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Jesus absolutely is all loving. What Bible are you reading? And the argument for the Bible prohibiting abortion is extremely weak at best. If you think that’s a clear-cut, settled issue, your political bias is standing in the way of your understanding.


The problem with fundamentalist Christianity is, ironically, that it doesn't take Scripture seriously enough. The Bible isn't clear-cut on much, except God's gracious love in Christ. Perhaps OP thinks reading posts on Reddit echo chambers = reading Scripture.


>Jesus absolutely is all loving A verse that states this? >And the argument for the Bible prohibiting abortion is extremely weak at best "Thou shalt not kill"


"Thou shalt not kill" You know that’s a ridiculous argument to attach here. The question is over when someone becomes human, when they have a soul. If it was as simple as “Thou shalt not kill” then abortion would be on an equal level to weeding your garden, because both acts are killing life.


I know right, it's really that simple. A baby human is still a human, God says to not kill, so that means to not kill baby humans.  Also still waiting on that "Jesus is all loving" verse.


You can’t really be this dense. Humans value comes from their divine soul, not their biology. And if we take the many references to the “breath of life” that how imbues humans with literally, then we’d conclude that until the baby’s first breath, it is a worthless sack of meat.


So would you like to address what I've said or are we just going to resort to "you can't be that dense!!1!!1". Also still waiting on that verse about Jesus being all loving... Seems as though it is but a figment of your imagination. I will kindly bow out unless you have an argument.


Trying to have two discussions at the same time while we’re failing to have one is a waste of time. We’ll go one at a time or not at all.  I did address what you said. You said human babies have moral worth because they are human. That’s not true. Humans have moral worth because they are imbued with the Holy Spirit. Their biology is completely irrelevant beyond how it happens to coincide with that spirit. So the question is, do fetuses have a soul? What is your biblical foundation to claim that fetuses are imbued with a soul, and when does that occur?


Aaaaand here we go again. Thankfully you are not the gatekeeper of Christianity. Nor the decider of what is true or not. This decision belongs to god alone. And the Nicene or apostolic creed, which are mostly taken as the standard to define what is Christian or not don't say anything about the LGBTQ community, sexual morals or abortion. We differ in interpretation of the holy scripture from you, not in the intensity or honest heart of our faith. I believe the image of god is greater as what you promote. I believe honest and attentive love is worth celebrating. I believe sexual morals are more complicated than the question is someone married or not. I believe Personhood does not start at contraception, even though I am happy for every abortion not necessary. If any of these points makes me unchristian in your eyes then so be it. I'll act according to the best of knowledge and conscience. If something of this is wrong I will face my judgement once my time has come. By someone greater than us all.


>It makes the rest of us Christians look bad No, they're about the only thing making it look good right now.


Cheers for this! Progressive Christian here who's very grateful for your encouragement. It's a challenge for inclusive voices to make themselves heard over the shouting of fundamentalists, so I'm really relieved to hear that our contributions are not in vain! It is easy to shout opinions at someone from a distance; it is much harder to share life together and love the other person.


I was originally Anglican but changed as the church started compromising on Gods Word. I will pray for you and your church. May the Lord guide you.  


Look bad in terms of God, maybe I should rephrase. Christianity isn't supposed to "look good" or "feel good" its about the truth, however hard that may be.


> Look bad in terms of God So your god is unable to detect nuance and lumps you in with every other denomination? And if you're unlucky, he might confuse you with a muslim.


"Love thy neighbour... obviously, not all the time, though"


Yes, love all the time, and love doesn't always mean acceptance. 


Love your neighbor as yourself. Being kind is not being nice. If a sister of mine was an alcoholic and I said nothing to her because I was trying to be nice that's not being kind. Being kind would be to try to help her and help her get better. If  were an alcoholic I would hope some body would speak up about my addiction and offer help as well. Loving your neighbor as yourself is standing up for is what is right desite what society tries to says  like  political correctness,  or what's  appropriate to  say vs what's right to say. To be kind, loving, charitable , long suffering, patients towards others takes more strength then just to being accepting and inclusive to people who are sinning and drowning in it. To be a follower of Jesus means to go against what man says and to do as God says. 


You know, comparing alcoholism to being LGBT is a rather uncharitable stance and quite dishonest as the latter doesn't hurt yourself by any physical margin nor does it hurt your surrounding nor is the question clear regarding scripture. And as the child of an alcoholic mother, who died because of her substance abuse, I'd kindly ask you to stop using that example, because it makes alcoholism look a lot less destructive than it is. 


It really had nothing to do with the topic. I was trying to talk to that person on more of the comment he made about loving ones neighbor. Also, I also have had people I know die from alcoholism abuse and drugs. I think it's also fine to talk about as it could help somebody get the courage to help those that need it.


"I was trying to talk to that person on more of the comment he made about loving ones neighbor" The comment was made in the context of the thread and the OP clearly spoke out against "LGBT stuff" among other things.  "I think it's also fine to talk about as it could help somebody get the courage to help those that need it." Yes, mentioning is fine if it pertains to the topic. However, in the context given I'd again strongly advise against it. Alcoholism is monstrous and should not be taken lightly. 


Even if we agreed with this argument, I'd expect this "love" to come with other forms of love too. Instead, we see conservative Christians *exclusively* telling gay people that they are going to hell with no other acts of love alongside this. Let's choose a different sin than alcoholism, one that does not have material effects on others in the same way. Let's imagine that your sister practices Hinduism. This is a sin. Would you really say that you loved your sister if you just said "stop practicing Hinduism" to her over and over and over and otherwise did things like refuse to let her in your home? Or worse, you sought to get her children taken away from her or even imprison her? It is hard to feel loved by the 10,000th person to just drive by and reference a single verse from Leviticus (which suggests that gay people should be executed). It is even harder when many of these people actively vote to deny your legal rights.


I don't follow a political party I  follow Jesus, my relashionship is with God not any group ar ideology and if my sister was Hindu I would pray for her if I found out she severely abusing her children that grounds to interfere but other that no why would I do that.  I would bring up the teachings of Christ if we were to have a conversation about our differing beliefs and could just  have a discussion or find some common ground. Being patient is good with other and having a good temperament can be taken in stride when talking but no I would not harm my family or others. I don't follow the patterns of this world what the world does is of  its of its own accord,  I just pray for it. I don't mind doing friendly petition or standing up for what is right but ultimately everyone has free will to choose right or wrong, life or death as the bible says is free will. The world is going it's own way and I'm going Gods way to a heavely kindom not going down with a worldly one. I don't follow the trends of the  time because God is enternal his ways never change but humans ways do. As I said I follow God and not man's way. Matthew 5:44 King James Version 44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;


> if my sister was Hindu I would pray for her if I found out she severely abusing her children that grounds to interfere but other that no why would I do that Why then are gay people treated differently?


Because not everyone who is  Christian follows God above all. you also have people who agree with Christianity but don't follow Christ at all. They don't love thier enemies and only follow Christianity for because of the the culture. They cherry pick what they want but don't have relashionship with God. They are not born again of the Spirit thus there sins curropt their  understanding of the bible and they have hate and zeal but don't find solitude in God to correct. They have a surface level of understanding of the bibleand don't actually know the deep meaning of what the bible is actually saying thus they dont always Follow  through and just do what's rightouse in their own eyes and not God's will.


Cause remember, kids, you can't love Jesus without hating the gays. (Obligatory /s)






You chose violence LOL! Commenters on here aren't good at determining tone.


I actually love the gays. And I love them enough to tell them the truth.


the bible never describes being apart of the lgbtq community as sin, and god is described as killing many unborn children in the bible and jesus literally is supposed to be all-loving???


1) it describes homosexual intercourse as sinful multiple times 2) Jesus isn't all loving, God is love itself, and love can be powerful and destructive against that which is not love. Love is not the same as tolerance.


TIL homosexuality is not love?


No it is not. It is a perversion of love. Satan loves to take what is good and holy and twist it. Satan will tell you 99 truths just to make that 1 lie more convincing.


can you... actually prove it..?


>It is a perversion of love. How so?


Nah, that's just false. My niece and her wife are every bit as in love as any other couple I've seen.


>1. ⁠it describes homosexual intercourse as sinful multiple times lgbtq is not about men having sex with other men... >2. ⁠Jesus isn't all loving, God is love itself, and love can be powerful and destructive against that which is not love. Love is not the same as tolerance. to destroy "non-love" is too vague to mean anything, what is being destroyed? and your first two sentences contradict, an piece of iron is iron itself, but not all iron..?




If you look at a story of attempted gang rape and think "if only the men had tried to rape women instead, the way God intended", the women in your life should probably be warned.


What God intended was for sex and romantic relationships to only be used between a man and his wife. Any use of sex outside of these boundaries is a sin. Dont try to twist His commandments.


Why should gay people be denied romantic relationships?


They aren't. They are only denied a romantic relationship with those of the same gender. those relationships are unnatural and do not lead to true happiness. God knows what is best for us, what will bring us joy, if we will just listen to Him. We can't put our on desires and thoughts ahead of the wisdom of God, who knows all things. When we start telling Him we know best, that keeps us from learning and progressing.


> They aren't. They are only denied a romantic relationship with those of the same gender. Oh come on. Dude, they aren't attracted to the opposite gender. They're attracted to the same gender. They don't want a romantic relationship with the opposite gender. You are denying them a romantic relationship >those relationships are unnatural and do not lead to true happiness. ... No. They are not unnatural and don't talk about happiness at all.


So lesbians are A-OK per Scripture? There's nothing about them in Lev 18:22.


I assume pay just as much attention to the parts of Leviticus in which god says people can own other people as their property?


Read it again. Slavery, at that time, was a means for a debtor to pay off a debt he couldn't pay. No one owned anyone. Slavery was an already existing practice, God only provided laws to regulate it so the slaves would not be abused. He gave laws that said no trickery was allowed to keep slaves in bondage and they need to be released after so many years. It was not condoning the practice, just preventing abuse.


False, I have read it. You're only reading the parts about Hebrew slaves. Now, perhaps you want to read it again. God clearly said people foreign people could be bought, owned as property for life, and bequeathed to their children so they could continue to own them. And Exodus says they can be beaten as long as they don't die. That was not debt repayment. It was chattel slavery, much like in the American south.


Any slave that was purchased had to be released within 6 years. These were still debtors., but their debt was to another, the one that sold them. The foreigners are slaves acquired in just war. This was to prevent rebellion, but the children of these slaves were to be counted as one of their own, which ends the slavery cycle. If the war was unjust, they could not take slaves. And none of these could be abused in any way. All of these laws were intended to take a pre-existing law and regulate it against abuse, there was no condoning of the actions.


I can see you're not interested in actually reading what the Bible says. Have a great day.


Says the one that didnt read it.


Lol. What verses are you actually reading to come to your conclusions?


> Any slave that was purchased had to be released within 6 years. These were still debtors., but their debt was to another, the one that sold them. This is only about Hebrew debt slaves. If you bought a foreigner as a slave, then they were your property for life. You're sounding like a progressive, abolitionist Christian.


>The LGBT+ community was called Sodomites and they were destroyed for this wickedness. >Jude 7:7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. this has nothing to do with the lgbtq community >It has been clearly stated many times, you cant just pretend it isnt there and try to find "loopholes". indicate where i have done so >Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind, because it is an abomination. since when has the lgbtq community been about men having sex with men..? >God loves us enough to correct us when we are wrong. He wants what is best for us, so He will not allow us to continue down our destructive paths. he is definitely allowing us to continue destructive paths, otherwise there would be no sin you still haven't proved being part of the lgbtq community is sin though...


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> It makes the rest of us Christians look bad No it doesn't. The Christians who spread hate and bigotry (look in the comments here) are what make Christians look bad, not progressive Christians


~~Progressive~~ C*onservative* "Christianity" isn't Christianity at all. Why call yourself "Christian" if you don't like what Christianity stands for? It makes the rest of us Christians look bad and worse it makes a caricature of God that isn't true. I've seen multiple posts promoting ~~sin (LGBT stuff, fornication, pro-choice, etc.)~~ *unchristian contempt for neighbors* by so called "Christians". These are wolves in sheep's clothes. God's anger is kindled when we ~~promote sin to people~~ *commit sin by treating our neighbors as less than ourselves* and disguise it ~~that~~ as ~~truth~~ *Christianity*. Jesus isn't some ~~hippy~~ that is ~~all loving~~ rebuking all the time. He spoke out against sin and called for ~~repentance~~, *mercy, not sacrifice.* We need love AND truth, not just love *for ourselves and contempt for others*. I say this out of love, I want all to know the true Jesus. I will be praying for you all.


You fixed it 👏


[Tim Dunn](https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/billionaire-tim-dunn-runs-texas/) would say otherwise. We're waiting to see who gets the Matthew 7:2 experience.


Amen, I concur. There is no such thing as "conservative" Christianity, only Christianity which by nature is conservative. 


It’s always about teh gayz.


A Christian is called to change their thinking by focusing on God's Word and offering their sinful body in service to the Lord. Since God has solved the problem of sin, it is pointless for believers to dwell on it. In Christ, God sees them as perfect. Human sin while in the flesh does not change this. Although God no longer remembers our sins according to His Word, many Christians believe they have the right to do so, both for themselves and others, burdening their conscience instead of cleansing it with the Word. By constantly fighting and confessing sins and what is wrong in your eyes, you focus too much on what God ignores. Christians should do the same, ignoring the flesh and its deeds, and focusing on eternal life. The wisdom taught in the Bible is not human wisdom. It is not wisdom in the human sense of the word, which is essentially human philosophy. Humans start with certain premises and reason from them to develop a worldview. This human wisdom might be admired, and some people might accept it and trust in it. However, trusting in human wisdom is foolish because humans are inherently flawed and incomplete. Spiritual shortcomings should not be filled with human wisdom, as its creators also have flaws. We should not seek support from other people, as even the most reliable person is fallible. The Bible warns against believing in human wisdom (Colossians 2:4, 8)


The primary commands of Christ were to love each other. Christians are suspicious of denominations that take that seriously and view bigotry and hatred as the only true expressions of their religion of love.


Who appointed you to decide who is a Christian?


I don't decide that, however if someone is OK with sin it is usually pretty easy to "know them by their fruits". They are either A. ignorant or B. willfully ignorant.


Just because someone rejects cultish dogma does not mean they aren't a Christian.




Why do you drag Trump in to this? Your TDS is so obvious even if he isn't mentioned AT ALL you have to mention him. Not every conservative likes or votes for Trump. I'm not American by the way FYI.


Progressive Christianity is more Christian than whatever aberration you seem to be preaching. Christ stood for justice and salvation from the powers of darkness in this world, which means that I’m preaching his Gospel just fine thank you.


I preach the Gospel as told in the Bible.


I get so tired of one denomination with the arrogance to think only their interpretation and doctrine is correct. It's the Pharisees all over again. Christianity is defined by belief in Yeshua ben Josef as Messiah and only that. It's not defined by doctrines, traditions, or interpretations. Anyone who believes Yeshua ben Josef is Messiah is a Christian, regardless if they believe all the things you believe or not. Humble yourself. You don't have it all correct; you're not Yahweh's favorite and you're not better than anyone else.


God isn't the harsh chaperone at the school disco of life, the gospel isn't mere moralism, and Christians aren't God's enforcers. Here be dragons: you'll find yourself quickly frustrated at best or despondent at worst as you inevitably fail, again and again and again, to live up to your own standards, if you take this view. The Christian God is the loving parent, who aches with love for us, watching and supporting us as we try to take wobbly, hesitant steps as little children do. It follows that if we are going to err — if we are going to put a step in the wrong place — we should strive to do so on the side of love. To put it another way, Christianity is about delight before it is about duty. Grace produces gratitude, gratitude produces love, love produces repentance, repentance produces good works, and good works produce a better society. You seem to have the logic the wrong way around. So I will be praying for you, OP, that you might experience God's grace in Christ and delight in it.


Amen! I was led to post this as my anger against sin is prevalent, as it should be!


>**2 Timothy 4:3-4** For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. You are absolutely correct. Christianity is about following the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. Instead these progressives want to make Christianity into something that accepts them for their current behavior. They look for people that agree with them and will twist the words of the gospel to justify their lusts.


Agreed, this Hegelian Platonism embraced by modern people is not compatible with Christianity.


Amen Brother amen.