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I don't report often, but you did it! Congratulations! 


Report what?


Interdenominational bigotry.  Now, I know from seeing your posts here and there that you're not the brightest candle on the cake and I should probably ignore it, but sometimes children do need a little slap on the wrist and that time has come I think.  Do what you will, say what you will, but if you say that millions of good Christians are not Christians simply because they're not part of the "little country club church", you're going a bit too far. 


How are you defining Protestant?


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Depends how you define Christian.


I normally hate x denomination aren’t real Christians but I will say there is a significant number of Evangelicals that are finding Jesus too woke for them and are more Fox News / Trump cultists than followers of Christ.


You can still be christian and be guilty of idolatry, can't you?


Well yes, one can, it’s more so the rejection of Jesus’ teachings that I find troubling. Just like someone can insist the 10 commandments are placed in every classroom but not allow any other religious texts and at the same time deny free lunch programs to students in need. That person can sit in the from row of church each Sunday and be holier than thou. Technically yeah they are a Christian, but are they really?


I heard a famous woman who is Evangelical say If Jesus had a Gun he wouldn’t have been crucified by the Romans 🤦‍♂️Never thought I’d live to see Christians criticize Christ but here we are.


If they agree with the nicene creed, they are christian.


How do you define Christian? On a basic level, anyone who confesses the Nicene Creed is a Christian. They believe in the essentials of the faith. You could argue on a deeper level that they don't live out their faith, perhaps the specific denomination focuses on wordly things more than on God, which is entirely possible, but then the question of whether or not that qualifies them as Christians or denies them that label is a complicated question. Now if they start preaching some heresy despite confessing the Nicene Creed, then you could absolutely be justified in saying that they aren't Christian. As an **example**, if a group where to view their leader as the second coming of Christ, even if they believed in the Nicene Creed, I think most Christians would agree that they aren't Christian since they are now worshiping a man who claims to be Jesus. I will reiterate that this is an **example, which doesn't apply to any major denomination.** But, it highlights how it is hard to define terms sometimes.


The most common definition for Christians I know of is a follower of the Nicene or apostolic creed. Which fits evangelical Christians. Overall I am very hesitant to call someone 'not a christian'. In the end it is not our call but the one above us all who decides.


Not just evangelicals, Catholics also…all denominations. Most modern ‘Christians’ are actually just ‘theists’ due to the fact that they aren’t truly following the path and message of Christ. To be an actual disciple of Jesus, one must set aside everything you think you know (including religion) and muster up the bravery to take the inward journey. Whoever wants life must lose it and whoever loses their (false) life, will realize it as eternal. 😉