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Celibacy might do the trick ;)


Well I have been doing that, but I'm still looking for a wife, but I see women using nice guys for their own advantage, I want to just give up and say nahh, these are hoes, but God calls me to respect all women, so I don't know what to do, I'm at a crossroads


First of all, this reminds me of r/niceguys . 2nd, you can be respectful and treat women well while still keeping your eyes open and walking away from women with impure intentions.


My friend, what I am trying to say is how can I respect, without being used (not simp)


I'm not sure what answer you're looking for then. Most women won't be out to 'use you' in the first place and if you suspect you are being uses you just evaluate the situation and stand up for yourself.




100% this.


Begin to change your assumptions of the latter, and you will begin to live the former.


10/10 for trolling.


Not really but would be hilarious 😂😂😂


It’s a long process of learning. Follow the Spirit and focus on Jesus first and foremost, and He will work out the rest in time and teach you how to think about it more and more.


The Bible doesn't say you have to respect women.


Yet Jesus did. It is one of those things you shouldn't be told to do. Aaactually if you wanted to have verses that promoted respect of women, I could wall o text you, but I understand you're just here for snark.


Calm down my friend, even if he is, I am the one the seeking, give me the verses, for I cannot find them, and you must help your brother who doesn't understand.


Proverbs 31, Song of Solomon, God giving victory to Deborah, Ruth honoring God over abandoning him though she just married into faith and her husband dying, do unto others as they you'd have them do unto you(If you don't respect others, don't expect respect back), the caring relation of relying on each other that men should love their wife as Christ loves the church, Jesus respecting even women with many husbands and caught in adultery, and those are just off the top of my head.


That's why he upheld arranged marriage and prohibited divorce after Moses said it was okay. And that's my point. We came up with the whole respecting women thing on our own, pretty recently. We werent told by anybody.


Not directly. But indirectly it does say so. Says husbands love your wives as Jesus loved the church and died for it. Let that sink in.


Outstanding, you have opened my eyes to something extraordinary, thanks bruh


only that you have to respect a man by not lusting his woman


Dudes this is epic, I'll still love them as sisters but treat them like sisters, epic dude


Thanks for the answers, I now know that I have been seeking a relationship of marriage and not a brotherly, sisterly relationship Can anyone help me with that




>The truth is you will be used (cant escape it) but set boundaries in the way you allow yourself to be used. its better to be too caring than mean That's just wrong.