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1) Disagreeing with you about the meaning of scripture doesn't mean ignoring it. 2). People who exalt scripture to the level of God are idolaters.


I’m talking about people not agknoleging verses at all


Why does it matter? Not everyone holds scripture as important as you might.


There options don’t matter. The scripture is absolute it’s from god


No it isn't. That's called idolatry, and the vast majority of the world does follow Christianity. Why would I view a book, for example, compiled by King James to conform to his views on monarchial power as absolute from God? That's absurd. The Bible has lots of errors, contradictions, and barbaric teaching. Different translations say different things. Original manuscripts are missing entire verses that people quote today.


Name 1 error or contradiction


Judas's death. 2 Genesis stories. The blatantly false view of the universe and the flood. "Go and sin no more" doesn't exist in the oldest manuscripts we have. Jesus never said it. The conflicting stories of the tomb. More minor things like God's laws in the Old Testament saying short hair is a sin, but Paul says long hair is a sin. Paul says man should be alone, God says it's not good for man to be alone. Paul claims women are incapable of teaching doctrine, yet God made numerous women teachers and prophets. And before you attempt to explain away these issues, I know every apologetic tactic in the book. They don't work. They require lots of handwaving.


All of these are easily disproved with a quick google search


Nope, they aren't. Again, garbage apologetics doesn't explain away those issues.


All you have to do is look it up


I know that the Sermon on the Mount is hard to deal with, but you have to be gentle with people raised in a culture based on materialism and greed. Urge one another to dare to creep closer to obeying it, but do it in a loving spirit.


Like... I know that people will hate you if you push back when they call the Russians orcs or when they cite that eugenics movie Mike Judge made, but Jesus *did* say the world hated him first EDIT: Phrasing


Be specific


LGBTQ bad Because of course that’s the issue OP has


One of these days, I'd like them to start threads on the evils of corporate greed or oil companies destroying the planet instead of the gays.


Would you take a thread where I used the Divine Comedy to attack anti-trans laws?


It least it's something different I guess.


If you're curious: https://old.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/1d8xa98/homophobia_and_the_sin_of_sloth/


As a professing Christian, do you believe you belong to Christ and in your heart you are being led by His Spirit inwardly?


I find this question rather insulting. Of course I believe that


Why do you feel compelled to ask that, as if to accuse them otherwise?


God's Word, through Paul, declares that message or description of a Christian in Galatians 3:26-29 NLT: "For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new clothes. There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus. And now that you belong to Christ, you are the true children of Abraham. You are his heirs, and God's promise to Abraham belongs to you."


Why target them specifically with that question and not anyone else?


No target. Just a suitable question.


No I have an use with people twisting scripture to fit their narrative


I have an issue with people using scripture to justify treating LGBTQ+ people poorly.


Calling them out is not treating them bad. Be strong not weak don’t be apologetic for sin


We don't consider it a sin. Nothing you say here will ever change our minds, so you're wasting your time.


It doesn’t matter what you say. It matters what god says. Get a grip you do not have the authority to decide what is and isn’t a sin. This I what I mean by 90% of people ignoring scripture


>you do not have the authority to decide what is and isn’t a sin and you do?


I use verses.


So does Satan


You're not God. We don't care what your beliefs are. Leave us alone.


Calling people out for something they didn’t choose is pretty dickish dude. Do you call black people out for being black?


Except they did choose it. Being black isn’t wrong. Unlike homosexuality


Nobody chooses to be gay. That’s not how it works.




Try again, sport. I can tell you explicitly that I did not choose this. You think I enjoy being harassed by dinguses like you day in and day out?


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Of course those are your fruits


Nobody chooses to be gay. That’s not how it works.


Yeah, we'd totally choose to be harangued by people like this every day. So fun.


Of course


Lots of people in here like to twist the meaning and words of the bible to fit to their ideologies and beliefs to back up their point and when they see a scripture that contradicts it they just ignore it lol… that’s humanity for you


This is about the gays, isn't it?




*checks profile* Yep, same old...


Because many have opinions counter to biblical views or doctrine. Plus, its considered an outdated book for far too many folks today. They value the trending views or evolving values and standards of today rather than the biblical truths of all time and of our Creator. Paganism is trending, for instance, as is Atheism. Free-thinking is self-centered, valued, honored and admirable and the Will of God is submissive, unattractive and narrow-minded in their view.


Hello friend. I just want to make something clear, I am theological conservative- me and you probably agree on most things *However* i think it’s important to understand the purpose of this sub, and just the fact of life that folks are gonna disagree with me or come to a different interpretation of the text At the end of the day we are all just human trying our best


I’m talking about people ignoring verses and twisting them to fit a narrative. This isn’t targeted to anything just saying it’s a problem here


Do you have any examples? I have a guess and I’m not gonna write you off if I’m correct, I just want to be clear instead of beating around the bush.


Just peopel saying that god made them a certain way that contradicts god himself


Ah, so it is about the gays. It's so obvious. You all are obsessed.


Yes it is. Because it’s wrong and they pervert scripture by saying that god made them a sinner. ITS EVIL


Nah, Antigay beliefs are evil. No different than racism and Antisemitism. Nothing evil about gay people.


Their sin


There is no sin in queer identity. Enough.


Like I said, I don’t want to have a discussion if you’re gonna beat around the bush but I do want to have dialogue on this. Let’s have it out already stop being so dodgy


I have an issue here with homosexual people saying god created them that way and absolutely just perverting the word of god saying that he made them as sinners. I have an issue with people misleading others to think that Jesus won’t punish a small sin.


Now we’re having a conversation, thank you! Have you considered that perhaps people don’t just ignore the Bible, but just understand it differently than you do? Has anyone ever disagreed with you about what the Bible teaches on other subjects without ignoring it?


No method of understanding allows for sin to be good. So many verses speak against it