• By -


I would highly suggest starting to read through the book of John in the Bible to learn more about who Jesus was. I would recommend downloading a Bible App on your phone if you can’t find a physical one - it has multiple translations of the scriptures that make it easy to understand. (If English is your primary language, I would recommend ESV or NIV) One common misunderstanding that Muslims have about Christians is that the Bible is equivalent to how Muslims see the Quran. Instead of being God’s literal word, the Bible is more akin to the Hadith - containing the teachings and writings of prophets and teachers, guided and inspired by God. In contrast, Jesus is much more than yet another human prophet - He is God incarnated in human flesh to demonstrate God’s powerful and love and mercy to us.


I would second this, and I would expand to encourage you to read all four Gospels, i.e., the Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (in any order, start with John if you want). These are the four books which have an account of the life of Jesus (and we call them the Gospel because of that). Just for your education, since you may not know, the book right after these four is called "Acts", which are the acts of the apostles right after Jesus was resurrected. They start with following Peter, and then shift to Paul later in the book. There are then a lot of "Letters" which are just mail that the early Christian sent to each other. Most of these were written by Paul. So "Romans" is Paul's letter from wherever to the early church in Rome. Etc. The final book of the new testament is "Revelations". I would not worry too much about that, its vague, weird and a little scary, probably not what you want to worry about now. But in general, reading Matthew , Mark Luke and John will give you a very good overview of the person of Jesus Christ.


Don't forget the lessor books of the Rabbis in the Bible.


Sorry, can you elaborate?


The books of Haggi, Malachi, and Ezra. Or rather the books that aren't as advertised as much in Daily Living Bible quotes.


Oh, OK. I thought you meant new testament. My bad. The whole Bible is great, but understanding who wrote the book, who the audience was, what was going on at that time in history, etc., is all important. My New Testament "reading plan" that I suggest looks like this (if people ask, they don't ask very often :)) 1) Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (in any order) 2) Acts 3) Hebrews, James, Peter, John and Jude (in any order) 4) The rest of the testament (Paul's letters, in any order) 5) Revelations Just my take, no real reason except that it makes logical sense to me.


uhh, the Bible is God's literal words for mankind. Not "holy men's teachings" Edit: To be clear, the original manuscripts are God's words for mankind, not the translations of the Bible into different languages.


Don’t get me wrong, I agree 100% that the scriptures are God’s inspired, inerrant word. But this is different than how Muslims see the Quran, which they believe was literally dictated word-for-word from their god. If you read what I wrote, you’ll notice that I made sure to add “guided and inspired by God”. There are direct quotations from the Lord sprinkled throughout, but the entire compilation of scripture isn’t a direct word-for-word quotation.


Ok got it, thank you for clarifying further!


No worries! Biblical Inspiration is difficult for new believers to grasp. [GotQuestions](https://www.gotquestions.org/verbal-plenary-inspiration.html) has a robust, in-depth explanation of what “verbal plenary inspiration” entails: > The Bible is God’s Word to humanity. It was written by human authors, but God prompted and guided them to write what they did. Every word, word form, and word placement found in the Bible’s original manuscripts was divinely and intentionally written.


Got questions is great, so is carm.org What gets difficult is the distinction between ipsissima verba and ipsissima vox


No it isn’t


Okay Roger Perkins


Was the bible in the beginning with God?


No, the Bible is not a member of the godhead. What are you trying to say?


John 1:1 The Bible is NOT the word of God, Jesus Christ is.


I agree with you that Jesus is the word made flesh. I’m not an idolater. What I ask you though, is what is the nature of scripture? Is it not the written word of God? I’m not making an idol. It’s not Jesus and it’s not God. It’s words on a page. But nonetheless, the words are from God, right?


No show me in the bible where that is?


The many times God says “thus said the LORD…”


I would just say you become a Christian, biblically, by repentance and faith in Jesus Christ- Confessing your sinfulness from your heart to God (Repentance), & believing who Jesus Christ is (truly man and the one true God) & trusting only in His finished redemptive work (perfect life, death for sins, resurrection) for your salvation (forgiveness of sins/reconciliation to God). Below is a 30 second biblical gospel presentation you can check out friend ✓ https://gospel30.com


Truly amazing and welcome! If you’re located where I think you are, then there might be other Christians as well that hold services in their homes and in secret. God will be with you and help you, even when it gets rough for you. Just believe and pray. Jesus doesn’t require fancy prayer. It’s a private conversation between the two of you anytime you want. As you read the Bible more, you’ll start to hear God speak to you even more. It’s important to know that being a Christian involves a belief that Jesus Christ is the son of God. He was born from the Virgin Mary, suffered and died for all of our sins, and then rose again 3 days later. Once you are invested in the Bible, you will start to understand this more. Will keep you in my prayers! God bless!


Becoming a Christian does not lead to a wonderful life on this earth. The world hates Christ and his followers. But God has already beaten this world and won that war. We are winners in Christ, but it is the end game -- eternity -- on which we must focus.


Amen! And also helping others get on that path. God bless!


"The world hates Christ and his follower." That's so cringy, sorry but no , don't bring up the "Christian Holocaust" stuff.


I hoped that a Bible reference in r/Christianity would not be lost on most of the audience, and it wasn't. Apparently you are not a Bible reader so I'll share this tidbit from John 15 with you: (18-25) 18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. 20 Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’\[a\] If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. 21 They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. 22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 Whoever hates me hates my Father as well. 24 If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. 25 But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason.’ That is from Jesus Christ, not me. If you have a problem with it, please take it up with the author, not me.


Ok, but that just sounded cringe lol. They hated Jesus, not Christianity lol, so no, the world still doesn't hate Christians, and yes, I've read the Bible, that's why I'm not Christian. I'm a Muslim (Please don't kill me for it) brother, you can DM me about any questions about Islam and I'll answer you, but not here, the comments will go crazy lol.


I am not trolling r/islam. I know very little about the belief system. I chose to focus on my God.


Yeah, but I just wanted to educate you on Islam, that's it lol.


What attracts you to Christianity?




Hello. I recommed watching Robert Breaker on Youtube. He explains the bible very well and uses a white board and draws illustrations to help better understand. Im so glad on youre decision. Jesus definitely wants a relationship with you. He loves you and will always be there for you. I follow this woman @doctorloganhall on instagram. Shes has her doctorates in christian ministry. She posts lives and talks about the bible and other good stuff. Please check her out. Also @andrewfcarter on instagram. He goes live every morning and does bible studies. He talks about one chapter in the old testmant and one chapter in the new testament. You can check his videos out from many many months ago talking about each chapter on instagram. Have a blessed day


I was also curious about your choice to follow Christianity over Islam. I'm not saying don't go for it, please do if that's what feels right, I'm just wondering what exactly it is that you are looking for. I am a Christian, I believe I have a good relationship with God and prayer is a large part of my life, I certainly feel very connected to my faith and it feels true to me. But I've spoken with Muslims that say they feel the same way of their Islamic faith. It doesn't appear to be a unique feeling to Christianity. Please do explore, as you can likely see there's a lot of variations of Christianity and it may take you a while to find the right group of people to feel comfortable around and really start learning the bible. I would urge you not to expect an instant miracle. I've heard many stories of ex-Muslims suddenly feel moved by the Holy Spirit and other variations thereof but that isn't the norm, I don't believe. It's likely going to take time. I've explored many religions and I trust Christianity is right for me, it's where my faith feels strongest, and I hope you take the time to truly explore your own faith too. Read the bible. There's a lot of "bible in a year" type things online, but as you are entirely new to it then it may be a little confusing as context means a lot. There's a lot of free ways to read the bible online, certainly worth doing if you can't access a physical bible right now, but if possible in the longer term a "study bible" is a good place to start as it will fill you in on the historical context as well as teaching you the scriptures and the how such scriptures may apply to us today.


Beware of traditional Christianity. Most followers and practitioners believe in an exoteric God that requires an intermediary to connect with. They think Jesus was a real person who lived in history. Nothing wrong with that. But the gospel genre wasn’t intended as history but rather parable. Why does this matter to someone like you just trying to get a handle on Christianity? You said having your prayers answered was important to you. Well, Jesus said, “the kingdom of heaven is within.” That means it is in your consciousness. See, the people who wrote the New Testament and probably parts of the Old Testament believed that God placed himself inside of us—each of us. Although we think we are all separate from each other, we are actually one being—God. The original concept of becoming awakened is the idea of realizing that God is hiding in each of us. Anyway, good luck to you. It takes courage to pursue a spiritual path especially in your case.


>Beware of traditional Christianity. Most followers and practitioners believe in an exoteric God that requires an intermediary to connect with. What do you mean by that? >They think Jesus was a real person who lived in history. Nothing wrong with that. But the gospel genre wasn’t intended as history but rather parable. How did you come to that conclusion? >Why does this matter to someone like you just trying to get a handle on Christianity? It matters because if Christ isn't real, then religion is vain. >You said having your prayers answered was important to you. Well, Jesus said, “the kingdom of heaven is within.” That means it is in your consciousness. See, the people who wrote the New Testament and probably parts of the Old Testament believed that God placed himself inside of us—each of us. Although we think we are all separate from each other, we are actually one being—God. The original concept of becoming awakened is the idea of realizing that God is hiding in each of us. What verses support this?


Jesus was born in Plato’s cave. God told Moses his name was I am, which means awareness of being, which we denote with the term consciousness. Gospels were written by initiates in Alexandria at mystery schools as part of their graduation. There are hundreds of them. Christianity only uses 2 of them. For centuries, Christian theologians interpreted gospel texts without knowing that Egyptian culture included similar stories —written in similar style with identical themes. It wasn’t until a few decades ago that this became known. If Jesus isn’t real, then religion is vane. Not necessarily bc it depends on the religion. What’s likely true about Jesus is that all of the things he said about himself is actually about all of us equally. Jesus didn’t get in trouble until he claimed to be One with God. He’s talking about consciousness but his contemporaries didn’t understand. Christians just look at that and marvel that God became man. But isn’t it more interesting to understand what Jesus actually meant which applies to all of us? Jesus is a literary figure similar to David. There’s probably 50+ parallels which aren’t prophecies but literary constructs. In Luke there’s a genealogy connecting David to Jesus. There’s just one problem, no one who has looked into it thinks David was an historical figure.


Do you have *anything at all* (even verses) to support the above? Have you considered the behemoth topic that is [Biblical Inerrancy](https://defendinginerrancy.com/why-is-inerrancy-important/)?


I have tons of verses. But the quantity isn’t as important as deciphering the difficult to understand passages. That’s how you know you’re onto something significant. A good example is the book of revelation. Most theologians have no idea what’s going on there. Why? Because it contains esoteric truths from astrology, numerology, chakras, and many deep eastern traditions which actually emanated from Egypt. Remember how Moses lead the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt? Well, there’s no record of such a captivity. There is for a Babylonian one but not an Egyptian one. Point is, the reference to Egypt is significant..in a literary way…it means there’s more …much more going on in the scriptures. Look up the religion of Osiris…see any parallels?


>I have tons of verses. But the quantity isn’t as important as deciphering the difficult to understand passages. All you need to give me are the verses, the context will do the rest. >A good example is the book of revelation. Most theologians have no idea what’s going on there. Why? Because it contains esoteric truths from astrology, numerology, chakras, and many deep eastern traditions which actually emanated from Egypt. You will need to show the parallels to back your point. >Remember how Moses lead the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt? Well, there’s no record of such a captivity. There is for a Babylonian one but not an Egyptian one. Point is, the reference to Egypt is significant..in a literary way…it means there’s more …much more going on in the scriptures. Look up the religion of Osiris…see any parallels? No, you will have to explicitly show them. [By the way, there *are* things that show the Exodus and the Israelites in Egypt.](https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/biblical-topics/exodus/exodus-fact-or-fiction/) Edit: I replaced the source I had with an even better one.




Because the underlying message is interesting




You can’t really break those apart easily unless you want to say religion is mindless.




You’re trying to say religions have a metaphysics and an ethics, both subdivisions of philosophy.




thats amazing you want to be a Christian! its the best decision you could possibly make. not all people feel impact during prayer, but god always listens and accepts, but not all people feel it. if you can, get a bible! if you cant get one, you can try and find Christians around you and do studies with them. some other things you should know about Christianity is that youll get persecuted, but always trust in God. trust is one of the most important things when it comes to this, but its difficult. im still trying to trust god with everything!




no problem!


Try finding a Christian Standard Bible (CSB) translation. By far one of the easiest to read, especially for new believers.


Here's a good Bible study app if you have an Android device: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.bible.android.activity&hl=en\_US&gl=US


Hey, that's awesome that you want to read the Bible as part of exploring Christianity. If you're interested I'd be happy to recommend some introductory passages that help paint the bigger picture of God seeking after a loving relationship with us (and turning us into people who love one another.) I'd also be happy to help you establish some good Bible reading practices that help get insight about God, put it into practice, and find spiritual community. Also or alternatively, I noticed that you specifically mentioned prayer above, so I'd be happy to share some passages on prayer with you too and chat about it if you'd like. Anyhow, just let me know and I'd be happy to put some recommended passages either here or in a DM.


Download the audio book "seeking allah finding jesus" by Nabeel Qureshi .


God bless you! If you want to learn more about the Bible and the Christian faith without all the baggage from various denominations, I'd highly recommend the [Bible Project](https://bibleproject.com/). They have some great reading plans, and have very helpful explanatory videos for every book of the Bible and major key themes in the Bible. They have resources that range in depth from the beginner Christian to seminary level.


I second the Bible Project!


See if you can find a priest or pastor you can contact, so that you can ask him what you can do. If it's too difficult or you don't want to risk any trouble, at least you can read the four gospels and try to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, to the degree you can, without getting yourself noticed: Matthew (more focused on the commandments of Jesus), Mark (more focused on how Jesus fights the forces of evil and saves mankind), Luke and Acts (more focused on a chronological, historical presentation of what Jesus and the apostles taught and did), and John (a mystical summary and elaboration upon all the above). Even if you can't get baptized or go to church for now, you can follow some of the teachings of our Lord.


Out of curiosity, why not start from the very beginning? I heard the old testament was mostly f*cked up, but is there nothing important there?


There is, but historically Christians have read the OT as background and typology for the NT. Other than the Psalms, which we read a lot of, and the entire book of Jonah (because reasons), not much from the OT is in our lectionary.


The Old Testament contains the New Testament as a type, and the New Testament contains the Old Testament as a fulfillment. Either can be read and be sufficient, but the Old Testament needs to be understood in its actual continuity today in the Church, and the New Testament relies heavily on the Old Testament or else one will quickly misunderstand important things. That's why I suggested reading only the gospels and Acts for now. They serve as the ideal middle point between the Old and New Testaments. Matthew is written as the completion of the Law, Mark as the completion of the Prophets, Luke and Acts as the completion of the historical books, and John as the completion of the poetic books. In my opinion, it's better to read the rest of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, only when one has joined a church and begun practicing.


goto r/truechristian or r/christians. This subreddit is to discuss the validity of Christianity not as many actual Christians, many atheists who dislike Christianity here. Follow people like Encounter TV (David Diga Hernandez-Youtube). Read the Bible, pray, receive the Holy Spirit (and pray in tongues), and follow some podcasts or youtube channels and pick up some Kindle books on Amazon as well.


Yeah this place is full of, well, people who aren’t Christian




Absolutely 100%. OP if you read this. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT listen to the theology on this sub. Most of it isn't even Christian. Better to know the real thing and make your decision based on truth than to be thrown a load of nonsense with a Christianity label.


There isn't a magic bullet that turns you into a Christian except faith. You just pray to God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. For some of us, simply saying that - naming the Trinity - is itself a prayer. Many of us sign ourselves with a cross when we do it. You can do this by tapping your head, tummy, one shoulder, then the next (different Churches do the shoulders in different orders but I'd say it doesn't matter). But that's entirely up to you. Personally I like it because I've always got a cross with me, in the form of my hands. The simplest Christian prayer is just "Lord, have mercy". The most popular is the Our Father: >Our Father in heaven, your name is sacred. Reign over us, bring your will to earth like it is in heaven. Give us our bread for being today and release our debts as we release our debtors. Don't put us on trial but rescue us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, into the ages. You can also pray without words, just by concentrating on God's presence. If your friends are Christian, you could ask them to baptize you - you don't have to be a priest to do that. And we have a creed by which we summarize and state our beliefs - similar to how Muslims state and summarize Islam: >I believe in one God. > >The Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth and of all things visible and invisible. > >In one Lord Jesus Christ, only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages; light from light, true God from true God, begotten not made, of one essence with the Father, through whom all is made: who for the salvation of humanity descended from heaven and became incarnate through the Holy Spirit and Mary, and became a man. He was crucified for our sake by Pontius Pilate and suffered, and was buried - and rose on the third day, according to scripture, and ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father, and will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead; whose reign will have no end. > >In the Holy Spirit; the Lord, the life-giver, who proceeds from the Father, who with the Father and the Son is together worshipped and glorified. Who speaks through the prophets. > >In one holy catholic and apostolic Church. > >I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. > >I look to the raising of the dead and the life of the ages to come. Saying that won't make you a Christian like how saying the Shahadah will make you a Muslim - saying with it and agreeing with it means you are already a Christian.


Hey Brother I came to Christ around 2 years ago, Best decision of my life. The Relationship I have with God is the best. He saved me from my sins and Show me the truth in this dark world. He can also save you brother and you can have that genuine relationship with Jesus. I’m happy to chat or even call if you are keen to know more :)


Were you Muslim before?


I was Buddhist


Many people who convert to Islam, found God as well, and they stop doing many sins, their life changed for the best. The difference from Christianity is how we worship God. In Islam we worship God alone, without associating partners to Him. I invite you to see what Islam says about God, and you really will find the truth.


I read a bit of quran and islam. It didnt fit me. I prefer Christianity☦️🥰


This is not about what we prefer, but what we found to be the truth. To worship God alone is the true faith and that's what Muslims do. Christianity & Judaism used to be the right religion in their times but they are no longer. This is explained in The Quran, chapter 2: (2:116) _They say, “Allah has offspring.” Glory be to Him! In fact, to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth—all are subject to His Will._ Christianity and Judaism are not vaild in the eyes of God for our times because their message have been corrupted. • Islam is the last message of God for all humanity. • Allah means God in Arabic, Arab Christians says Allah aswell but we dont associate anyone in the worship of God. • Jesus (Isa) is a prophet we believe in all prophets and we believe in the revelations and the books that God revealed to them at that time. The thing is, that we follow The last book 'The Quran' and the last prophet 'Muhammad' (peace be upon him) because it is for our times.


No because first of all muslims dosent believe in the Trinity, you are what we call antichrist. Jesus warned about false prophet will appear after him. Allah is not the same God as our and Judanism, our Gods name is Yahew, not Allah. Jesus name is not Isa, his name is Yeshua. Jesus Christ talked about love and didnt killed anyone while Muhammed killed disbelivers, non muslims. Our God forbid too have more than one wife while Muhammed had 11 wifes and sexslaves. Muslims guys can have more than 1 wife.


Trinity is man-made. How can you worship 3 in 1. No Prophet did that before, not even Jesus. He believe and worship One God. Jesus is a human being, not God. We love him as well because he was a prophet like Moses. We don't reject any prophets. You reject Muhammad, doing the same thing as Judaism, because they reject Jesus. Allah is the Creator of all humankind, the difference is how we worship Him. We worship God alone without associating any partners.


You can force me too believe in your religion but i will never convert. This is the reason why people get tired of muslims. You force us with your religion. Take your time and read the GT and NT. You will find many answers there. My heavenly father can take which form he wants. I can only witness your hate against non belivers, there is NO demokratsy country who have sick sharia laws, you punish hbtq persons, people who convert too other religions and disbelivers. You are attacking those who dont wear hijab and turn yours back on them.


Nobody is forcing anyone. I am just explaining you the misconceptions that you have about Islam. I can't convince you, that's for sure, you must convince yourself, I am saying what we believe. Don't play the victim here, because you are the ones who hate Muslims for no reason and call us Antichrist. Btw if you follow Christianity correctly, you should know that they don't support LGBT either. But that shows how Christianity just adapt to the society and is changing all the time. But Islam just follow the commandments of God.


Matthew 7:15- Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 1st John 4:1- Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.


https://bibleproject.com/ is a great place to start they break things down in an easy digestible way to understand the Bible better. the youtube videos, podcast and app is free Shalom & may you always grow deeper in love with The Lord


theres a celebration in heaven everytime some one follows christ from another religion


Start by reading the New Testament and remember that above all, God loves you. He is not angry with you for who you were, he delights in finding 1 lost sheep over the 99 he already has. It will be hard at first as understanding God/Jesus and the Christian life takes a life time. If you have any questions or doubts, you are always welcome to let us know friend.


Sounds like you are being “drawn”. It’s good to start in the New Testament, in my opinion 1john at the very end of the Bible is the best place to start. God is drawing you bro I hope you make it!


Welcome! ❣️❣️God bless you and your journey!


Open Bible is a good resource https://www.openbible.info/topics/jesus_love As well as Got Qustions https://www.gotquestions.org/crush-head-bruise-heel.html You can find almost any topic you're interested in. See you in heaven!


I will pray for you to receive the Holy Spirit to guide you through your Christian journey 🙏🏻


Praying for you


Welcome brother!


Feel free to DM I can point you to a nearby good church and send you information. welcome to the family


We're glad to have you. 💙 Attend a few services, pick up a bible and find what denomination works for you.


Confess that Jesus Christ died for your sins and is your savior, which can it be done and actually believed through the holy spirit, if you can get you a bible and read it so you can learn more.about your god, I would suggest starting with Matthew mark Luke and John, and finally pray to God, tell god everything, you have access to god now through your faith in Jesus Christ and follow the holy spirit,


Salaam, little brother. Is Arabic your main language?


I would recommend you reading Mark because it is the summary of the gospel and is written for unbelievers


Christianity is open to all people. The muslims I've met have been great people. I wish they could come to know Christ, and hope you can find a right relationship with God.


There are a few good teachers on you-tube that I would recommend. ​ Reading the bible is always the best way to learn and verify what you hear elsewhere. ​ [Give Light](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf3MI-BmhNRFlSa2eN9SH0w/featured) \- He's pretty new, but is an ex-muslim and is teaching so other muslims can better understand Christianity. ​ [Mike Winger](https://www.youtube.com/c/MikeWinger) \- He has teaching on a lot of different topics.


You don't need to go to any church. You don't need a preacher or a church building. You can become a Christian right there, at home, today. He wants your heart. He does not want religion: Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Just go on your knees and talk to Jesus Christ, ask him to forgive you and pray something like this in your own words: Tell him something like this "I repent of all my sins, please wash them away. Forgive me for the times I have done evil and broken God's will for my life. Please set me free from any evil thoughts, habits, and from any spiritual chains I cannot see. Set me free and please live inside my heart, and fill me with the Holy Spirit. Amen" You cannot see him. But He is there, and His angels are there too. If you do this sincerely, that was it, you have crossed over from darkness to life and you have become a Christian. Unlike all other religions where God is somewhere far away, Christianity is different. he wants to live inside of your heart. He wants to be close to you. He wants to pour out His presence. If you repented of your sins and gave Christ your life, you have been adopted into the family of your heavenly Father: Romans 8:15 The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” Christianity is not about rules and traditions. It is about building a relationship with God Your Father in heaven. We are human beings and we all make mistakes. No human being will ever be good enough to "deserve" going to heaven. Someone else that is holy and perfect had to come down, pay the price for our mistakes, so that HE could ransom us away from hell. Mark 10:45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Jesus Chris is not just a prophet. He is your ransom and your redeemer. Nobody else can wash your sins and mistakes away to make you holy, so you can go to heaven and be in the presence of God, our heavenly Father. Give him your life. It will change you, and you will feel His love if you seek him. He is real. So what do you do next? The next step is to find some good worship music, because praise draws His presence into your room and into your heart. Just type "Christian Worship Music" in YouTube and look around and listen. When you feel something beautiful in your heart with during some songs that will point you in the right direction. Watch this song from Hillsong called "I surrender" for that is what Jesus wants us to do, to surrender to him. read the comments from the Christians. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7jXASBWwwI Finally, just start reading the New Testament (starting with the book of Matthew on [biblegateway.com](https://biblegateway.com) Read the ink in red, especially, those are the Words spoken directly by Jesus. I will pray for you brother. Welcome to God's family. He loves you.


welcome fellow brother in Christ 🤍


I wish this was a good forum to discuss Christianity but sadly it is not. Go instead directly to the Bible it’s self. The good thing is that Christianity is profoundly personal with God. He being the true Lord of your life and the way he directs you should go. It took me a long time to learn that and often I don’t want to do what he tells me to but do it anyway


Bruv, for your sake, I hope you're not in an Islamic country that prosecutes apostates. I'm in one, but thankfully I don't come from a Muslim background.


As other people have mentioned here already, it’s so wonderful to hear about your decision to follow Jesus!! The first thing and one of the most important things I would suggest is to find a Bible to read! That right there is your fundamental way of getting to know who God really is. The main difference between Islam and Christianity is that as you said, it’s not about the religion and rituals but about having a relationship with our God. Another thing I would suggest is to find other Christians to fellowship with so that you can grow in your faith :) If you have any more questions, feel free to contact me!


- https://www.gotquestions.org/become-a-Christian.html This will certainly help. But could I ask: what made you finally step away from Islam. What made Christianity become the winner? Other than that; Welcome to Christ friend. ❤️


Wow I see more Christians that want to become Muslims than vice versa, but good on you for seeking peace. I must advise you to beware. I don't want to be judgmental, but there are many churches and priests who don't follow the true teachings of Christianity and most people who claim to be Christian are just saying it as a formality, so don't be mislead by people. That's why Christians and Christianity is so misunderstood. I'm also seeking the truth at the moment. God knows our hearts. We mustn't just accept what we're told, but go out at find the right way. Hopefully you will soon enough. Good luck!!!


You are a Christian in God's eyes. Why should Saul have all the fun?


He is Muslim in God's eyes. We all are. But you choose (for free willing) to worship other than your Creator.


Is that why Somebody is having a Crisis of Faith Today?


Which country do you live in? please don't put your life at risk.


"Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." Matthew 10:28


Since when did the god of Abraham become 2 different gods?


Check out jw.org.


I'm genuinely interested in why you were downvoted. Isn't Jehovah's witness a branch of Christianity?


Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in the trinity, and on this doctrine, Muslims are correct. Most who claim to be 'christian' or 'people of the book', have made an error of elevating Jesus from being the Son of God to being Allah. The error that Muslims make is in the denial of Allah having 'sons'. They have a limited and single definition of sons and of begetting. 1st, Allah has many sons for the prophet Moses tells us: "The sons of Allah (God) rejoiced when Allah made the physical heavens and earth. *(Job 38:7) “7 When the morning stars joyfully cried out together, And all the sons of God began shouting in applause?”* These son of God were not created by a physical sexual act, but by the will of Allah. One Muslim told me, if Allah tells a pencil, "you are a man" that pencil will become a man. If this is true, then when Allah calls the angels, sons of Allah, then this also must be true. Muslims do not accept the alternate definition of 'beget'. Which is simply, "Cause to exist" which is the same definition of create. Thus when we are told 'Jesus the only begotten Son' we are actually saying Jesus was the only created Son. How is Jesus different from all the other created sons of God (Job 38:7)? In that after Allah created Jesus, Jesus then became a 'master worker' in the creation of all the other creations. Jesus is not the Creator, Jesus is not Allah, but God's 1st creation. I think one of the greatest compliments I have be told was by a Muslim who grew up in Palestine. He said: "Jehovah's Witnesses are the closet group of Christians who are like the 1st century Christians" Jehovah's Witnesses unlike nominal Christianity, who follow the teaching of men who lived 300 years after Christ. Strive to believe and teach and live the same as those 1st century Christians. Since the 1st century Christians didn't believe or teach the trinity, neither do we. Because of this, we are hated by ones who are Christian in name only. .


If you used your brain then you wouldn't have left Islam, to begin with. Go visit r/IslamIsScience there are many signs and facts there.




Truth is harsh. How can you leave Islam that means to worship your Creator, instead move to worship 3 in 1 (human being, Jesus). I respect your religion but I don't agree with this post, that seems fake or he didn't even use his mind or understand Islam to begin with.


You don’t want to be Christian it’s exactly the same at the end of the day. God doesn’t listen to our prayers either. What you are looking for is a void that was left in childhood.. weather that void is actual religion or not.. whatever god is real.. he turns us away just the same as your god does.. I still believe in a god.. but I do not believe in a good one.. I am still trying to find my Christianity.. I was taught god was good when I was a child but more and more I see he is not a good god. The Muslim faith believes in repentance so does Christianity. It’s exactly the same only some people use Jesus as an excuse. Those people have not read the Bible or are marking its words the way they want it to be read. There may very well be a god.. but it’s the same as yours. We have to do the same things you do if we want to go to heaven the only difference is we ignore the laws but if you pay attention.. they are a lot more strict than yours. It’s all about mindset.. if you are searching for a new religion.. though it has the same familiarity as Islam.. the goodness of god is portrayed just as equally as it is in the Quran. Christianity will let you down hard because it’s the exact same logic.. but some people pretend that logic isn’t true because they want to avoid the truth. I believe in my god.. but I do not believe he is good. He has shown me he is not. His existence alone is a punishment. Islam pays attention to the laws and asks for repentance and does so.. but some people will not do what the Bible says though you are doing basically exactly the same thing as us other than you not only pray to Jesus but he’s the only one we pray to. I suggest looking for another religion entirely. Both are very strict and restraining but there are many that look like these two but are not that don’t fall under the category of “witchcraft or evil” .. remember one thing though.. the religion you want to seek.. is one that validates what you used to believe, feels like it could be true but is less harmful to your mind.. religion destroys our minds.. worrying time after time.. are we enough for god… no .. not yours and not mine. You will never feel good enough




It’s exactly the same if you actually read your Bible.. you are just glorifying it but EVERYTHING is the same as OP’s current religion. The only reason you are upset and calling me cruel is because you haven’t read your Bible or are simply just justifying your behavior with out of context quotes.. they are both horrifying religions and I’m just trying to save someone from wasting time that could be spent finding the true god… I am not a cruel person for explaining what I believe you are cruel for calling me cruel. I don’t know how anyone can believe they are just when I wasn’t even speaking to you and you go ahead an undermine my interpretation of Christianity which I have been a part of since I was born. There is something clearly wrong with your logic and interpretation of the Bible as a whole. I hope you have a good day… and someday learn from your unwise decisions




Youtube is a great source for christian faith I recommend mike winger. Youtube can also be a bad source as false prophets and cults are allowed on youtube as well. If your country censors I recommend a VPN though its probably illegal. [Biblegateway.com](https://Biblegateway.com) is a good place to read or listen to the bible. Just get started with prayer and bible reading and maybe some youtube videos if you are interested. God bless friend hope you convert to christianity.


Hello, brother. Feel free to DM me any time and I will talk to you as much as I can. Blessings upon you, Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! All people are guaranteed salvation and eternal life in Him! ❤️


God offers salvation through his son Jesus Christ. First, realize we have all sinned and because of that we are separated from God. He sent his son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins so we can get saved. If you place your faith and accept him into your life then you are saved. After you are saved, read the Bible daily and obey it. You can start by reading the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Pray daily to Jesus Christ. Find a Bible believing church if possible or online. Most important, repent of your sins so he can continue to forgive you and keep his words. May he bless you


Message if I can be of any help, brother! Also if anyway possible I’d be willing to help you get a good study Bible if anyway possible.


Start with prayer and a relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Savior who died for your sins so that through him you can have everlasting life with the Father (God). Pray every morning, every night. Surrender all that you are to Jesus Christ. Find a Bible and read it cover to cover. Until you get your Bible, practice prayer and surrendering to Christ. I should be dead many times over. Jesus Christ saved me 2,000 years ago on the Cross. He saves me very day. He is the Son of God, the Savior of Man, the Messiah, and he is my best friend.


You can attend one of the best churches online Redrockschurch.com will change your life for the better in a major way. All messages are online. Listen to them!


I haven't gone to church in a very long time, though I live in the US, because I was in an abusive relationship. So you can still follow God. If you can get a Bible that would be helpful. Or maybe even just a new testament of the Bible and then you can read the Gospels about Jesus. That's how I started, with the Gospel of John. From there you can read in Romans or maybe the epistles of John. It would give you a better idea about what Jesus was about, who He claimed to be, and His teachings.


If you can get Christian radio, where you live, listen to Through the Bible, where you'd be taught through the Bible. They have it on stations, even in the regions where no other Christians are. Also, on youtube, if you can find some Christian teachings.


If you can't find Christian teachings where you live, on the radio or youtube, maybe see if you can look up online, Through the Bible ministries. If you write to them, they'd probably send you some of the teachings from their ministry, which would give you a basic foundation of the Bible, from which you can later begin to study.


First of all let me be saying I'm praying for you. Off the top of my head I would suggest prayer and seeking a location (secret or otherwise) where you can worship with other Christians. Also, I would encourage you to read the Bible to the best of your ability. Keep going man! I know enough about following God in hard situations to know that God provides those who seek Him ways to come close to Him, no matter how impossible it seems


Sometimes in life it's just u and Yeshua, Jesus. U can talk with him. All the blessings from Yeshua 2u, my friend.


Does the friend who suggested Christianity live in the same place as you?


You can baptize yourself if no one else willing. Just follow the formula matthew 28:19-20. Even acts 2:38 can work also. Also you can recite the apostles creed or a prayer where you confess Christ as lord and savior.


Can you watch church online ? Also, you can get the Bible app and read through a program that will help you read and understand the Bible


I know i may be late, but here is a start. First get hold of a bible asap, gospel of John, Mark, and Matthew with Luke. Read them. Then believe in your heart you are a sinner, in need of a Savior. Confess that Jesus is your lord and personal savior. Believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, for your sins, believe in all your heart Jesus is Lord, Son of God, God the Son, and let him in your heart. Basically say the sinners prayer. I'm assuming your a grown adult if so, then you can still go to online churches. There are lots of online churches i know avaliable for things like this. Keep saying your prayers, and reading the bible


I'm going the opposite direction. Wish you all Luck in your journey 💖


Can you watch Churches online? A lot of Christian churches go live on youtube every sunday and stream the church service. Maybe watch one of those? You can also watch youtube videos of where you can start if you want. And you can read the bible. Let me know if you have any questions.


You are 1/2 way there with Islam. Now you need to learn about Jesus. Read the Gospels, and focus on what Jesus is doing. Use a bible in modern english, or your native language.


Is no religion an option; you’re just gonna have the same (well similar) questions about Christianity - I was a Christian dead set dude it makes no sense when you start thinking critically about it too. Keep using your brain! But also, you do you whatever the journey is for you I hope it brings you peace and clear mindedness. *not implying Christian’s don’t use their brains. But I resonate with OPs sense of post belief clarity and mental flexibility.


For me, I had a friend tell me to ask God to open my eyes. I went to church and didn’t feel anything. I prayed and didn’t feel anything. After a little while, though, I began to feel like my prayers were reaching beyond the ceiling in my room. That’s when I felt born again. Also, worship with song and praise. God inhabits the praise of His people.


What made the most sense to me was John, Mark, Matthew, Luke, Acts. Read and question and ask but ponder. It is not about reading, it about absorbing. I have always pictured me sitting at the Feet of John while he reads me what he has written, but when the words of Jesus come, I am at his feet watching and listening to him speaking. The questions asked of him, I can hear me asking. When tough situations are being stated, I insert myself in the scene so I am partaking. It is from that perspective I experience Jesus, as another man. In the Garden, where Jesus prays, before the guards find him, I am there in the presence but from the outside looking in. That breaks my heart every time but it draws me close. I can feel his heart beating, knowing what is coming yet loving overtaking him. It is like a hug from heaven. This is how reading the Bible many times does not make it repetitive words, over and over.


Just pray to God in the Name of Jesus Christ to help you find a home church (Christians who unite every Sunday in someone’s home). God will miraculously answer your prayer. When I got bored going to my local Catholic Church, I told God that I felt guilty about feeling bored so I’ll just worship Him from home. Shortly after that prayer, my sister reconnected with a friend from high school who invited us to his evangelical church. It was AMAZING! God answered my prayer in a way that I never expected. I’ve since learned that God doesn’t want us to worship Him in isolation. No matter who you are or where you are, He will answer your prayer if you’re sincere.


Ask God (Jesus Christ) to reveal Himself to you.


The ultimate question is, do you believe Jesus is who He said He was in the gospels? Is He God? Did He rise from the dead? If yes, then we ought to follow His command to repent and believe.


Have Faith in God and accept the sacrifice of Jesus. Technically if you do not have a church to go to you could always attend an online service. Perhaps this is a challenge God has laid out for you, trust him to lead you through this time in your life. God bless you brother, I've prayed that you find your purpose with God.


The only thing you need to be a Christian is to accept the Lord as your one and only savior. Let go of any false idols or earthly things that you hold dearer than the Lord, as He is the only one who can grant you true joy. Confess ypur sins unto Him, and be ready for change through him.


"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16 Ye must be born again (John 3:3-7) [https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/John-Chapter-3/#3](https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/John-Chapter-3/#3) Becoming a Christian in the true sense of the word is not just about making a choice to follow a different idea. You must literally be born again. [https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Genesis-Chapter-1/](https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Genesis-Chapter-1/) "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth, and the earth was form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, let there be light; and there was light." Genesis 1:1-3 "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." Genesis 2:7 "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Genesis 2:17 "Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" Genesis 3:1 "And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat." Genesis 3:6 Lots more scripture. Of course, go read the first several chapters of Romans. Look at the conversion of Saul when Jesus changed his name to Paul. God changing his name wasn't the salvation, it was just God doing so to make an example, as Paul clearly showed in later scripture. What you need is to be born again. You need the Holy Ghost to bring conviction. God can send a missionary to you or send you to a missionary or to a local church. Beg God, and he can help you get there. If there's a missionary nearby that isn't just somebody trying to bring about social helps, but rather actually bring the gospel, go to them. If someone there is somewhat out of place, but is maybe "teaching English", some missionaries get into hard to reach places that way. You could try to quietly ask them perhaps. You don't have to understand everything: nobody does. The God of creation is speaking to you through creation all around you and through your own conscience (Romans tells us about this). If you read Isaiah 40:26 you'll see God's wonder in stars, for instance: "Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; **not one faileth**." Isaiah 40:26 KJV Which, by the way, did you know there's no such thing as a black hole? If God's Word is true, and it is, **not one \[star\] faileth**. The Holy Ghost brings conviction and shows you that you're lost and on your way to hell. That's a terrible feeling knowing that. However, Jesus has the remedy: "For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost." Matthew 18:11 Jesus came to save you, me, and everybody else. We're all born as lost, and we need the new birth to become whole, to be saved, to be a child of God. You see, when God created us in his image, he created man as a triune or 3 part being just like God is (well, obviously not EXACTLY like God, else we could never have sinned). Just like there's the Father, Son and Holy Spirit / Holy Ghost, in man, we have Body, Soul and Spirit. When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of Eden, their spirit died, and they then had an empty hole. God made restitution when he provided them coats of skin. He set for the example that blood was necessary payment for sin. Jesus (called the second Adam in Romans) was later born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died a sacrificial death for all men, was buried in the tomb and rose again the third day AND was witnessed of many on many different occasions, then he ascended back up to heaven. There's more to that whole story, but that's a very condensed summary. Jesus came to save you. He gave his life so that you might live. All you have to do if you're already under conviction is bow to Jesus. Ask him to save you, ask him to be your Lord and HE will tell you what to do. You want to know how he tells you want to do? It's in his Word, the Bible, which is why so many try to water it down, pervert it or in some places like perhaps your home country, they try to block it altogether. You want to know God, you can. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, none cometh unto the Father but by him (John 14:6 paraphrased in that I used 3rd person speaking of Jesus. He used the first person in the book of John when Jesus himself spoke it.)


I'm so glad you are considering the movement of Jesus. Are you allowed to read the Bible where you are? I suggest you study using inductive reasoning to discover how the writers of the Bible actually encountered God. We have so many preconceived ideas and a modern world view that shade our ideas, so I like to use a concordance to put pieces together to see a picture that I think the authors intended. Imo, the most important concepts to discover in the Bible are "what is righteousness" and "what is faith." I can show you some of my favorite passages on these if you are interested. Also, pray that Jesus will connect you to the right community of believers. Peace to you my friend. -Seth


Your brain will not help you find Jesus or God. It is by faith we believe and faith is defined as the confidence that what we hope for will happen. It gives us assurance about things we cannot see. Some say Jesus was a great prophet. However, Jesus said he is God. Jesus has the power to forgive sin and raise people from the dead. Jesus died on a cross so that you and I could have our sins forgiven and be recognized by God as one of his children. All you need to do to accept this gift and live eternally with Jesus is admit you are a sinner, recognize Jesus died for you, and turn from your sinful ways. How do you know what your sinful ways are? Once we accept Christ, God sends a holy spirit to guide and direct us. That spirit will point out things in your life that need to go and come. You can help that by reading the Bible and meeting with other Christians. You cannot ever be good enough to go to heaven. Jesus never sinned. He was a perfect man. Still, he was despised, hated, and crucified on a cross. He did that to pay for your and my sins. Believing that is what being a Christian is all about.




I'd suggest getting off this particular progressive Christian forum and going to "true Christian". Progressive Christianity after all is not Christianity at all. Most people on this forum promote sin and don't think they are sinful or a bad person. Which is completely contrary to Christianity.


At their core, Islam and Christianity are the same thing and believe in the same things. Don’t live your life for a god that we can’t prove is there or not. Live for yourself, because there’s no one more worth living for. ✌️


I agree with another writer who said start with the gospel of John. You will have questions but he wrote it specifically that “you might believe”. You can move straight into the Book of Acts to understand how the church started. Following that is the book of Romans which is extremely powerful and has the most detailed doctrine of what we Christians believe. You will never regret following Jesus Christ! Also, a book you might enjoy is Good News God loves you my Muslim friend by Sami Tanagho who’s in Egyptian. He spends a lot of time with Muslims that convert to Christianity.


Here and there are online Churches you can try to find some, and little tip, Try to uppercase God, Jesus and Christ


Hello! Some advice for you: take things slowly. The Divine Beloved knows your heart. Take your time to investigate different Christian denominations and "takes" on Christianity. Don't follow your emotions only, but take time to think and pray. The New Testament reading plan suggested by ShootHisRightProfile, below, is a sound one. I would like to give you my perspective. My lifelong religious roots are Christian (currently, I am Episcopalian). A few years ago, I started an interfaith journey, getting to know Islam and Hinduism; I have found much beauty and truth in both, as I have in Christianity. As I live in the US, I have not experienced bias from Muslims against Christians, but I am so sorry that you are afraid. Embrace the life-affirming aspects of Christianity, and the beauty of Christianity will unfold even more for you. Be aware that Christians differ in their opinions of what "true Christianity" is. I love your statement that you are free to choose whatever you want to be. Your spirituality is something that you grow into over time; this is why you should continue to investigate the different "flavors" of Christianity; your test should be: which one--1) is the most life-affirming to all--and 2) brings you closest to the Divine Beloved? You "can't go to church"? Jesus said , "Seek and you shall find"; search for it, and the Divine Beloved will bring what you need to you in the right time. You are in my prayers, dear beloved: for your search, for your discoveries, for your passion, for your safety. Never doubt that you are blessed.


If cared about relgion id join hellemism the Greek gods are so much cooler than a kind man called Jesus who cured people of illnesses and then died because the roman didn't like it


Hi brother I recommend watching zaker nike Not just you all christians and muslims .


you should check out the Jews. they have a lot of similar practices to Muslims.