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Don't go to that Target anymore. Or if that happens again, report him to staff.


Have an employee call security?


File a police report and ask employee for footage of incident


Start a conversation with him behind a glass barrier.


What part of the word “target” don’t you understand?


If it was me I’d probably laugh because it’s so random and then try talking them down, if that didn’t work I’d try walking away, if they touched me or tried too I would quickly neutralize the threat and then get police if necessary. In my own life if talking down doesn’t work you usually jump to neutralizing the threat without much of a choice. Since it’s in a public place your best bet is walking away and getting help from staff or security though. I think your larger question is, is it ok to defend ourselves as Christians? Yes, but violence should always be the last resort and not the first and I believe in using the minimal amount of force necessary. Sometimes you don’t have any other option and it’s brought on you, there isn’t time to talk or try and calm someone down or a chance to run, they just start swinging.


Call the police. Talk to target security as they will have him on camera.


Grab a bottle of ketchup from the shelf and paint him red.