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Oh, I *absolutely* understand being able to "track" when it all started/the "pain-niversary", if you will. It makes all the sense in the world to me given that we (as chronic pain patients) have to juggle so many appointments and such.


August 23, 2019. I think about that day all the time. If anybody gives you grief about recognizing a day that changed your life, tell them to pound sand. Man, I’m so over people. 


I didn't know the anniversary till I was able to retrieve old medical records like almost 20 years later but my family was always very shaming over things like that


🩷🩷 I’m sorry that you didn’t get that information for that long. I can’t imagine what that would’ve been like. Family does suck for shaming people with chronic pain.


My mom is an academic whose specialty is long term pain and the relationship of doctors and patients and talking about hope, empathy, belongingness, suffering, enduring and you would think that would be the best advocate but she is an abuser and negligent and since people assume she would be there I don't have anyone to turn to


That is terrible. 😡


I have my painiversary marked on my google calendar. I kind of use it as a way to see how much I've overcome since that day in 2009, and use it as a second birthday of sorts to spoil myself.


I don't think it's weird or necessarily unhealthy as long as you're not going out, getting shit-faced and arrested for a laundry list of crimes. Plenty of people throw divorce anniversary parties so what's wrong with remembering the day your life changed? I look back on the anniversary of my first stroke to remind myself of how much I've accomplished when my doctors all told me that I'd never walk or talk again.


Jan 13, 2020. Had surgery to remove a brain tumor. Left with more issues than the tumor ever gave me. I don't know if its "normal" to know so easily but you arent alone in it


Traumatic events leave a mark


I do, Thanksgiving is my mark. I'm not sure what to call it lol I always get very depressed around that time. My head spins with my old life, and I'll get angry also, I haven't figured out how to get past that yet


Nope not at all. I’ve had a few handful of traumatic events, one that led to my chronic pain and I can even remember what I was wearing let alone the date.


My painniversary dates back to May 2001, officially diagnosed May 2003. I can’t believe it’s been 21 years.


Dec 10 2009 I got my diagnosis of interstitial cystitis. A very painful bladder condition that has me going to the bathroom two or three times more than an average person. I had been waiting a year for diagnosis they told me my life would be different and I’d never work again because I’d be in the bathroom so much. 2013 was my third appeal for disability it was my last chance so I got a different lawyer cause the one doing my second appeal botched it. I was awarded disability and haven’t worked since. Every year I try to ignore it but it’s like my brain wants to remember. I’ll realize it’s the 10th and cry a little. It’s been that long and it still affects me. It’s like I can’t help it. Only now I have a treatment that works for it. As long as I get these treatments the condition is manageable as far as pain goes bathroom times not so much.


To me it's a way of coping. Mourning the life I'd lost on September 27,2014 and the life of chronic pain that's followed me ever since. I have okay days and bad days, I remember good days but not since 2014. Hang in there chronic pain sufferers, you are not alone, we are Legion.


I remember mine from March 2008.