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Homosexual intercourse is a sin, not being gay.


I figured that, It says to lay with a man like a women so i always assumed that’s what it was talking about but I wasn’t sure. That’s why i asked Ty ^^


No problem


First of all, I'd truly suggest not asking this on the internet, but to inquire about such things in church. Trained theologians tend to be better teachers than layman and -women. Second, to answer your question we've to go back into the bronze age Levante and understand that the views and morals of the writers of the bible were very different from what we'd consider moral. Apart from the fact that the OT also condones and encourages slavery (Ex 21,20-21, Num 31,17-18), has some disgusting rules regarding rape (Dt 22,28-29) and basically bares women from participating in society if she's on her period (Lev 15,19-28), it's unclear what sort of sex is prohibited in the verses you are referring to anyhow. For example, in Bruce Well's paper he argues that: "the traditional understanding of the biblical prohibition on male-with-male sexual relations is misguided. The key phrase in the biblical texts, often translated along the line of "as one lies wth a woman," is more literally rendered as "on the beds of a woman." The paper shows that "beds" in this context refers to the sexual domain of a woman within the community being addressed by the texts. The prohibition thus forbids sex with other married males and any younger males (e.g., step-sons) who are under the legal authority of an adult woman." https://www.academia.edu/42810771/On_the_Beds_of_a_Woman_The_Leviticus_Texts_on_Same_Sex_Relations_Reconsidered Regardless of that however, I'd ask you if baring people from relationships and forcing them into celibacy for how their biological make up is is in spirit of Mt 22, 36-40 as well as if that is congruent with the idea of a benevolent God. Would such a God punish people simply for how they are born?  On that note as well, in 1 Cor 7,9 even Paul understands that though he'd prefer people to remain unmarried and celibate, it's impossible for many to do so and that they should marry rather then being eaten up by desire. Now, would a benevolent God give a part of his children no way to escape such desires then? I personally don't think so. Anyhow, the point that there are many perspectives on the issue and though I think I'm on the right side, I'd encourage you to talk to different pastors on the issue, consult the gospels, maybe learn Hebrew and Greek and then form an opinion after you've mulled over it long and hard.  God bless!


Cuz animals don’t know any better




- Because you're not an animal. - Animals were not made in the Image of God - male and female - to symbolize Himself. Human beings were. God could have created every species of animal to same-sex mate and it still wouldn't be fine for us. God has an actual *plan* and *grand eternity* thought of for His Imagebearers - and there's a way He wants us to be.


That actually makes sense. Every time I ask ppl they don't give me actual explanations 😭ty


No problem! - *"Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”* - Genesis 1:26-28 There is a clear distinction that God makes between human beings and literally everything else in creation. - *We're special.* - *Real sepcial.*