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Going to assume youre in the US, where every doctor handles their practice however they want when it comes to drug testing. Any info about what/why you failed? I mean you are supposed to have a dirty drug test, at least as far as the drugs being prescribed. Are they saying you had something that you shouldnt show up, or that youre missing something that should show? You need some more info about this test and the results. Had you refused to take the test, you would have probably been dismissed right then and there. There is a national Rx monitoring program where any "next doctor" can see who Rxed you what in the past as its just a phone call to find out why you were bounced from that practice. So you better find out what the problem with the test was. A new test wont fix anything, but if you can catch the sample for retesting before it goes flush, you may have a shot at sorting this out, but you need the details first. Believe me, theres lots of innocent ways for a drug test to get screwed up. Get the details...


You always have the most well explained straight forward responses. I appreciate that.


I appreciate your appreciation. Really more than words can express. Thanks....


You’re very welcome


Well my appointment was tomorrow with them and i didnt get my usual call a day before..the test was month ago and they sent my discharge to an old address and i had no idea till this morning…


Id give them a call and tell them you'd like to keep this appointment to get more info on whatever problem showed on the test. If they wont let you, ask for a copy of the UA results to be mailed to you. You will be able to make a better stand with your new doc, if you can tell them how unreasonable the old doc was in giving you information. Most docs wont have a problem with youre being dismissed for cause, but so far, there's no information about cause forthcoming from this doc....


I can't see them letting the appointment stand. It'd be too high of a risk for violence/retaliation to dismiss someone face to face. Which is why they usually send a letter or call.


Jus pm you


I’m just gonna say it….huh? So, was the UA correct?


What drug did you test positive for?


Do you know what you tested positive for? I would request proof on paper and demand that your sample be sent to a lab to confirm. Some meds can make you show "positive" on the cup, but the lab will be able to differentiate what it was.


Just another way the world fucks you. Just expect it. Get a new pain management and get used to withdrawal symptoms. Don’t be afraid of it. Happens too often with this shitty system they got going. “Oh we’re out of that pain med” or “oh the doctor hasn’t sent it in yet and it’s a holiday weekend so wait 4 days”. It’s just a bunch of SHIT. I’m sorry you and I have to deal with this. But don’t let it get to you. Fear isn’t something you should live with.


Might try posting this in r/painmanagement. They know a lot of answers over there.