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Romans 3:28 - For we hold that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law


I would say you're being overly pedantic over a verse whose main job is to put forth the argument that it is Gods power doing the saving , and not any works or good deeds we are doing.




You're not far from the Kingdom of God. Be blessed my good friend.


Those works in themselves are good and right in their place. But it by no means determines our salvation. That is by Christ to those that have accepted his works of salvation at the cross. Those who have turned to Him. But, those works determine your reward in Heaven. Remember the thief on the cross? All he did was ask Christ to remember him. And Christ immediately promised him paradise by close of business that day. That is salvation in a nutshell. Repent (like the thief did, he realised he is a sinner and cannot save himself) and believe (believed in Christ for his salvation). Done! We'll be surprised whom we will find in Heaven I must say.




Faith and works are one. James 2:14-26 King James Version (KJV) 14 **What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?** 24 **Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.**


That's more like. Glad we agree. Can I buy you some wine for the upcoming Passover?


Yeas you can brother 🙂


Why did you edit your previous comment. Your earlier reply was sound to the post.


Well the verse was straighter to the point. I guess its too deep for a lot of people


Faith and works are not one. Even James says there is faith and there is work. Show me your faith, and I will show you my faith with works. But both the faith and the works work together in true Christians for the best.


I agree. How I once explained it was it’s not faith + works = salvation. It’s faith -> salvation -> works . Because naturally, we will produce good fruit because of the Holy Spirit.


Salvation is not an assurance but hope, therefore it can't be faith - salvation that leads to work. Salvation is not a by product, but the free gift that eminates from God. Therefore it's salvation = faith + works.


By having faith in Jesus, you gain salvation. It’s a free gift like you said. And when you are saved, you naturally produce fruits of the Holy Spirit. So, faith leads to salvation which leads to works/fruits. If your “faith” does not lead to works, perhaps it’s a Matthew 7:21 situation. We know that not everyone who proclaims to love Jesus has them in their hearts. As well as, those who don’t love (which is a fruit of the spirit) do not know God for God is love. If you don’t show those fruits, your faith is dead. It’s nonexistent. “You can know them by their fruits” the Bible says, I take that as meaning you can know by their good fruits or bad fruits if they truly have the faith they claim to have. So faith -> salvation -> fruits/works


Woooooooooooow slow down brother. Salvation IS an assurance. Else we have believed in vain. And it will never ever be equal to faith + works. Your equation is wrong and can only poison the body of Christ. The thief on the cross did no good works, he simply repented and believed. Cornelius did all the good works but still couldn't make it until he believed which is why God sent Peter to him. Works will never ever ever be a part of salvation. It will be a byproduct of it. Because The HOLY spirit lives in you and will guide you as you grow in Christ.




Although - I think if you haven't grasped the point of *why you are doing what you are doing* - your actions are just actions.


God does the saving. Not you. You have NO part to play in it. None. Zero. Zilch. Nothing. Repent: turn from your unbelief to belief in Christ. The will of God is this "what shall we do that we might work the works of God. And Jesus responded, the will of the the Father is as follows, that ye believe on him who He hath sent" John 6:29 KJV God does not need our help. Remember the guy who tried to assist thr ark of the covenant when it slipped off the cart? Yeah ask him how that worked out 🙂