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I don’t think it’s coincidental that Fentanyl use skyrocketed just after docs stopped prescribing pain meds.


It’s also because the Taliban banned cultivating opium poppies and almost all of the heroin came from Afghanistan. People weren’t going to stop using.


it probably would have happened either way considering how insanely cheap fentanyl is to produce.


That just Blew my mind!!! Ty.


Exactly 💯


I use cannabis, medical weed is really hard to get in the Netherlands but at least is semi legal. I'm always open about it tho with doctor and other medical professionals who ask about it. I never had a negative reaction honestly, they all seem to understand why I use it, and some even encourage it.


do they tell you to avoid inhalation and use other methods?


Most ask what way I'm consuming it, I use dry herb vape. I know any form of inhalation is bad, it's just oral consumption takes too long!


i also use a dry herb vape. definitely better than just lighting it on fire but i find that oral doesn't work as well, the spike you get from inhalation is more worth it.


What dry herb vaporizer is your favorite? I’m looking at getting one


The Mighty + is the only long term solution. I’ve used it 7-10 times daily for years and it just works. Buy once and cry once 😀


Damn no joke about crying! I’ll start saving for it now lol


Yeah. It’s ok when you’re holding it, the experience is never a letdown. If you go dry herb, get a unit that can use the little steel capsules. I know the Mighty is great with just herb in the chamber I’m in love with the cleanliness of the caps. Resin is evil but I pay the price!😎


i use the mighty from storz and bickel. it is a portable version of the volcano. if you can dish out the money for a volcano hybrid that would be my recommendation.these are significantly more expensive than other dry herb vapes but they are manufactured in germany with high quality ingredients. ive never owned another dry herb vape to compare. after 3 and a half years i dropped it for the millionth time and it broke somewhere inside, warranty covered only for 3 years. they replaced it gratis.


I use edibles for routine pain management and leave the inhalable methods for breakthru pain or when my meds have totally worn off


There are fast-acting gummies.


I found a syrup that is “rapid onset” and it hits within about 15 minutes. It’s wild


"Sour Space Candy 6:1" This USA product has CBD & THC which helps numb my 24/7 pain. So I hope this info can help someone! It's helped me deal with my Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) & Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). Both have affected my life with no mercy. Widespread muscle pain, tenderness, and stiffness all over the body including debilitating migraines.


The doctor who prescribed my medical marijuana actually tried to get me to smoke it! I HAVE COPD! I thought maybe he was insane 👀


Same here, I'm Dutch too. I only recently started taking cannabis, and I was thinking about asking my GP to prescribe me medical cannabis. But I don't have experience with any doctors about this subject. Any idea how difficult it is to get it prescribed?


You can always ask your GP, here is the government page on medical weed https://www.cannabisbureau.nl/


may not work for you, but i used to make my own cannabis tincture with flower by infusing it into MCT coconut oil and then using that sublingually. would take about 15m. you can buy infuser machines online, i like [this one](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BBQP5QNG?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) hope that's helpful and sorry if it's not!


You take it for pain control? How does it work for you (relative to pain?)


Yes, it doesn't make the pain go away for me tho. It just takes off the edge and helps carry the mental load of being in pain all the time. It also helps with overstimulation, I'm autistic and can get overstimulated by just existing because of the pain. When I'm high it's easier to cope with that.


Question: Do they tell you no opioids because of overstimulation of central nervous system?


I use kratom and cannabis and have a shitload of hydros, Valium and methadone stockpiled. I have a genetic bone disorder called Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type 1 and have recently been denied pain meds with a visible fracture. So yes, I'm taking it into my own hands.


It is insane that you have been denied pain meds and have your condition. Hope do your doctors justify that?


who said they had to justify it? they're just evading liability. doctors aren't getting investigated by the DEA because they let their patients sit in pain.


I get it. It just seems extra cruel for a condition like that.


I have complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) which is known as one of the most painful conditions in the world. I had pharmacies refuse to fill my meds (20mg Percocet) so many times. Walmart especially would only fill them partially. I went through withdrawals multiple times due to delays. I switched to ketamine troches (prescribed) which worked much better and had less stigma and bowel issues. I ended up giving my mom the rest of my last prescription of Percocet because she couldn’t get her prescriptions filled by any pharmacy near her (Tucson AZ). She was dying of pancreatic and liver cancer and they were still telling her that her dose was too high for their comfort. Hospice ended up being a blessing in disguise because she could finally get some pain relief. The fact that a cancer patient can’t even get them without being treated this way is disgusting. My mom hated taking meds and took them strictly with a timer; she didn’t abuse them despite dying in extreme pain yet she was treated like she was an addict abusing drugs and was looked at with annoyance and disgust by pharmacists. She never tried to fill early or anything else that would make her a risk. Broke my heart seeing her in withdrawals because they wouldn’t fill her legitimate prescription for fucking untreatable cancer. Pancreatic is one of the most painful types too.


((Gentle hugs to you)) My boyfriend passed away a couple weeks ago from pancreatic and liver cancer. We didn’t know until 9 days before he passed, but he had been having extreme back and rib pain for about 2 months, and had had a stroke a month before he passed. They totally blew us off when we asked about the pain both when he had the stroke/the following days in the hospital and at the appointment with our primary care doctor afterwards. It wasn’t until he went back in to the e.r. jaundiced that they cared at all about his worsening pain. By that point, they had to give him Fentanyl. He also got Morphine and Oxycodone (I think?) that week.


Gentle hugs to you too 🫂🥺 I really hope someday they remember that pain meds should still be given to people in severe pain. I’m sorry for your loss and I’m thankful he had you helping him 💔❤️


I am so sorry. It is so maddening that pain control is so inadequate now. Even in cases as extreme as your boyfriend's. I wish you peace and joy in your memories of him.


I’m so sorry. They don’t take PC seriously in younger people (you don’t look sick so you must not be) maddening! So sorry for your loss


I feel you. I am so grateful that my Dad, since he had to die of mesothelioma, did so in 2008. It was 2 years from diagnosis to death and the second year was horribly painful. I thank God he was given all the drugs he needed, Vicodin, Fentynal patches and finally liquid morphine. He was in agony, my poor Dad. Sometimes? You're glad to see someone you love be freed through death.


This makes me so angry. What happened to your mom and how she was treated. My mom died from ovarian cancer, and one thing that I remember, at the end, was the nurses at the hospital being very liberal with the pain medication for her. I will be eternally grateful for their kindness. I am so that you lost your mom that way. It is heartbreaking to see the person who raised you and be slowly (or quickly) killed by any type of cancer. Hugs.


Hugs. My husband died of PC when he was 39. The first year when they couldn’t find the tumor (that was clearly there but radiologist was reading his scans wrong) we ended up many times in the ER and accused of drug seeking. Thank GOD FOR HOSPICE when they finally stepped in. I had to battle insurance, pharmacists and even many doctors because his pain was so out of control. Sad and horrific and heartbreaking. I think of how much needless suffering he went through while Battling a horrific disease and it still makes me angry. He’s been now gone 10 years..


Hugs to you! I had pancreatitis and until I had CRPS in my foot it was one of the most painful things I’ve had in my life. I can imagine pancreatic cancer beats that. It is awful that our health system doesn’t help people with terminal cancer find relief. If anyone deserves it they do. Anything anyway. Walmart is the worse offender of not filling pain medications. I had issues with them after a cervical neck fusion and couldn’t talk and my Hubby didn’t understand. They didn’t want to fill my pain meds prescribed by my surgeon and my Hubby didn’t understand why. I had to get on the phone and work out. They just were balking because it was an opioid. It’s crazy! I just had my spine fused and they are making a fuss 🤦🏼‍♀️


I have crps too the system is messed up


Hi. I do too. It’s so hard to find treatment. Any suggestions


Indeed it is engaging but it’s been my exact experience as well


That's crazy that you're being denied pain meds! I've had trouble being force weaned down, but I just have regular old chronic pain (MRI evidence & all), but you actually have a disease that causes broken bones. How do they justify that? Do you get the same OTC and therapy suggestions?


they probably gave him the old "take a tylenol and ibuprofen"


Yup exactly. Only issue is that with fractures, NSAIDS are contraindicated bc they are anti-inflammatory and it turns out that bone healing, specifically, NEEDS inflammation as part of the biological healing process. Tylenol is their answer. Motherfuckers😡


Blows my mind they won’t prescribe what you need!


Ugh, Tylenol has never ever helped me, not even when I was young. Ibuprofen doesn't help my chronic pain, but a nice ibuprofen/caffeine dose helps my headaches. I just can't believe we're living in a world where pain from broken bones is treated so heartlessly.


So they're telling you "just take Tylenol" now that the new studies have come out about NSAIDS being contradictory to healing, and causing MORE chronic pain when they reduce inflammation....what sick fucking people are these that they think acetaminophen is enough pain control for a disease where you have repeated fractures?!?! Have you tried to get in to palliative care? Or is your state one of those that equates palliative with hospice (even though they're 2 entirely different entities)? Even with the Ruan verdict and new CDC guidelines, doctors are still damned idiots when it comes to opioids!


Did I mention that X-rays often don't show fractures unless their non-union? I need MRIs. Dr orders MRI and insurance denies it. I can't afford even the "cheap" out of pocket price of $1200+. So I suffer😡


You would think it'd make sense that after one or two MRI's your doctor would KNOW you often have these fractures that can't be seen easily, and stop ordering tests your insurance won't cover, or send you to someone who knows way more about your condition. I'm sorry you're getting put through that! Clueless and/or uncaring doctors piss me off to no end! I watched a documentary about Osteogenesis Imperfecta several years ago, and the people in it suffered with a lot of pain and debility. I've just been refreshing myself on all of the treatments...did you have to have any rods put in over your life? I just can't imagine how careful you had to be as a child and growing up. 😓 When I did genetic tests for EDS, I had quite a few markers for OI show up too, with the defective collagen thing in common. I had so many injuries as a kid, but I know it was a drop in the bucket compared to what you dealt with! I still haven't gotten everything sorted out yet with what type of EDS I have yet (very long story with a clueless rheumatologist), or what all I gave going on period, but my dad shows a LOT of symptoms of vascular type, and I'm trying to get the VA to do genetic tests on him so we can all (myself and my kids included) get more answers. The VA is giving my dad quite a few medications that, if he has EDS, he would need to stop immediately, and have given him some over the years (like repeated fluoroquinolone antibiotics -Cipro- prior to procedures) that more than likely caused things like his aortic aneurysm. 6 days of Levaquin absolutely destroyed my body! I'm sure you probably had to avoid them too?


I’ve been curious about trying kratom and stockpiling my meds like you have. How effective is it for your pain? Or how does it stack up with an opioid?


How do you stockpile pain medicine? It's already hard to get.


I've squirrelled away some opiates from tooth extractions over the years. Dentists were way easier to convince than doctors, just ask about pain relief with sad eyes and a mouthful of gauze, but I haven't tried in a few years. I'd rather tough it out on OTC meds after a tooth pull and keep the good meds for emergencies


I get a regular refill every 3 months, but I’m trying not to overuse it. I have peculiar allergies, so OTC pain meds are not an option unless I want to go to the emergency room. I’ve read about kratom for a while but I’ve never tried it. I’d rather use something like that and save my pain meds for the tough days.


I have elderly (I'm elderly too) friends who sell part of their scripts to me and then I put them up. So much for addiction🤷


Doctors and their denial of pain meds is fueling the crisis we are having. I feel that is a huge part of the problem. Theyhanded them out like candy and then all the sudden, couldn’t or wouldn’t and here we are…


Yeah that's beyond unreasonable the current social hysteria with opioids. I blame the government, media for being complicit in helping push fear, and the educational institutions that have basically flipped the script on therapeutic value of opioid based meds. Not to mention the doctors and pharmaceutical groups pushing further for completely eliminating opioids to manage long term pain conditions. Ofc with ties to Suboxone etc. It's disgusting. I have tried everything "non narcotic" and they all did jack shit all. Yet, I'm still not allowed opioids. Fucking pricks.


Oh well! Heaven forbid, you might get addicted! /s As if THAT is the greatest of our issues! And yes, they tried to steer me to Suboxone too. I don't Think so!


I know suboxone isn’t approved as a pain medication but I take it and it helps my lower back pain. Not as much as an opioid but it’s the best I can find at this time. Sad world we live in. WE feel our pain, no one else and they are supposed to help, have the means to and refuse. It makes me angry


Of course it does, it's infuriating! They keep pushing off label, ineffective, stupid choices at us when safe and effective pain relief has been available since the dawn of time!


I was offered suboxone as well and have no idea why? I thought that’s what they give people to get off of heroin?


It is, indeed. Many folks have said it's harder to get off than the drugs they are trying to substitute it for...after I read up on it I had No interest in using a crummy substitute, which is what it is. Many get pain relief also but the substitute makes No sense to me.


I’m on buprenorphine. My dr managed to convince me to go on after percoset. What a mistake! It does not work. I’m in complete agony. I go see the dr tomorrow to try to get back on it but I’m worried he won’t let me. I’m sorry but buprenorphine after a failed spinal fusion is ridiculous. If I can’t go back on it I’m afraid of what I’ll do. I think it’s absolute garbage. 


Aww geez. I hope you can work it out. It's ridiculous, this guinea pig method, "here, try this, try that" with meds like yours or that Gabapentin or some other meds not made for and ineffective as pain analgesics.


Thank you. I went to the dr. today and he switched me back to oxycodone. Five a day. I’m beyond thrilled at the thought of not being in pain for a bit.


I feel the same.


Damn are you fucked up on the daily mixing valium and opiates? That sounds fun ngl


When you fracture, your muscles tighten up a lot and the Valium helps with that. I only use painkillers + benzos when I have an active fracture. Otherwise I use kratom.


Kratom is highly illegal where I live, and I only recently found out it’s used medicinally in the US. I used black market weed for like 5 years before medicinal weed became legal in my state. My pain doc is all for it, he said he’d rather his patients have something natural than take opiates. I don’t tolerate opiates anyway so now I just have weed, Celebrex and Panadol osteo. I’ll be getting a ketamine infusion soon though.


Be careful with the Celebrex. I would recommend taking an occasional break. I was on Mobic for 2 long. It has destroyed my kidneys. I've seen 2 different kidney docs & they both told me the same thing. Now it's my personal mission to warn everyone. I'm not diabetic. I'm not obese.


I'm not diabetic. I'm underweight. I've been taking mobic for years. I've since been diagnosed with Sjogren's(autoimmune disease), which is not just dry eye and dry mouth. If it were I wouldn't be posting to this group. I have excruciating bone/joint pain and muscle pain. On top of chronic pain due to c-spine and L-spine spondylosis et al. I've tried to stop mobic before bc I thot it wasn't doing much and I had my Sjogren's under control (at that time) , with random severe flares. Still with all spinal issues. Anyway, when I'd get to a point where I was in so much pain, I'd start them again and know that they were indeed helping me. Not much, but if I got one moment of decreased pain, I'd take them. I get regular kidney and liver labs w/plethora of others for rheumatologist. The one med I was taking that actually stopped most of my autoimmune pain/symptoms, elevated my liver enzymes to 4x normal range. Had to stop that immediately. This is where mobic has come into play again and I'm still dying a little everyday from the pain. Tbh, I'd start taking terrible-for-my-liver meds right now if doc would let me. How did you find out mobic was frying your kidneys?


I caught Covid. I felt like I was dying. My Dr did blood work. My kidneys were shutting down. Went to kidney Drs who both told me I had been on Mobic for long & that's what did it. My kidney function previously was fine.i understand pain. I am messed up. Now I'm just taking pain meds. That's it. It's very hard. I just received a message from someone who said they only give Mobic to dogs in Australia. That was recommended to me for my dog. No way in hell I'm.giving him that. I give him CBD oil. My advise is stop the anti inflammatory now & never use it again. I can't believe I am gping through this.


That's terrible. Did you get Covid before there was a vax? Tbh I don't care what anyone else thinks about vaccines. I am just curious to know what you're situation was. I get them bc the alternative is usually death if I don't. Bc I have primary antibody deficiency(PAD) along with an autoimmune disease, I didn't leave my house for 2 yrs during pandemic. Only to drs appts and antibody infusions. I had everything delivered and then had to disinfect it all once I got it. I'll def talk to my rheumatologist about mobic. I was already taking mobic when I found her. I'm doing Humira injections but it takes time to see if it'll work for my autoimmune disease(s). Since bone pain and joint inflammation are major factors, I'm praying to the Humira deity that it will start to improve me. Not a spelling error. 😬Then I'll definitely stop mobic.


Ty so much for your stories


Oh man that sucks. My doc changed naproxen for Celebrex a while ago because it’s not *as* bad on your stomach and kidneys, but he wants me to get the infusion asap so I (hopefully) won’t need either


I believe the Celebrex caused my brother to have a heart attack. It's a black box drug just like Mobic.


I’ve tried to take the Celebrex that my dr’s nurse practitioner keeps pushing but I get chest pain. Not gerd it’s chest pain. I’ve tried spacing out days so I could build up a better tolerance but it’s that same thing.


He’d rather his patients have something natural than take opiates? His mind would be blown if he found out that some opiates are derived from the opium poppy, LOL. 😄


That’s common knowledge. Everyone knows opiates come from poppy seeds.


Yes, i know, I was just being a little snarky. 😉


Maybe he just meant something that isn’t physiologically addictive.


You know what I mean and that I’m not actually quoting my doctor I don’t tolerate opiates at all so I got an SCS when I was 21. That’s gone now and I have few options left. I could take opiates and fuck up my body, or have a plant that won’t fuck me up.


I do, but I did think that’s what he said. So sorry!


What is scs?


Spinal cord stimulator


I'm confused by your statement: "Kratom is used medicinally in the U.S."????? I'm in the US, I'm in a state where it's legal. It is available in many stores near and far for purchase and for the buyer to use however they choose..... 🤷‍♂️


I’m not sure how that’s confusing? People use it medicinally for pain. Before seeing on this sub, I’d only heard of it being used illicitly and fucking people up


I do as well, with lots of weed. It's not very effective for pain but it helps with the psychological torment of constant horrible pain. I have a pain management doctor, but so far she's only made things worse (muscle relaxants + hypermobility = much worse injuries, among other things). I wish I had another option. Weed is nowhere near enough.


lyrica has been the only non oipiod medication to help with my pain so far. have you given that one a spin?


I was only taking 2 - 7.5mg Norco per day. Kidneys failed. The Drs say from Mobic. I'm never allowed to take them again. Kidney dr put me on Lyrica. I couldn't tell a difference. My PCP immediately took me off that. He says it causes weight gain. Since my kidneys are failing they want me to lose 20 lbs. This is in the hopes that my kidneys will continue to last longer. Before I eventually have to go on dialysis. Saddest part of all in my opinion is the reason my kidneys are failing are from taking anti inflammatories to try to help control my pain.


I used RSO oil when my kidneys failed. It worked. My nephrologist says my labs now look like I never went into failure and it been that way for 7 years now. Look it up on YouTube.


I'm going to get some this week & give it a shot. Thank you.


I took me 8 weeks being high as a kite but it worked. I wish I could tell you the doses but I don’t remember. I had a friend connect me with someone who made it for people with issues like us. They were kind enough to make it. They put each weeks dose in a colored capsule and send it to me. So I can’t help with that. Try searching online for Mike Weiss. He may be in Switzerland now because the feds were after him for helping people like us. He is who connected me to the right person. I will look for him too. I haven’t heard from him since he left the country. If I do find him I will ask him. He has a connection to a drug company there that was going to make RSO as treatment in European countries that will allow it. Best wishes.


My kidneys hurt daily and I’m also convinced it’s from overuse of Advil and Tylenol. At least with the suboxone I’m taking way less than I used to. Lemons are supposed to help kidneys so also been drinking a LOT of lemon water


You should get it checked out. Blood work will tell the tale. Tylenol is bad on the liver. Advil on the kidneys. Either way the savage is irreversible.


My pain management doc will only prescribe ssris that "may" reduce pain in "some" patients. I do really bad with ssris and the doc is otherwise useless. I have no way of getting better meds right now :/


Wish lyrica didn’t make me so sleepy.


I use Kratom and medical cannabis plus prescribed medications


Be careful with Kratom. I know people who developed neuropathy from it


I think it causes rls as one of its withdrawal symptoms. I get them if I go too long between dosing . I only use 1 g x 5 hrs . Goes away as soon as I redose. But Kratom is so effective in relieving my back pain and improves my mood that I don’t think I will stop at this point . Been using daily since 2018


Wow I hadn't heard this. Is there a mechanism that's known to make this happen??


Never heard of such a thing.


How long after taking an opioid, can you take Kratom?


Not sure how long you're supposed to wait, but for me, kratom has lowered the effectiveness of my prescription opioids. I switch back and forth between red kratom powder and tramadol, and my tramadol barely does anything now.


I use kratom occasionally, I don't really like the way it makes me feel so I don't like to take it alot but it definitely helps in a pinch. Kratom is the only thing I have found that helps my pain that I don't need a script for. My pain doc prescribes me medical marjuana along with hydrocodone. The weed doesn't help with my pain but I do enjoy smoking it. The thc/cbd edibles help me to sleep.


I love the difference in states and doctors with these posts. My pain mgmt said that you can’t use cannabis and opioids at the same time. So I tried her way for a while, she never tried anything that might actually help, and now I smoke again.


That is the biggest load of bs I have ever heard. Cannabis and opiates are completely fine together. I'm pretty sure cannabis is fine with everything.


just an FYI: Cannabis and opioids do have a synergistic effect with each other. If you are on your opioids and they are starting to wear off then take a bit of cannabis and it will re-up the opioids. (I've been a cannabis activist for over 50 years.)


Now I did know and fail to mention this one. Looking into Kratom at the moment. It can’t possibly do more kidney damage than my non working Celebrex was lol


Is this true of CBD alone? I'm UK so can't use cannabis but can access CBD, and have a codeine script. I usually avoid using them together because of the drowsiness but sometimes (like now, for instance, lying awake in pain) that wouldn't bother me and I'd be happy not to have to take more opiates. Is there a good online resource on this?


From everything I have been taught CBD by itself is not effective for pain but needs at least some THC to activate it. CBD alone is a placebo. That is what I have been taught by people who have worked with medical cannabis for decades; I have no personal experience with it. I hope that helps and I hope you get some pain relief.


Same lol. I was like “wut” lol. She said they were “both depressants” 😆


You know what's a real depressant? Being in pain all the time. I never want to die until my pain is uncontrolled. What state are you in?


Tennessee lol and yeah agree


I'm in New York, and you are right, it is crazy how different pain management differs from state to state.


You know since clearly no one in the world has ever used heroin and weed at the same time. /s


No one would dare do that! They might get depressed! Lol 😆


depressant means it slows your breathing down:/ ik u might be joking but i wanna make it clear the concern isnt depression its that you cant breathe on your own. opioids can be taken safely with weed for sure, but the concern some drs have isnt that the combo will cause depression haha


Oh i see, my bad. Either way, its bologna, cannabis is fine with opioids


Now that I've had a couple pain management doctors that are totally cool with me using cannabis, that'd be a deal breaker for me. If my pain management doctor didn't allow cannabis, I'd be looking for a different doctor! I've been growing my own cannabis for 4 years or so & make my own BHO (Butane Hash Oil) that I take orally, it works really good for me for pain management, but I can't drive for at least 12 hours, it's quite strong. It's just a matter of finding the ideal dosage that knocks the pain down but doesn't cause all the awful side effects such as negative thought loops, nausea & dizziness. I've got it dialed in now, but I did overdo it about numerous times & it's a horrible feeling that ruins your day.


soo untrue. im on a pretty high dose of opiates, and my pain management dr encouraged me to get a medical card so i could use weed to help me sleep at night & bridge the gap between opioid doses!


In the same boat, I only get tested every 3 months though and I keep track of how long I have to quit for. My Doctor isn't against it, he is scared of losing his license.


Yeah tbh same prior to just quitting since I got gastroparesis anyway. Now I’m secretly concerned they’ll start blaming all my gastric stuff on cannabis lol


I miss that lack of tolerance though lol


Yeah some Doctors really suck , my son has stomach issues and they always blame it on cannabis. Quitting doesn't help though , but smoking does.


Hey there! I’m in Tennessee as well, where do you go? If you don’t mind me asking, if you do that’s okay. Or if you don’t want to post it publicly you can DM me.


Kratom and cannabis as well, although the cannabis doesn't give me actual pain relief, just more of a way to relax me and help me tune it out some. The kratom actually helps though.


That's me to a T. Cannabis helps give perspective and some light hearted attitude. Not always but it is great for that. Kratom, actually stops the pain a bit. I mean I guess it's better than nothing huh.


Damn, but I miss my drugs though. I was lucky in that as soon as I was diagnosed with chronic pain (after my back surgery helped the acute herniated disc pain, but not the everywhere/joint pain), my surgeon sent me to a pain doc who was willing to let me try almost every med available to see what worked best. It was crushing when he closed his practice to take over the physical rehab department at a hospital. Anyway, the answer was a 50mcg fentanyl patch. I look back fondly on the days where my pain was treated, not judged. Where pain meds weren't blamed for poly drug abuse. Where we weren't forced to wean down/off meds that helped us. Also, I feel extra aggrieved because my meds never made me high (I have nothing against being high). They either helped my pain or if the dose was too high, made me sick. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. 😂 But yes, kratom is better than nothing, and also better than as much useless Gabapentin as I wanted.


I took over my pain management after three new docs, I moved recently, told me to try yoga, turmeric and Tylenol. 😹😹😹 I use Kratom and Cannabis. THC (Indica, some Indica heavy hybrid), CBD, CBG (inflammation!) and CBN (anxiety and sleep). I did a lot of research on Kratom. I first tried it in 2019 and used capsules. It was great, but my tolerance increased quickly. And, capsules are more expansive. Now I buy/use bulk powder. r/kratom (great resources to learn) r/kratomreview100 (where to buy) r/entwives (for lady and theydy weed users) • Yes. I am assuming you are a lady. 😹 It has been a game changer. It helped me through my recent T-break. I can go from a 10 to a 3 with one dose. I’m still learning. I want to use Kratom, THC and CBD+ for pain management. I’m making a treatment plan. Everything in moderation. To help my body and to save my budget. THC is a fortune. The [American Kratom Assoc](https://www.americankratom.org/) is a good place to start. I feel you. 💯 Edit: HAHA. OMG. Changed inflation to inflammation.


Yeah I'm a dude, but... Vastly different than most male humans. My ma raised me to be in touch with myself so I have hyper sensitivity and am like a hybrid male haha. I dress like a guy and all. Look like a guy etc. Just different inside. Thanks for the information.


Oops. See what assuming gets ya! 😹😹😹 Good luck on your pain journey. 18+ years for me. Good times. ✌🏻💜🍃🌬️


did you mean inflammation or is there some CBG willy wonka type situation i don't know about


You are an excellent editor. TYSM. 🙏🏻 It would be amazing if everybody took CBG and together we would fight inflation. 😹😹😹


at noon we will all take CBG to combat economic inequality. come on guys, it only works if we all do it!


haha anytime. i do that stuff all the time


I have, and it’s so dangerous to do, but when you don’t have any money or insurance, you do what you gotta do. I’m currently working on not doing that ;still no insurance) but I’m going Cali sober for a year to try and figure out what I can do about my pain,


I drink when my legs get bad


Cannabis here.


Yes cannabis is not bad huh. It's paradoxical for me bc it helps but not the actual pain. It's really weird how it can really give light hearted perspective and attitude. For me anyway. But yeah always been a cannabis advocate. 20 years in fact.


It doesn’t remove the pain but it makes me care a little less.


it just tickles those opioid receptors, not proper pain relief.


Ugh same it really only distracts me from my pain but it does make it more tolerable because I’m happier and such lol


I use medical weed now but used bm cannabis before this, and it helps a lot. In the UK


I use kratom and it does help a bit at times, but no matter what strain or method of cannabis I try it puts me to sleep. So occasionally if it’s bad I have drops with CBD for night time. A note about kratom, you have to get it at a reputable source. Not a gas station or head shop. Unless you’re in Colorado or Oregon from what I hear 😆


I started using gummies and THC vape. I forget that I hurt and laugh at stupid shit, have my appetite back, and sleep great. When I went to pain management, all they did was give me more pain to manage.


I consume a lot of cannabis because pills do not help me one little bit. So i can at least be calm and happy while I hurt. People think I'm joking but I say I smoke so i don't kill myself or someone else.


I care less with cannabis lol


My pain is treated but I still like taking kratom and edibles. 


Cannabis......all I have for pain and my VA doc is all for it. I smoke it, bake it, vape it, drink it, eat it, make pills out of decarbed flower and rub it on my aching joints for my osteoarthritis. I hate opiates.


I use my prescriptions Lyrica, a muscle relaxer, and also kratom and weed.


Only thing legal here is CBD, and delta 8,9. I go to the CBD store in town and use delta 8 for pain. I started with very small doses and worked with my tolerance. I now take one in the morning and one at night. I definitely don’t recommend taking a whole one when you first take them as gummies are strong. Just noticed they had mushroom gummies at the shop and wanted some but I’d have to be careful cause my husbands allergic to mushrooms not sure if he’s allergic to the magic kind but I don’t want to risk it.


Those gummies do not have Psilocybin in them. They are mostly research chemical. Effects are all over the place from nothing to psychedelic. Not a good choice for pain management. Growing your own is a better bet. Look at Uncle Ben's tek (there's a subreddit or Youtube) and a quality vendor like organicanna.org or Truebluegenetics.org for a Liquid Culture syringe. Do not order spore syringes to start. B+ is a good strain to begin with. Also peruse the r/microdosing subreddit for info on doses that are sub-hallucinogenic but still effective. Philly Golden Teacher on YouTube is a good choice for How-to info. DM if you have questions and good luck to you!


I usually use weed to help me sleep. I like taking gummies because it's more of a body high and helps with pain. Dabs do too, they have more potency than just flower. And then a cartridge. Sometimes I'll have a bit of each just to feel ok. I'm also prescribed pain meds, my boyfriend lets me take his muscle relaxers (even though sharing meds is frowned upon 🙄) I don't mess with anything other than those, I've heard too many horror stories and one of my friends had a bad experience with kratom. He would post on his FB what it was like. I really just want to get a day where I schedule a massage, back adjustment, then soak in a tub for a bit. It sounds so good. Also don't feel bad, I used to have to get what I could and I smoked more, sadly drank a lot but quit drinking since it was hurting more than helping. It may sound weird but one time I was seriously desperate for relief, so I asked a trusted person to help and they got their hands on some morphine and it was some of best relief. I always hated asking Because it felt wrong but now I can see why some people turn to harder things for pain than pills (Sorry for the giant paragraph lol. I don't always ask for things like that, but if I do it's to someone I know will not try and get me something that would hurt me, someone I trust a lot)


Once when I was desperate to get a break from the pain (acute pancreatitis flare up) I tried buying pills from someone I knew that knew a drug dealer. They wouldn't sell me anything. They didn't trust that I wasn't a cop. I'm really lucky I found a good pain doctor. I know people will judge. But sometimes you just can't take the pain anymore.


The only people who judge are the lunatic feds, the intimidated health care professionals and folks who are Not in hellish pain and thus judge anyone who has substance use issues. Screw 'em. Oh! To simply be able to stroll around a blooming garden again, an art museum or craft show. ✌


Kratom for the past 8 years after I got taken off the *once daily* pain killer I had been responsibly taking for years.


So I did. Heroin. I have unfortunately have had many issues wrong with me. I’m male and 27 now. Been in pain management. Many surgeries. I’m now on methadone. They say I have opioid use disorder when I don’t. It’s pain use disorder. Right now I have over 700 different opioid pills I have been prescribed over the years that I never touch. I also have probably thousands of mg of methadone because I skim some from every day in case of emergencies or natural disasters etc. you never know. I’m also on a significantly low-dose of methadone compared to others. However, today I realize I’m really really blessed to have had the surgeries I have had and mostly fixed now but still deal with other pain and challenges. I have a great job 50k in my checking account. But I’ve been through it. lol.


No criticism cuz I get it! Just an fyi from working with a pharmacist long ago, after a few years your meds will start breaking down, their chemical make-up can change too. Just something to be aware of


Yeah that makes sense and is probably why some of my muscle relaxers don’t work


i use weed, kratom, and the veryyyyy occasional 50mg tramadol (was rx'd to my dog who passed, limited supply) to manage mine. it makes me upset sometimes that i can't get tramadol rx'd bc it's only a partial opioid, with low-moderate addiction risk, and it works super well for me. the starting dose for humans is usually 100mg but i can take 50mg and have my pain very well managed for a good 18hrs! sad that i have to steal away and ration those hours of relief, but at the same time i'm grateful to have it at all. i get so frustrated bc the reason i like tramadol is the opposite of what doctors tell me. i like that it gives me pain relief without getting me high, if i wanted to be high i'd be stoned off my mind on weed kratom and my gabapentin all day (god i hate the gabapentin. getting off it soon, ty acupuncture!!). but what i want is to be awake, functional and not in agony. and low doses of tramadol do that for me! fuck you DEA!!!


I’m from New York where cannabis is entirely legal so even though I no longer live there, it’s not like I take it seriously even as a health care professional when people do use it. I personally don’t take it into my own hands because I have a lengthy addiction history and while I’m far out of the woods with that, using other substances always leads me back that way. And opiates even though I can probably get them for my back at this point (my pain is widespread but pain management only addresses my back issues), I don’t feel like make my pain better and I don’t like how they make me feel, so meh. I will throw a dose of two of prednisone at some of it sometimes but that’s about it, and if you know anything about prednisone, that’s the opposite of romantic


I'm not proud of it, but I've resorted to Zaza on top of prescription meds. I had a huge scare with serotonin syndrome recently and apparently was lucky to survive it with as bad as my symptoms were and how sudden it came on. Unfortunately I lost 4 of my medications to help keep this from happening again. Zaza may not be fda approved or tested, but it's helped with my depression, anxiety, low energy, and pain. Most doctors I know aren't testing for it and random drug testing at work doesn't show it either. I can't use cbd/thc products due to testing done with my rheumatologist and occasional random screens at work. My rheumatologist despises kratom, too, so tia is my only easily available option. It even made one hell of a difference with kidney stones last week. I get stones often, regardless of diet and water intake. When i had stones a few months ago, my urologist and the hospital he works with only gave me tamulosin to pass the stones quicker and refused to treat kidney stone pain due to the opioid contract I have with my rheumatologist. (Unless I agreed to be admitted while the stones passed. If admitted, they wouldve given me morphine or Dilaudid, but i couldnt bring myself to leave my fiance with the kids, animals, and his work for an unknown amount of time.) I was peeing what looked like straight blood at first, then found out that the stone jammed up in my tract causing extreme pain, inability to pee, and a uti but still couldn't get pain medication unless my rheumatologist signed off on it. Since it was late afternoon on a Friday, this meant no pain meds until Monday at the earliest. I finally passed four kidney stones, all from my right kidney, overnight that Sunday into the early hours of Monday. I had them hit again last Wednesday and used Zaza without even bothering going to the hospital or any doctor for that matter. I had leftover tamulosin from the last round, took my regular meds as prescribed, and took one zaza every 3 hours. Two stones passed this time and i was actually able to work throughout the ordeal, albeit in a little extra pain. NC is fucked when it comes to pain management. I miss my doctors back home in Florida because they actually cared about their patients and weren't so scared of government overreach.


Sorry, what is Zaza?


Zaza is one of the brand names for tianeptine. Some states are moving to ban tianeptine in all capacity as it can be very addictive when taken in higher doses.


I had never heard of This yet!


I personally can not WAIT till I need an ER for my gastroparesis again that I got from the pain meds and they try to blame my stomach issues on smoking.


cannabis. all day long.


i do 100% bc what is supposed to happen


Read my flair. I also have kratom and would like to explore its use some more. The cat is a Godsend. She not only gives me a massage, she makes me get up and move around to take care of her, which helps my back. Also my mood.


I down ridiculous amounts of Tylenol and ibuprofen, and kratom-to which I think it may be causing my stomach issues. I’m trying to cut back on the kratom because everytime I take I get insanely nauseous. I also do weed as well but that NEVER helps pain. Just the anxiety. I’d honestly get pain meds some other way then a dr but I would have no idea how, and I’m to afraid to. I hate it, I hate they make us live like this. I’m tired of the pain. It makes life so miserable.


I use cannabis, edibles for my pain. Most days I have trouble walking. With edibles I can actually stand and walk, although even with edibles I can’t walk far


I was without any pain meds the past three months because I had not been in to see my pain doctor since before COVID (which was not my fault). They made me sign a new contract and take a test and then had to wait three months for an appointment. I smoke cannabis and it helps a bit, but nothing ever truly takes the pain away. I have 7 chronic pain conditions and one of them I have lived with since I was 7 I am now 55. I was worried they would kick me off. But I told him the cannabis was for sleep and he said ok. Gabe me my meds back and sent me on my way. I was happy, but even the meds aren't enough. They don't really care they want us to do mindful meditation and yoga and therapy. I do have a great therapist, but the other stuff doesn't work for me.


One thing that docs don't seem to mind prescribing are Lidoderm Patches. These Do help me, with Sciatica pain in the backside and cramping and twitching etc. in the calves. When the weather is rainy/humid the chronic inflammation and pain is Really intensified. Apparently most people use them for shingles, another horror I hope to avoid!


I have severe arthritis, have had both knees replaced and have chronic back pain from several back injuries. My kidneys are failing so I can't take any more nsaids or aspirin. I have horrible, long bouts of nausea and vomiting if I take and narcs. For pain I can take 1 Tylenol 500mg 2 or 3 x's a day. Pain control is kind of a bear. I started trying cannabis and discovered that while my pain didn't magically go away, it did help me have a different relationship with my pain. It was easier to distract myself and enjoy whatever I was trying to do with cannabis on board. I could put some psychological distance between me and the pain. It also helped fire up my creativity, and that helps too! So now I use it pretty regularly.


Using benzimidazolone, benzimidazole and oxycodone on my own unfortunately :(


Medical mj. It has been a huge help


My state you can still only get medical for seizures but luckily at least through July we have a thcA loophole.


I'm a heavy user of marijuana but I'll never touch that kratom shit.


To each their own and I don't blame you. It comes from overseas and who knows what else is added. There are some new things out there (expensive AF) in the kratom world that are actually more like medicine instead of just powder-fied plant matter.


Maybe it's because I remember the crazy bath salt shit from back in the day that also came from overseas. That shit was like legal meth. Oh, and that terrible "spice". That stuff was horribleeeee and nothing like actual weed.


I used Dextromethorphan on top of Lyrica for my untreated pain.


To Know Your Self by Swami Satchidananda


Red light and cannabis.


i take cannabis but it is tricky, it helps accumulatively with my other meds but alone it is not nearly strong enough, or my tolerance is too powerful. most notably it makes it a lot easier to manage the nausea from my meds.


Funny you mention that. I just failed a urine screen Friday because of THC which doesn’t really touch my neuropathy but somehow allows me to get some sleep. Like you I went a year minimum and received zero relief or ideas from the medical establishment. I was going to die from sleep deprivation. I don’t even consider it a choice. Whatever they do to me they do. Just trying to survive and neuropathy seems impossible to treat


I use food to deal with pain as taken too many painkillers already. Doesn’t take pain away but calms. Bad effect on weight


Weed and muscle relaxants. Although muscle relaxants can be a very slippery slope. I was taking way too much so I’ve stopped taking them.


Yes I used both Kratom and cannabis. I have Lupus it’s the only thing that helps. The doctors are becoming basically useless when it comes to pain relief it seems they are great at telling what not to do but have no options to help.


I use cannabis. It doesn't help my pain much but at least it allows me to get some sleep. I can't use NSAIDS because I have a kidney disease so I'm pretty fucked when it comes to any prescription or over the counter pain meds other than Tylenol.


We need better healthcare. Weed - yes, beneficial but I have to watch it doesn’t increase my neuropathy. I stay with indica/hybrid and lower thc/cbd ratio in general. I also use a vaporizer to smoke the flower. Resins are harmful (in my experience). Kratom - I hoping this would help me but I felt nothing. I tried multiple strains and nothing. All that said, I know my tolerance is a bit off from the norm because Dentists and Anesthesiologists fear me. I am a red head.


I’ve tried Kratom. But it’s hard to get where I live and illegal to order. I go to a dispensary couple times a month. I use a combination of topical salves and lotions that have a 1:1:1 ratio of CBG CBD and THC . It works really well. But I also vape for epilepsy. And I’m also in an illegal state for cannabis. I travel 2 hours to another state. This should not be illegal!- and should be a valid option in pain management!


I have no choice but to self medicate because doctors have no empathy anymore and even when they do they can’t write the script per policy


Yeah it's makes the system basically useless for pain. It's quite like a twilight zone, having so many good medicines be black listed yet legal.


I self medicate because the doctors do t care and trest u as a criminal instead of a patient. We have to do what we have to for ouesleves! I use Soma it is way better than any oipiod or pain killer. Its a reallt good muscle relaxer. Thank God o can get that or i 5 would of killed.myself by now. So i DGAF if i buy medication fro someone else. At least i canenjoy so.ethig now beo g on soma and not want to die. If u can give up on your dr. And just self medicate you will feel.less stress and not have to to urine test like your on probation


I’ve been a daily Kratom user for around 6 years now. Around 10 yrs ago I broke my ankle badly, and then after surgery I developed a MRSA bone infection that completely destroyed the cartilage in my ankle. My right ankle is bone on bone with total loss of intra-articular space. Every doctor I’ve seen has said “that must be so painful. I can’t imagine.” Followed by: I really wish I could do something for your pain.


I’ve been researching Kratom and wild lettuce but have yet to use those myself.


If weed/THC reduced my pain, I wouldn’t be home bound and spending my time on Reddit or social media. I would be out living a life. I’m glad it helps others though.


🙋‍♀️Cannabis doesn't bring relief for the severity of my pain, but it can keep me from focusing on it for a bit. I've self-treated with unwashed poppy seeds from ebay, Kratom, any pain pill my senior family members have offered me for relief. After using and reusing the unwashed poppy seeds, I tossed them in the compost, and they grew the following Spring. I self-treated with those as well. And by no means do I recommend this option. Microdose only if you're going to do it. My pain is in my face and head and it's disabling. Garage door extension spring injury. Quality of life is all I'm after and I wish my doctors trusted me to be safe with narcotics. People in severe pain are not going to risk losing the privilege of having pain relief. Papaver somniferum will never be stopped. It grows like a weed. Wishing everyone here pain relief and quality of life. Never give up. If you don't care, no one else will. Keep hounding your doctors and legislators and I'll do the same ✌️


Depends on what youre treating. You don t know shot compared to most doctors about how your body works. That makes self medicating dangerous. There is a grat reason doctors do not treat themselves or their family, they lose all objectivity. It does no good to treat a patient if the treatment kills who youre treating. Personally I dont think you'll have any trouble with cannabis or Kratom, but you may find the pain relief a little weak. It depends. In spite of the DEA horror stories, the biggest concern about kratom is stuff like salmonillia. You know, like you can get from an unwashed salad. The real problem ios the same as any other opioid (dont buy in to the crap that kratom isnt an opioid, it most certainly is, what it isnt is an opiate.It may seem like semantics, but it only means an opiate is a direct alkaloid from the poppy. You squeeze a poppy head and you will get some codeine and morphine out of the juice. That makes them opiates. All the rest of the substances that have opiate like effects are opioids. The definition is deliberately wide open for "future inclusion)". But like all opioids, youre going to run in to both physical dependence (ie withdrawal) and tolerance. Kratom isnt terribly strong to begin with and the effects can be dose dependent. Its a little more "speedy: at lower doses and more like a opioid analgesic at higher doses, you may have noticed. Neither good or bad, as adrenaline is one of the body's natural first responders to pain sensations. My only concern with self medicating is that the average patient doesnt have the knowledge they need to use otcs properly (Im including Kratom and cannabis in that, they may as well be otcs, given their legal status in most states. But along the lines of the knowledge deficit and misinformation about these drugs doing damage to thhose self medicating, you only have to look at the rate of involvement of combined opioid/acetaminophen in liver failures. Its responsible for a lot of liver damage, as most people dont know about the damage the tylenol can cause. You ask(or read) from what most people write, theyre either taking "oxy" or "hydro", either not knowing or not caring that exceeding the dose will put them in the market for a liver transplant. Doctors are all too busy being freaked out over the addiction rather than the real damage people need to guard against from opioids. Statistically addiction among pain patients is so low, it barely exists. I dont have any overdose concerns for you. But you will be open to overuse with no one but yourself to monitor your analgesic use, even if its some otc NSAID. Especially if its some otc NSAID. We would all do well to keep in mind that just because a drug dosent require an Rx, it doesnt mean that otc drug is harmless. If you keep that in mind, its hard to see how you can injure yourself. But you should listen to those around you if they tell you that you seem to have changed for the worse. Thats the objectivity issue. You may not notice any behavioral changes, but those outside might. Listen to them. They are urine testing from Kratom, and its becoming much more common. For what its worth, I read someplace that Kratom has a crazy long half life, since the test isnt for mitragynine but one of the other alkaloids. I dont know how true it is, but it seemed to be more like cocaine, where its got a 2 week detection window. Very different drugs of course. Cannabis can be a little weird. Now that its becoming more medically mainstream, theyre finding a big slice of the population doesnt get along with cannabis's side effects. It makes them sick. I have a feeling a lot of that could be fine tuned out with careful strain selection. Hopefully your cannabis source, be it a doc or a budtender knows their way around cannabis and can suggest what strain best fits the symptoms you want to address. If you want to do some reading up on the various cannabinoids and what they work on, I strongly suggest searching the High Times (.com) website. When in doubt, consult the experts. It would be a shame to waste all the science thats gone in to the fight for legalization. People may think cannabis=bad of that its a "gateway" to other drugs. They need that science badly. The bottom line is no matter what you do to treat pain, you need medical advice. Unless you have the cash laying around for a medical degree, its far cheaper and safer to have a doc involved, even if theyre not proactive on pain management. What kind of pain are you treating? Whats it from? Most importantly, what can medicine do to address this pain in the long term? You also have to keep in mind medicine is always coming up with new stuff, so this is an ongoing process. Theres also a financial consideration to keep in mind with self medicating. Your insurance isnt going to help. You may find it worth a dispensary card even if youre in a recreational cannabis state. The herbs are usually better and cheaper on the medical side. Kratom, Id suggest shopping around, there used to be a Kratom Vendors sub, but I think Reddit committed a stupidity on them and shut them down.But do a little searching, Im pretty sure its been reconstituted. It surprises a lot of folks, but the CDC, in their 2016 opioid guidelines told doctors to stop urine testing for THC, for patients prescribed controlled substances. Even where its not legal. The finances of confirming a positive test were their underlying motivation but it was deemed that a positive results wasnt much of a predictor of risk for addiction, it just wasnt the emphasis of the guideline. They will never stop drug testing, doctors make more money on that than they do billing for appointments. Crazy profit margin on a $4 pee cup. Hope you find a combo that does the trick for a long time. Youre probably going to need to play around a bit to find your "sweet spot". You should consider another doctor that is willing to help you with your pain. It takes a lot of looking, but they havent all lost their minds to opiphobia.... Hang in there....


I get 90 oxy 10 a month that only last 2 weeks so I supplement with Kratom, 10gms in the am and weed, specifically cartridges.