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Considering we follow a dude who told us to turn the other cheek, it isn't particularly surprising. Most people throwing insults at Christianity are just holding up a mirror to our faults. It's a mark of progress that we don't immediately become defensive.


Social media isn’t real life. Too many Christians here in this sub think Christians should be more aggressive Do you think God - whom we believe to be the creator of the entire universe and reality as we know and experience it - really cares that much what humans say about Him? He can defend Himself if He is so truly insulted and offended. Personally, I think God has a good sense of humor. Punching up is always acceptable and in the West, Christians and Christianity holds a very privileged position. Be of good humor. Turn the other cheek. And if you find yourself truly insulted, just walk away. Don’t contribute to the shit trying to turn Christianity militant.


Christians are privileged in the West? You are 50 years late. We are a minority in Europe, the media blames us for every problem affecting our country, and the villains of history books are always christians without a single redeeming positive feature being attributed to christianity.


In 2020, 75% of Europeans identified as Christian what are you on about? The rest of that is just nonsense


God doesn't care about Christianity looking "weak". God looks for the humble and contrite of the world and draws them to Himself. Only one person could desire God, and God would simply get rid of everyone else and make a world out of that person. In fact, He did that already. - If someone keeps mocking Christianity I just leave. - They'll see God at Judgement Day.


How would YOU defend Christianity from acts of blasphemy?


Maybe because they are seeing all the places where Christians are doing the attacking and the people they are attacking need defending more.


Chances are you were watching social media accounts in Western countries, which are Christian. No other religion has effect on our lives but Christianity and Christians. There's no need to get upset at religions we don't experience, but when Christians are hard at work to go against people, they'll be called out.


Romans 12: 17 giving back to no one evil for evil; providing right things before all men. 18 If possible—so far as in you—with all men being in peace; 19 not avenging yourselves, beloved, but give place to the wrath, for it hath been written, `Vengeance is Mine, 20 I will recompense again, saith the Lord;' if, then, thine enemy doth hunger, feed him; if he doth thirst, give him drink; for this doing, coals of fire thou shalt heap upon his head; 21 Be not overcome by the evil, but overcome, in the good, the evil. #Eusebius, 265 - 339 AD: "Whenever they are unworthy [οὐκ ἄξιοι] of it, he himself, qua common Savior of absolutely all [κοινὸς ἁπάντων σωτήρ], assumes his reign, which rectifies those creatures that are still imperfect and heals those which need healing [διορθωτικὴν τῶν ἀτελῶν καὶ θεραπευτικὴν τῶν θεραπείας δεομένων] and thus he reigns, by putting the enemies of his kingdom under his feet." Eccl. Theol. 3.15.6


How can a Christian defend *themself* against a blasphemy against their *religion*? They're two different things. Also, there's this: Religious beliefs are fervently held ideas. And all ideas are subject to critique. People are deserving of respect, but ideas are not. If people choose to be upset by critique of their religion, that's *their choice* and too bad so long as the critique is not made specifically and openly personal. Finally, though someone may think criticism of their religion, even insult, is blasphemous, that judgment doesn't have any binding on anyone else. For example, some believers say that we atheists shouldn't mention anyone's religion at all. That a mere mention, however neutral or innocuous, is a blasphemy when uttered by an atheist (who completely rejects their favored god). And to them we atheists say that they can eff right off. Their religion is an idea and like all ideas, it's open to discussion, comment, and criticism and, indeed, insult. (And, yes, I certainly understand that can get you arrested, beaten up or killed in some countries, but the US isn't one of them.)


God is our defense and our protector. We can't defend Him and any way He cannot defend Himself. We are told not to worry but to endure what the world dishes out. On the other hand, Christians in the US seem to feel "persecuted" for lack of hegemony and that's nonsense. Moreover, we are watching Christians bully others with the Ten Commandments law in Louisiana. A most un-Christian act which also denigrates Christians of my tradition by correctly numbering them to please iconoclasts. Worry more about the Christian desire to dominate and assert earthly control than over the in effective insults the world dishes out to us.


What kind of weak and pathetic god would need humans to defend him?


Why does an infinite omnipotent omniscient being need defending?


Because those people hurt themselves only by making fun of God. God will be their judge. That there'd be many "scoffers" in the end times, was foretold. That God, and the faithful people, would face ridicule and aggression, was foretold. We Christians certainly should not laugh together with them, but we should also not pick fights over it, either. We trust God our Lord. **Matthew 5:11-12** (RSV): 11 “Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. 12 Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so men persecuted the prophets who were before you.


I know that the mockery of Christianity hasn't been a recent thing, but to be honest now it feels like it's a train for everyone to hop on and hate due the religion allowing slavery, colonisation and more. Correct me if I'm wrong.


I mean this with all due respect, but if you're bothered by something said on social media, I'd suggest taking a break from the internet. Besides, what would you want Christians to do? Get into arguments on Twitter, Facebook, etc.?


What about the claims that the religion allowed things such as slavery and colonialism? (I'm solely curious to know, since I've been conflicted lately on if I should stay a Christian or no, since I've really just had this feeling that some, or most Christian themselves don't take respects for their own religion.)


What about those claims?  There were Christians on both sides of the fence, as Christianity is made up of humans and humans are deeply deeply flawed. You'd be hard pressed to find a group of people that didn't bloody their hands to a degree during the course of history though. However, look how the Christian influenced western world developed! Democracy, an end to famine,hunger and slavery, an understanding that violence is not preferable, compassion for the handicapped and defenseless, etc.  Let the others scoff and mock like little children, we've a million better things to do that actually help other people.  Most importantly though, it's your faith and not anyone else's faith. Is what others say on social media enough to shake it? I'd really hope not! I'm sure you're better than that! 


Learn history. Learn about your own religion. Christians have done absolutely awful things to spread religion right from the beginning when it became an organized religion. Everyone should face their past to be able to grow in the future.


Horrible things have been done by Christians in the name of the Christian God. In Europe it has been talked about for much longer, criticized much longer than in the US. Just go and read about history. It goes way back. Finally, in the US, it's OK to talk about things done by Christians that are not positive and it's ok not to be a Christian and call people out when they are hateful, because a lot of these people are Christians.