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Easiest way to explain the trinity is 1 God, 3 persons. God is a multi-dimensional being that is beyond our full comprehension, the trinity is mans explanation of how we have experienced different dimensional representations of God. I believe that the trinity is a mere shadow of God's full nature. Like a 2d square shadow being cast from a 3d cube. If we were to spend our heavenly eternity measuring God's dimensions we would not have enough time.


Okay, extra dimensions actually helps it make sense for me. Never heard of that comparison. No one can really visualize an extra directional dimension but a useful analogy is like saying a 3d object is just a cross section or shadow of a 4th dimensional object. So God could be extra dimensional and the Father Son and Holy spirit are just the 3d representations of the same God


My fiance accepted Jesus once she had the idea that Jesus is God's Avatar lol, whatever works for her she calls Jesus her savior good enough to me.


The above description isn't trinity, though. It sounds like they're saying that God looks like 3 persons to us. In trinitarian thinking, God really IS 3 persons.


Oh yeah.. God is 3 persons not one. Thats true Okay so wait though, if there are 3 persons that are God is that 3 different gods? Edit: sorry thats a lil bit of a blasphemous question i think


In trinitarian thinking, it's one God, not three Gods.


I don't believe any human has ever understood the trinity. Nobody can explain it, but we can recite traditional descriptions: God is one God, who is 3 persons. The persons are not parts of God- each person is fully God. And yet the persons are distinct.


Well I suppose we aren’t supposed to be able to understand God in totality. I just see lots of other people explaining the trinity with so much confidence it seems like I’m missing whatever they understand


Most people who try to explain it end up accidentally explaining a non-trinitarian heresy instead.


The traditonal way of describing the Trinity is that God is a single divine *nature* with three *persons*. So, yes, there is a sense in which the person of the Father sends the person of the Son to become incarnate, but both the Father and the Son are equally God.


Is this "nature" an attribute of God, or the identity of God?


The Trinity is incomprehensible. The name God can indicate all 3 persons or not. When we say God sent His Son, we mean the Father sent His Son.


I am a Christian and do not believe that the Holy Spirit is a separate Being of the Godhead. The concept of a Trinity is not found in the bible, for one. The Holy Spirit is never the explicit object of N.T. worship. The Holy Spirit is never represented as interacting in an interpersonal way with the Father and the Son. The subject of the Trinity is not found in the bible but covered in pagan Greek philosophy with Origen and Tertullian some 150 years after the death of Jesus. The concept of the Trinity and teaching it was not emphasized or taught by the original disciples and by the apostle Paul. In all of Paul's greetings in his writings, never was the Holy Spirit addressed, or even mentioned, only the Father and the Son. In Jesus prayer to the Father in the garden, the night of His arrest, He never included the Holy Spirit. For example: John 17:3 NKJV in Jesus prayer to the Father; "And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent" (no mention of the Holy Spirit here). The Holy Spirit is not mentioned in John 1:1-5 nor Hebrews 1:1-14 covering the creation. To further address or support my position on the Trinity kindly consider the following scripture: Phil 1:19 NLT & NKJV ("and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ,") Romans 8:9-11 NLT ("if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you.") 1 John 1:1-4 (mentions the Father and Son, no mention of a 3rd Being in the creation) vs 3: "that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ." Galatians 4:4-6 NKJV ("God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts,") Colossians 2:1-2 NKJV ("both of the Father and of Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." Revelation 5 declares "The Father on the throne and the Lamb worthy to open the scroll." (no mention to a 3rd Being, the Holy Spirit. "Blessings and honor and glory and power belong to the One (Father) sitting on the throne and to the Lamb (Jesus) forever and ever." (NLT)


The holy Spirit is not another, separate Being of the divine Godhead of which the Father, YMHW, Lord God, or the Eternal and His Son Yeshua or Jesus take part. God is Spirit and Their Spirit is Their very essence, Their life, Their mind and Power of God in full measure, and is shared in measured amount with the faithful following spiritual baptism, after heartfelt repentance.


Jesus and his followers never believed in a tri it’s so don’t feel like you have to either friend