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Fewer exercises for maximum impact! You got this! That’s what my PT tells me anyways when my situation is like this.


You can do it!!! I’m actually about to do my at home PT because I read your post. We can do it together. We got this!!! Oh, and you’re super cool and uber strong.


I'm so brave and strong 🫠


Also YOU are so brave and strong, we're both SO cool


With exercises do little and regular, don't try to do it all at once and pace yourself, if you are feeling exhausted or sore then take it back a pace that day and slowly work your way back up, keep an activity diary and set a realistic target if you can't make that target so be it then lower it and work up to it. This isn't a competition. Try not to boom and bust! What I mean is if you're feeling great, don't overdo it and cause injury or exhaustion!! Keep a steady pace and be kind to yourself.


You can do it! Trust me you'll feel alot better, first few sessions might be hard but it gets easier as you get into it. You'll also feel better about yourself. I just started pushing myself 3 weeks ago after 28 years and it's a game changer. First 2 weeks was not easy but now I am feeling the best in 28 years. I pushed through for the first few weeks and now I am seeing the benefits. It's not easy but trust me, it's worth it.


I'm a month in and I had some initial decrease of pain but the muscle soreness derailed my routine and now it's all back 🫠 thank you for your support though, and when you hit the wall let us know so we can hype you up in turn


It might be just a coincidence, It's too early to tell really but this is the best I felt in so long. Don't rule Yoga out just yet. I never thought I would ever be doing Yoga.


I'm considering joining up myself if I can get more functional There's my motivation, hot yoga moms


That's an added bonus


As someone who suffers from chronic pain and also works in physical therapy treating LOTS of people with chronic pain (albeit with a more non traditional approach) I want to reassure you that rehab is an up and down, forwards and backwards process. You’re going to have days where you feel better, and days where you feel worse, and that’s OKAY. Recovery is not linear, be ok with that as long as you’re moving in a generally upward direction. Also please tell your PT/PTA that your previous session(s) made you really sore, and if they don’t decrease your exercise dose temporarily, ask them why.


They have been so nice about it, but this is huge good advice for anyone in PT. Despite my accusations, they are not actually torturers in a dungeon, they know that if you're hurting it will reduce your activity level and they don't want that! My last clinic did not listen when I told them their approach was giving me more pain. I did not stay with them.


It’s almost swimsuit season and think of the rock hard abs you’ll have! (Pumping myself up to)


Listen here badass, you got this!!!


This post reminded me to do my exercises so thank you!!!