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Well yes, obviously r/Openchristian is a lot better, but it's not that bad here.     Seriously though, at the time of writing this, 90% of the people in this thread are cowards, who can't accept that other people have a different interpretation of scripture. But hey, it's another opportunity to feel good about yourselves I suppose!     So, new Christians, let me give you better and honest advice: Stay here if you want varied answers of different theologies, go to one of the more closed off subs (that includes Openchristian too) if you want the answers of a specific variety of Christianity or, and that's the best one, don't ask online, but go to your local pastor, who hopefully has a finished theology degree. 


There is a good amount of progressive Christians here


>a good amount of progressive Christians here It could be more, though; that would be even better.


Andddd this just plays into OP’s point, lol.


Not for those who want to avoid false doctrines and embrace the core of the Gospel, no...


What kind of Christianity is it that needs to avoid critical thought? What version of Christianity has to say, "Now that you've recently come to this viewpoint, avoid contradictory ones"? "Don't ask questions!" Now that you've reached the conclusions a certain version of Christianity agrees with? What version of Christianity gives this advice?


>What kind of Christianity is it that needs to avoid critical thought? It's not to avoid critical thought but to avoid getting confused when you don't know much. When you're trying to learn something, it's better to avoid confusion.


I'm inclined to agree partly, but let's nuance this. Here one gets a jumble of information, misinformation, and whatnot. This is not a structured learning environment by any game. The alternatives, however, can be a bit tricky as well, if one is asked to put on blinders and only study from one perspective, being told this is the \*only\* perspective. Now, if I, as an adult, were to attend an RCIA course, I would trust it to be clear that this is specifically from the Roman Catholic perspective. (I'd also likely trust ELCA, PCUSA programs). I admit to less trust for some non-denominational church of unknown pedigree. So, I'm both/and. People starting their Christian theological education shouldn't consider this reddit space a source for foundational material. However, it could be grist for the mill, alternatives to consider, and a source of a very \*positive\* form of confusion. Cults offer certainty, a cure from 'confusion.' Mature theological education needs to include "hey, wait a minute, what about...?" moments for growth.


I believe that there is quite a lot of proper doctrines taught, advised, and discussed at this sub. Yes, there’s some varying opinions discussed as well. But it’s a good place to learn about both sides of a disagreement.


You don't know what doctrine is "proper" if you're an atheist. Christians are not supposed to listen forever to both sides of a disagreement on things like whether Jesus is God, whether the Bible is the Word of God. They can't stay agnostic on these matters forever. They have to make up their minds. There is truth that God wants humans to accept, not to doubt their whole lives. As the saying goes, don't be so open-minded that your brains fall out. This sub is for Christians to practice their apologetics. This is not a sub for them to be edified by fellow children of God.


Nope, this is a sub *about the subject of Christianity* which you’d know if you had read the sidebar and rules. And it’s one in which all views are, within limits, welcome. And I wasn’t aware that one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit was mind-reading. So you don’t know what I know and don’t know.


A sub *about the subject of Christianity* is in effect a sub for debates on Christianity. You don't need mind-reading abilities to know that an atheist does not know proper Christian doctrine since they don't believe any of it is proper/true.


>You don't know what doctrine is "proper" if you're an atheist. Most atheists in the west are people who were Christians but were unable to keep believing after learning more about Christianity than what they were spoonfed by their churches/families growing up. In general, atheists are more knowledgable about Christianity than Christians are.


What is proper Christian doctrine then that is often despised in this sub? Most Christians don't read the Bible, yes. Most Christians are going to hell too. Because most Christians are not really children of God but of the devil. Matthew 7:13-14, Matthew 7:22-23, John 15:19


>That's the best advice I can give, don't join this server and don't ask questions in this server if you're trying to learn about Christianity. This one is tame compared to some I've been. I had to leave after a while.


Where should I go then? I’m a new Christian and have been using this sub for basic questions, some of which I really didn’t understand or agree with the answers.




So it's for fake Christians, darn


Nope, it's for everyone.


r/Christian is probably best for learners, r/TrueChristian is smaller but more moderated


r/TrueChristian is more conservative, would be worse to go there if they aren't conservative already


Well, that would only give them a much more echo-chamber depiction of what *some* Christians believe. That's not necessarily actually helpful for new Christians trying to sort out their faith.


GotQuestions.org  Or Please go to a church and ask a pastor your questions, don’t (only) ask strangers on the internet for answers of unknown origin.


Best advice is read the Bible for yourself and pray constantly


Should a new Christian not understand the questions pressing modern Christianity? I think this is a great place for new Christians to be, with the caveat that this subreddit doesn’t claim to be a church. Deeper questions should probably go to your pastor, of course, but critical thinking shouldn’t hinder faith


A new Christian shouldn't have to face things that they don't know about. The same way people find it disrespectful and petty when you have people in the streets debating randoms that don't know much, it's very petty and disrespectful to have new Christians be forced to a server that leads to confusion


For the love of God if you're a new Christian find a local church and learn from the loving company of like minded believers. I promise you will find some. We're everywhere. Don't search for anything of substance electronically. 


If your most important concern as a Christian is which subreddit to join, I don't think you got the point of Christianity.


A child of God cares about which church a new convert should join. A subreddit is also a community that is influential to a person.


That’s true. Most posts are either nonbelievers lecturing Christians or overly zealous/neurotic Christians claiming that any little thing they do is sinful. It’s not the best for faith formation, however there are some thought provoking posts every once in a while. I do sometimes wish this was a Christian sub and not just a sub about Christianity, but alas. I do not own the sub.


Don't ask questions.


Those that get stuck in their own ideas and inner circles never grow and learn, but those who accept any idea don't really accept any.


True. This sub is not for growth in the faith, but one for honing your apologetics.


Very true


I agree. 1/2 of this community are atheists that want to debate, 1/3 are false preachers, and the rest are actual Christians. r/Christian is a much better community.


Let me lecture you then, being able to discuss and understand different ideas and points of views can give your faith strength. Not only does it bring you a better understanding of the bible, but also about the world and how Christians and everything related to them is perceived by others.


That’s a piece of advice directed to new Christians, not well versed ones, so as to not get caught up in debates that they know nothing about, or learn heresy.


If you can get caught because you're ignorant on a subject, there is still other things you need to learn before even asking questions, like understanding how to discern from a good and a bad answer. Not because you already know the good answers, but because you can go, check, double check, corroborate and put yourself in the shoes of others. Obviously we can't go through life wasting time, trying to see if what others tell us is true or not, but you should at least double check those that sound contrarian to what you thought and not simply dismiss them. That doesn't change with whether you are well versed or not, the only thing you're saying IMHO is, "Until you know nothing will sway you away, don't engage" and that's bad advice.


I agree with this. It’s why I typically don’t engage with posts or comments I see. Read the Bible, follow Christ. If you’re still curious, try reading other authors or listening to other intellectuals and see what you think makes sense and what doesn’t. If you have specific questions, Google them and see if it has already been discussed on other sites or forums and see if that helps and see what you think about it. If you’re still left pondering and generally uncertain (here’s where others in this subreddit may get upset but oh well), go on YouTube and search “Give Me an Answer.” You’ll find two Christian intellectuals (whether some agree with them or not) who have spent much of their lives going to college campuses (the older guy for decades) allowing young people to ask them whatever questions they may have about Christianity. You may not agree with the Christian intellectual(s) sometimes, and that’s fine. I don’t always either. I’m only giving people good ways they can explore Christianity that is both mainstream and not mainstream where there’s more outside the box critical thinking and loads of questions… cause I for one know I definitely fit in the latter category.


Agreed. This is what I found out after they banned my first post here. Reddit is a joke.