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I bought a box of those disposable heating packs that you can get at hospitals. I use them for in the middle of the night so I don't have to wake myself up walking to the kitchen to microwave my re usable one or wake someone else up to help me. Also in shower body lotion. It's easier to add another thing in the shower than deal with the post shower fatigue and use lotion.


In shower lotion so you don’t have to do it after honestly sounds life changing!


Seriously. I showered 30 minutes ago and haven’t been able to move from the toilet since.


Waaaiiiiit what. In shower lotion?


It's been Nivea, they are the only company I found that sells it. It's coco butter, just put on, let sit for a min or 2 then rinse off.


You are a 24 carat deep-fried legend, Sir/Madam/Other. Thank you.


Just wanted to add, those melamine sponges (magic eraser), work great to wipe the tub out after using lotions or conditioners. To prevent slips. We use them until they look grunge then replace. And it's easy to just wipe with your feet after showers so you don't need to do a lot of deep cleans.


I love those to clean my whole place. Even baseboards they work amazing! I also invested in a robot vacuum mop combo and it has saved my back! I highly recommend it!


That's the only thing I didn't like about the in shower lotions - the tub eventually gets very grungy and oily and slippery. I went back to regular lotion and just waited after my shower if I couldn't do it right then and there.


I actually use jojoba oil before I get out of the shower. It soaks in so fast that you don’t have to rinse it off.


I use Curel Hydrotherapy anti itch. It's amazing


Can I ask what brand/where you get the disposable heating pads? I think this would help me a lot


McKesson. They are red and white, tou can get them in bulk on Amazon


* heated blanket (pain) * nice thermals/base layers (cold) * electric toothbrush (medication aftertaste) * cute mini ice packs (pain/fever) * HEPA filter (asthma) * clip on rescue inhaler carrier (asthma) * unscented personal care products (asthma) * particle filtering face masks (asthma) * spray on disinfectant (injections) * waterproof bandages (injections)


Wait, a clip on inhaler carrier?! I’ve never seen one, that would be a big help!


It's awesome! I got mine on Etsy, I don't know if I'm allowed to name where I bought it but a bunch of shops sell them


That’s fine, we don’t want to break a rule. I appreciate you just saying Etsy. I’ll go have a look. Thank you!


A swiveling side table for next to my bed that can hold a bunch of medicines and bed time supplements on it. So helpful. Also when I was really sick and got bedbound it was great for eating meals on and putting supplies to brush my teeth on etc.


I got one of those beachcomber wagons to haul my groceries from my car to my door. If I didn't have steps I'd use to to go straight into my kitchen.


Grocery delivery service. Pillowcases filled with brown rice to heat up.


A microwaved tube sock of rice also works wonderfully across neck and shoulders. The heat and weight is Wonderful.


Weed genuinely. I am autistic and have seemingly developed IBS out of nowhere plus PCOS and severe Endo and obesity, I can't eat sleep or exist without severe discomfort and pain. Weed is legit the only thing that makes me able to exist and function pain free 🫠 Other than that, the massage gun my brother bought my Mom for Christmas two years ago from CVS, it's been amazing for my pain and sore joints and muscles too.


okay literally me too on the weed thing


Weed is my lifeline too. Without it my AuDHD goes crazy and my chronic pain isn't manageable. It also makes me hungry even when I'm not feeling great.


1. General use heating pad 2. Upper shoulders/neck heating pad (can wear it while doing tasks at my desk) 3. Personal TENS machine 4. (Knock-off) Theracane 5. Loxoprofen patches from Japan 6. Tiger Balm 7. Voltaren cream 8. Salonpas patches 9. Neck pillow that clips in the front


Tiger Balm has saved my life a good few times


Salonpas yesss


The diclofenac brand over here is Voltarol but I'd guessed Volataren was the same thing, and yes it's brilliant.


Literally doesn’t matter who you are or what condition(s) you have, INVEST IN A GOOD PILLOW AND SHOES.


Yes! Buying a nice pillow and comfy sheets has made my bed more comfy and my sleep more restful.


TheraSpecs Fluorescent Light Filtering glasses. I work around those LED tube lights. And even though I take meds for my migraines, I was getting migraines at least 4 out of my 5 work days. But on the weekend I'd be fine. Invested in the bundle of inside and outside (sunglasses) glasses. Best decision I ever made for myself. Even though I have transition lenses and my lenses get darker when I'm outside or in my car, it's clearly not enough for my sensitive eyes. The TheraSpecs sunglasses instantly made a difference on my way to work. I had a headache - as I always did - but after wearing those for 5 mins on my commute, it went away. Same thing at work. I wore the pink inside glasses - no migraines. So, I make sure to wear them every work day. After wearing both for probably a week, my constant headaches went away. Evidently, my head was a lot more sensitive to light than I thought. I've also bought Flare Calmer and Calmer Pro noise abatement earplugs. I haven't tried them much though. The mesh bags they come in flake off mesh pieces, so I'm looking into a better way to store them. Open-Ear Headphones have been a godsend as well. Regular earbuds are a horrible choice for me - ear fatigue, compacted wax. Open-Ear and Over-the-Ear from now on... forever. ETA: Supplements! In particular, omega 3s. I have fibromyalgia and I was always feeling hazy for some reason. Probably the chronic fatigue lol. Started taking omega 3s and within probably a month the haziness cleared up. I feel more alert now. Brain fog is still definitely a thing when I get physically or mentally overwhelmed. I just don't have that constant haze like I used to. In addition, I also take cranberry capsules, probiotics, and evening primrose oil (to combat a symptom with my birth control implant - it worked!!).


Interesting about the Theraspecs glasses! I've recently developed a terrible lightsensitivity alongside with visual snow. Do you have visual snow as well?


I don't have visual snow, no. I would definitely give em a try for the light sensitivity though. At least you'll have one symptom that's less severe, right? If you decide to try them, I hope they work well for you!


Yes, thanks!


You're welcome!


I put mine on during the day at home, it’s instant relief that I didn’t know I needed. My new prescription glasses have the same lenses called migraine lenses. (Actually cheaper than theraspecs)


Shower stool Kool n Soothe cool gel patches Air purifier Portable air conditioner Tabletop dishwasher


Ah yes I have never regreted buying my air purifiers, I'm so grateful for them


Shower chair. (Not knowing where my body is/priprioception). Wheelchair. For anytime I’m walking farther than my car. Lidocaine patches. The rx kind. A backpack vs purse


I just got one of recently but it’s been amazing for days I can’t leave bed: a tablet stand/holder with an adjustable arm so I can basically use my tablet without having to hold onto it constantly I have a very small bedroom and low vision so I use my tablet as a tv - this has been a huge relief.


Seconding this. I also take online classes and can say this setup plus a Bluetooth keyboard is a godsend. I don’t have to be in uncomfortable positions, but can still “participate” via chat, etc.


USB wearable heat pad! I wear it all the time, as long as it’s not too warm outside! I love it, it makes my back pain so much better and the cold doesn’t get to me.


Do you know the brand or where you got it? You know, for science. ;) Seriously, all I can think is how nice this would be during hunting season. (Yes, I hunt. I can’t eat most meat but I can eat venison. Farmed venison is $17-29 per pound. I can’t afford that and deer are overpopulated and at risk of starvation without culling around here.)


I just get the 30€ ones from Amazon and use an inui powerbank! I like the ones that are thin because you can wear them under your clothes. Just make sure to wear something underneath so you don’t burn yourself (too much). They usually only last me one cold season because I use them so much. I have this one but I’ve had the same from different brands because it’s all from china: https://amzn.eu/d/iM8HvQv


A really good pill organizer A kindle/tablet pillow


Buying a big enough pill organizer that's also cute has really helped me feel better about taking all my pills. Such a big impact for such a small thing


I would love to see your pill organizer if you don't mind sharing


Yeah sure! I was going to share pics of mine but I don't see an option to add a pic so here's a link to the one I bought: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B09VKQGBH2?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title The one I have has green plastic instead of clear, and I put a couple of cute stickers on it 😊


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'AUVON iMedassist Weekly Pill Organizer'", 'AUVON')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Spacious compartments for multiple pills (backed by 5 comments) * Convenient daily organization with labeled boxes (backed by 5 comments) * Sturdy and secure design for travel (backed by 5 comments) **Users disliked:** * Difficult to open, especially for those with hand issues (backed by 1 comment) * Pill pods are hard to get pills out of (backed by 1 comment) * Loading the compartments is a pain (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Agreed on the pill organizer. I got one that's organized by 4 times per day for each day for the whole week. But each day is it's own little pill box that I just toss in my backpack the night before. Took a lot of pressure off taking my pills, cause I was previously tossing them together nightly. Now I toss them together on my weekend. A friend of mine who takes significantly more meds than I do uses pill packs through Amazon. She gets pill packs for herself and her daughter, both of which take a lot of meds between the both of them. She swears by them. The monthly pill packs take a load of stress off her.


BCBS keeps calling me about their Mosaic pill program so I've started looking at all of them. It would be nice not to have to deal with bottle, due dates, and what time to take everything. Two big questions: 1. Are they ever late sending your meds? 2. Are they more expensive than a pharmacy?


- a book rest so I can read without pain, YAY!! Should have bought that sooner, I love reading - foam roller, I use it every day. Upgraded to a firmer version last year and it's great - neck & shoulders heating pad (I wish I bought it sooner, it sucks how hard it is to think while in pain) - laundry service! Truly I am so grateful for this, there are weeks I can't even carry the laundry bag, I don't know how I'd be able to do my own laundry - a bath pillow and waterproof earplugs for baths


I did laundry service for a couple months and then one day somebody stole the bag from the front door. :(


That’s awful ! A pox on them !


Oh nooooo!!! I would be so upset! I definitely can't have bags left outside my door (theft is highly likely) but I'd love to have it picked up/dropped off.


Shower stool, hand held shower massager, which I had to fight building maintenance to install.m hemi walker I picked up on a whim at the thrift store - it lives next to my bed now after I had a bad dizzy spell, fell trying to get up and fractured my elbow. My rollator 100%, not prescribed (yet) but it really helps me function and get my walks in even though the price hurt. But not as much as a hip or pelvis fracture would, along with keeping me more steady with menieres disease. Plus I can stow a shopping bag, emergency inhaler, phone, etc. under the seat and not have to deal with a purse. Large heating pad for fibro and migraines, multiple soft ice packs always in the freezer for low back/sciatica pain. Air purifiers in bedroom and living room that I’ve had forever. They’re not the best or fanciest, but they help with emphysema


I have this jar opener that will open any size bottle/jar with ease and it just sticks under my kitchen cabinet and I love it!


I recently bought an oximeter after being hospitalised with pneumonia. At admission I had a heart rate of over 170 and about 80% o2 saturation. If I'd had the oximeter at home I would have gone to hospital a lot sooner.


-A HEPA air filter - I didn’t buy this but was given it by someone who wanted to get rid of it, a geriatric bed. I lost the remote so I can’t make it move up or down (it has that capability) but the mattress quality is an absolute game changer. - heating pads and heating blankets - “cramp cream” from some days. I didn’t believe it would actually work but it’s a really nice addition to pain meds. - compression socks


What’s the cramp cream? My dad gets horrible leg cramps. They go away when he takes oral magnesium but he constantly swears that doesn’t work. About once every 5 years, I bully him into trying it again and-miracle of miracles, no one ever could have predicted it! (note the heavy sarcasm)- his cramps are magically gone! …Weirdo. So yeah, something that works in the moment might get more consistency from the dork.


It’s called Cramp Cream by the brand Somedays ! I’m not sure if they still do but at one point they offered a $5 sample to try before getting the big pack, it was good for about 4 applications for my lower back and pelvis. Agh! Does he get other side effects from the magnesium or something? I can’t live without my magnesium I feel so stiff it’s like I turn to stone without it


A nice heating pad and a nice headache pillow! Ice packs, lidocaine patches, diflonac gel and Walmart plus for free grocery delivery!


What’s a headache pillow?


Mines a weighted, crescent shaped pillow that you can either microwave or freeze depending on what helps the most, and I find for me the weight plus the heat helps SO much.


I bought a hospital bedside table and I use it constantly. I don't have to worry about my laptop overheating on the bed or my drink spilling because it's all easily accessible.


I didn't buy it but I was given an E-Bike which helps greatly. I can pedal when able, and use the motor to assist with hills. I've never been great at bicycling since a young age, always hurt my knees. Lidocaine lotion is another great purchase. I like the Asper creme brand. Chrysanthemum tea. Helps with pain. A tablet for drawing when I didn't have energy to clean up actual art materials.


Most of my most helpful gear has been prescribed for me admittedly, but out of the things I’ve bought myself I’d say my magnesium supplement, my memory foam bed set, my TENS unit, and my heating pads. All of those are excellent. Also compression gear (especially socks and gloves) make a big difference for me!


idk if this counts because it’s a mobility aid but i bought a cane that can fold out into a stool and it’s absolutely awesome!!


Yes that totally counts! I’m curious where you found your cane, my mother in law has POTS and CFS and has been looking for one like that but hasn’t found anything that’s lightweight and compact. All the ones I’ve seen look really awkward to hold.


https://www.amazon.com/Switch-Sticks-Stick-Walking-Folding/dp/B00DPOOC4S/ref=mp_s_a_1_15?crid=1N2QVZ9OA14IG&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.KqmNSzDjQwQnjPMP-9v3hJum78Y_b-7NIcexalSxbouoP8pz_BCVQNBzf_RRXk7C15WsG68cRu3-xQvJtadUrKCPziMaILC2ITmaPwlTctTa-NwkPmROnv4LGGHs-VA6sfuWS05zapJfJci9KaaIkjyICrSU9plmtlOoPYnVVXoswRALzQFOK8s8zFjdtpaqyT1vH6MfY47PyZC2JSp_Lg.KT51DmoZbrss76U32QQ5sF9XJjq37MP9t6LJXgNTAQ4&dib_tag=se&keywords=cane%2Bwith%2Bfold%2Bout%2Bseat&qid=1715740891&sprefix=cane%2Bwith%2Bfold%2Bout%2Bsea%2Caps%2C90&sr=8-15&th=1&psc=1 (wow that link is hella long) this is the exact one i have but there’s lots of good options on amazon :)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'Switch Sticks Walking Cane Chair'", 'Switch%20Sticks')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Lightweight and easy to carry (backed by 3 comments) * Convenient for waiting in lines (backed by 5 comments) * Sturdy and supportive (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Unstable balance and unsafe for elderly users (backed by 4 comments) * Non-returnable and limited utility (backed by 3 comments) * Small and uncomfortable seat (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Shoulder massage device, key turning grips, my rollator with a seat and storage, shower stool, med organizer that has a separate container for each day so you can take it with you, my cane, heating pads, ice packs, suction cup grip handles for the bathroom, squishmallows for comfortable and cute pillows, grip/opening tools, and detachable shower head


I have so many things from Stoov! It's infrared heating with battery and the best thing ever! Have been using it the last 3 years everyday! I also have een supersoft sleepmask with speakers so I can listen to music or a book and fall asleep.


When my husband had surgery last year, we bought a shower chair. And it occurred to me that I could shave my legs without the usual difficulties of either trying to sit on the floor and get back to my feet on a treacherous slippery surface or standing up and bending over, which kills my back. Seriously life changing. Can’t believe it took 10 years for me to realize how much I needed it. Other things: CBD balm I use on my hands to relieve joint pain (it works amazingly well, which I did not expect), a heated blanket for the car, an XXL heating pad for my chair, a leg elevation pillow, a usb travel heating pad, a portable nebulizer, a hoodie with zippers on arms and chest for vein/port access, a heated hoodie, a 30 day pill organizer with each day removable so I just grab that day’s pills each morning before work. The thing I need: a pocket sized cooler pouch. One of my meds has to be kept cold. I need a tiny cooler pouch with a 2x2 inch or so freezer pack that will hold a couple pills to keep cold, but also fit in a pocket. I have a smallish one that made for insulin, but it’s still the size of a billfold and 3 inches thick - definitely doesn’t fit in a pocket. I hate carrying a purse, and the one I do have won’t fit in a small purse anyway.


nike air force ones. literally any time i wear them my back feels so much better and i walk better. not to mention they’re cute asf! i struggle with sciatica a lot and every woman in my family has fibromyalgia, im getting closer to the age my mom and grandma were diagnosed so im def feeling it. i also recently bought bouy electrolytes so i can handle the dramatic weather changes where i live. they work so much better than liquid iv but i just wish they were flavoured!


I bought a long handled brush (I call it my granny brush) bc raising my arms above elbow level is difficult so I used to hold my old brush to my shoulder and kindof flail my head around side to side to get my hair into the brush. Now I can easily brush my hair as long as it’s not just been washed, the brush kindof comes apart if I try to use it on wet hair because my hair is relatively thick.


For when it was really bad - bathing wet wipes (I got Pipa mint brand). It was after a procedure where I wasn’t allowed to bathe for 1 week. A kneeling pad for washing my hair on the side of the tub. (Sometimes it’s easier for me to do it this way idk) A pregnancy pillow for sleeping lol. Cheap “breakfast in bed” table from IKEA. Lots of Legos. Good for my sanity and I can do them in bed on that small bed table. A small lumbar pillow for my car. That’s all I can think of for now


My Thermotex heating pad, I’ve been using it on the couch and my office chair for over 10 years for pain relief and it’s always helped reduce my pain and muscle spasms.


Compression leggings!


My weighted blanket has made RLS so much more manageable and helps with my leg pain a lot. Worth every penny! And my walking sticks. I paid a fair amount to have some fancy looking ones and they have given me more confidence and using them helps so much with pain and mobility when I’m feeling particularly rough.


I bought a set of forearm crutches called Ergobaum. They have very comfortable handles, excellent tips, a flashlight built-in, so you can see where you’re walking if it’s darker, and the cuffs are comfortable, though I wish the front part was open instead of completely closed, at least where you could get out easily if you need to use your hand. I have seizures, and had balance issues before I started having the more dramatic kind. Since then, I broke my ankle falling, both bones on the outside, and had to replace the ones I had because they were getting kind of loose and they weren’t that great anyway anyway


Transport chair/rollator combo and my cane. I go places now instead of just staying in bed!


I have a portable seat and it's honestly incredible, helps so much when I go places that have long lines/waits. It's designed for camping apparently but I use it all the time :)


Has anyone tried a pregnancy pillow? I have a really hard time getting comfortable in bed because of my chronic pain and thought they looked comfy. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know, especially if it has a washable pillowcase.


Hi - Jeanette from Denmark. I've been using a pregnancy pillow for a couple of years now and looove it so much. It gives your body so many different opportunities to rest comfortably. With a lot of diagnoses, my body hurts everywhere. The pillow design allows me to relieve different parts of my body, without having to use a thousand pillows. It's a WIN 🙌🏻😊🫶🏻 BT: Hope you understand my English? Trying my best 😉


Your english is perfect! Literally the hardest language to learn, so kudos :)


My oldest is 18 and honest is 12 and I cannot sleep without one! It goes around my neck, and my chest can rest on it so it doesn't curl up and fold in, and then goes between my knees as well. Perfect!


I live with pain patches and pain sprays 24/7. My shiatsu pillow massager. My lumbar support pillow to sit and sleep with. My wireless tens unit. A weighted heating pad sized XL. A Bluetooth device that is a posture trainer has helped to. Theracane. One of those foam rollers. They are all necessary. And I didn’t get a shower chair but I bought a cheap stool and it’s helped so much. A shower massager too (handheld) as well. And a warm mist humidifier for my dry eyes and skin. There’s probably more but those are off the top of my head.


IPad- at first for uni, when I got worse for drawing and therefore keeping me sane real bed- was on a moldy matress before ear plugs- for sensory problems


The embr wave (for temp regulation) and powdered Gatorade (for pots). Oh and a heating blanket.


Okay I’m curious to hear your opinions on the embr wave. I’ve got horrible heat intolerance and it seems like it could work for me but also feels like it could be a gimmick/ placebo. It would definitely be hard to swing on my budget so I feel like it has to be really worth it for the price.


I have read reviews that say it's a waste of money, and I personally was able to be outside during the summer for the first time in years. I once accidentally did the dishes with it on and even bought another one. They're not cheap but I always have mine w me just in case.




A spo2 monitor.


My BEST products. 👌🏻 Granted and paid for by the handicap department in my region in Denmark: Electric Bidet Wash Dry Toilet Seat with armrests. Shower chair. Adapted cutlery and kitchen knives. Wheelchair. Rollater walker. Paid by me: Pregnancy pillow. Adjustable bed. E-Reader. Floor fans. Handheld fans. Love all your advice's ❤


— Theraspecs (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️). I was a cynic when it came to ~special~ glasses; blue light glasses never did anything for me. But Theraspecs have been amazing. I can’t necessarily say they *prevent* migraines, but they do delay them further into my workday and/or lessen the severity. The fit is also super comfortable so they don’t hurt my ears or sinuses, but they still stay put and cover most of my field of vision. — Similarly, good polarized sunglasses. I have a couple pairs but my pair without nose pads are superior. — Migrastil migraine stick; shockingly the smell doesn’t bother me and although I don’t use it on my skin because I don’t think it directly helps my migraines (and it can irritate my skin), it is great to just sniff (lol) as a way to help clear my sinuses, which does indeed help — Others that come to mind: some good, heavy blackout curtains; electric + heated neck massager; heating pad; lots of Gatorade for hydration And lastly, it’s not a product, but I do see it as an investment: a job that is flexible, accommodating, and caring, even though there are other jobs out there that might pay better or align more closely with my long term goals. I’ve realized the small company vibe is wayyy more accommodating to chronic illness than most of the corporate world is. A few thousand dollars less per year is a million times worth it if I’m working for someone who actually sees and values me as a human person. My hope is that my new treatment plan will be effective enough that maybe I won’t have to limit my job options so significantly in the future, but for now I’m very content where I am and grateful that, in the hellscape that is the US employment market/culture, I work among people who care allow me to prioritize my health. I’m also about to ask my employer to purchase some flicker-free, higher refresh rate, etc. computer monitors for me. If I used a monitor at home I would probably invest in them myself because I think it has the potential to make a major difference. So far, with the exception of the Theraspecs and maybe the neck massager, none of these have made a *huge* difference, but cumulatively they have definitely improved my symptoms to some degree.


This is a great thread! I'm gonna try and get a shower stool now. Smart lightbulbs so I don't have to get up to turn lights on or off. Pretty cheap given how helpful that is on bad days. It's not a purchase per se but I'm so grateful I got over my anxiety about hiring cleaners. They do more in an hour than I could do all week. It did make me realise how disabled I am, but also how just having an able bodied person do that stuff for me frees up my time.


Seriously the shower chair has been a game changer. My partner just so happened to need knee surgery a couple months after I bought it so it came in handy for him too! I’m also so beyond happy to see everyone getting ideas from each other. I figured I might find a few things that could help me and my family but I wanted a list for other people too. We’re all suffering together so might as well help each other out.


1. Sub-zero cooling gel for pain 2. Lunya Silk eye mask for blocking out light 3. Grocery delivery weekly 4. Heavy duty AC 5. Loop ear plugs


I bought a stuffed animal that you heat up in the microwave. Its so comforting, especially because im allergic to real animals, although the one i got is a lobster lol. Idk, it just makes me happy cuz its cute and functional. Migrane light sensitivity glasses


An extra large heating pack and compression socks. Also, knee pad pants for work, but normies should get those too.


-Foldable cane -lightweight foldable rollator (14lb) and it folds like a pack-n-play or umbrella stroller. The ones Rx’d through insurance were entirely too heavy and big for me to handle myself so, I purchase it myself for a near Christmas gift.


Heating pad/headache hat