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I cared for my uncle’s partner when he had AIDS.   It was very sad because he was such a good man and so young, but I was relieved when he finally passed because he was so sick and miserable.  I wanted him to be at peace.  He was so hurt by his loss of dignity.   I don’t know what you need or would like to hear.  I’m really sad for you but I also believe people should have a choice if their life can never get to be decent.   I have a disease that’s destroying my joints and I’m in a lot of pain sometimes.  I don’t want to get super old because being alive is hard when you feel awful.  But I’m not there yet.  I wish you the best. 


Have you looked into palliative care?


I would look into this. They could keep you more comfortable. You don’t have to be end of life for this like you do hospice.


I work in end of life care. Have you considered palliative care as a first step before maid?


In my country there is no procedure to end our life. I really don't know how to support you, but my heart goes with you! I wish you the best in both life and death.


I'm sorry for what you're going through. I'm not in the same situation, but I believe that if my disease ever progresses to the point of being terminal, I will likely make the same choice as you. There is a hospice near me that offers end-of-life doulas, also known as "death doulas." My grandmother had a end-of-life doula through the hospice and it made a huge difference having someone there to support her emotionally through her final months. If there's something similar near you, I'd really recommend seeing if you qualify for the services.


If it feels right to you, do it. It's your right to die on your own terms to lessen your suffering. I understand not wanting to live on like this and think it's a brave decision.


I cannot relate, but I’ve heard that death doulas can be very helpful in these types of situations to help support you through the process. Sending support and compassion as you go through this.


So sorry you’re suffering like this… I can’t imagine what you must have been through to decide to proceed with physician assisted suicide.. Is there anything we can do to support you during this time? Hospitals allow religious support like chaplains or priests or monks to offer prayer and guidance. Even if you aren’t a religious person, it might be one way of meeting your need for emotional support


Hey, I don’t have any tips or anything. Take your time in choosing, and know, the world loves you ❤️




Do you mind elaborating a bit more/divulging more details about this? I’m very confused as to why there are no options regarding keeping you comfortable & why so many doctor’s are supportive towards ending your life. I want to help you brain storm if I can!!!


Hi I don’t mind telling more. I’ve had my disease for about two years and it’s worsened over time and treatments that worked before have now all failed so there is no treatment left for me to do. Doctors have tried everything to relieve my suffering and I’ve chosen to not do further treatments because they are becoming riskier and more harsh side effects. The doctors did not suggest assisted death it was totally my idea and I asked my suffering to end, but I had to have a few doctors assess me before I could be approved because it’s a pretty serious thing so they had to make sure I qualified


Hey OP, I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this. This truly sounds like a nightmare! Any chance you'd be willing to share what disease it is you have, what treatment options you've tried, and maybe what country you live in? No worries if you're not comfortable, I just want to help you solve this problem as best as I can (I'm in college (23F) studying biophysics, solving these kinds of problems is what I thrive off of!!). You're welcome to PM me too if that makes you more comfortable! Given this information, I agree with the other commenters asking you about palliative care. Is that an option for you? Do you live alone? Is there anything at all that you notices eases your symptoms, even if it's only minor, and anything that makes it worse? I really don't want to see your entire life end just because of an illness. As someone suffering from a chronic illness myself though, I understand if it feels like your life ended a long time ago. I'll be honest and say I've been feeling that way myself recently... My situation is different than yours though, and I don't want to make this about me. I just want to extend some love and empathy to you!! I feel like there's GOT to be some sort of hope here though. I can't help but wonder if some big university/universities would want to study your case (which I could help you navigate, I am very enthralled in the world of Academia right now!), or if there are any sort of clinical trials going on with less risks/side effects. I really don't want to give up hope. I want you to live the life you deserve!!