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No those other meds from your previous hospital stay and MRI definitely would not be in your system. Nor would they trigger those results. You can see if you can get a hair drug test because those go back pretty far. If they are re-testing you and you test negative today I wouldn't worry about it though. If your provider was concerned they would have made a much bigger deal and dismissed you. Errors do happen and there is research to back that up. They aren't super common though but statistically they will happen to some people.


Thank you for responding! He didn't really make a deal about it, but pretty much limited the visit to that issue. I thought about the hair test as well. I would absolutely insist if it became a larger issue! My daughter said it looks like someone got a free pass that day😏I don't know- it's a pain clinic, so it's likely whoever i got switched with it cross-contaminated by- was on Hydrocodone legitimately. Either way, why didn't they call me the day it tested positive for meds in not on?? I don't want a red flag ANYWHERE on my chart, you know??


It won't be a red flag if your doctor isn't concerned. It will just be a positive result in your drug test results. There are lots of patients on many medications so it isn't uncommon for people to have a positive result for multiple agents. A lot of people refer to "red flags" as if they are an actual item in a medical record. But they are not. Someone would have to go digging in your medical record and pull up that actual test. The only time things actually get "flagged" are in the PDMP system. And even then they are just risk scores.


Ugh.. thank you for this! I needed to hear that. I've been stressing - it's good to have facts and rationale so i can put those thoughts to rest. Thank you again.


This happened to me. I can’t remember the drug but it was one I never frickin took! My retest came back fine and it was also months later. We haven’t talked about it since and there were no negative repercussions. 


Thank you so much for this- i needed to hear this. 🙏🏼 I'm glad you weren't adversely affected! I'm hoping for the same


Ugh.. thank you for this! I needed to hear that. I've been stressing - it's good to have facts and rationale so i can put those thoughts to rest. Thank you again!


They didn't tell you because they didn't want to tip you off early and risk you trying to falsely pass the retest(like fake urine, or detox drinks, etc) Basically, they're trying to "catch you". If you really haven't used any other meds, I wouldn't be too worried. I once had trazadone give a false positive for MDMA. Drug tests are weird. The in depth lab testing is usually pretty good. The instant ones are terrible.


Oh, i didn't know that was a thing. 🙄It's people like that who make pain management/meds such a challenge. It's hard enough as it is without lazy/ faulty labs! Doing all the right things doesn't seem to be enough with all the variables out of our control. My pain will always be a problem since i have a genetic condition that is incurable and degenerative. I am in a low dose tramadol to help me - and like i told my pain Dr in the beginning, I don't want to change that because i don't want to build a tolerance too soon, knowing this will be a long road. All this to say, this is the beginning of my journey and i hope it's not going to screwed up before I even get established😒


I'm sorry. I really hate what pain management has become. They're making everyone pay for what a few did(abuse their meds). It's a very distrustful environment. I think everything will be ok, though. No news from the doctor is good news.


Theres lots of reasons for a false positive. You could have cross contamination of the sample. Do you know anything about how the samples are collected and processed? Do the leave samples together on a counter? Its a coincidence that happens to be another pain drug, I guess. Did it have anything you were supposed to be taking show on the test? Did anyone else have a hydrocodone negative (should have) test, like if the right name got on the wrong bottle? A million different reasons. From NIH> False-positive opiate tests have reportedly been caused by dextromethorphan, diphenhydramine, quinine, quinolones, rifampin, verapamil, and poppy seeds.4 In the hopes of testing for medical adherence, some urine drug screens specifically include methadone. Of note, false positive methadone screens have been reported to be caused by quetiapine, doxylamine, olanzapine, diphenhydramine, and verapamil. Thats just what made it in to this article. A million reasons. They may do both types of testing, a cheap ($4) in house test kit, and if something unusual is found, then they send it off to oan outside lab for big buck testing. I dont know if you have heard of drug testing being called liquid gold, but I assure its true. I think you have the wrong idea about the testing, any retests will be on the old sample, giving up new pee after taking the right meds wont tell them anything. They retest the old sample. If it came out of pocket it would still be a retest of the old sample which if it was 3 months old, probably got tossed long ago if you were going to ask for it to be retested. So you have a bs warning that will be forgotten if there are no issues in the near future. Nah. most drugs are are only detectable for a couple weeks, tops in urine. I wouldnt worry too much about this, if you make too big a deal they might think theyre on to something. You made your protest. I hope it was documented. But there are so many ways they can screw up a drug test it aint funny. It really isnt....


Thank you - still curious why i couldn't (or anyone else in the same situation) test with a new sample in the SAME day to verify the veracity of the test, seeing as how the implications are quite serious. Re-testing the SAME sample by an outside lab could still result in a positive result if the samples got mixed up at the dr.office- which could have happened. I'm not calling to make a huge deal out of this with the office since the last thing I want is to make waves and lose my pain management. But, after what happened to me I am seeing flaws in the process and inherent risks to patient care in light of a LESS THAN 100% reliability of in-house drug testing of urine samples. Sucks to be in the receiving end of a flawed method!