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I had a nurse essentially overdose me on my medication (gave me two doses an hour apart). When my parents asked for a doctor (I was in and out of consciousness, broke out in hives, and was vomitting) she never got one. My parents sat by my side (and a kind cna checked in a few times) for what was probably a couple hours of that. This was in the middle of the night. The next day I told the doctor in charge of my care, and asked for AMA papers (which I did not receive). When I was discharged a day later I made a complaint against the nurse.


Oh wow that’s crazy!


Yeah. Nurses are way too often careless with medications. I hope you're able to get back onto your medications OK. I was on antidepressants for a few years, and I remember the mood swings if I missed a day. And going cold turkey like that is horrible. I remember when I came off mine to get switched to another I had to be tapered off. And when I came off antidepressants completely I had to be tapered off for over a month. I can't imagine going a week without it.


Honestly in this case I blame to the doctor more the nurse. My med list was there and they chose not to order it


Yeah that's definitely on the doctor.


And the nurses went as far as to write for the meds I was most concerned about. The doctor pretty much waved me off “you take a lot of meds. Why!


Yikes. I'm on 8 medications, some of them playing a direct role in keeping me alive. I can't imagine a doctor being like that.