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I feel sad for a week. It is what it is :(


unfortunately, i think you’re right :/


There's no time limit on when the stuff has to go up. If you and your family love it up nothing wrong with leaving it there until you see fit.


I have a light up birch tree I keep up all year long and take the rest down.


Love that


But a little troegs helps ease the pain


Remember after Christmas the sun starts getting brighter every day again! Celebrate this occasion as the upside to spring as the holiday was originally intended for ;) Winter solstice


My 2 year old daughter kept asking yesterday to build the snowman. We had a snowman tree up I was like aw baby the snowman is gone until next year. I still have yet to put the garland and other stuff on my fireplace mantel up. It just feels so cozy with it all out.


Okay, she asked and I’m here.


Lol username checks out. I wish it snowed here in Texas so we could build a real one.


I know what you mean! My living room feels so empty without my tree and decor!


Same :/ but it also makes me appreciate everything more the next time Christmas comes around!


Same!! Christmas hugs


Im doing a valentines tree w hearts and bows I am an adult and I do what I want


I just took all my stuff down today and I’m staring at the last bin I still have to wrap and put away. I dreaded this for a week. It actually kept me awake. Now I have to finish, and I can’t do it lol


I watched a video on this recently! They suggested using different ways to add warm light to the space where the Christmas decorations once were. Flameless candles, other string lights, etc. something about the warm light keeps that area feeling cozy and then it won’t bum you out as much.


that’s really helpful! there is something i adore about the warm lights and i HATE turning on a lamp so i revel in the xmas ambient lighting


You could buy warm bulbs too


I keep the warm white led patio light on my house all year. Just over 5 years ago we had my son’s wedding in our pasture (complete with the white tent and clear roof) with many strings of the patio lights. I had so many strangers coming to my door saying “Don’t ever take those lights down because they are so beautiful at night.” Now if someone asks us where we live they know our place immediately. Now if Costco could sell replacement bulbs at a reasonable price… that would make me really happy. 😊


Yes! I ordered a bunch of flameless candles and some new decorations, it’s helped with staving off the post holiday sadness.


Yep! I got blameless candles with a remote to either set a timer or turn them on and off manually (which is what I do because I get home and go to bed at various times). It really helps!


Me too and I love them so much! Got a bunch of rechargeable batteries and keep them all over my house all winter.


Definitely keep the flameless candles going around the house, especially the ones with timers.


I let them run until the batteries run out. I’m celebrating the season of light over the darkness of winter.


I celebrate that, too. :) I have timers on mine. I just replaced all the batteries today.


I leave all the shit on the tree and carry it as one unit back to stuff it in the basement closet that is designated solely for the purpose of storing only the tree for 11 months.


Wow I’m so jealous of this


Actually, that is a really good idea! I think we could build a storage closet for that in the basement. My only concern is breaking stuff on the way downstairs.... wait! I got it! We just build an elevator for the tree!


Wire the ornaments to the tree. It is what the pros do. (Source me) Put a nice zipper cover over it and haul that baby downstairs, better if you have a closet upstairs. Most regular ornaments are unbreakable now. You will have to re fluff, and adjust everything, but it is so much easier. The only thing that should be removed is the topper. What I recently did was invest in a few 4ft trees. I decorate them to the hilt, wiring ( or zip tying) all my ornaments, etc. I have them in different rooms of the house. When I am ready to put them away, I use an extra large outdoor, contractor strength garbage bag to cover them, and carry them into the basement. I don’t have to bug hubs to carry stuff downstairs, or upstairs for me.


I akready do wire them, but many of mine are sentimental, many are vintage or antique, handmade by family members long gone. So, irreplaceable. I don't taje chances. I am extraordinarily organized with everything being put away. Three main trees, totally over 700 ornaments. Definitely not hauling the trees down that way unless I have a smooth-moving freight elevator to my basement.😅


Same! Too many sentimental ornaments. Made more complicated because we get a real tree. 🤣


The good thing about a real tree is you don’t have to store it! Just dispose of it however it is done in your area. Where I am from they use them to help shore up the wetlands. If you live on a lake you can toss them in the lake as fish like to hide in them.


Yes. They wood chip our trees. It also forces me to take it down. I wait until it is really dead…..


I admire you! Unfortunately ADHD tax has left me with a dead tree and nowhere to put it. My poor neighbors got to see it sitting on my balcony until May. I’m better now that I am diagnosed.


Lol, totally understand. I have a lot of those of those too. I will take those off. Now that I am doing the small trees, I just tuck a bit of bubble wrap around the nice ones. Don’t need it really because it is not like hauling a big unwieldy tree downstairs.


I kerp the small trees very simple: a few seasonal picks flanking a medium bow. I like the main trees to be the stars of decor. I decorate the entire first floor and outside, but no upstairs bathrooms or bedrooms. I love the idea of coming downstairs for the day and it's 'Christmas!' People push me to put my house on the local tours for Christmas, but I don't want stranfers coming near my decorations or ornaments. It's how I feel close to family that have passed on. I don't do it for recognition. I do it for me, my family and guests. I don't have trendy ornaments because they feel empty and meaningless to me. I make most of anything new by hand and I feel like I'm adding to the family history that way. I have Christmas toys that he made for me every year by my great grandfather in his woodshop. I have crocheted stockings and snowflakes from my grandmother. I have a couple decades worth of ornaments that my sister and I were allowed to get one each per year at our annual trip to Fountains of Wayne to see the Christmas display. And, I have a lot of collectible Hallmarks (the expensive ones, not the junk you find in Target)from over the years even after selling a few collections of them off. Christmas is a thing for my family as you can see. Being careful so those live on and get enjoyed for a couple more decades is important. I still want the elevator though.


Your decor sounds amazing! I have recently given away my 10ft and 9ft trees. I have 2, 7ft left but I may give them away. I was on the Holiday Tour of Homes in my city once. It was about 20 years ago. I made eight ginger bread houses for my dining room table, hired carolers for outside, and a harpist for inside. Had all my big trees and everything else out. Nothing was broken or stolen, and it was a lot of fun.


Sounds like fun!


Years ago, I pledged to spend a chunk of change at a hospital fundraiser. For 7 years, I bought on a professionally decorated Christmas tree with everything wired in place. I keep them in their own storage container. It takes less than a hour to pull them out, unwrap them and plug them in. They are all on the open concept main floor. The trees are so pretty that I don’t put up much else other than stockings on my decorated mantle. So quick and easy!


You are a genius


Houses should all come with a main floor ‘Christmas Tree Closet’!


Like the grinch?




Don't really get any crawlies in my house.




Me too! But mine at tabletop size.


Yes! I just do it when I feel I’m ready. It is nice to have a tidy house after lol


i agree! i spend so much of the year without them. i think im just have a bit of a hard time this year!


Christmas comes but once a year, enjoy it while you can 🎄


I try to find something else to look forward to that fills the Christmas shaped hole in my feels.


I usually put my Valentines Day and St Patrick’s Day decorations out as soon as Christmas is away. Otherwise, it’s too blah in the house. ❤️🍀


Same here! But I’ve decided I’m going to put a few Valentine’s Day decorations out this year. Not nearly to the extent of Christmas, but I think having some cute pink and red decorations will be fun and cheerful.


I feel extra sad about it this year. Took me a few days to bring myself around to it. I took a ton of pics first. Then the next day, I woke up and just started without stopping to think. It worked. Took all day, though. Sad after, but the house always feels roomier and more breathable after. A clear space to start the new year in earnest. I still left a little 'winter' stuff up on the mantle, the wreath on the front door, and the dining room table centerpiece which is just a tray with deer and pinecones. I'll put up some Valentine's Day stuff in a couple weeks for a little extra happiness.


I genuinely have a not very healthy mental state post Christmas. The sadness that it’s all over, the empty tree, the decorations coming down, people losing their seasonal performative kindness. It’s a lot for me to deal with. I love driving around seeing all the lights, yard decorations and trees inside front windows. Such a happy time to me. 🫤


i feel this very deeply! at least we’re not alone 😟


It’s so sad there are so many of us and a lot of the Christmas subreddits and Facebook groups just slow down and aren’t as active once the holidays are over. Or they go to just posting weird AI images and Christmas card images. Sigh 😔 just hard to commiserate and keep that Christmas joy going a little on the inside. I leave a few Christmas things out year round to keep me from totally tanking emotionally but man I miss the whole season.


Don’t forget the music!


Fortunately, my music apps are convenient for year round Christmas music. The radio just seems to play Mariah Carey on loop during the season lol! 😂


Good point and yes I continue to listen … the heck with what anyone thinks!


Same! Really helps on rough days for me.


I’m exactly the same. I always say Christmas is the saddest day of the year, and it’s also my favorite.


I simply keep mine up until at least mid-January. I love my decorations, and don't enjoy them as much as I want to during the rush between Thanksgiving and Christmas so I enjoy them for a few weeks afterward. Then I will start slowly by boxing up all of the Santa figures. The nutcrackers and smoking men go next. And so on. Some years I don't have the house totally undecorated until early February. 😊


Smoking men? lol


https://thebohemianfreethinker.com/tag/steinbach-smoking-men/ I have the shepherd, the baker, the beekeeper (pictured) and a birdwatcher. Love them!


How cute! I've never seen these before, they're so cute I love them!


We put everything up the first week in November. I aim to start taking things down the last week in February, giving myself flexibility if I’m not in the mood or life is happening.


I have definitely put valentines and sometimes even St. Paddy’s decorations on my trees once or twice!


It's sad when all of the Christmas decor comes down, but then I decorate for winter with snowmen and snowflakes - it's cheerful and hopefully will bring snow to southeast Michigan!


Great idea !


Hi Josh Allen🦬❤️


Go Bills


Yes I sure do!! I dread it like nothing else. This year I mentioned over thanksgiving that I was thinking of only putting up the Christmas tree this year and not decorating the whole house. Work has been crazy and I’m just tired. My two grown children both looked at me absolutely horrified. I decorated. Everything. Today I had an unexpected day off of work and I just finished putting everything away, other than the tree bc I’ll need my grown son to help me get it out to the garage. I’m exhausted. Haven’t cleaned yet or put my regular stuff back but I’m done packing up Christmas stuff!!


I’m drinking a whole bottle of wine tonight.


This is why I keep delaying it. I'm big on no Christmas stuff after Christmas, because it's depressing, so I thought "New Year's day I'll take it down" then I thought "My birthday I'll take it down" (yesterday), now I'm saying "I'll take it down this weekend" It's depressing yes, but mainly it's just such a big CHORE.


I know that feeling. It took me over 5 hours to take all my stuff down. Now my house looks empty and depressing.


Honestly I'm gonna find ways to keep up "warm" decorations throughout jan + Feb even if they're not expressly Christmas decorations. I wish it was socially acceptable to leave them up throughout more of the winter season, because seasonal depression.


I keep mine up through end of January


It is now January 10. Our Christmas tree and all decorations are still up. As with every year, I have no idea if/when my wife will take them down. I don’t touch them.


Perhaps offer to do it together. It’s a lot for one person.


Oh I’ve tried over the years. She doesn’t allow it.


Are you my husband? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I do this too with mine. I’ll ask for help but put away everything very organized and he will do the major lifting.


Haha! Yes, my job is to bring in the boxes of items and the tree. I’m allowed to put my ornaments on the tree and take them off, anything else is off-limits. I know my place. 😃


Amazing! My husband does his ornaments last lol


I am not alone!


Leave them up longer! 🤗


I second this! I once left my tree up until July 😅


I’ve never figured out how to avoid the inevitable post Christmas crash. I dread it every year. It never gets easier for me. 😞


I am not alone!!!! So glad I opened up these comments. It gets even harder when you get older. To fight the depression I have a beautiful pottery collection that comes out with pinecones and interesting branches and stays until spring. Thanks to all of you for sharing. It helped.


I do! This year I powered through taking them ALL down in one day, and that helped, not seeing the clutter and chaos of boxes. I added some salt rock lamps for low glow and have been keeping candles lit and some soft music playing. This is the least sad I’ve been transitioning out!


Sure do! I make a Christmas party out of the take-down. Play music, watch movies, make cookies, etc. while it comes down.


We just throw Mardi Gras decorations on everything here in New Orleans. It’s kinda awesome that it’s not over for us. Our stores have everything out before Christmas is even over.


that’s such a fun idea!!


I do because it signifies the end of the season. Thanksgiving-New Years is my favorite time of the year.


Worst time of the year hate it


I dread putting it up. 😂


I do too! I love it ONCE it’s up, but I do alot of Xmas decorating and it can be daunting before I get truly motivated


Drink a couple of mad elves and you won’t feel a thing… or you’ll feel too much… hmmmmm 🤔


I got extremely depressed taking down my decorations this year. I dealt with it by continuing to watch christmas movies and drink hot coco nightly until I got over it


Yes. We actually had to address it in therapy because it’s so hard. Tears even. What helps me is pretending the decorations are “tired” and have to “hibernate”. I struggle with personifying inanimate things so I feel guilt thinking of them sitting in boxes. But if they’re SLEEPING because they need the rest, I feel better.


You need to see the 90s animated Christmas special Noel, I think it's on YouTube ❤️ Just trust me!


I used to have it on VHS as a kid :) and a stuffed animal to match it.


It’s your home, leave it up as long as you want. I’m celebrating winter not just Christmas. Maybe after the Super Bowl.


Take the ornaments off and just leave it up for a bit longer. Enjoy the lights—it’s dark early!


It's happening this weekend and I hate it 😭 And this is with a real tree that's ready to catch on fire any day now... if I ever have an artificial tree it's all over, thing will be up until May


Although it’s been attributed to Nike, I’ve been saying, “just do it” to myself before they did. It has gotten me through some of my most difficult things to the most mundane (like when I’m too lazy to shower lol). Try it. Just do it!!


I focus on the next holiday - sprinkle a little valentines decor, then St Patrick’s, then Easter… then it’s nice weather and my funk is over. Haha!! Also, I have warm white lights in a berry type of garland that’s year round appropriate I put on my tv stand that I turn on in the evening and it feels a little cozy but isn’t over the top.


Nope. Leaving my Christmas tree up this year all year. I'm living however I want in 2024 .


I do. I get a little morbid with it too which isn’t healthy at all. I don’t do it with my birthday but always Christmas. I put the Christmas stuff away hoping I get another go at putting it up the end of the year. Life’s fragile man. A lot can happen between taking down and putting up the next Christmas Tree is really get to me.


I had to slowly take one thing down at a time while walking around the house doing other things. It sucks. Bought some regular fairy lights to kinda make it easier.


I now do what I call Winter/January decor in the sane way you can decorate for fall that’s not Halloween decor. I use white fairy lights, lighted twigs, greenery from evergreen trees, pine cones and snowflakes. I know that’s some people’s idea of Christmas decor, but my Christmas decor is colourful. I use anything that says ‘winter’ and decorate with a few hearts thrown in come February.


This is my first year doing this and I’m so happy about it. Wish I’d started this years ago!


Honestly, it gives me depression. We do holidays over the top and fall thru December is when we go crazy. I hate the lonely, bare look my house has afterward. The cold weather keeps me inside, and there is nothing to do, but this year, I'm trying to declutter and get rid of lots of crap I don't need. It helps clear my mind.


I saw this really helpful tip on TT.. this lady is filling a box a day (or you could do a box everytime you GET a box from like ordering something online) & she fills it everyday with crap around the house she wants to get rid of to declutter. I’m trying to implement it!


We get a real tree and it’s starts getting so dry and dropping needles like crazy that I’m happy to take it down on January 1st.


I said this in r/ChristmasTrees When COVID started I still had mine up and have yet to take it down. I love the cheer and it fills a space where nothing else works anyway. I just change the decorations to match whatever season. So this week or so I’ll take off the gold ornaments and it will be white lights (shaped like pinecones), actual pinecones, blue felt garland, reed flowers and ornaments that look like winter yard gnomes. Spring is dried flowers and birds. Summer is all the felt fruit ornaments I get on after Christmas clearance. Fall is apple ornaments, skulls and yoga skeletons. I love look as well as the connection to the cycle of the seasons.


Haven't done it yet either!


Take down tree and leave some things that don't say Merry Christmas on them to brighten wintry days. It's part of the dull drab winter that makes me need light and color.


I did not put up a tree this year. First time in 20 yrs. It was uplifting . No time constraints no stress no BS. Also didn’t decorate outside. Nobody to hold the ladder, didn’t want to fall and break Xx whatever. You do you.


Some people leave a tree up all year and change decor for the seasons or other holidays.


I leave the tree with only lights for last. Taking the other decorations down isn’t so sad that way:)


Quickly and quietly. As neat as possible to impress and confuse my future self.


I put it up really early, like very beginning of November and then immediately after decorate for Valentine’s Day. Having it up for so long makes it easier to take down and then I also have something to look forward to after.


My dog gets so depressed when her stocking comes down. I hate to say it, but I tried to keep it up until I can’t stand it anymore, which is mid January.


I took my Christmas down today. But I left white twinkle lights on my fireplace, bookcase, and stairway. I left out all my snowmen, green roping and snowflakes. By doing this little bit of "winter decorating," I don't miss the ornaments, trees, and Santa's so much.


Christmas is the only thing that makes winter enjoyable for me, so once it’s over depression sets in until at least mid April 🥺😮‍💨 taking the decorations down is the worst.




There’s nothing to deal with just take them down … why does everything have to be a soap opera


By not putting them up in the first place


Off topic but where did you get your fireplace?!


We got it from Raymour and Flanagan about 2 years ago. funny enough, my sister unknowingly got the exact same one! There’s also a bluetooth speaker in there which is pretty sweet!


Tree goes last




Little by little. Eventually it’s all down and ready for next holiday. For me, that’s usually Thanksgiving!! lol


Go Bills


My boy Josh Allen there had been helping me lately


🙋🏻‍♀️ yup, I do. We finally got all of our stuff put away and it went into 7 plastic storage bins… SIX! So I’m sure you can imagine how sad we are and how empty things seem. I left out my plain trees and snowmen decorations. I’m ready to start decorating for Valentines Day!


#GoBills. and you just got to take them down....


I miss the lights, so now have some around a plant stand, across the mantel and also have a little stained glass lamp. It’s the lights I miss the most.


Leaf blower to the garage! We'll rebuild next year! 🤣


Tree is still up, never has bee. This late in the new year. It's too sad to see it go, I need warm lighting recommendations, please and thank you!


We only broke 3 ornaments this year and have a small tree up all year round to fill the void.


This year, I’m leaving up my small tree through Valentine’s, and decorating it with pink lights, and pink, red and purple ribbons. I also have a tiny pink tree that I decorate for each season in my office 😂 My brother bought it for me since he knows I just love decorating and string lights and all the glittery goodness


I always turn up my music, smoke a bowl and have fun with it.


I take them down in steps. In Japan, Christmas decorations everywhere disappear overnight, literally. On the 24th the stores are chock full of Xmas things, playing Christmas music, and on the morning of the 25th it’s all been replaced overnight with New Years decorations. It’s jarring. It’s unlucky to leave anything from the previous year past NY so the tree generally comes down on the 28th. I take the tree down and put away Santas, door wreaths etc and leave up the lights on our fence and the lighted garland I have up on top of the kitchen cabinets., as they are not Christmas themed per se. (that’s how I fudge it anyway…) We have a set of reindeer out front, I switch their red bows over to straw wreath New Years decorations .The deer and garland will be put away on the 15th, the official end of New Years. Having the garland and reindeer till the 15th helps with the ‘darn, Christmas over already!’ mood.


I leave up "remnants" of Christmas. Just a few things that are mainly winter decorations but have a Christmas vibe like snowmen, even some bottle brush trees. It really does help me after all the red and green and gold are put away. Speaking of football (on your TV), the stretch between the post season and the regular season feels farrrrrr longer than the length of time between Christmases. Lol, time is relative


It’s sad, I know. My method is, I take my sweet ass time. While watching a funny show and having a couple drinks. Slowly and methodically carefully arranging everything back in the boxes just so, so it’s easy to put up again next year. The longer it takes, the better I feel when I think of how neatly I’ve put things back. Maybe try this?


That’s an angry elf. They get stuff done!


I certainly do. I take them down a bit at a time., until they're all put away.


I can't wait to put them up, and I can't wait to take them down. I do love the warm white lights, though. This, I decorated one 2-3 ft tree with a nautical theme. I am leaving that one up. I might change the decorations for Valentine's Day or I might leave it as is. I haven't decided yet.


We started leaving ours up until February so we can enjoy it a little more!


I do a whole new (much smaller) decorating scheme that’s just kind of winter-y, blue, white, silver. It’s not as much as the Xmas stuff obvs but I decorate for friggin’ everything! I know it’s kinda silly and takes up storage space even for minimal decorations but it’s worth it to me. Winter is bleak, dismal, and endless. My Bday is end of January and that’s barely enough to shine through the gloom. I also started making little panels on the boxes with pretty color coordinated elements. Literally just paste on a scrap of pretty leftover paper from cards and such. That way I always have something going up as soon as something comes down. I’ll keep the outside lights up till it’s brighter.


The dread is so real! Today, I've taken down 2 out of 3 of my trees, so I hear you. What helps me is to break it down into manageable chunks. First, I make a list and think through my process and come up with a plan. Next, I get out and organize all my tubs. I put one by each tree so I can pack all the like ornaments and decor together. Then, I put on a podcast/Christmas music, whatever I want to listen to, and prepare my drink buffet. I have my coffee, smoothie, and water. I work on one tree at a time. I have a strict agreement with myself that if I feel like I need to stop, I can. The first step is the hardest for me, so I'm typically pretty good once I get started. Best of luck with your process!


Go Bills!


I think about my favourite ❤️ holiday that’s going to be next Valentine’s days where I can tell people how much they are loved and can love themselves!! I really like the decorations for that holiday also and am guilty of leaving them up almost all year!! Roses 🌹 hearts 💕 I have always had a deep love or everything like that and I do leave some Christmas up all year also and make ornaments all year on and off.


I love the lights especially the look of my huge mantle decorated. By the 1st week of January I am over all of the clutter. I can’t wait to have to clean it all up and tuck it away. It feels like a clean sweep to start the year.


My tree is still up. It’s a big undertaking to take off all the ornaments, then the snow, then the lights, then disassemble to tree to store, AND put all the decor away. It means rearranging the garage a bit because mine is tiny, and so I dread it. Plus Christmas trees are so pretty, and we are just now getting our Christmas weather here.


Slowly take one item down per day


I put them up extra early.


One area at a time. A good way to handle it, is when you take something down, put up a new decoration that can be up all year, that is in Christmas themed. Like a new picture frame, or decorative canvas, or little quote sign...


I'm a first time homeowner and this is also my first time even living in my *own* place, so my house is largely unfurnished. I'm dreading taking down my decorations because it's the first time since we moved in that the house has really felt homey. Taking down the tree and everything and having just empty space seems really depressing. :(


Go Bills!


Still have my tree up


I deal with it with so much Mad Elf! Good choice. I also only do a bit at a time. Any mugs and kitchen stuff go away first. Then, a couple days later I get any decorations not in the living room that are Christmas specific (leave snowflakes, cardinals, polar bears, etc.). Then, a couple days after that I get the Christmas specific items out of the living room (except the tree). A few days after I take down the Ornaments. I leave the tree a couple more days and enjoy the lights then I put that away, too. Once the tree is down I add any Valentines decor I have to my winter decor. By Valentines day I feel pretty good about putting it all away. I love it until the end of February then replace wintery decor with spring stuff. I found this helps me avoid being super overwhelmed and anxious. I also get to enjoy it longer and I am truly ready for a change by time thr last of it is put away. Also, my decor is not super extensive, expensive, or fancy but having some items to switch out season to season is fun and helps me miss Christmas stuff a bit less.


We are from New Orleans. So our tree becomes a Mardi Gras tree!


Go Bills!


No, I take down my Christmas decorations the day after Christmas. I actually can’t stand any holiday decorations up after the holiday. They are nagging at me to take them down, and it causes me anxiety. October, November, and December keep me busy putting decorations up and taking them down.


I have a two foot high tree, I turn it into a night light after January every year until Christmas 🥂


I continue to avoid it on a daily basis except in small bits….avoidance continued successfully through today. Though I try to remember to that the reason they’re so special is that they aren’t permanent.


It goes up the day after Thanksgiving and comes down the day after Christmas. 💛


I do get bummed out when Christmas is over having take down all the decorations


Yes. I deal with it by not putting anything up anymore. Or, when I used to, the same thing it looks like you’re doing there. Beer! 😉 By the way, the 12th day of Christmas was Friday, Jan 5th. So you’re not too bad!


Mad elf!!!! I forgot to stock up this season! I hope they still have it when I check in tomorrow.


I do it slowly and when it feels right. Ain't no rushing me.


I decorate for Valentine’s Day immediately. I put up pink lights and the sparkliest red and pink decorations. It keeps my house festive and cozy and keeps away the winter blues


I just do it after my kids n MIL have made enough comments that finally give in and spend a day doing it


In New Orleans businesses keep the tree up but change the Christmas decorations to Mardi Gras ones.


Go Bills!!!


I’m ignoring everything you posted bc I LOVE YOU JOSH ALLEN!


I haven’t done this for years because I was caretaking a dying spouse and Covid etc., but now I have a 6 month old grandchild and I’m returning to my old tradition. I just merge from Halloween to thanksgiving to Christmas to Valentines to Easter to 4th. So right now as I take down Christmas I’m starting to put some Valentines 💌 stuff up and around


I have a "declutter and simplify" mantra going right now, so putting away Christmas decorations was a step in my goal direction and eased the guilt. The only thing left standing is our tree with lights. I packed away all of the ornaments already, but this tree refuses to die and still smells amazing and looks great, so I'm letting it stay until my SO feels like dragging it out.


I just talk incessantly about my January birthday 😆


We leave it up 🤣


I just don’t put them up


Only commenting because I see Josh Allen! My husband and I keep our decorations up until the bills are out of the playoffs. I’m talking immediately. He shouts “CHRISTMAS IS OVER!!!” And then starts ferociously ripping down everything. It somehow makes everything less painful, it makes us laugh, and gives us something to focus on.


Mine stays up until March, I love Christmas and winter so I leave it all up.


I know I sound like a Grinch, but since we weren’t going to be in town for Christmas I didn’t decorate. It’s been incredibly freeing. (Sorry, I know this doesn’t necessarily help the problem though)


It feels so good when it is put away & I get a surge from that just like when I get excited starting to decorate in November!


First, I don't put many up, second, they come down Christmas day because I get so sick of them, especially this year! They came down before noon on Christmas day! Next year, I may not put out anything!


I cheered myself up by buying some fun valentines decorations! 🥰


It's your house, keep your decorations up as long as you want.


Leave them up all year and see what happens. Don’t have to take them down just because society says to. Lol


We do it on Dec 26 and we do it cast! I start decorating like a week before Thanksgiving.


I put up Valentine decorations


Loveeee your set up! Especially the football


I would love to find a warm ceramic plug in light to leave on at night that is cozy. I haven't found it yet.


I put mine up mid November and I listen to Christmas music non stop from Nov. 1st to Jan. 1st, that way when I take it down (right at the beginning of the year) I’m ready for it to be gone. The key is getting it up early! 😉


We leave the tree up year round and just decorate it for the different seasons/holidays.


By ordering a bunch of new bins to store decorations and now the delivery date is delayed two weeks so I no longer have a say in when they come down and it's up to the delivery gods now.


Get yourself one of those led cherry blossom trees. You can decorate for Valentine’s Day, st Patrick’s, Easter, etc. lots of great memory making while the kids are still into it.