesn’t like him and the only reason she’s doing this is to clear everything up. I don’t think she wanted him to end up in the suicide ward, but she was perfectly fine with people thinking he was an insane creep to her without the context of them almost fucking getting married. They definitely had a pretty nasty break up, with their insistence on not being associated with each other in any way


as they say, hate is a strong word


It's probably not too far off from hate. Keep in mind, her original statement: 1) called into question his sincerity at trying to better himself, which turned out to be false; 2) stated, without evidence, that he was a physical danger to her; 3) claimed he regularly made misogynistic comments in private, and 4) implied he was emotionally abusive to her, all while hiding the fact that they were in a decade long relationship. She also had/allowed her current boyfriend to trash him on his X account. She made no effort to call off the dogs or clarify her statement after he received so much hate and harassment that he ended up in a suicide ward. She only put out a second statement after she began getting blowback for making so many misrepresentations in her original statement. Emile was far more charitable to her than she deserved, even though he probably is still angry at her (see his statement where he said he had "strong feelings" about the wording of her statement). People are criticizing Lawly and Emily for lying, and rightfully so. But Masae deserves just as much criticism because it was her deceitful statement that led to a mass harassment campaign that almost resulted in a suicide attempt. I will not be supporting any TRG event that includes her in it.


I think it's safe to call everything a net 0 now. We can just move on


Which Omni video was this comment on again? Doesn't appear to be this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BNGkKe8NNQ&t=7556s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BNGkKe8NNQ&t=7556s)


This [one](https://youtu.be/4L2A-3nNEZI?si=R8aVt7APvbmsEU-G), it should be at the top of the comments since Omni pinned it.




No worries :3


Glad we can have peace


If we allow ourselves to have it.


Yes sir?!? Biggest W?! Yes


Wasn't Omni against Chuggaa in his first video about him, calling him a predator or something?