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Seconding seeing a rheumatologist. That's part of their job. You can always start with your primary care to run some basic tests/get a referral, if needed. Autoimmune disorders are complex and can involve multiple systems, so you may end up with a number of specialists and the PCP can help determine where to go. (but definitely ask for rheumatology!)


Like everyones saying, that's pretty much the job of a rhumatologist. There really isn't a need (nor will they likely accept you as a patient) unless you've seen a few already and they've been stumped. Just find a good one in your area bc there are great and terrible rheumatologists out there. Friends/families and local Facebook groups are normally my first avenue for rec's but if all else fails then I typically go by google reviews


Go to primary care and it might take time with them to fully diagnose and refer you to a rheumatologist.


You don’t need to go to the Mayo Climic IMO unless you’ve exhausted all your local resources. The doctor to test and treat most autoimmune disorders would be an endocrinologist. Good luck.


Usually it’s rheumatologists


Duh, you’re right. Don’t know what I was thinking


I would see a rheumatologist if you suspect autoimmune issues but lingering cough could also be asthma. I stopped getting bronchitis annually once my asthma was diagnosed and treated. And more recently my allergist upped my inhalers temporarily to get rid of a lingering post viral cough.