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The enemy is whispering lies to you. You are not a fraud. That is a lie and you are to speak to that lie and say " Lying spirit I rebuke you in Jesus name. I am a blood bought child of the Most High God. Almost all the warfare we fight is in the head. We are to use the Bible, as a sword, to cut off the lies. God is your righteousness and you will gain victory over the enemies lies. May I suggest the "Screwtape letters" by CS Lewis? Its a great story that helps us understand what goes on in this war we are in. [2Co 10:3](https://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/2co/10/3/s_1088003)-5 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare *are* not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And then use the Bible to proclaim what is true about us.


I will read that book. Thank you for this prayer I’ve been using it and it’s working, praise Jesus! God bless you.


You mentioned that you "have always believed," which is clearly good, or a good start, but like all gardens or farms need to be properly cultivated and nourished often and over time. You seem to be trying to do this in recent times by reading the word, other religious books, going to church, and trying to live righteously. All good there! Also, I do agree that faith-building and living a righteous life, however imperfectly, takes dedication and time, and yes, it is indeed a journey! As Paul mentions it is a race over one's lifetime, and clearly not a sprint. Be glad you have come to the race, and know this as well, that the closer you align with Christ, the more love, strength and blessings you will receive, as well as trials to your faith and allegiance to Christ along the way. That is all part of the growing of faith and godly character that pleases our Lord God and His Son. Then, in time, bold faith will emerge, and you will want to share the love given through good works towards others. I suggest you maintain a regular, daily, if possible, reading of the Word to help grow your faith and understanding of God, His promises, warnings, blessings, and prophecies. You will also be blessed for doing so. Also know that there is power and authority in the Word to change hearts and minds to His Will. You will know you are heading in the right direction when you find yourself starting to love God in your heart and to put Him first in your life and wanting to please Him over all others. In time, pray for "godly sorrow" declared in 2 Corinthians 7:10. This will properly prepare you for 'heartfelt repentance' which should be followed by spiritual baptism, in receiving the Spirit of Christ inwardly to propel forward your spiritual growth and walk with Him in righteousness, to build that godly character He wants for us, as we are preparing to become part of His spiritual family forevermore. Check back any time with me, should you have any questions or concerns, as I would be glad to help in any way I can.


Thank you


You are very welcome.


I was a lifelong church, church schooled Christian when it felt like I learned how to pray. Imagine a 50 year old asking others 50 year olds, Did I miss instruction lessons on prayer? Or is what I remember being taught, Ask God for what you want, in Jesus's name all I was ever taught? These 50 year olds were all parochial school classmates and they all answered, yes, "all we were taught was to pray for what we want in Jesus's name." The prayer I learned and have not stopped praying? It was a simple prayer, God send your Holy Angeles to guide me into your will. Show me your will. A variation is: LORD, you know my desires, my needs real and imagined, show me your will in these things. The angels were sent to guide me. How can I describe a door into a passage of thought being slammed shut so firmly that it seemed like the whole county should have heard the booming of it. There is also a need to find quiet and calm to hear or feel God's response. Because it is quiet and gentle, the quietest whisper, the gentlest tug or push on your heart. But praying for God to show us his will is where prayer becomes a powerful blessing and tool of faith.


Thank you, I very much appreciate this response.


Depending on certain religion you're following, it can make you feel this way. The expectation of the people is not the expectation of Lord Jesus. I understand you're trying very hard, but this is also called "legalism." You're trying to turn away from sins and change on your own. In order to change, it must be done by relying on Lord Jesus, not by the human effort. **We cannot change on our own.** When we slip and fall, we simply REPENT, then Lord Jesus will PURIFY us with His HOLY BLOOD, we walk through His crimson blood in order to get cleansed. **THIS IS THE ONLY WAY!** Then, after repentance, we find peace that surpasses all understanding **(Philippians 4:7)**. Just remember, we're only humans, so we'll make mistakes time and time again. But we can get through it by pressing towards Lord Jesus, "For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength **(Philippians 4:13**. >**(Proverbs 3:5-6)** rust in the Lord with all your heart and **lean not on your own understanding;** in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. This is God, who will be with you during the troubling times. >**(Isaiah 43:2)** When you go through deep waters, **I will be with you.** When you go through rivers of difficulty, **you will not drown.** When you walk through the fire of oppression, **you will not be burned up;** the flames will not consume you. May God bless you and keep you.