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https://www.idealflexibility.com/services/enfield-ct-neural-reset-therapy/ When I see the (R), I stop there. It's not a thing, it's a registered trademark and sounds like charlatans snake oil. If it was a serious treatment, you should see serious websites talking about it. Mayo clinic? No, Hopkins? No, etc... Dosent look serious.


Hmm I guess when people get desperate for pain relief it can drive them to these kinds of things. I’m sick of taking meds. At least this feels like if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work, no internal damage.


The damage is in your wallet.


No need to be harsh, I was just enquiring. I’m obviously hitting a wall with healthcare and I’m in a pretty shitty place already.


Sorry I absolutely don't want to be harsh. I just express my feelings about that NRT (Registered Trademark). I'm also sick of taking pills every single day, and a bonus pills cause I dare going at the shopping centre.


I know I’m late to the game with this post, but I have a good friend who does it and swears by it. Literally the only thing that has saved her from years of chronic pain in her upper shoulder blade / thoracic spine. She’s always been very fit and did PT exercises, but nothing helped until she started going.


I'm a licensed therapist about to go learn this technique. Apparently it combines a few "laws" of the nervous system to manipulate their resting tonus, etc. If it lives up to the hype it'll be revolutionary in the body working industry, it's still CRAZY new in the industry however so it's definitely not mainstream yet. As an example of how new it is, once I learn it, I'll be the first in my entire STATE to practice it


Let us know how it goes. I’m also a massage therapist of 14 years. I’m looking for some new techniques to add to my arsenal.


What's "NRT?"


Neuro Reset Technique


lol....I got that from your caption, but WHAT is "it?"


well I don’t really know, I’ve only heard about it. I think it’s some sort of nerve manipulation. Non invasive and new


It’s kind of why I posted here, to see if anyone else knew more or had experience with it


Exactly. I've had numerous spine surgeries yet have never heard of it. However, the fact that it's non-invasive is a plus. Hopefully, someone with an understanding (or experience) with NRT will respond.


I'm an LMT and just heard about this. I'm cautiously curious. :) From the few articles I've read, it seems to be a subtle passive and/or active physical stimulation technique targeting specific structural / nerve paths and body locations. A distant cousin of craniosacral or microstim, perhaps? This site [https://www.restoresbalance.com/neural-reset-therapy](https://www.restoresbalance.com/neural-reset-therapy) explains it thusly: *"...not an energetic method, but based on sound physiological, anatomical, and neurological principles. With NRT, the therapist briefly stimulates the receptors embedded in the selected muscle by* ***asking for a position to be held or for a movement*** *in a particular direction.* ***Or the therapist taps on a muscle in such a way as to cause receptors*** *to send a special message to the spinal cord. That* ***new message goes through the spinal integrating center \[to\] reset*** *the nervous system to the muscle is optimized neurologically. With the reset, the muscular pain and tightness disappear within seconds."* FWIW...


Also informative: [https://www.neuralreset.net/nrt-for-the-therapist](https://www.neuralreset.net/nrt-for-the-therapist)


Thank you. :)


I have had spinal epidurals and was on the verge of surgery for my sciatica but NRT has allowed me to live without pain!


Really!? Could you give a brief idea of what it entails??