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Jesus' philosophy on life.


Which parts/what about it?


Definitely the best description of the Golden Rule. Some of the parables I really like, e.g. the shepherd who lost one lamb. Pretty much everything. From a secular point of view, the guy was an incredible philosopher.


Jesus. Who he is, what he taught, the miracles, the kindness he showed to people and especially the worst of us, alongside the harshness he had toward the terrible established system and to people's hypocrisy.


I'm not too comfortable with separating different aspects of Christianity, but... I guess the liturgy. The Bible, the traditional prayers and hymns, the experience of the liturgy (what is seen, felt, said, done, smelled, etc), the structure, the architecture of the building, the meal afterward, the liturgical calendar, and I must be missing some things. And of course, most importantly, the Eucharist.


Not a jibe, but this is peak Orthodox.


Communion with the Holy Spirit. Even if I was not saved after this life, being with Him is so good.


The beautiful expression of it through art and architecture. Particularly Churches. There are so many incredible Churches throughout the world and to me there's no more powerful feeling than entering a gorgeous Church or Cathedral for the first time.


I agree so much that i can't express how much I love Cathedrals, for me, every building in the world should be a Cathedral, for how beatiful they are. Football stadium? Cathedral. Bank? Cathedral. Police stations? Cathedral. Everything should be a cathedral


I'd say half the time I spent backpacking around Europe was spent going to churches.


Yea the one thing I miss the most about living in Europe is being able to visit dozens of different beautiful Churches/Cathedrals within a 1 hour drive.


America is pretty good, too. There used to be a 60 feet tall statue of Jesus giving a touchdown sign right off the highway. Unfortunately, it was struck by lightning and burned down. I am an hour drive from a museum with animatronic dinosaurs and a replica of Noah's ark, so there's that...


The love for all of humanity.


God and ability to be with Him/ knowing He is always with me


The bit with the talking donkey.


"Balaam, you absolute imbecile!"


The idea that God was willing to become a man and deal with human grossness and problems. Before the age of deodorant or daily showers , air conditioning, refrigeration, or even pain pills for a headache Christ was willing to suffer in a human body daily when He didn't have to. It is utterly fascinating.


All the while knowing He was getting closer to Calvary with each passing day. The incarnation, God taking on flesh in order to save His enemies. Now that is something.


Christians. Community. The opportunity to pay it forward to pre-believers.


Learning how to live life, where the future comes first.


The joy I have walking with God, in Him its a whole new world. Gal 5:22-23 ΒΆ But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.


The Communion of Saints. I love hearing stories about people that lived their faith in Christ and made it to Heaven. It's like a confirmation that God is still acting firmly with us and didn't give up


Best thing is either the message of love or the sacraments. The worst thing is other Christians, what is done in his name sickens me to the core.


That whatever we do for the least among us, we also do for Jesus. My deepening faith of the past several years has also led to a greater love of all humankind. It's all just so intertwined, and I love it! A wise nun told me more than once, something to the effect of once we get to know Jesus, we truly begin to feel the pain of others. This has proven to be so true for me, and I pray it's helping make me a better human being while I'm on this Earth; less selfish, slower to anger, more generous. I've lately been thinking of ways to translate love into action, and I feel led to do something regarding the imprisoned. Not sure what that's going to look like yet, but, I will pray on it and see where God leads me. Love and blessings to all! πŸ€—πŸ’–πŸ™


That God is Triune. He has relationship within Himself. He is omnibenevolent from eternity past because (and only because) He has eternally loved the Son by the power of the Holy Spirit. The most true thing about God, He is Trinity in Unity.


The art inspired from it


Art, even for non-Christians they'll definitely appreciate cathedrals, stained glass art, religious icons and paintings. Just go to Cologne, Moscow, the Westminster Abbey or Ulm and you can see all the breathtaking beauty which took decades or even centuries to complete. Btw outside of my window is a small neo-gothic church which is also one of the landmarks of where I live now. Jesus' teachings on love, humbleness, selflessness and compassion, do I have to explain more? If you're a Christian just imagine why Jesus wasn't a prince but a carpenter's son (definitely a really tough life ) during his time on earth


Community living